Greetings good citizen, viewed the latest VICE last night and saw a rather disturbing story about females in prison.
Why do we have so many? Drug sentencing laws [and an economic system that victimizes rather than enables people...not to mention the 'for profit' aspects of the justice system which is without a doubt what's driving the crazy numbers!]
You'd like to think of the two [capitalism and justice] as two separate components of our social system but they are in fact one...a system that was built and overseen by CRIMINALS.
All crime is 'CASH and carry' (emphasis on the cash because it maintains 'anonymity') just as cash is CRUCIAL to corruption for the exact same reason...although these days it's not uncommon to provide bribes through the STOCK MARKETS! [Many politicians are rich because of 'stock portfolios' they didn't have before they attained 'elected office'...]
This little sample of wickedness was highlighted on an episode of 'Person of Interest' but the media didn't rise to the bait.
Given it's track record of widespread corruption, the dire need to remove the corrupt from power is an Open Secret, everybody knows its true but it appears NOBODY knows what to do about it...
Worse, the economy [the one that is ALWAYS sucking pond water] is so bad people can't afford to go to the movies...likely because the price of two tickets, popcorn and soda is 'competitive' with a major league sporting event!
And if you can't live on what your employer pays you, it's not their problem, IT'S YOURS!
That said, it's one thing to complain and another to point to the solutions that make sense IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE GAME!
All money is 'funny', virtually valueless by itself. No irony should be lost that 99% of money's value comes from the barrel of a gun. Barter was far more equitable but it required you to 'deal' in tradable commodities, leaving no time to explore the 'sciences'.
Money was born to make specialization possible but it had the side effect of enslaving the populace. Once you specialized you had to rely on it to get what you couldn't make yourself because you spent your time doing what you were paid to do.
So we arrive at the bottom of the pile of manure we call 'Life'. Without returning to a hunter/gatherer social model [farming is cost prohibitive, you can't afford to work the land without 'corporate welfare' these days]
Besides, 'arable land' is at a premium, too many people and too little land, same problem exists for the hunter gatherer, too many people and not enough game/wild edibles.
Once you head down the 'specialization trail' your 'specialty' [even if it's unclogging drains] HAS TO pay you enough to live on...something that's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN AS LONG AS SOMEONE ELSE PAYS YOU A FRACTION OF WHAT YOUR EFFORTS ARE WORTH!
In an 'impossible to reconcile' which ultimately came down to a 'because I said so' moment, we have a system based on the OWNERSHIP of WHAT BELONGS TO US ALL, FORCED UPON US!
Kings were the 'Masters' of all they 'surveyed' (laid claim to and could defend with 'deadly force'...which is how we got saddled with this ridiculous and unworkable model in the first place!) so it was that the rest of us were given our 'freedom' to adopt a system reliant on money, created by debt that fuels the capitalist economy.
A social model that HAS run out of 'fuel'. Because most workers live a 'hand to mouth' existence [thanks to the 'arbitrary nature' of the value of money, set by the criminals themselves...IT IS CRUCIAL YOU UNDERSTAND THIS!] These underpaid workers can only take on so much debt...and that limitation is strangling the economy!
FOR THE MOMENT the agricultural system is still chugging along but back during the Great Depression, when the thieves destabilized the economy of the entire planet for the FIRST TIME instead of just a nation, crops rotted in the fields because farmers couldn't afford to pay workers to harvest them.
Rather than let the starving HAVE the food they desperately needed, capitalist farmers destroyed their crops...and NONE of them were executed for it!
WTF Good citizen?
If we were to 'repair' the damage done by this decidedly predatory system, the first thing we'd have to do is 'nationalize' everything. NOBODY OWNS anything on this planet since nobody can produce a single bill of sale issued by Spirit in the Sky.
THEN we need to abolish CASH, you would still need money for its regulating effect, not to survive...ALL jobs/occupations would pay a 'living wage'.
Basics would be FREE. Houses would be a 'gimme'. [Handed out on a 'suitable to your situation' basis with 'rehab' focusing on creating the necessary mix of units needed in a given area.]
Transportation, your second largest expense, would adopt a 'zipcar' model and the only thing the 'user' would be responsible for is fuel.
Insurance 'disappears' does the Stock Markets and the entire banking (slaving) industry!
Since ASP refuses to trade with non ASP nations, it is 'anticipated' that worldwide adoption of ASP will be 'dominant' within 12 months.
How will you get paid? Your 'specialty' will pay you AND provide you with the 'banking services' you'll need.
THERE WILL NOT be a way to transfer funds between individuals, placing someone in your 'debt' is an exile offense. Barter will be the only way for individuals to exchange items of [perceived] value.
