Greetings good citizen, given the condition of what passes for politics in this nation the idea we are even capable of rational discussion is ridiculous, principally because money talks and if you aren't one of the ones with the loot, talk to the hand cuz 'Servy' [The public servants] can't hear you.
Our political dialog has been reduced to money and what money extremely disturbing set of circumstances for anyone paying attention...which is a major part of the problem because while it is generally agreed things are 'out of control' (to put it mildly) most of you are uncertain THINK it might have something to do with corruption and it's enabler, cash money but the people getting 'greased' are beyond prosecution.
I belabor the obvious when I point out the top of our 'pyramid' needs purging badly, who was surprised that Roger Ailes got his 'start' (in villainy) in the Nixon White House...still trust Fox News [mostly because it's one of their catch phrases]?
But if you take a look at today's political landscape, it's no longer about the 'issues', it's about party loyalty.
More than a little disturbing considering only one in ten self identifies as a Republican, so what we really have on our hands is a 'non-existent' opposition [paid shills that fold when the chips are down] and people too stupid to take care of themselves, never mind a nation of 400 million. (Lucky for them they have people for that.)
So the situation, as it stands, is there is only one 'effective' party and it's batshit crazy!
Anyone possessing a logical mind and a genuine interest in 'serving the people' must DEFEAT a mob of handpicked MORONS for every inch of political ground...and it has become increasingly obvious the MORONS don't care if they look 'bad' or even 'sinister', their standing up to them 'whiny liberals' earns them 'cred' in the party, the people be damned.
In fact, the entire 'political environment' since Morning in America can be summed up as 'the people be DAMNED' this is OUR [the One Percent's] Country...
END OF DISCUSSION. If you don't like it, here's a dime, call somebody who cares!
Welcome to that 'conference call'.
If we don't ACT to change the 'political environment' this 'talk to the hand' nonsense will continue...and the 'above the law' behavior will erode the public trust, damaging civilization for centuries to come.
The 'endgame' of dividing the public [so they won't be prosecuted for their numerous crimes against humanity] will result in 'circles of trust' where only the incredibly stupid will be 'included' in the feckless's 'safe' communities (not out of trust or brotherhood but because they still want someone else to do their heavy lifting for them...and there is no shortage of STUPID.)
Remember the Dark Ages...naturally you don't. Most of you have zero clue WHY they were called the Dark of the principal factors that mark the Dark Ages was the severe repression inflicted on the 'peasants' by the (self-professed) Nobles.
Questioning a Noble meant death...(questioning 'question a noble' was certain death)...ideas themselves were toxic...and THAT is what the feckless 'socially liberal but fiscally conservative' want to bring age where questioning authority equaled death.
You were a 'good' peasant if you were [and remained] illiterate, unpolluted with 'dangerous ideas' like freedom and self-determination.
YOU know not just how dangerous the ground we are treading on actually is.
I'm quoting history here...and if it happened before, it CAN (and likely WILL) happen again!
Dark Ages (and everything that entails INCLUDING the much abbreviated lifespan) are already half-way upon us. Will the internet remain? It might but it will be 'sanitized' for their YOUR 'protection'...and most of your grandchildren won't attend school so they won't learn to read, making the internet (and electricity) useless.
The socially liberal and fiscally conservative 'non-joiners' will be left out of the circle to fend for themselves in a world that has no use for them.
What? Would the 'wackos' throw their own supporters under the bus? Let's return to that one in ten figure I mentioned earlier. Only one in ten is STUPID enough to blindly follow conservo-whacko doctrine [the My Country, right or wrong types, the 'true patriots' (morons) among us.]
The people pulling the levers are interested in creating as good a life for themselves as the gullible will permit, the stupider their followers, the better that life is. Like those who believe tax cuts for the rich will make THEIR lives 'better'! How stupid is that?
If YOU have a problem with being STUPID you need to learn the difference, STUPID is PERMANENT, IGNORANCE can be fixed...and fixing it STARTS with NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AID!
Continuing to believe what's good for the one percent is good for the rest of us is the very definition of STUPID...and that is EXACTLY what YOU are being handed! [Tax cuts for the already wealthy will result in a 'more robust' has never happened, all it achieves is keeping YOU in poverty and the media lying to us about the state of the economy.]
The Party NONSENSE has to STOP! We are first and foremost HUMAN and in this TOGETHER.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 'FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY' because the books will NEVER BALANCE! It's a chimera politicians use to make their opponents look 'bad'.
What are the Republicans without 'fiscal responsibility'? [Since it becomes a non-issue once they gain control I'm going to point out LIARS at the least and shills if you consider who they are really working for...those who are plotting a return of the Dark Ages...
Serious stuff my poor muddled Head, serious stuff and dire outcomes...but honestly, there ISN'T an outcome [save the one you find here under A Simple Plan] that ends well.
