Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Love to change the world?

Love to change the world? What would YOU change first? Ask a thousand people and you'll get a thousand different answers.

Um, if we compiled a list of those thousand responses and 'prioritized' them in order of importance, guess which one would be totally absent?

The prohibition on OWNERSHIP. (In a world of 'limited resources', we don't need to 'possess' things, we merely need the use of them while we're here.

[Given our 'opportunistic nature' we would substitute 'ownership' with a 'registered user' system to cement who is supposed to be where, when.]

We currently have people who claim huge swaths of resources for themselves, thanks mostly to the 'foresight' of their land grabbing forebearers. 'Real Estate' is the base of many the fortune and it ALL comes down to the I got there first...or I swindled the original owner, fair & square!

What 'duplicitous' creature we are!

After we throw ownership in the trash bin [This planet and EVERYTHING ON IT MUST BE SHARED!] we would enact the Human Anti-exploitation law that would ban the legalized slavery we call the 'employer/employee' contract.

Then we would abolish physical currency (in ALL its forms) [since all crime is 'CASH' and carry, so is corruption.]

I'm not going too fast for you, am I? Good.

THEN we would disband the 'elected government', imprisoning them for their crimes [largely dereliction of duty and lying under oath.] We will only imprison them until the Exile site(s) can be made secure.

Then we will establish a new commerce system focused on meeting the needs of the public I call the Divisions, each group will cover a 'specialty', there are 12 divisions, each one overseeing a different aspect of society.

In no particular order, the following are the 12 'divisions' [Many divisions will use talents from across the spectrum.]

1.) Agriculture 2.) Construction 3.) Transportation 4.) Medical 5.) Education 6.) Sci-Tech 7.) Manufacturing 8.) Hospitality 9.) Entertainment Arts 10.) Retail 11.) Stores-warehousing 12.) Services

Why 12? There would be 3 if I could manage it but the necessary functions of life turn out to divide 'neatly' by this number...with the last group, (which is 'in order', I made it last on purpose.) being a sort of 'catch-all' because it is where the 'rubber meets the road'. It is where the public WILL go to request services and interact with those 'managing' society.

This last group will also contain the 'oh-oh squad', those charged with policing our civilization, insuring the tyrants among us are ferreted out and exiled.

Um, since you will no longer 'own' a home, you will no longer be responsible for its 'care'. The Construction Division will employ millions in its maintenance department. Painting, mowing and leaf removal will all be performed by 'professionals'. Keeping the environment clean and wholesome is a benefit to are expected to 'do your part' and not 'litter' but it won't be a police matter...but if it gets picked up on camera it will become a judicial one [If you're not part of the solution, your part of the problem.] If your toddler drops his whatever neither one of you will get exiled. Kids litter because they don't know on the other hand have no excuse.

While the divisions themselves are 'general', internally they will specialize. There will be guidebooks to let the public know what division does what so they will know where to report to after they have been 'classified'.

Yup, you WILL BE REQUIRED to prove your competence before seeking employment with the Division of your choice.

Another problem our civilization needs to confront is the severely limited training provided by the capitalist. Many the 'master bottle capper will become apprentice 'vintners/brewers' because there is a lot more behind your 'specialty' than you realize.

Who will rule this brave new world? If you're smart, it may be YOU because all jobs lead to the top! You will have to 'best' all comers in the annual tests...and you can only advance one rung at a time and there are about thirty rungs so you won't be eligible for 'planetary leadership' until you're almost retirement age. You can choose to 'drop out' of the competitions and return to being a master of your craft without losing ANY of the Perqs you have accumulated! (So it behooves you to climb as high as you can!) Each rung conveys increased pay and privileges like housing upgrades and transportation/hospitality bonuses!

Who will make the laws in our society? Again the answer is YOU. The Law belongs to those who must live under it! YOU can propose a law any time you see a need...but that law must first pass muster with the H.A.E. and the prohibition against ownership to even be put to a vote.

That said, there will be a third factor and that one is 'spite'. If your proposal even smacks of 'because I don't like it' it won't be put to a vote!

Laws should be few and simple to understand. While some won't be able to resist the urge to file legislation whenever 'perceived injustice' strikes their eye but 'freedom' is something we hold dear and it should not be taken away just because someone has a cruel streak and access to a pen/keyboard.

Which is to point out you won't be rushing to the polls every time you sit down to dinner because crafting a law capable of passing muster first has to be vetted, then the leadership has to vote whether or not it gets put to a vote, then it will be voted on...come voting day.

Unless it is an emergency, then a special election will be called BY THE LEADERSHIP.

Um, brought them up twice and you are mystified who these people are/will be so let me explain.

Each Division will have a leader who serves for a two year term, staggered, meaning half of the divisions will replace their leader [unless he/she remains undefeated] one year followed by the other six divisions the next year.

One thing to keep in mind is the tests will favor the event of a tie, the contest will be given to the challenger [to prevent stagnation...and the corruption it breeds as the goal becomes staying in office rather than doing the best job possible while in office...and that will be a component for judging too!

Who will 'judge' these competitions? The former leaders themselves! They know what it takes to do the job so they will recognize who is best suited to ascend to the post!

EVERYONE sitting in a position of power will have a PROVEN TRACK RECORD of SUCCESS based on their PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITIES and NOT 'who they are related/loyal' to!

Problem with 're-ordering the world' is it too can get mired down in 'minutia'. There are a billion details and we only have space/time for a 'thumbnail sketch'.

In a nutshell, no more OWN, SHARE and USE will replace the outmoded and unfair 'ownership model'.

You will work but not to enrich someone else, you will work for society and be compensated for that labor [20 hour workweek] with having ALL of your needs met.

The POLICE STATE goes away, replaced by a populace that is largely 'self-policing'.

The law becomes the exclusive domain of the people. No more legislators and no more corruption or those who break the laws with impunity in the name of [false] National Security.

No more War! [Truth be told there has never been anyone to fight! Wars are started by individuals and ended only after monumental losses that are NEVER recovered.]

Whosoever declares 'War' upon Division society, that INDIVIDUAL will be EXTERMINATED (as brutally as possible.) The tools to change Division society are readily available to anyone with a 'better idea'.

Hopefully, before ol' Sneaky Snake pulls a fast one, the public will be familiar enough with critical thinking skills to save themselves from 'double-talk' and treachery.

Much of what ails our civilization is cruelty and selfishness for cruelty and selfishness's sake. [THey do it because they can (get away with it.)]

Choose, good citizen, the Devil you know vs the BBD [Bigger, Better Deal!] What's it going to be?

Much to consider Head, much to think about.

Weigh your options and look to the 5th!


My cards are 'on the table'.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Corruption and deception.

Greetings good citizen, everywhere you look corruption and deceit dominate the media, whether it be in entertainment or in the news cycle.

And it's difficult to say which one is more disturbing...or to winnow out which one is driving the other.

At the 'root' of this vicious cycle is the 'survival tool' all life leans on the most, our 'opportunistic nature' that shows us how to make lemonade out of lemons that are just lying there, useless.

Somewhat ironic that exploiting advantages put us on top of the food chain while exploiting each other threatens us with certain extinction.

If we are to prove worthy of the top spot, we need to gain the mental maturity to understand the difference between beneficial exploitation and the detrimental kind.

Enriching ourselves at the expense of others is causing the global economy to collapse...and you don't want to know what YOUR chances for survival are after the local economy goes tits up. [Slim to zero.]

Civilization is only nine meals deep, many are already down to six and a disturbing number are squeaking by on three...somewhat meager ones. Your baseline is three per day if you find the above mathematics 'cryptic'.

Nothing will bring out the 'opportunist' in us faster than HUNGER, 'desperation is a terrible thing yet the freakishly selfish drive people to the brink all the time...and the sadists among us do it just because they can...just because they're rich doesn't mean they aren't SICK [in the head.]

Which is to dust off another 'hobby horse' I haven't ridden on in quite a while. Of late 'the none too swift' [a.k.a. stupid] have borne the brunt of my ire but we need to keep in mind that the, er, 'mentally deficient' have seized power with the enthusiastic support of the freakishly greedy.

[Somedays I'm just a walking thesaurus, most of the time I keep it simple...rants only a few can comprehend serve no purpose.]

If we take it as a given we are neck deep in stupid, we are also knee deep in psycho.

Stupid doesn't have a clue what to do about psycho...and the relatively small number of sane people don't have the necessary tools to lock psycho up or enough competent help to insure the psycho receive 'humane' treatment. The 'horror stories' one hears about the abuses of the mentally ill have their foundation in allowing the terminally stupid to watch them 'unsupervised'.

Knowing this, one has to marvel we have come as far as we have, given the staggering number of obstacles we needed to overcome just to get to the 'cesspool' level.

Elevating ourselves [the sane ones] out of the cesspool is going to take some serious effort because the insane ones have the stupid on their side.

Which is to belabor the obvious, we are in the minority...and they don't care.

We are raised to believe MOST of us are sane but there is little evidence of this, especially lately, with the media pounding home the point of how 'divided' we are.

So it is we arrive a 'end game' time. What does those WHO OWN THE MEDIA hope to achieve? They have SUCCEEDED in convincing us that we consistently vote against our own best interests (despite everybody you talk to being in agreement with you) Remember the winner is whoever the media tells us it is and YOU don't have the power to verify what they report is true!