Everything else comes from Retail division...and I do mean EVERYTHING! Your pay would go towards the items you need/want and once procured the sum would be ERASED from your account! NOBODY would get it!
This would also serve to prevent 'hoarding' and that other disturbing tendency, 'scalping'. Remember 'bartering is permitted'. What would people trade for? It isn't called 'the World's oldest Profession' for nothing.
No sense in 'outlawing' it, people are going to do what people are going to do. The mission objective here is to not make it 'obligatory' and to keep the 'predators' out of 'the business'.
Um, pretty much every SERVICE imaginable [EXCEPT HOSPITALITY] would be free [Their division pays them to do what they do, there is no need for you to pay them too.]
Most of you should find much of this disturbing because it highlights just how badly the rest of us are being ripped off!
But I digress,
With so many willing workers, the work-week would be reduced to facilitate 100% participation. [in a world where pretty much everything is free, you'd be REQUIRED to do you 'fair share'. Retirement would be reduced to age fifty [although you could still work after that if you wanted to...and many WILL because our jobs are how we participate in SOCIETY!] Our 'work family' is nearly as important as our biological one...which should tell you something.
Baby factories will NOT be permitted, you replace yourself and your mate [yeah, marriage is somewhat obsolete only because the media has done its level best to poison the relationship between man and woman, making the kids so very confused...and dysfunctional. They honestly don't know which way to evidenced by the poisonous media's focus on sexual identity.
You are what you are...the other side has zero advantages so lusting after your own kind is just weird as well as perverted.
Marriage will still exist but between 'equals' who understand the responsibility they are undertaking...and they won't have to 'wait' until they are thirty to settle down because you have to 'wait' to buy a home or get a job that pays enough.
We can return to what nature intended, reproduction when it's supposed to happeninstead of at the far end of your reproductive life.
We NEED to return to basics and start focusing on getting off this rock instead of squandering our future with endless war [that only lines the pockets of the thieves!
You SHOULD want EVERYBODY to be aware of what you learned here.
TOO MANY believe 'it is what it is and there is nothing they [or anybody else] can do about it.'
But there is! In fact, we can't do it WITHOUT them!
[For a strike to be 'effective' it requires across the board participation!]
Above is a thumbnail sketch of my creation, A Simple Plan. There is considerably more but that's the basics. Other posts provide details about other aspects and I'll repost them here as the situation permits.
Spread the word far and near, all is NOT lost!
Thank you for letting me inside your 'head',
Why do we have so many? Drug sentencing laws [and an economic system that victimizes rather than enables people...not to mention the 'for profit' aspects of the justice system which is without a doubt what's driving the crazy numbers!]
You'd like to think of the two [capitalism and justice] as two separate components of our social system but they are in fact one...a system that was built and overseen by CRIMINALS.
All crime is 'CASH and carry' (emphasis on the cash because it maintains 'anonymity') just as cash is CRUCIAL to corruption for the exact same reason...although these days it's not uncommon to provide bribes through the STOCK MARKETS! [Many politicians are rich because of 'stock portfolios' they didn't have before they attained 'elected office'...]
This little sample of wickedness was highlighted on an episode of 'Person of Interest' but the media didn't rise to the bait.
Given it's track record of widespread corruption, the dire need to remove the corrupt from power is an Open Secret, everybody knows its true but it appears NOBODY knows what to do about it...
Worse, the economy [the one that is ALWAYS sucking pond water] is so bad people can't afford to go to the movies...likely because the price of two tickets, popcorn and soda is 'competitive' with a major league sporting event!
And if you can't live on what your employer pays you, it's not their problem, IT'S YOURS!
That said, it's one thing to complain and another to point to the solutions that make sense IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE GAME!
All money is 'funny', virtually valueless by itself. No irony should be lost that 99% of money's value comes from the barrel of a gun. Barter was far more equitable but it required you to 'deal' in tradable commodities, leaving no time to explore the 'sciences'.
Money was born to make specialization possible but it had the side effect of enslaving the populace. Once you specialized you had to rely on it to get what you couldn't make yourself because you spent your time doing what you were paid to do.
So we arrive at the bottom of the pile of manure we call 'Life'. Without returning to a hunter/gatherer social model [farming is cost prohibitive, you can't afford to work the land without 'corporate welfare' these days]
Besides, 'arable land' is at a premium, too many people and too little land, same problem exists for the hunter gatherer, too many people and not enough game/wild edibles.
Once you head down the 'specialization trail' your 'specialty' [even if it's unclogging drains] HAS TO pay you enough to live on...something that's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN AS LONG AS SOMEONE ELSE PAYS YOU A FRACTION OF WHAT YOUR EFFORTS ARE WORTH!