Much to consider and we are moving into the 'endgame' so time is short. Right now the most we can hope for is to 'raise awareness' of what they are planning and do our best to cut them off before they seize control.
Thanks for letting me inside, Head...I'll visit again tomorrow.
Our political dialog has been reduced to money and what money extremely disturbing set of circumstances for anyone paying attention...which is a major part of the problem because while it is generally agreed things are 'out of control' (to put it mildly) most of you are uncertain THINK it might have something to do with corruption and it's enabler, cash money but the people getting 'greased' are beyond prosecution.
I belabor the obvious when I point out the top of our 'pyramid' needs purging badly, who was surprised that Roger Ailes got his 'start' (in villainy) in the Nixon White House...still trust Fox News [mostly because it's one of their catch phrases]?
But if you take a look at today's political landscape, it's no longer about the 'issues', it's about party loyalty.
More than a little disturbing considering only one in ten self identifies as a Republican, so what we really have on our hands is a 'non-existent' opposition [paid shills that fold when the chips are down] and people too stupid to take care of themselves, never mind a nation of 400 million. (Lucky for them they have people for that.)
So the situation, as it stands, is there is only one 'effective' party and it's batshit crazy!
Anyone possessing a logical mind and a genuine interest in 'serving the people' must DEFEAT a mob of handpicked MORONS for every inch of political ground...and it has become increasingly obvious the MORONS don't care if they look 'bad' or even 'sinister', their standing up to them 'whiny liberals' earns them 'cred' in the party, the people be damned.
In fact, the entire 'political environment' since Morning in America can be summed up as 'the people be DAMNED' this is OUR [the One Percent's] Country...
END OF DISCUSSION. If you don't like it, here's a dime, call somebody who cares!
Welcome to that 'conference call'.
If we don't ACT to change the 'political environment' this 'talk to the hand' nonsense will continue...and the 'above the law' behavior will erode the public trust, damaging civilization for centuries to come.
The 'endgame' of dividing the public [so they won't be prosecuted for their numerous crimes against humanity] will result in 'circles of trust' where only the incredibly stupid will be 'included' in the feckless's 'safe' communities (not out of trust or brotherhood but because they still want someone else to do their heavy lifting for them...and there is no shortage of STUPID.)
Remember the Dark Ages...naturally you don't. Most of you have zero clue WHY they were called the Dark of the principal factors that mark the Dark Ages was the severe repression inflicted on the 'peasants' by the (self-professed) Nobles.
Questioning a Noble meant death...(questioning 'question a noble' was certain death)...ideas themselves were toxic...and THAT is what the feckless 'socially liberal but fiscally conservative' want to bring age where questioning authority equaled death.
You were a 'good' peasant if you were [and remained] illiterate, unpolluted with 'dangerous ideas' like freedom and self-determination.
YOU know not just how dangerous the ground we are treading on actually is.
I'm quoting history here...and if it happened before, it CAN (and likely WILL) happen again!
Dark Ages (and everything that entails INCLUDING the much abbreviated lifespan) are already half-way upon us. Will the internet remain? It might but it will be 'sanitized' for
The socially liberal and fiscally conservative 'non-joiners' will be left out of the circle to fend for themselves in a world that has no use for them.
What? Would the 'wackos' throw their own supporters under the bus? Let's return to that one in ten figure I mentioned earlier. Only one in ten is STUPID enough to blindly follow conservo-whacko doctrine [the My Country, right or wrong types, the 'true patriots' (morons) among us.]
The people pulling the levers are interested in creating as good a life for themselves as the gullible will permit, the stupider their followers, the better that life is. Like those who believe tax cuts for the rich will make THEIR lives 'better'! How stupid is that?
If YOU have a problem with being STUPID you need to learn the difference, STUPID is PERMANENT, IGNORANCE can be fixed...and fixing it STARTS with NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AID!
Continuing to believe what's good for the one percent is good for the rest of us is the very definition of STUPID...and that is EXACTLY what YOU are being handed! [Tax cuts for the already wealthy will result in a 'more robust' has never happened, all it achieves is keeping YOU in poverty and the media lying to us about the state of the economy.]
The Party NONSENSE has to STOP! We are first and foremost HUMAN and in this TOGETHER.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 'FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY' because the books will NEVER BALANCE! It's a chimera politicians use to make their opponents look 'bad'.
What are the Republicans without 'fiscal responsibility'? [Since it becomes a non-issue once they gain control I'm going to point out LIARS at the least and shills if you consider who they are really working for...those who are plotting a return of the Dark Ages...
Serious stuff my poor muddled Head, serious stuff and dire outcomes...but honestly, there ISN'T an outcome [save the one you find here under A Simple Plan] that ends well.
Much to consider and we are moving into the 'endgame' so time is short. Right now the most we can hope for is to 'raise awareness' of what they are planning and do our best to cut them off before they seize control.
Thanks for letting me inside, Head...I'll visit again tomorrow.
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