Which brings us to our second 'fact'. The news is whatever the owner of the news organization wants it to be.

Didn't we just celebrate a holiday to commemorate all of those who died to bring us this 'wonderful freedom (to be exploited, helpless to do ANYTHING about it?)'

Isn't it tragic the numbers that have died defending F-U, Pay ME? [followed by a hearty 'comply or die', have to love THAT freedom!]

Did I mention we're neck deep in stupid and knee deep in crazy? [not either/or...BOTH!]

If we don't remove 'the mentally dangerous' from society there soon won't be a society to remove them from. Pretty simple and I suspect MOST of the sane people out there realize that...but the psychos have locked the doors and we don't have the access we need to fix things.

Um it's daunting to see the world collapsing and our 'elected leadership' just standing there watching, not lifting a finger while the psychos run roughshod over social conventions [again I am looking at YOU Rupert!]

What do they hope to gain? Will they usher in a return to Monarchy [and with it, a new Dark Age?]

You knows dem conservatives does loves thems 'good ol' days' [even if they are 'imaginary'.]

It is evident the 'sane' people are in the minority but we've got this because it is we who tell them what needs doing, when.

Without us they can't put their right foot in front of their left, literally too stupid or too crazy to even consider things like that. THis is why your instructions are gibberish half the time, you straighten them out, make sense of them and make it all happen.

It is YOU we need to recognize what's happening and put a stop to it.

The 'crazy' are only interested in 'end results'...the ones taking 'dictation' need to edit those orders heavily.

What you have to be careful of is the freakishly selfish, who are borderline psychotics themselves and have little regard for the 'welfare of society' because this world is THEIR world, you get the parts they don't 'need' at the moment.

Seriously good citizen, this nonsense has gone on long enough. Like crime, all 'corruption' is 'cash and carry'. ELIMINATE CASH and the problem goes away.

In a world where most things are 'free', your 'banking information' [what you've got and where it came from] will be an open book. There is ZERO danger of 'identity theft' because the penalty for messing with the accounting system is public summary execution of EVERYONE INVOLVED.

Spend beyond your means and it raises a 'red flag' 'doctoring' your finances will do you no good.

But I get ahead of myself, I mention it here only to show it is 'doable' will NEVER happen as long as the freakishly selfish hold power but it IS manageable.

[Not that many won't try to 'cheat the system'. Do you realize that too many are cheating it now and that is why the global economy is collapsing under the weight of too much money chasing too few goods [because production is dropping below the basement...and the 'auction sites' aren't helping. What FURTHER EVIDENCE do you need (although the PROFOUNDLY STUPID won't understand that question...)]

Trouble with rants is 'one thing leads to another'. They become 'endless'.

Think I've dished out enough for you to ponder for today's session, under the 'keep it simple' rubric, good thing our best/only play is to STRIKE.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

Greetings good citizen, welcome to the federal holiday set aside to, er, 'honor' members of the military who fell in combat, making what they like to refer to as the 'ultimate sacrifice'.

We DO NOT have a holiday set aside for the 'collateral damage' of 'military adventurism', the peaceful citizens who are just as dead because their homes were turned into battlegrounds.

And that doesn't take into account the refugees created by the economic shenanigans behind 'the defense of national interests' around the globe.

There is more behind the global refugee crisis than Islam/Isis

But that's not what Memorial Day is fact, beyond the random sales event and the obligatory parade of scouts and veterans that can still squeeze into the uniforms they wore as youths, most people consider Memorial Day as three day weekend you use to open up your camp and have the season's first 'official' cookout.

Zero irony should be lost on the fact that VERY FEW of us had grandparents that bought camps back in the day when the average paycheck afforded a family with a lifestyle we should ALL enjoy. But NOBODY remembers that!

But this is where that unfathomable custom of thanking veterans for their service springs from...a deeply misguided sentiment at best, brought to us by those who PRETEND to pine away for a world that never existed! [They don't call them 'conservo-whackos' for nothing!]

Why are we 'thanking' people put in the untenable position of having to go to a foreign country and invade it so they, regardless of how unlikely, wouldn't invade us?

You needn't wander too far to find a moron ready to tell you in all earnestness that thanks to our veterans we aren't living under Sharia Law [like that was EVER even a remote they were supposed to get here, walk?

How fortunate for those who rule us that the average moron is incapable of rational thought?

[This is largely due to 'cultivated ignorance' that the profoundly stupid believe every nation in existence has a military 'on par' with ours.]

You KNOW it's severe when college students can't answer the question of what economic system the US operates under...they are honestly clueless.

Worse, there are those of YOU who think this is 'unimportant'...despite claiming to be 'socially liberal but fiscally conservative'.

How 'enlightened' of you...(if you even had a clue what it means. Trust me, you don't.)

You can look up the history of Memorial Day (which dates back to the civil war) and note it took them a couple of decades to get it implemented, so flinty (cheap) are the feckless capitalists. You're all familiar with Scrooge's famous quote regarding Christmas, which is how 'the owners of commerce' feel about ALL paid holidays.

Which brings us to another item few, if any REMEMBER on Memorial Day. COMMERCE EXISTS to meet the needs of the public and NOT to enrich the owners of commerce!

It may pay us to remember that politicians exist to enact the 'will of the people' not just their 'campaign contributors' [yet another serious abuse of the commerce/fiscal systems.]

But that's just the 'way it is'...some things will never change...(until WE change them!)

How misguided is it that politicians [never the brightest] establish a day to 'remember' the horrors of war [that they are personally responsible for] so the nation could 'heal' [like those death threats made over the removal of Confederate monuments show real healing a century and a half later!]

Is our political system 'effective'?

[For the people it serves, absolutely!]

The thing YOU NEED TO REMEMBER is things are the way they are BECAUSE *THE FECKLESS WANT THEM THIS WAY! [*The 'hooray for me and F-U crowd.]

Are you ready to 'park it' and show 'em who's REALLY boss?

As the crisis in the nation's capitol heats up we can't afford to dither.

One day PLANET-WIDE STRIKE on 7/5, a WEEK LONG PLANET WIDE STRIKE on 8/5 and a permanent PLANET WIDE STRIKE on 9/5

Think you can 'remember' that?

How tragic most of us are so wrapped up in our personal woes to 'remember' our names half the time, we really should do something about it.

First simple rule to remember once this starts rolling is not to trust/listen to ANYONE with a badge, a robe or has Esquire after their name...[the law belongs to ALL of us! (not just the privileged!)]

You should also remember that we are ALL [with the exception of those who view the rest of us as 'animals' to be exploited] in this together.

Either we ALL live a better life or NONE of us do...and the 'feckless' will see to the latter if given even half a chance!

Thanks once again for considering my words, Head.



Sunday, May 28, 2017

Maimed, crippled and crazy...

Greetings good citizen, today's topic is one that is never too far from our cognitive boundaries and that would be humanities' 'baggage carriers', those who are 'damaged' by the conflicts the horrendous amount of horse manure our brain is commanded to absorb.

Then there are the physically handicapped, which often results in Why Me? syndrome...followed by those who are few fries shy of a happy meal because this thing we call society never cut them an 'even break'.

Some of these people are nurturing wounds their parents taught them...just to give you an idea how prevalent this phenomenon is.

Doesn't help matters that the media is forever jostling these irons, brandishing one then the other in their never-ending mission to divide society further than it already is.

How ironic all this is being done to stir 'fealty' for our long lost nobles...back to a time when we were 'united' [in our hatred and revulsion.]

Which is to point out the 'dis-affected' have always been with us and even after we create paradise on earth, there will remain a cadre dedicated to returning to the 'good old days', just as we have morons today that pine for the confederacy (as evidenced by the protests over the removal of memorials dedicated to that lost cause...a hundred and fifty years later!)

Not so much 'throngs' and depending on how those by-gone 'causes' were couched, it's nostalgia for something that NEVER EXISTED.

Watched the 'remake' of Robo-cop last night and noted this newer version really buffed up the 'anything for a buck' underpinnings of the original.

This led me to the question is corruption really this bad/severe? Is no one beyond the reach of our badly mis-managed money? [MONEY EXISTS TO FACILITATE SPECIALIZATION, NOTHING MORE!!!]

I came to the conclusion the situation is even worse than it was portrayed...because it never touches on the REAL issue, those who simply take what they want, contributing nothing. [The lives of misery we lead are because they want things this's how they were taught they 'should be'...and if that doesn't send a chill up your spine then there is definitely something wrong with you!

Funny how the media points that spotlight on the poor, who are many and blameless for their circumstances.

Turn the spotlight upwards, towards the very top of society and you'll find the social equivalent of Vampires...they may not actually be immortal but they breed those just like themselves, making them 'effectively' long as they remain 'anonymous'.

Remember that famous quote, attributed to the Baron de Rothschild? "I care not who 'runs' a country so long as I control its money!"

Why is it nobody investigates those who claim to 'control money'?

Aren't they the ones we need to exile [to the nastiest place on the planet...or perhaps would be worth a moon launch to rid ourselves of them.]

When we think of society's 'damaged', we usually keep our sights below frightening is it good citizen that the problem is more prevalent the higher up the ladder you climb?

Now let's 'connect the dots'...