In an 'impossible to reconcile' which ultimately came down to a 'because I said so' moment, we have a system based on the OWNERSHIP of WHAT BELONGS TO US ALL, FORCED UPON US!
Kings were the 'Masters' of all they 'surveyed' (laid claim to and could defend with 'deadly force'...which is how we got saddled with this ridiculous and unworkable model in the first place!) so it was that the rest of us were given our 'freedom' to adopt a system reliant on money, created by debt that fuels the capitalist economy.
A social model that HAS run out of 'fuel'. Because most workers live a 'hand to mouth' existence [thanks to the 'arbitrary nature' of the value of money, set by the criminals themselves...IT IS CRUCIAL YOU UNDERSTAND THIS!] These underpaid workers can only take on so much debt...and that limitation is strangling the economy!
FOR THE MOMENT the agricultural system is still chugging along but back during the Great Depression, when the thieves destabilized the economy of the entire planet for the FIRST TIME instead of just a nation, crops rotted in the fields because farmers couldn't afford to pay workers to harvest them.
Rather than let the starving HAVE the food they desperately needed, capitalist farmers destroyed their crops...and NONE of them were executed for it!
WTF Good citizen?
If we were to 'repair' the damage done by this decidedly predatory system, the first thing we'd have to do is 'nationalize' everything. NOBODY OWNS anything on this planet since nobody can produce a single bill of sale issued by Spirit in the Sky.
THEN we need to abolish CASH, you would still need money for its regulating effect, not to survive...ALL jobs/occupations would pay a 'living wage'.
Basics would be FREE. Houses would be a 'gimme'. [Handed out on a 'suitable to your situation' basis with 'rehab' focusing on creating the necessary mix of units needed in a given area.]
Transportation, your second largest expense, would adopt a 'zipcar' model and the only thing the 'user' would be responsible for is fuel.
Insurance 'disappears' does the Stock Markets and the entire banking (slaving) industry!
Since ASP refuses to trade with non ASP nations, it is 'anticipated' that worldwide adoption of ASP will be 'dominant' within 12 months.
How will you get paid? Your 'specialty' will pay you AND provide you with the 'banking services' you'll need.
THERE WILL NOT be a way to transfer funds between individuals, placing someone in your 'debt' is an exile offense. Barter will be the only way for individuals to exchange items of [perceived] value.
Everything else comes from Retail division...and I do mean EVERYTHING! Your pay would go towards the items you need/want and once procured the sum would be ERASED from your account! NOBODY would get it!
This would also serve to prevent 'hoarding' and that other disturbing tendency, 'scalping'. Remember 'bartering is permitted'. What would people trade for? It isn't called 'the World's oldest Profession' for nothing.
No sense in 'outlawing' it, people are going to do what people are going to do. The mission objective here is to not make it 'obligatory' and to keep the 'predators' out of 'the business'.
Um, pretty much every SERVICE imaginable [EXCEPT HOSPITALITY] would be free [Their division pays them to do what they do, there is no need for you to pay them too.]
Most of you should find much of this disturbing because it highlights just how badly the rest of us are being ripped off!
But I digress,
With so many willing workers, the work-week would be reduced to facilitate 100% participation. [in a world where pretty much everything is free, you'd be REQUIRED to do you 'fair share'. Retirement would be reduced to age fifty [although you could still work after that if you wanted to...and many WILL because our jobs are how we participate in SOCIETY!] Our 'work family' is nearly as important as our biological one...which should tell you something.
Baby factories will NOT be permitted, you replace yourself and your mate [yeah, marriage is somewhat obsolete only because the media has done its level best to poison the relationship between man and woman, making the kids so very confused...and dysfunctional. They honestly don't know which way to evidenced by the poisonous media's focus on sexual identity.
You are what you are...the other side has zero advantages so lusting after your own kind is just weird as well as perverted.
Marriage will still exist but between 'equals' who understand the responsibility they are undertaking...and they won't have to 'wait' until they are thirty to settle down because you have to 'wait' to buy a home or get a job that pays enough.
We can return to what nature intended, reproduction when it's supposed to happeninstead of at the far end of your reproductive life.
We NEED to return to basics and start focusing on getting off this rock instead of squandering our future with endless war [that only lines the pockets of the thieves!
You SHOULD want EVERYBODY to be aware of what you learned here.
TOO MANY believe 'it is what it is and there is nothing they [or anybody else] can do about it.'
But there is! In fact, we can't do it WITHOUT them!
[For a strike to be 'effective' it requires across the board participation!]
Above is a thumbnail sketch of my creation, A Simple Plan. There is considerably more but that's the basics. Other posts provide details about other aspects and I'll repost them here as the situation permits.
Spread the word far and near, all is NOT lost!
Thank you for letting me inside your 'head',
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