Monday, May 1, 2017

Anger Management

Watched the M of HBO fame last night after not getting in until until after midnight on an 8 O'clock run that should have taken an hour...

But, like EVERYTHING ELSE in this dump what should have been a simple task turned into a nightmare because NOBODY was watching the 'big picture'.

Why are things around the globe 'screwed up' [or turn into 'epic disasters']?


I'm definitely not telling you anything you don't already know but the topic last night was ANGER. People are mad and a lot of them DON'T KNOW WHY!

It would only serve to make them more angry if they knew the things driving them nuts are done ON PURPOSE!

In fact, that's part of the whole 'angst' situation...none of this is NEW but NOTHING has been done to FIX it...more so out of a 'if YOU don't like it, TOUGH!' attitude rather than, 'geez, there really isn't a good way to fix this.'

A LOT of it is the 'hands off' attitude by the 'free marketers' who believe the market will take care of itself...and they apply that logic to EVERYTHING. Now would be a good time to remind you we are NECK DEEP IN STUPID AROUND HERE [and the morons who only know how to do it one way don't think it needs fixing. It's NOT THEM, it's YOU!

The whole situation lends credence to the idea we were abandoned here by the 'smart people' to fend for ourselves. Problem with that idea is they'd continue to make 'dimwits' just as those they abandoned would continue to produce 'exceptional' intellects, an endless vicious circle.

So pursuing this possibility is a empty task that has no 'answer' and it is likely the 'best & the brightest' left us here while they went onward to search for a new world they could start from scratch with.

So the anger grows...on one side by the continued 'good enough' attitude that takes the 'it works, it doesn't need to be fixed' side to the hapless people stuck with a broken system that builds frustration with epic stupidity to mountainous proportions!

Which feeds the resentment over those who don't think it needs fixing and why is everybody so dissatisfied all the time, with everything?

Beginning to see the circle now?

Things don't change because THE STUPID don't WANT THEM CHANGED! Frustrating the people who don't understand why nothing gets done, in turn making the monumentally BONEHEADED wonder why NOBODY is happy? What could be wrong when the answer is right in front of their faces...MISMANAGEMENT!

Life [under specialization] has become 'complicated'...the tools to better manage exist but there is a lot of resistance to actually using them...and it comes from some weird places, places that are getting weirder all the time, so in-grained is the resistance to change. [also part of the reason revolts fail!]

So the frustration builds...and soon it will break, then where will we find ourselves? Where we are now...on our own? or will the simple-minded win the day and you'll go back to being frustrated but pretend you're happy if you want to keep your head.

Comply or Die...

Just something to contemplate while you wait endlessly for the clueless to race to the next blue light special...and wonder who thought THAT was a 'good idea'?

Frustration starts small but grows quite quickly.

Learning to blend order and chaos is an art, one we will never master.

I must go and attend to what has been neglected all weekend while there's time.

Thank you for letting me inside your mind.


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