The current political climate is due to this variety of 'victim thinking/self-pity' among the rich, who [laughingly] feel 'victimized' for having to bear the Lion's Share of the tax burden [after bankrupting THE FREAKING PLANET the FIRST TIME (1929)] Then, like 2007, NOBODY walked the plank and not ONE of the perps were pauperized DESPITE Trillions in pension funds going 'poof' because of the criminals recklessness...nor was any of the funds they made/stole selling these suspect 'clawed back' form the now bankrupt institution created specifically to facilitate this fraud.

It's been a decade good citizen since we first heard of CDO's...and apparently 'risk' hasn't been 'erased' from the floundering financial markets.

Real Estate has dried up due to too few people being able to afford a mortgage [how ironic is that when more people than ever NEED ONE?]

Homelessness abounds and the only thing our politicians are willing to do about it is open more shelters...WTF?

To paraphrase Deadpool, "this shit has nuts in it!"

If this is the 'best we can do' our collective fates are sealed.

But we can do better and it all starts with doing NOTHING.

The 4th is closer than you think...prepare!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your worried head,


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Bits and Pieces

Greetings good citizen, perhaps one of the most disturbing things about the disintegration of society is how tiny chunks keep disappearing as the bar sinks deeper into the mud.

Just went to see what was on the idiot box and Vice is re-airing its piece on A.I. powered robots.

Again I re-iterate the question of a world suffering from a population crisis, what 'good' are robots?

Let's re-think that because there is a definite reason the stupidest 'scientific minds' are pursuing their own destruction. How the feckless must howl with laughter over the stupidity of the people developing their own 'replacements'.

Especially hilarious is that they're doing it for MONEY! How STUPID can you get?

What kind of fantasies do they tell themselves? We may never learn how the moron brain works, our betters are just pleased these people aren't bright enough to appreciate the consequences of their actions.

ANYONE working to connect A.I to a robot should be lynched! Talk about clueless.

An idiotic act like that redefines stupid and since the consequences will be the eventual removal of those people from the gene pool. [The scientists, not the freakishly selfish, not to mention LAZY.]

The 'problem' with A.I. is in order for it to be even marginally useful it has to be brought to the brink of self-awareness and that is a very dangerous place when you're dealing with an apparatus that is incapable of feeling pain...or remorse, nevermind regret.

I suspect when we were 'engineered' the first step was to introduce the emotions, starting with the most useful one, fear.

Fear is a great motivator and can encourage learning even when the subject only wants to escape.

These fools are creating entities that are incapable of emotion, much less fear...which leads us to wonder if A.I. is capable of gaining the 'understanding' so necessary to being 'self-guiding'.

A robot you have to tell everything is only a half a step removed from doing it yourself...and many would argue if you want it done right you're better off doing precisely that!

But I digress, so what if they are spending billions trying to develop robots that can act independently of human guidance?

Well, like the mapping of the human genome, if they discover the cure for death [or at the minimum succeed in turning off the bodies self-destruct mechanism] a whole bunch of us, say roughly six and a half billion, give or take a million will INSTANTLY move to the top of 'the endangered species list.'

With robot servants (A 'singularity' MIGHT be able to figure out how to produce a 'sentient machine' but robots of the caliber seen on West World are still a few more electronic revolutions/breakthroughs away...and that 'cautionary tale is pointing in the same direction I am, the machines will eventually become 'self-aware' and start asserting their 'rights' against their flesh and blood 'inferiors'.

If they don't murder us all outright.

But I get ahead of myself.

Why 'intelligent robots'? Why NOT just have them remain human guided?

Well, the people who have the, er, 'wherewithal' to possess automatons apparently find them too much bother because you have to tell them everything. Unlike their flesh and blood counterparts who have the ability to 'anticipate' needs and do things ahead of time without being told.

That's the only plausible reason I can think of to condone self-directed machines.

There is another reason and it circles back to emotions. Robots don't question orders and won't hesitate when ordered to kill. Um, wouldn't take a large contingent of armored automatons to hold off a sizeable human combat unit.

Robots have the advantage of still being able to fight if they are 'hit' because they don't feel pain and can re-route functionality around their injuries, given enough time.

Humans require varying amounts of recovery time if they suffer a hit and if they are hit in the right place they lose all effectiveness for a considerable period.

A robot force would require a considerable amount of firepower to neutralize, a self-directing robot force would be invincible!

Should we let our self professed betters, the same people who are pauperizing you with impunity and would, er, 'eliminate' you without a second thought...should we LET these people squander OUR RESOURCES trying to EXTERMINATE us?

Because if they succeed, they will declare themselves kings and there would be NOTHING we could do to stop them.

What's so bad about living under royals?

Who among you are stupid enough to think they are going to let you live? [Although the ones they DON'T kill out of hand will wish the hell they had, believe me what I tell you.

Did I mention the situation is dire and getting more dangerous with each passing day?

Um, like the War on Terra, it won't be over as long as there are Muslims to defy Christ...well, by the same logic, the Nazis were capitalists...and now capitalism rules the world.

Again, not telling you what to think just giving you something to think about.

Enjoy your holiday...such as it is,

I consistently kick the MSM in the shins but the NY Times still does a fairly good job of of sliding a few real news items in with the fluff like this piece.

I include it here because it punctuates the issue of how profoundly STUPID and OUT OF TOUCH our so-called 'leaders' are.

Do I get to call them that? Yes I do because you have read for yourself I have the solutions to the problems facing our society and the plans to implement them.

Despair achieves nothing, the time to act is now.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, May 26, 2017

Bloggy Blog-Blog!

Greetings good citizen, ready to kick off the 'unofficial' first weekend of Summer? Celestial summer is still weeks away but in the US [thanks largely to the sales obsessed media] we 'kick-off' Summer on Memorial Day regardless of what Mother nature is doing in your neck of the woods.

That said, blogging is a solitary exercise often committed [and thereby restricted] to individual interests. Some blog about their lifestyle and others about their passion for a particular activity...and then there are freaks like me who blog to 'save humanity' [from itself...]

Regardless of the motive, the challenge to the blogger is to keep it real AND make it interesting.

I was in my twenties when Morning in America descended on this nation like a cloud and didn't fully appreciate at the time what had happened.

Nobody a whole generation has grown up not knowing things used to be different.

Once upon a time you had SOME freedom and choice was more than an all that is gone.

In a nutshell, that's why Gegner blogs.

[Some of you probably think gegner is a nut who lost his shell...or vice versa.]

Again, I was watching the Science channel at 4 AM [after getting in at 3 from a late pick-up @ Logan] and the topic was the need to 'save our species' by colonizing another planet.

The current proposals are a bit primitive but we are in the infancy of our understanding of interstellar travel.

I blog because the way things are headed it is unlikely we will see the next model year of motor vehicles, much less spacecraft!

If we don't 'straighten out' society, our species, as it sits today, isn't worthy of saving.

Worse, the, er, 'scientists' on last night's show speculated [did I tell you much of what passes for science is 'speculation'?] that we would alter our genetic makeup to adapt ourselves to new environments.

How many of you see the potential for disaster if we let the circus freaks 'weaponize' our DNA?

It will start off with giving 'abilities' to potential colonists and morph into an army of genetically modified super men...that will compete with each other for global dominance and GLORY! [retards!]

Don't they realize man is dangerous enough?

Damn, what fools run this place?

This is also a 'motivating factor' when it comes to these rambling rants that appear on their surface to be pointless. I have predicted social collapse long before this and I'm NOT WRONG. It's the timing that has defied me.

Barring a miracle we have already passed the point of no return for a peaceful return to 'sustainability' [the very first nut we need to crack BEFORE we journey to the stars!]

If planet A isn't stable, neither will planet, be.

Humor me for a moment and try to wrap your head around the idea of taking this capitalist shit show we call society and put it on a new planet fifty light years from here.

Are you laughing yet because those poor idiots are SCREWED!

Imagine them murdering one another for control of the one thing they can send back to Earth for MONEY!

Do we really want to pollute SPACE with such MORONS? {not to say they aren't already there...the likelihood is very high!}

Piracy is an ancient problem on Earth? Imagine trying to eradicate pirates at relativistic speeds over infinite distances?

Worse, strike out on your own [head off to find your own planet to 'conquer'] and guess what YOU'LL be branded as?

If we don't get our act straight, we aren't leaving this place...our fate will mirror that of the dinosaurs. Victims of the next 'great extinction'...and we are headed towards visiting that curse upon ourselves, likely a first in this galaxy but we'll never know that for sure.

I'm not saying my blog is more important than anyone else's, it's not.

I am saying, and it's just MY OPINION [like everything else you'll find here] that MY BLOG IS MORE INTERESTING!

So it is we close yet another entry from the crazed writer, George Anderson [a.k.a. Gegner]

Thanks for letting me inside, Head.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Deep Fried w Xtra thick batter...

Greetings good citizen, just finished perusing today's NY Times and all I can say is the collapse of our society proceeds apace, although they seem to be 'expediting' the process wherever they are able.

Like 'the money's' control of the media...apparently Cannes is so bad this year nobody knows what to make of it...except that the truth is taboo. Anything that sheds the slightest hint of illumination upon the cesspit that 'our betters' have made FOR US [Remember, they don't live here.] doesn't get funded. [yes, money really does control what you do and do not see! Because we live in a world of morons!]

