Monday, May 8, 2017

Europe is [not] SAVED!

Greetings good citizen, damn these laptop chicklets to hell, just pushed something accidentally and wiped out three paragraphs of hard hitting prose! No matter, I was about to make a point too few of you would appreciate/comprehend anyway.

Where were we? No, before the cursing and sputtering that follows deleting twenty minutes of work...oh yeah, Europe's NOT 'Saved'.

What do you suppose the 'lame-stream media' means by that anyway? They certainly went out of their way to demonize the 'far right' opponent of the political neophyte Macron, didn't they?

Can't look at these 'illusions' too hard because they don't stand up well to scrutiny. Around the world, in election after election, conservatives have won victory after victory not because conservatism is a 'good idea' but due to stolen elections.

We need look no further than our own 'stolen election' to demonstrate just what this means. Harken to the words of Paul Krugman for some insight into the deepening gloom shrouding the planet

No irony whould be lost that it appears the 'true purpose' of Romney-care was 'mandated insurance', something the industry has been after for decades but couldn't achieve under a 'free market' system.

Now they are removing the 'healthcare' part and leaving what the insurance companies wanted all along, the mandate that fines you for NOT BEING INSURED!

But hey, that's CONSERVATISM for ya!

Did the Conservo-whackos toss one in the bin to provide the APPEARANCE that the poisonous culture of right-wing ideology and the hatred it fuels wasn't what's tearing civilization apart?

In case you haven't been paying attention, our species is on the brink of annihilating itself because of the steady stream of hatred being spewed by the corporate-owned media.

Where does this hatred originate? In the dark places where the uber rich plot to keep the rabble from focusing on their plight, a plight intended to keep them off the scent of who is really responsible for their misery.

Funny that the uber rich can walk the streets unmolested [but don't because their bodyguards would have a conniption!] You regularly see the people directly responsible for your poverty on television and nobody rushes up and arrests them [because they 'legalized' the act of stealing from you!]

These people {all 3-4,000 of 'em} are the conservatives, the 'real' ones. Most of the rest are mindless sycophants that just want to be on the side that's 'winning'.

There's zero irony in the statement made by conservatives that if they had a child like themselves they would have crushed its skull rather than let it loose on humanity...

So this is YOUR fault [for not being psychic and NOT killing them when you (supposedly) had the chance.]

Don't think the threat is real?

The world is a powderkeg that is leaking high explosives across civilization. Conservatives EVERYWHERE are wreaking havoc on the conventions that prevent us from KILLING ONE ANOTHER ON SIGHT!

Callous statements like calling 'liberals' a 'waste of oxygen' reflect their [A.) STUPIDITY and B.) disregard for humanity]

Newsflash good citizen, there is a whole swath of humanity that would like nothing better than to see the rest of us IN OUR GRAVES!

Sort of takes you back to the days when TV taught us 'The only GOOD Indian is a DEAD Indian!'

Well, guess what, conservo-whacko's think that too but they just substitute the word 'Human' for Indian...[yeah, they hate themselves too which is how they rationalize their mental malfunction!]

Europe is far from SAVED and our species is 'circling the drain' if we can't bring the psychopaths to heel...

Thank YOU for letting me inside YOUR mind!


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