Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Money (is a legal construct/fiction)

Greetings good citizen, Imagine the grief we would all avoid if our education system taught you the TRUTH about money. Like the birds and the bees, money is thought to be too sensitive a topic to be laid upon young minds that might get the 'wrong idea'.

Money's 'original intent' was to facilitate specialization...although THAT somehow got translated into 'simplify barter'...[the now ancient argument how many chickens equal a duck?] (In the end it all comes down to 'need'. Do you want to eat the duck or do you want to breed the duck...or do you want to trade YOUR duck for chickens, MONEY doesn't 'simplify' any of this so from the get go money would be an abject failure!)

The second 'explanation' for money is to prevent people from trying to pass off their garbage as suitable 'tribute' [the precursor of taxes] but this came AFTER money started being used to 'represent' barterables.

Nope, 'money' got its start when owners learned their slaves had talents other slave owners wanted to use but after a while 'tradesies' wasn't covering it.

The demand was so high for certain 'talents' that the owners feared they were getting ripped off...which is a bit rich if we consider what was really going on and who, precisely was getting zip for their efforts...

The first 'universal solvent' was gold [although at that time aluminum was crazy rare too but good old tin foil proved to be too rare to commodify successfully.]

When gold, rare to begin with, got scarce, silver was added into the mix...and 'money' was born.

Now 'specialties' could be sold and nobody got cheated...[except those who didn't have money.]

Since that time the 'Science' [remember, all science is 90% speculation] of ECONOMICS sprang up and did ZERO to clarify what money was never mind its usefulness to society.

HOWEVER, by this point in our developmental ladder, the trading of money for talent was long established and given our nature as insufferable mimics [monkey see, monkey do anyone?] it was also ubiquitous.

We ain't done yet...we haven't arrived at the part where gold 'disappears' and paper takes its place...which occurs shortly after banks, followed swiftly by 'modern banking' and 'debt driven society' [let's turn trash into treasure!]

While 'talent' was soon defined as anything you didn't want to physically do yourself, it also became universally accepted that 'talent' needed to be 'paid' [whether you liked the performance or not.]

Because talent got used to trading it's money for the things it wanted [many it ironically didn't NEED in the slightest but we've always been suckers for appearances...another weakness that regularly gets exploited.

But I preach to the choir, do I not?

So we have this 'confusion' over money and its role in society and we're [the non-commodity holders] are getting screwed into the woodwork by those who have laid claim to what belongs to us all.

That's ANOTHER 'sacrifice' we got shoved down our throats, leaders KIDS think the stuff their Daddy fought to protect is theirs! and the rest of us can go twist in the wind, he was THEIR Daddy!

Now they 'own' everything because they 'owned' the courts that made these incredibly stupid decisions.

Tempting to segue here into the mind numbingly stupid legal system but we need to stay on topic.

With the advent of 'modern banking' and it's product, fiat currency came what passes for modern society...and the second Dark Ages.

[Another 'hallmark' of the Dark ages is the suppression of technological advancement, some thing the capitalists adopted when infant technologies were threatened with obsolescence before they could be fully exploited!]

Yup, for some bizarre reason even the press is mute about the sudden halt of the march of technology...accompanied by a full court press against knowledge or the advancement of prevalent in today's media.

Don't look now but the Luddites among us are winning!

Those who fight progress are the same morons that are developing robots capable of taking your job or killing you on command [because robots don't question orders.] Imagine putting that power in the hands of our oppressors?

Seriously people, you've got to wake up to just how serious this threat is, we have already turned over weapons capable of destroying the entire planet. They'll use them to if they get desperate enough.

That's why the 'full stop' strategy [STRIKE] is our ONLY play.

Ironically, their greatest nightmare is creating a robot that becomes 'self-aware' and it sides with US!

But I digress...still it is a strangely comforting thought, isn't it?

The population bomb which our dumber than rocks 'betters' have been trying to deal with for over five decades is reaching critical mass.

IF (and I suspect it already has) they can't find another 'solution' they WILL [seems the chimera this time, like Pearl Harbor or the Gulf of Tonkin] be North Korea...and the plan will be to nuke the world's population centers to maximize the death toll.

Billions will survive BUT when the dust clears, we will still be saddled with a system intended to enslave us via economics.

This MUST NOT be permitted.

The first person that says 'I own that' needs to be strung up from the nearest utility pole using their own intestines!
This world and everything on it is for all of us!

Maybe there are enough uninhabited planets out there that we can all have our own SOMEDAY but until that time the rule is SHARE, EQUALLY!

It's a lesson that SHOULD BE 'self-evident' but our crazy founding fathers thought similarly, to the point of creating documents titled 'common sense' when no such thing exists!

Myths are dangerous things and repeating something DOESN'T make it TRUE...

Enough for today, Head. See you tomorrow!


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