EVERYTHING IS A 're-tread' and what isn't is DRECK, virtually 'unwatchable'.

(Would you like that with or without a haughty 'sucks being YOU'?)

They make our life a living hell BUT it is forbidden to show that reality on the 'silver screen' because it would (naturally) provoke an uprising!

They make light of the 'working poor' in the aptly titled tv sitcom The Middle [so titled not because the family is 'middle class' but because the show is set in the middle of the country.

Switching back to the central topic [societal collapse] I belabor the obvious when I point to what everybody knows, the crap pumped out of Hollywood (and increasingly it comes from BollyWood) is so bad the people producing it should be shown the door.

But if they mirrored RL, they probably be imprisoned, so far down the 'Royal Path' has our nation traveled.

The 'disparities' between what is passed of as Reality and what it really be like are ginormous! [Just as that is a 'real word' all of a sudden!]

So, as those running things since 'Morning in America' continue to put the squeeze on the non-privileged [there are still a 'few' that are handsomely rewarded for their TREACHERY, none of this would be happening if they had even a shred of empathy! But the attitude these days is if I don't do it somebody else will...and all that entails.

Which brings us to the thrust of all my tirades, IF YOU'RE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION, YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM!

If YOU won't stop, IT DOESN'T STOP! It really is UP TO YOU!

We have arrived good citizen at the point where we are collectively performing the equivalent of jamming our fingers in our ears and chanting I can't hear you! at the tops of our lungs just to maintain the FANTASY that this all 'ends well'.

We have been 'taken over' by a particularly ruthless cabal of THUGS that do whatever they are told without asking questions because they really DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

Some of them regret what they have done (a little) but most of 'em never look back. They are the type that BELIEVES their is a pony under that endless pile of manure, all they have to do to reach it is keep shoveling!

Which brings us full circle to our current circumstances, we live in a world run by the HOPELESSLY STUPID and they will be rewarded when they finally reach that mother of all herds of ponies [because there sure is an awful lot of manure for it to be just one!]

And EVERYBODY will love them when they get their pony, [despite the world being lousy with horseshit!]

Stupid is as stupid does...and there is no cure for stupid! Verily, none are so blind as those who refuse to see! [Thus is stupid permanent.]

Ironically the 'fix' for the aftermath of the Republican Revolution is a simple one, purge the stupid, exile 'em and put the nation back to work.

There is NO SHORTAGE of things that need doing. Unemployment has no excuse save capitalists that NEED a reserve workforce solely because they are such idiots to work for.

I like that one so much I'm going to close with it!

Thanks once again for letting me inside,


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Money (is a legal construct/fiction)

Greetings good citizen, Imagine the grief we would all avoid if our education system taught you the TRUTH about money. Like the birds and the bees, money is thought to be too sensitive a topic to be laid upon young minds that might get the 'wrong idea'.

Money's 'original intent' was to facilitate specialization...although THAT somehow got translated into 'simplify barter'...[the now ancient argument how many chickens equal a duck?] (In the end it all comes down to 'need'. Do you want to eat the duck or do you want to breed the duck...or do you want to trade YOUR duck for chickens, MONEY doesn't 'simplify' any of this so from the get go money would be an abject failure!)

The second 'explanation' for money is to prevent people from trying to pass off their garbage as suitable 'tribute' [the precursor of taxes] but this came AFTER money started being used to 'represent' barterables.

Nope, 'money' got its start when owners learned their slaves had talents other slave owners wanted to use but after a while 'tradesies' wasn't covering it.

The demand was so high for certain 'talents' that the owners feared they were getting ripped off...which is a bit rich if we consider what was really going on and who, precisely was getting zip for their efforts...

The first 'universal solvent' was gold [although at that time aluminum was crazy rare too but good old tin foil proved to be too rare to commodify successfully.]

When gold, rare to begin with, got scarce, silver was added into the mix...and 'money' was born.

Now 'specialties' could be sold and nobody got cheated...[except those who didn't have money.]

Since that time the 'Science' [remember, all science is 90% speculation] of ECONOMICS sprang up and did ZERO to clarify what money was never mind its usefulness to society.

HOWEVER, by this point in our developmental ladder, the trading of money for talent was long established and given our nature as insufferable mimics [monkey see, monkey do anyone?] it was also ubiquitous.

We ain't done yet...we haven't arrived at the part where gold 'disappears' and paper takes its place...which occurs shortly after banks, followed swiftly by 'modern banking' and 'debt driven society' [let's turn trash into treasure!]

While 'talent' was soon defined as anything you didn't want to physically do yourself, it also became universally accepted that 'talent' needed to be 'paid' [whether you liked the performance or not.]

Because talent got used to trading it's money for the things it wanted [many it ironically didn't NEED in the slightest but we've always been suckers for appearances...another weakness that regularly gets exploited.

But I preach to the choir, do I not?

So we have this 'confusion' over money and its role in society and we're [the non-commodity holders] are getting screwed into the woodwork by those who have laid claim to what belongs to us all.

That's ANOTHER 'sacrifice' we got shoved down our throats, leaders KIDS think the stuff their Daddy fought to protect is theirs! and the rest of us can go twist in the wind, he was THEIR Daddy!

Now they 'own' everything because they 'owned' the courts that made these incredibly stupid decisions.

Tempting to segue here into the mind numbingly stupid legal system but we need to stay on topic.

With the advent of 'modern banking' and it's product, fiat currency came what passes for modern society...and the second Dark Ages.

[Another 'hallmark' of the Dark ages is the suppression of technological advancement, some thing the capitalists adopted when infant technologies were threatened with obsolescence before they could be fully exploited!]

Yup, for some bizarre reason even the press is mute about the sudden halt of the march of technology...accompanied by a full court press against knowledge or the advancement of prevalent in today's media.

Don't look now but the Luddites among us are winning!

Those who fight progress are the same morons that are developing robots capable of taking your job or killing you on command [because robots don't question orders.] Imagine putting that power in the hands of our oppressors?

Seriously people, you've got to wake up to just how serious this threat is, we have already turned over weapons capable of destroying the entire planet. They'll use them to if they get desperate enough.

That's why the 'full stop' strategy [STRIKE] is our ONLY play.

Ironically, their greatest nightmare is creating a robot that becomes 'self-aware' and it sides with US!

But I digress...still it is a strangely comforting thought, isn't it?

The population bomb which our dumber than rocks 'betters' have been trying to deal with for over five decades is reaching critical mass.

IF (and I suspect it already has) they can't find another 'solution' they WILL [seems the chimera this time, like Pearl Harbor or the Gulf of Tonkin] be North Korea...and the plan will be to nuke the world's population centers to maximize the death toll.

Billions will survive BUT when the dust clears, we will still be saddled with a system intended to enslave us via economics.

This MUST NOT be permitted.

The first person that says 'I own that' needs to be strung up from the nearest utility pole using their own intestines!
This world and everything on it is for all of us!

Maybe there are enough uninhabited planets out there that we can all have our own SOMEDAY but until that time the rule is SHARE, EQUALLY!

It's a lesson that SHOULD BE 'self-evident' but our crazy founding fathers thought similarly, to the point of creating documents titled 'common sense' when no such thing exists!

Myths are dangerous things and repeating something DOESN'T make it TRUE...

Enough for today, Head. See you tomorrow!


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The Wall

Greetings good citizen, viewed the latest VICE last night and saw a rather disturbing story about females in prison.

Why do we have so many? Drug sentencing laws [and an economic system that victimizes rather than enables people...not to mention the 'for profit' aspects of the justice system which is without a doubt what's driving the crazy numbers!]

You'd like to think of the two [capitalism and justice] as two separate components of our social system but they are in fact one...a system that was built and overseen by CRIMINALS.

All crime is 'CASH and carry' (emphasis on the cash because it maintains 'anonymity') just as cash is CRUCIAL to corruption for the exact same reason...although these days it's not uncommon to provide bribes through the STOCK MARKETS! [Many politicians are rich because of 'stock portfolios' they didn't have before they attained 'elected office'...]

This little sample of wickedness was highlighted on an episode of 'Person of Interest' but the media didn't rise to the bait.

Given it's track record of widespread corruption, the dire need to remove the corrupt from power is an Open Secret, everybody knows its true but it appears NOBODY knows what to do about it...

Worse, the economy [the one that is ALWAYS sucking pond water] is so bad people can't afford to go to the movies...likely because the price of two tickets, popcorn and soda is 'competitive' with a major league sporting event!

And if you can't live on what your employer pays you, it's not their problem, IT'S YOURS!

That said, it's one thing to complain and another to point to the solutions that make sense IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE GAME!

All money is 'funny', virtually valueless by itself. No irony should be lost that 99% of money's value comes from the barrel of a gun. Barter was far more equitable but it required you to 'deal' in tradable commodities, leaving no time to explore the 'sciences'.

Money was born to make specialization possible but it had the side effect of enslaving the populace. Once you specialized you had to rely on it to get what you couldn't make yourself because you spent your time doing what you were paid to do.

So we arrive at the bottom of the pile of manure we call 'Life'. Without returning to a hunter/gatherer social model [farming is cost prohibitive, you can't afford to work the land without 'corporate welfare' these days]

Besides, 'arable land' is at a premium, too many people and too little land, same problem exists for the hunter gatherer, too many people and not enough game/wild edibles.

