Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Greetings good citizen, welcome to the federal holiday set aside to, er, 'honor' members of the military who fell in combat, making what they like to refer to as the 'ultimate sacrifice'.

We DO NOT have a holiday set aside for the 'collateral damage' of 'military adventurism', the peaceful citizens who are just as dead because their homes were turned into battlegrounds.

And that doesn't take into account the refugees created by the economic shenanigans behind 'the defense of national interests' around the globe.

There is more behind the global refugee crisis than Islam/Isis

But that's not what Memorial Day is fact, beyond the random sales event and the obligatory parade of scouts and veterans that can still squeeze into the uniforms they wore as youths, most people consider Memorial Day as three day weekend you use to open up your camp and have the season's first 'official' cookout.

Zero irony should be lost on the fact that VERY FEW of us had grandparents that bought camps back in the day when the average paycheck afforded a family with a lifestyle we should ALL enjoy. But NOBODY remembers that!

But this is where that unfathomable custom of thanking veterans for their service springs from...a deeply misguided sentiment at best, brought to us by those who PRETEND to pine away for a world that never existed! [They don't call them 'conservo-whackos' for nothing!]

Why are we 'thanking' people put in the untenable position of having to go to a foreign country and invade it so they, regardless of how unlikely, wouldn't invade us?

You needn't wander too far to find a moron ready to tell you in all earnestness that thanks to our veterans we aren't living under Sharia Law [like that was EVER even a remote they were supposed to get here, walk?

How fortunate for those who rule us that the average moron is incapable of rational thought?

[This is largely due to 'cultivated ignorance' that the profoundly stupid believe every nation in existence has a military 'on par' with ours.]

You KNOW it's severe when college students can't answer the question of what economic system the US operates under...they are honestly clueless.

Worse, there are those of YOU who think this is 'unimportant'...despite claiming to be 'socially liberal but fiscally conservative'.

How 'enlightened' of you...(if you even had a clue what it means. Trust me, you don't.)

You can look up the history of Memorial Day (which dates back to the civil war) and note it took them a couple of decades to get it implemented, so flinty (cheap) are the feckless capitalists. You're all familiar with Scrooge's famous quote regarding Christmas, which is how 'the owners of commerce' feel about ALL paid holidays.

Which brings us to another item few, if any REMEMBER on Memorial Day. COMMERCE EXISTS to meet the needs of the public and NOT to enrich the owners of commerce!

It may pay us to remember that politicians exist to enact the 'will of the people' not just their 'campaign contributors' [yet another serious abuse of the commerce/fiscal systems.]

But that's just the 'way it is'...some things will never change...(until WE change them!)

How misguided is it that politicians [never the brightest] establish a day to 'remember' the horrors of war [that they are personally responsible for] so the nation could 'heal' [like those death threats made over the removal of Confederate monuments show real healing a century and a half later!]

Is our political system 'effective'?

[For the people it serves, absolutely!]

The thing YOU NEED TO REMEMBER is things are the way they are BECAUSE *THE FECKLESS WANT THEM THIS WAY! [*The 'hooray for me and F-U crowd.]

Are you ready to 'park it' and show 'em who's REALLY boss?

As the crisis in the nation's capitol heats up we can't afford to dither.

One day PLANET-WIDE STRIKE on 7/5, a WEEK LONG PLANET WIDE STRIKE on 8/5 and a permanent PLANET WIDE STRIKE on 9/5

Think you can 'remember' that?

How tragic most of us are so wrapped up in our personal woes to 'remember' our names half the time, we really should do something about it.

First simple rule to remember once this starts rolling is not to trust/listen to ANYONE with a badge, a robe or has Esquire after their name...[the law belongs to ALL of us! (not just the privileged!)]

You should also remember that we are ALL [with the exception of those who view the rest of us as 'animals' to be exploited] in this together.

Either we ALL live a better life or NONE of us do...and the 'feckless' will see to the latter if given even half a chance!

Thanks once again for considering my words, Head.



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