Thursday, May 25, 2017

Deep Fried w Xtra thick batter...

Greetings good citizen, just finished perusing today's NY Times and all I can say is the collapse of our society proceeds apace, although they seem to be 'expediting' the process wherever they are able.

Like 'the money's' control of the media...apparently Cannes is so bad this year nobody knows what to make of it...except that the truth is taboo. Anything that sheds the slightest hint of illumination upon the cesspit that 'our betters' have made FOR US [Remember, they don't live here.] doesn't get funded. [yes, money really does control what you do and do not see! Because we live in a world of morons!]

EVERYTHING IS A 're-tread' and what isn't is DRECK, virtually 'unwatchable'.

(Would you like that with or without a haughty 'sucks being YOU'?)

They make our life a living hell BUT it is forbidden to show that reality on the 'silver screen' because it would (naturally) provoke an uprising!

They make light of the 'working poor' in the aptly titled tv sitcom The Middle [so titled not because the family is 'middle class' but because the show is set in the middle of the country.

Switching back to the central topic [societal collapse] I belabor the obvious when I point to what everybody knows, the crap pumped out of Hollywood (and increasingly it comes from BollyWood) is so bad the people producing it should be shown the door.

But if they mirrored RL, they probably be imprisoned, so far down the 'Royal Path' has our nation traveled.

The 'disparities' between what is passed of as Reality and what it really be like are ginormous! [Just as that is a 'real word' all of a sudden!]

So, as those running things since 'Morning in America' continue to put the squeeze on the non-privileged [there are still a 'few' that are handsomely rewarded for their TREACHERY, none of this would be happening if they had even a shred of empathy! But the attitude these days is if I don't do it somebody else will...and all that entails.

Which brings us to the thrust of all my tirades, IF YOU'RE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION, YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

If YOU won't stop, IT DOESN'T STOP! It really is UP TO YOU!

We have arrived good citizen at the point where we are collectively performing the equivalent of jamming our fingers in our ears and chanting I can't hear you! at the tops of our lungs just to maintain the FANTASY that this all 'ends well'.

We have been 'taken over' by a particularly ruthless cabal of THUGS that do whatever they are told without asking questions because they really DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

Some of them regret what they have done (a little) but most of 'em never look back. They are the type that BELIEVES their is a pony under that endless pile of manure, all they have to do to reach it is keep shoveling!

Which brings us full circle to our current circumstances, we live in a world run by the HOPELESSLY STUPID and they will be rewarded when they finally reach that mother of all herds of ponies [because there sure is an awful lot of manure for it to be just one!]

And EVERYBODY will love them when they get their pony, [despite the world being lousy with horseshit!]

Stupid is as stupid does...and there is no cure for stupid! Verily, none are so blind as those who refuse to see! [Thus is stupid permanent.]

Ironically the 'fix' for the aftermath of the Republican Revolution is a simple one, purge the stupid, exile 'em and put the nation back to work.

There is NO SHORTAGE of things that need doing. Unemployment has no excuse save capitalists that NEED a reserve workforce solely because they are such idiots to work for.

I like that one so much I'm going to close with it!

Thanks once again for letting me inside,


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