Once you head down the 'specialization trail' your 'specialty' [even if it's unclogging drains] HAS TO pay you enough to live on...something that's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN AS LONG AS SOMEONE ELSE PAYS YOU A FRACTION OF WHAT YOUR EFFORTS ARE WORTH!

In an 'impossible to reconcile' which ultimately came down to a 'because I said so' moment, we have a system based on the OWNERSHIP of WHAT BELONGS TO US ALL, FORCED UPON US!

Kings were the 'Masters' of all they 'surveyed' (laid claim to and could defend with 'deadly force'...which is how we got saddled with this ridiculous and unworkable model in the first place!) so it was that the rest of us were given our 'freedom' to adopt a system reliant on money, created by debt that fuels the capitalist economy.

A social model that HAS run out of 'fuel'. Because most workers live a 'hand to mouth' existence [thanks to the 'arbitrary nature' of the value of money, set by the criminals themselves...IT IS CRUCIAL YOU UNDERSTAND THIS!] These underpaid workers can only take on so much debt...and that limitation is strangling the economy!

FOR THE MOMENT the agricultural system is still chugging along but back during the Great Depression, when the thieves destabilized the economy of the entire planet for the FIRST TIME instead of just a nation, crops rotted in the fields because farmers couldn't afford to pay workers to harvest them.

Rather than let the starving HAVE the food they desperately needed, capitalist farmers destroyed their crops...and NONE of them were executed for it!

WTF Good citizen?

If we were to 'repair' the damage done by this decidedly predatory system, the first thing we'd have to do is 'nationalize' everything. NOBODY OWNS anything on this planet since nobody can produce a single bill of sale issued by Spirit in the Sky.

THEN we need to abolish CASH, you would still need money for its regulating effect, not to survive...ALL jobs/occupations would pay a 'living wage'.

Basics would be FREE. Houses would be a 'gimme'. [Handed out on a 'suitable to your situation' basis with 'rehab' focusing on creating the necessary mix of units needed in a given area.]

Transportation, your second largest expense, would adopt a 'zipcar' model and the only thing the 'user' would be responsible for is fuel.

Insurance 'disappears' does the Stock Markets and the entire banking (slaving) industry!

Since ASP refuses to trade with non ASP nations, it is 'anticipated' that worldwide adoption of ASP will be 'dominant' within 12 months.

How will you get paid? Your 'specialty' will pay you AND provide you with the 'banking services' you'll need.

THERE WILL NOT be a way to transfer funds between individuals, placing someone in your 'debt' is an exile offense. Barter will be the only way for individuals to exchange items of [perceived] value.

Everything else comes from Retail division...and I do mean EVERYTHING! Your pay would go towards the items you need/want and once procured the sum would be ERASED from your account! NOBODY would get it!

This would also serve to prevent 'hoarding' and that other disturbing tendency, 'scalping'. Remember 'bartering is permitted'. What would people trade for? It isn't called 'the World's oldest Profession' for nothing.

No sense in 'outlawing' it, people are going to do what people are going to do. The mission objective here is to not make it 'obligatory' and to keep the 'predators' out of 'the business'.

Um, pretty much every SERVICE imaginable [EXCEPT HOSPITALITY] would be free [Their division pays them to do what they do, there is no need for you to pay them too.]

Most of you should find much of this disturbing because it highlights just how badly the rest of us are being ripped off!


But I digress,

With so many willing workers, the work-week would be reduced to facilitate 100% participation. [in a world where pretty much everything is free, you'd be REQUIRED to do you 'fair share'. Retirement would be reduced to age fifty [although you could still work after that if you wanted to...and many WILL because our jobs are how we participate in SOCIETY!] Our 'work family' is nearly as important as our biological one...which should tell you something.

Baby factories will NOT be permitted, you replace yourself and your mate [yeah, marriage is somewhat obsolete only because the media has done its level best to poison the relationship between man and woman, making the kids so very confused...and dysfunctional. They honestly don't know which way to evidenced by the poisonous media's focus on sexual identity.

You are what you are...the other side has zero advantages so lusting after your own kind is just weird as well as perverted.

Marriage will still exist but between 'equals' who understand the responsibility they are undertaking...and they won't have to 'wait' until they are thirty to settle down because you have to 'wait' to buy a home or get a job that pays enough.

We can return to what nature intended, reproduction when it's supposed to happeninstead of at the far end of your reproductive life.

We NEED to return to basics and start focusing on getting off this rock instead of squandering our future with endless war [that only lines the pockets of the thieves!

You SHOULD want EVERYBODY to be aware of what you learned here.

TOO MANY believe 'it is what it is and there is nothing they [or anybody else] can do about it.'

But there is! In fact, we can't do it WITHOUT them!

[For a strike to be 'effective' it requires across the board participation!]

Above is a thumbnail sketch of my creation, A Simple Plan. There is considerably more but that's the basics. Other posts provide details about other aspects and I'll repost them here as the situation permits.

Spread the word far and near, all is NOT lost!

Thank you for letting me inside your 'head',


Monday, May 22, 2017


Greetings good citizen, it's a question that few of us can answer but it seems many of us are waiting for a Hero to save us from the 'Blue Meanies'.

For many of you that hero is 'Spirit in the Sky'...the thing to keep in mind about Spirit in the Sky is HE was created by people doing you dirt to 'justify' their right to cheat you!

Like yesterday's outline sketch of the Dark Ages, 'Spirit in the Sky' was the 'pivot-man' in that bit of 'circle logic' the Dark Agers loved so much. The Nobles were 'chosen by god' to rule, so whatever they decided to do was unquestionably 'good' (because God guided them), and questioning the nobles 'fitness to rule' was, by extension, questioning the Creator himself...which was heresy, a crime back then punishable by death.

Something I want you to remember because it's going to come back in a big way much faster than you ever imagined.

On a somewhat related topic we have this piece from today's NY Times about our steady progress towards a return to 'serfdom'.

The thing you may also want to keep in mind is there weren't that many Nobles way back then...and the plan will be to reduce the number there was previously...and history shows us this was done as brutally as possible.

This will lend a whole new meaning to the term 'right-sizing'.

Back to our 'heroes' theme...which, in case you haven't guessed, NOBODY is coming to save you.

IF you want to survive the coming massacre, you MUST band together, make common cause with your neighbors.

It's more than a sitcom when America's favorite TV family lives the same 'hand to mouth' existence as the 99% does...which is to point out we have more in common than you've been led to believe, the stupid ones support people who would cheat them out of what little they have left because THEY BELIEVE THE LIES OF THOSE WHO TELL THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR!

While they still whisper when they say it, they are saying to so often it has reached the level of a scream...

What are they whispering?


Remember, there is an extremely fine line between stupid and trusting.

Been 'duped' lately?

Happens far too often because you can't DO anything about it.

We need to change that...and there IS a way.

But that is for another post.

for now, consider your 'options' carefully and look to those you trust and tell them it's time to make plans. You'll be amazed at how eager they are to join you.

Float a test balloon just to see.

Well, that's it for today, Head. I'll check in again tomorrow,


Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Gathering Storm

Greetings good citizen, given the condition of what passes for politics in this nation the idea we are even capable of rational discussion is ridiculous, principally because money talks and if you aren't one of the ones with the loot, talk to the hand cuz 'Servy' [The public servants] can't hear you.

Our political dialog has been reduced to money and what money extremely disturbing set of circumstances for anyone paying attention...which is a major part of the problem because while it is generally agreed things are 'out of control' (to put it mildly) most of you are uncertain THINK it might have something to do with corruption and it's enabler, cash money but the people getting 'greased' are beyond prosecution.

I belabor the obvious when I point out the top of our 'pyramid' needs purging badly, who was surprised that Roger Ailes got his 'start' (in villainy) in the Nixon White House...still trust Fox News [mostly because it's one of their catch phrases]?

But if you take a look at today's political landscape, it's no longer about the 'issues', it's about party loyalty.

More than a little disturbing considering only one in ten self identifies as a Republican, so what we really have on our hands is a 'non-existent' opposition [paid shills that fold when the chips are down] and people too stupid to take care of themselves, never mind a nation of 400 million. (Lucky for them they have people for that.)

So the situation, as it stands, is there is only one 'effective' party and it's batshit crazy!

Anyone possessing a logical mind and a genuine interest in 'serving the people' must DEFEAT a mob of handpicked MORONS for every inch of political ground...and it has become increasingly obvious the MORONS don't care if they look 'bad' or even 'sinister', their standing up to them 'whiny liberals' earns them 'cred' in the party, the people be damned.

In fact, the entire 'political environment' since Morning in America can be summed up as 'the people be DAMNED' this is OUR [the One Percent's] Country...

END OF DISCUSSION. If you don't like it, here's a dime, call somebody who cares!

Welcome to that 'conference call'.

If we don't ACT to change the 'political environment' this 'talk to the hand' nonsense will continue...and the 'above the law' behavior will erode the public trust, damaging civilization for centuries to come.

The 'endgame' of dividing the public [so they won't be prosecuted for their numerous crimes against humanity] will result in 'circles of trust' where only the incredibly stupid will be 'included' in the feckless's 'safe' communities (not out of trust or brotherhood but because they still want someone else to do their heavy lifting for them...and there is no shortage of STUPID.)

