Sunday, May 7, 2017

Fear & Loathing

Greetings good citizen, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that we live in a 'climate of fear' and if you DON'T fear the fear mongers you represent a threat that needs to be eliminated lest others 'emulate' you.

Funny thing about fear, makes you hate yourself for not being 'courageous'. Does it help to know the ones doing the 'intimidating' are shitting their pants you'll wake up to the fact nobody is getting out of this one alive and you have NOTHING TO LOSE by defying them?

Not to be 'fatalistic' but they can only kill you once and if they kill everyone that doesn't jump when they bark they are going to have to do ALL the shit work themselves!

That's reality.

Worse, once it becomes obvious that THEIR ONLY PLAY is COMPLY OR DIE, most of you are going to band together under that oldest of rubrics, KILL or BE KILLED! [unless they succeed in keeping you passive, then you'll perish wondering why you didn't act sooner.]

These are the 'realities' that divide the humans from the cattle among us...although sheep might be closer to the mark.

A 'life of fear' is a life NOT WORTH LIVING. You know in your heart that 'life on your knees' means you're already AS GOOD AS DEAD.

Don't confuse cooperation with capitulation but our 'gig' economy proves we are no longer 'in control of our destiny'. We are subject to the puppetmasters whims, which equals a 'living death'.

We are all only a couple of generations from the farm and already this 'experiment in specialization' is going horribly wrong! Those in charge can see this but they seem to think their 'predations' are acceptable...and the losses those schemes inflict on the victims result in a 'greater good' that ONLY THEY CAN SEE.

Take the current meddling with healthcare. Reagan was behind the 'privatization' of the healthcare industry resulting in the current'for profit' healthcare model [the only one of its kind in the world] that the Libertarians [the feeble minded that think 'money' is real! and insist EVERYBODY pay even when the system is one of 'winners' (a relative handful) and 'losers' (pretty much everyone else)]

Libbies don't give a damn if you live or die, they just object to YOU getting for free anything THEY can make a buck off of!

The Libbies among us seized upon the idea that 'hearts and minds' are won via the media because the media TELLS YOU WHAT TO THINK! So they bought the media and gave away their poisonous mindset 'for free'. [I'm looking at YOU Rush!]

Politics have been a mess since the 'greed is good' and more for me Libbies hit the scene.

That old 'rugged individual' St. Ronnie wasn't himself a Libertarian but he was their 'front man' whether he knew it or not.

IF we don't stand up for EQUALITY AND JUSTICE then the 'funny money' crowd will push the rest of us out of the market and probably into slavery where we will perish.

No Joke.

We're only a half step away from exactly that outcome...and there is no way using the system to stop them.

When we were kids we didn't know what to make of this abolish the IRS movement but apparently it didn't matter, they succeeded in undermining democracy without it.

If THAT'S what's troubling you then the time to fight in NOW, they intend to cut YOU off from healthcare and there isn't a stinking thing you can do about it!

For those about to die, we salute you!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head...


Again, for my overseas readers. The Libertarian Revolution is not uniquely 'American'. It spans the globe and forms the basis for 'globalization', that playing tricks with money to artificially create a 'cheaper' labor pools THAT DON'T EXIST!

The LIARS need to be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity!

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