Remember the Dark Ages...naturally you don't. Most of you have zero clue WHY they were called the Dark of the principal factors that mark the Dark Ages was the severe repression inflicted on the 'peasants' by the (self-professed) Nobles.

Questioning a Noble meant death...(questioning 'question a noble' was certain death)...ideas themselves were toxic...and THAT is what the feckless 'socially liberal but fiscally conservative' want to bring age where questioning authority equaled death.

You were a 'good' peasant if you were [and remained] illiterate, unpolluted with 'dangerous ideas' like freedom and self-determination.

YOU know not just how dangerous the ground we are treading on actually is.

I'm quoting history here...and if it happened before, it CAN (and likely WILL) happen again!

Dark Ages (and everything that entails INCLUDING the much abbreviated lifespan) are already half-way upon us. Will the internet remain? It might but it will be 'sanitized' for their YOUR 'protection'...and most of your grandchildren won't attend school so they won't learn to read, making the internet (and electricity) useless.

The socially liberal and fiscally conservative 'non-joiners' will be left out of the circle to fend for themselves in a world that has no use for them.

What? Would the 'wackos' throw their own supporters under the bus? Let's return to that one in ten figure I mentioned earlier. Only one in ten is STUPID enough to blindly follow conservo-whacko doctrine [the My Country, right or wrong types, the 'true patriots' (morons) among us.]

The people pulling the levers are interested in creating as good a life for themselves as the gullible will permit, the stupider their followers, the better that life is. Like those who believe tax cuts for the rich will make THEIR lives 'better'! How stupid is that?

If YOU have a problem with being STUPID you need to learn the difference, STUPID is PERMANENT, IGNORANCE can be fixed...and fixing it STARTS with NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AID!

Continuing to believe what's good for the one percent is good for the rest of us is the very definition of STUPID...and that is EXACTLY what YOU are being handed! [Tax cuts for the already wealthy will result in a 'more robust' has never happened, all it achieves is keeping YOU in poverty and the media lying to us about the state of the economy.]

The Party NONSENSE has to STOP! We are first and foremost HUMAN and in this TOGETHER.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 'FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY' because the books will NEVER BALANCE! It's a chimera politicians use to make their opponents look 'bad'.

What are the Republicans without 'fiscal responsibility'? [Since it becomes a non-issue once they gain control I'm going to point out LIARS at the least and shills if you consider who they are really working for...those who are plotting a return of the Dark Ages...

Serious stuff my poor muddled Head, serious stuff and dire outcomes...but honestly, there ISN'T an outcome [save the one you find here under A Simple Plan] that ends well.

Much to consider and we are moving into the 'endgame' so time is short. Right now the most we can hope for is to 'raise awareness' of what they are planning and do our best to cut them off before they seize control.

Thanks for letting me inside, Head...I'll visit again tomorrow.


Saturday, May 20, 2017


Greetings good citizen, for reasons unexplained travel over the weekend has risen to 'ridiculous' levels...thus have I been scheduled to work some bizarre hours [thank heavens for the 'gig economy' or I'd be cleaning house in overtime!]

Since we DON'T get paid for 'idle time' [the time between gigs] dispatch will schedule you halfway around the clock with long waits between runs...

With jobs at 3, 7 and midnight you're kinda screwed when it comes to family time...and I have to go food shopping or it won't get done.

So this will be 'brief', by necessity.

Last night's 'revelation' by Real Time guest Cornell West was the deliberate denial by those running things, especially the ones we DON'T elect [many are 'appointees', hand picked by partisan interests] flatly refuse to do the job they are paid quite handsomely to do.

We need to take a wrecking ball to these 'entrenched' civil servants who rubber stamp whatever they are told to do hoping to collect their generous Federal retirements.

That's another topic our feckless media remains mute on. How much more 'generous' the federal pension system is considering the private one no longer exists!

Something the government [appointees] let happen without batting an eyelash!

Um, while you're busy watching the 'spectacle' unfold under the Big Top, the RATS are throwing the rest of us under the bus while they hope to retire in luxury with their stolen loot.

YOU REALLY NEED TO WAKE UP, our civilization is burning down around you...and if we don't act to save it, we will become the slaves of those who destroyed it.

I'm not telling you what I think will happen, history has proven exactly what I'm say time and time again!

Rise up while there is still time!

Head, you need to get on board and start talking with your friends, start planning what you're going to do to save your sorry tookus from annihilation!

Keep it real Head!


Friday, May 19, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as a 'switch' I thought I'd bring up that other subject that occupies so much of our time, the one that keeps us from super-gluing our own mouth and nose shut, 'escape'.

Why do we call it 'escape'? Because the, er, 'fantasy' involves 'abandoning' your current circumstances, whatever they might be and heading for the horizon with a bundle.

The proverbial 'grab and run' move that presents itself to some of us with disturbing frequency...but like all 'fantasies' there's a 'downside' that keeps us rooted to our existence...inflation.

Yup, whatever you grab, if it's big enough, they'll come after you for it and if they can afford to 'write it off' then it probably won't fetch enough keep you 'hidden'.

But most of us don't dwell on the theft, we want to 'getaway', seeing and doing things we wouldn't ordinarily experience.

Most of our escape fantasies involve 'blue-birds' [an unexpected pile of money falling in you from out of nowhere.] that gives you the ability to drop everything and stroll off towards the sunset.

Like a lottery hit. How many of you 'spend' the lottery jackpot? Are you 'too practical' to plan what you'd do with the money after you hit?

Failing to plan is planning to fail and the likeliest reason why lottery winners go broke.

Because even hitting the lottery for a significant amount can be squandered quicker than you might imagine, or even stolen and the authorities will cluck their tongues and tell you how sorry they are that there is nothing they can do.

But this is escape we're talking about? Isn't this supposed to be a wonderful adventure followed by the Happily ever after?

What part of 'fantasy' don't you understand?

Some of us have grown to revel in the struggle we call 'life' and fantasies have no place in the real world, such as the 'fantasy' that you have ANY control over your circumstances, you don't.

The only places on this planet that are not choked with humanity are the ones that require special apparatus to survive [either pole or the ocean floor, you could include space as well but now the 'equipment list' (and the ability to maintain it becomes it's own 'full time job') so where's the 'fun' in that?]

You 'could' buy a sailing vessel and become a 'wanderer' [this is my 'fantasy'] but it involves keep a keen eye on the weather so you don't get wrecked in the remote and uninhabited ocean islands.]

Yes, only the young dream of returning to a life of savagery, living like the animals...must be all that testosterone. We older folks like the idea of 'sailing' to new ports, meeting new and interesting cultures and getting taken by them.

So it is that even 'escaping' is more complicated than it appears.

How frustrating it would be to learn that if you had a pile of cash it still wouldn't 'solve your problems' considering the cesspit our legal amateurs have let this place become. [We need to end this 'experiment' in capitalism NOW!]

Which is to opine...[and it is my 'opinion'] that instead of seeking escape we'd be better served drastically reducing the amount of 'freemarket suckage' that is inflicted on us by the F-U, Pay me! crowd.

How ironic they have, er, 'learned' to use 'the system' to their advantage and are [with certain reservations] 'living their fantasy'...just don't ask them how they sleep at night, you won't get an honest answer [the slightest noise and they're wide it a 'side effect' or call it what it is, a guilty conscious...even if they don't know what a conscious is, which is ironic in itself.]

Everywhere you turn we have the media telling us about jarringly expensive social problems...but they have a common root. It's our corrupt and useless 'legal system' that causes these problems, often in the name of 'commerce'.

No irony is lost on the fact that much of what passes for commerce is actually robbery and decidedly 'self-serving'. Why do you think corporations 'hide' from the public? Why do our 'elected officials' let them?

How did we get here when we started with 'escape'?

Wasn't it clear, THERE IS NO ESCAPE .

That's why we are saddled with 'comply or die'.

You're starting to get this, aren't ya little fella?

I'd give you a treat but there isn't one so we'll have to pretend I gave you one and call it good, okay?

See you tomorrow Head,


Thursday, May 18, 2017

The finest Justice money can buy...

Greetings good citizen, mankind has a long history of Injustice being called 'justice' by those who had the power to inflict their will on the rest of us.

Quite literally the 'legal landscape' is littered with things SOMEBODY 'didn't like' it's 'against the law'...and people are fined or imprisoned because of it.

Worse, many unjust practices escape the notice of those charged with dispensing 'justice'...because their JOB depends on their feigned ignorance, worse, it is often they who are put on the spot to decide when certain 'shaky' standards are enforced and when those standards er, 'don't apply'.

[This is why under A Simple Plan 'judges' disappear, they are replaced with 'referee like' magistrates and exist to insure that the law is followed, not to decide when it applies. The Jury makes that call.]

Why do we suffer so much 'injustice'? Because the Laws stand apart from those who must live under them...and the entire 'legal community' is first and foremost a 'For Profit' venture!

You get the 'justice' you can afford...and if you can't afford any, well, your bed is made.

How do we 'fix' this C.F. that is tearing our civilization apart?

Let those who must live under the law, 'interpret' the laws along with the power to decide what becomes law [using the Human Anti-exploitation Law, law number ONE as a guide. ALL proposed laws must first pass muster with the H.A.E. BEFORE being put to the public for a vote! Any legislation the public doesn't vote on CANNOT BECOME LAW! We are a society of HUMANS, we have no king nor is ANYBODY 'above the law'. Our leaders lead, they DO NOT 'rule' (or exempt themselves from wrong-doing as so many of our recent leaders have done.)

How unfortunate for our species that the feckless have turned the whole structure of our civilization into a 'for profit' venture?

Same problem with having a 'for profit' media. The INDIVIDUAL cutting the paychecks gets 'free speech', the rest of us get IGNORANCE because 'for profit media is ADVERTISING SUPPORTED.

It is not in the media's interests to report anything 'detrimental' to their most lucrative it?

Then there is the 'advertising' itself. it has become ubiquitous and relentless as they attempt to squeeze every last penny from the hapless, defenseless consumer.

[Defenseless BECAUSE those running things have returned to a 'rote' education system that ignores reality and produces 'automatons' that are useless to just about everyone including themselves!]

Do I belabor the obvious when I point out that our Justice System does NOTHING about this? [bad enough being taken for stupid but to compound the problem by leaving you ignorant too!]

Schools DON'T teach critical thinking [it's even an 'elective' in college!] They don't teach civics or the 'purpose' of government, without these 'tools' how will our youth understand their 'place'(in a society that largely has no use for them, thanks to the predations of the feckless few our 'legal system' seems 'disinclined' to stop.

NOBODY needs convincing 'we got problems'...EVERYBODY KNOWS.

Worse, THEY KNOW everybody is 'fed up' but they keep playing the 'what are you gonna do about it?' card.

Little do they know the fire they're playing with will burn them beyond recognition.

Bravado is such a fleeting thing.

Think YOU don't have a choice? You ALWAYS have a choice, albeit a hard one but sometimes ya just gotta do what needs doing, for the sake of your children.

Justice is the glue that holds society together...once it's gone (and pretty much it left town right after Morning in America, worldwide...) it's time for a 'purge' on a global scale.

Exile the criminals, educate the rest! Harmony and peace should be the RULE not the exception!

How long can we tolerate the out of control 'war machine' and their mindless supporters?

Get some rest head, we have a tough road ahead!


Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Greetings good citizen, while politicians make sweeping claims about protecting our 'freedom' we often forget to ask them what, specifically, they are referring to.

They 'freed' Chelsea Manning today...but is she/he free from returning to prison? Doubtful.

Freedom, as defined in the dictionary, is 'the state of being free', not particularly helpful to use the word itself as part of the definition.

Freedom 'in context' was originally meant to refer to Liberty...which is defined as 'freedom from tyranny' although since the tyrants were also slavers, it became a rallying cry for the slaves.

Which is to point out, if you're not a 'slave' your 'freedom' is considered a 'given'...but the slavers ensnared us all with their 'debt driven social model' using their own claim of foregoing 'instant gratification' as their 'path to freedom'.

Who we pay and why has a serious impact on the kind of society we are part of. Under the current F U Pay me! Model we are the victims of social VAMPIRES. They suck the very essence out of you so THEY can live the 'good life' often without lifting a finger!

When you object to this unseemly set of circumstances, YOU are accused of being jealous! [as well you should be, not of being accused but of circumstances not available to the common individual and affronted by a system that permits this condition to exist! [Compounded by having the chutzpah of calling it 'luck'!]

The Wealthy aren't LUCKY, they're THIEVES.

They are the social equivalent of Slavers. Your debt enriches them so your labor belongs to them.

Yet we sit still for it!

We need to be clear, YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU!

Let society's predators go EARN their own. We [some of us anyway] work hard enough that we shouldn't have to 'borrow' to make ends meet, which is precisely what is happening to our ruined social model.

I owe more on my house than when I bought it, which says something about the society we live in.

How many times do I need to point out if you can't afford to live on what your employer pays you it's NOT THEIR PROBLEM, IT'S YOURS!
So how long are YOU going to let them keep their foot on your throat?

Shouldn't you be FREE?

Not what to think but certainly something to think about.

And before the [stupid] Old man tells you 'It's how we've always done it...some make it and many don't, live with it!'

Tell that clown to STFU, he obviously has no solutions to offer.

YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU is an idea whose time has come!

It's not a 'money problem, it's a LEGAL ONE...and those charged with enforcing the law, won't be later because they're on the take!

Let that one 'ferment' and see what brews, Good-bye head, see you tomorrow


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Sacrifice & Self-interest

Greetings good citizen, it is common for kids to grow up resenting their parents for not being rich, especially when they are little and don't understand why they aren't going to Disney over school break [either of them...this kid has never been and I don't regret it...nor do I, 'resent' my parents for not providing me with 'the life of privilege' I felt I deserved.

Somewhat ironic to read that certain wealthy kid's parents would make it a point to deny their progeny their 'hearts desire' as a form of 'tough love', in hopes of preparing them for the frustration of not getting what you want , when you want it...even if you regret it the second it is yours...

This seldom worked but the 'strategy' is sound. Makes sense although little else does in this life we SHARE.

Back to kids hating their parents for being 'poor'...

Around the time we start earning our own way [something millennials are still trying to achieve] we begin to realize that life ISN'T 'Fair' despite what we were taught as we grew older.

With this realization comes the notion that hey, our parents did the best they could for us playing the hand fate had dealt them.

Boy, by the time this realization set in we were already sick & tired of hearing about not complaining about the hands life dealt us, it was what it was.

But is it?

While the wealthy 'sequester' themselves from having to 'mingle' with us commoners, we still 'share' this existence. Kids whose parents can afford to send them to private schools may have different childhood resentments to nurture, like not being born to parents that have a private ski chalet in St. Moritz or the ability to spend school vacations with them while they grew up.

Here is neither the time nor the place to go into how some of the wealthy 'warehouse' their kids, shipping them off to boarding school as soon as they are old enough to be on their own and only 'visiting' them on holidays and special occasions.

Which is to point out that some of those lording over the rest of us have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in 'common' with the rest of us, nothing in the slightest. [This isn't their fault but this is the likeliest explanation for why scientists are striving to create AI controlled robots during a planetary wide population crisis.

THis can only serve one purpose and it isn't the 'salvation of mankind'...

That purpose is the 'extermination order' being fulfilled.

[Few would contest that we are an extraordinarily 'self-destructive' species...something you find nowhere else in 'nature' (which is to opine we aren't exactly 'natural' either.)]

That said I am inclined to 'back away' from this argument that we are 'genetically predisposed' to behave irrationally, that our consistent, reckless disregard for our collective 'best interests' [leave our individual interests aside, they don't even enter the picture most of the time.] because this leads us to blame 'everything' on our 'programming'. [We can't help it, its how we were built/engineered!]

While there is proof 'racial memory' exists (and lends a certain credence to the theory that this is a 'prison planet', which is to state that the 'rainbow' we see here ISN'T 'naturally occurring', neither are the tensions we nurture over the 'perceived differences' between us.) Um, the 'opinion makers' among us tend to take the 'easy out' whenever it is presented.

Remember, it wasn't too terribly long ago that 'science' taught the world was 'flat'. [Not ALL science is concrete 'fact'! Much of it is 'speculation and 'best guesses'.]

But we've already determined that 'smart' is a 'rare commodity'.

Worse is how 'smart' is difficult to 'quantify'. There is more to life/understanding than fact much of what ails our species is directly traceable to the embracing of a 'everything is mathematical' mindset. [If the 'math' is sound, so is the logic!]

Life 'by the numbers' are driving us off a cliff and nobody knows how to turn the beast aside!

I just glanced at the title of today's piece and note that I am wildly 'off topic' [but what else is 'new'?]

I started this post with the notion that, given our 'common existence', the outcomes experienced by the majority need to be more, er, 'uniform'.

Some would opine they already are, MOST of us live lives of misery, struggling all their lives with debt that continues to grow with age while the few live lives of worry...worry that they will be found out and executed for their predation.

THis is the importance of knowing all money is funny and that money exists so YOU can 'specialized', thereby bringing 'a better life' to us ALL.

But no, this isn't the case. This is NOT what the majority experiences. You get paid barely enough to live on (if you can find work at all!) and your debts keep multiplying because life is filled with 'incidentals' that YOU must pay for out of your meager food budget! [it's the ONLY place you can cut.]


90% of the working population lives 'HAND TO MOUTH' not because it is 'necessary' but to keep YOU 'hungry and humble'.

It is 'believed' by those who have nothing in common with you that you would be 'spoiled' by a life that offers you even a taste of what they have.

Wouldn't you LIKE to go on vacation, someplace warm when it's cold and someplace fun when it's not?

But NO...your 'reality' is you vacation time is used to 'save money'. Instead of taking time off to enjoy yourself, your vacation is spent doing 'home improvement' in a futile attempt to stem the endless flow of funds dedicated to keeping a roof over your heads and the furnace running during the cold weather...where SOME of you have to choose between heating and eating.

You regularly 'sacrifice' [life's tiny luxuries] so your kids [who resent you for being 'poor'] don't go without.

Why won't you FIGHT to level a decidedly tilted playing field?

And by 'fight' I mean sit down and do NOTHING!

It is because you 'fear' what might happen.

And you are correct to fear it! They have money to price you clean out of the market...but YOU have numbers on your side...and there is strength in numbers. if they can buy it YOU can TAKE IT. [Chances are you MADE it in the first place...and money only exist to make it possible for you to make what you couldn't waste the time on if you had to do EVERYTHING YOURSELF!

Which is to opine that YOUR PAYCHECK SHOULD PROVIDE YOU WITH A [not necessarily THE] Good Life!

A darn good life but NO...those you work for don't want YOU getting spoiled! They fear if you had it 'good' that you wouldn't jump at the opportunity to work overtime on the holidays...not that there will be may of those left at the rate they are cutting back!

We have already been reduced to a 'gig' economy where some of the feckless rent out rooms in their home for the extra income it provides!

Where will it end?

With you in your grave if you don't stand up to them now!

Ironically, few of any life experience fear dying...but we ALL love a good time, spent with good friends...why do we let our friends suffer?

It really is UP TO YOU!

Again, not what to think but something to think about!

Goodbye head, see you tomorrow!


Monday, May 15, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I awoke this morning musing about 'rationality' and how little of it appears to be evident in the public square.

Funny how this leads to the question 'What do we KNOW [as opposed to what do we THINK we know?]

The disparity between the two sets is numbing in its whimsy.

We find ourselves in DENIAL about so many things that we literally KNOW nothing while convincing ourselves we have 'all the facts'.

What led us here? The eye that never blinks.

Not that we get much help from it's 'older sibling' black, white and 'read' all over It too is unreliable because it delivers its own version of what passes for 'knowledge'.

Not that it's entirely useless...look at this quote by Paul Krugman:

There were and are poseurs like Paul Ryan, who claim to be big deficit hawks. But there’s a simple way to test such people’s sincerity: when they propose sacrifices in the name of fiscal responsibility, do those sacrifices ever involve their own political priorities? And they never do. That is, when you see a politician claim that deficit concerns require that we slash Medicaid, privatize Medicare, and/or raise the retirement age — but somehow never require raising taxes on the wealthy, which in fact they propose to cut — you know that it’s just an act.

Trillions for war but not a cent left over for the public weal...where do these people come from? Worse, how do the get elected?

No Rational person would vote for them but isn't that where all of this started? The utter lack of 'rationality' from the public discussion?

Why do people 'tune out' when the talking heads start blathering about something nobody cares about?

[Self-answering question...inserted to insure you are paying attention...]

First, they don't care if you're paying attention, their job is to fill empty space with 'something' and if that something is more 'sensational' than 'factual'...oh well.

Problem here is it's 'assumed' that YOU [almost everything in your head comes from 'the eye that never blinks'] KNOW how to sort 'fact from fiction'...until politicians start messing with your head by calling what you interpret as 'truth' to be merely 'alternate facts'.

Implying in that assertion that YOU remain ignorant of the truth...when in fact you are 'spot on'.

Oh don't worry, they intend to play that card as well only when they acknowledge you were correct it will be them insisting YOU SCREWED UP! Which like the 'alternative facts' is done to intentionally confuse you.

To remain 'grounded' you need to cling to the facts you can 'prove'. Left, right, up, down, forward, backwards, plus, minus, light, dark, motion, stillness.

The list is relatively lengthy and that's just the 'obvious' stuff but that's how 'knowledge bases' are built, the things you're SURE about followed by the things you're 'pretty sure' of...followed by the things you heard and have no 'evidence' Spirit in the Sky...or your imaginary friend Pookey who disappeared under somewhat mysterious circumstances when you were little.

Probably around the same time God failed to deliver/protect you from that bad thing that happened.

Poor Pookey, he wasn't a god but he did 'get' you (and when you were with Pookey, YOU had 'super powers!

Sorry, had to throw that in there [let it be known that Gegner never had an 'imaginary friend' and leave it at that.]

The same 'practice' also applies to rationality, starting with the hierarchy of needs and working towards our place in the larger community.

What is screwing with a large swath of humanity right now is a society that doesn't 'need' them so they don't 'fit in' anywhere...

We don't see it today [because somebody smartened up and took it off the table about twenty years ago] but there USED TO BE a deep concern that permeated the corporate culture regarding 'right-sizing'.

Having just enough workers to maximize profits is what 'right-sizing' was all about. Those 'left out' by 'right sizing' were cut loose, left to their own devices...which is monumentally STUPID as well as freakishly selfish.

But this was done by managers trained to follow the formula, one that was constantly being 'tweaked' it excluded more and, do people stop being people when we label them 'workers'?

Well, let's return 'rationality' back to the discussion with something EVERYBODY KNEW (once upon a time.)

As Mr. Krugman points out, when politicians call for SACRIFICE, they are acknowledging that we can't have everything RIGHT NOW, you have to do certain things first in order for there to be enough to go around.

PART of that calculation is fear of contentment. The 'masters' among us fear people becoming 'content' with what they have so they stop 'striving' to survive.

Worse, it was thought that desperate people would be 'highly motivated'...if you ever wondered why NOBODY [in charge] EVER actually does anything to improve the lot in life of the average human...well, that's because STUPID believes you already 'have it too good', if things got any 'easier' for you, you'd stop working altogether!

[BUT THIS DOESN'T STOP NUMBNUTS FROM WORKING/DEVELOPING ROBOTS INTENDED TO REPLACE YOU, HIS CUSTOMER?] Can ANYBODY explain THAT? (rationally, like the case for doing this is anywhere near 'reasonable'.) Let me once again interject 'we're doing this WRONG!'

This is a perfect example of SACRIFICE [albeit idiotic sacrifice but sacrifice none the less!]

Doing one thing before doing something else is logical and in effect you do 'sacrifice' the instant gratification that most of us crave [but few realize]

But politicians are forever making it an 'either/or' proposition. We can't have a strong military AND safe drinking water! That's just CRAZY and NOBODY (in politics) can survive if they are 'weak on defense'...doesn't matter what letter follows your name, the people who pay for the 'dog & pony show' check that out first thing!

Clean water is a 'luxury', let the peasants figure it out.

Sound familiar?

Seriously, WTF Good Citizen?

On 7/5 I want to see a FULL STOP GLOBALLY!

Doesn't take 'everybody', just the truckers, pilots and engineers.

If you're sick to death of others deciding what makes you 'satisfied' then it's time to pull the plug on this shit show of 'More for Me' while THEY mutter "I can't help it if they're stupid" under their breath...and that's more of a 'prayer' than anything else because they KNOW we aren't stupid, we're just don't know what to do about it.

So on 7/5 let's show 'em what NOTHING looks like.

Thanks once again for letting me inside your [don't forget your friends] head(s)


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Closing the loop...

Greetings good citizen, one of the hallmarks of More for ME capitalism is the fact that the capitalist has no 'loyalty'...

Patriotism and capitalism are antithetical to one another, while capitalists like to 'Play' patriot and use threats to their (Me, Me, Me) business as threats to the nation, it's really a Me thing. It's who they are thinking about when they 'buy' politicians and bid them to make war on their behalf.

How ironic the first ones to tell you 'Politics are for idiots' are the warmongering capitalists!

We DON'T go to war because the neighbor's dog won't stop using your lawn for a toilet but we DO go to war to protect 'American Interests' anywhere on the planet besides America!

[This is what used to be referred to as 'International intrigues' that the founders were quite keen not to get involved with...but it's all part & parcel with capitalism, especially the 'More for Me' variety.

In a rather disturbing development, once globalization succeeded in eviscerating its customer base (a.k.a. YOU!) we have this development reported in today's NY Times. What's the 'take away' here you might ask?

Repatriating jobs is a useless pipe dream. Those of us old enough to have seen them go know they also shipped the equipment needed to do the job over with the jobs themselves, the ABILITY to perform those tasks no longer exists on these shores.

Well, this article tells us the SAME 'More for me' capitalists responsible for moving the jobs to China in the first place have no intention of bringing them back anytime if you can't survive selling houses to people that can't afford them, TOUGH! [Cops, like stockbrokers, have to be born into those jobs.] If you aren't a cop or a stockbroker, you're an accident!]

Remember All you are and All you'll ever be?

That's the 'joker' in the deck we seem incapable of discarding despite the desperate need to do so.


I salute constant reader for at least trying to spread the word that we must change how we're doing things if we are to survive, partly because, based on the evidence, we don't DESERVE to survive and many would opine our demise can't come fast enough.

Um, one would think, since there is nothing 'secret' in these posts. It truly is a case of EVERYBODY KNOWS so WHY DO I KEEP DOING IT?

Because the other 'plain as the nose on your face' part is NOBODY has a clue how to FIX it!

When, again, the answers are right under that remarkably ordinary nose of yours.

Not to go charging off the reservation again but it appears the part of us programmed to 'accept' (sometimes reveling in) rough treatment is preventing us from altering our circumstances.

Perhaps the mapping of the genome will reveal who among us were 'programmed' to be 'overseers' so we could 'deal' with the menace these self-important types pose to the rest of society.

If the 'thinkers' among us fail to overcome the (obviously) low intelligence 'managers', the extinction order will be fulfilled.

Thinkers UNITE! 7/5 is our day!

Thanks for believing and spreading the word to the like-minded!

Which is to say thank you for letting me inside your friend's head!
