Monday, December 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the central premise behind capitalism is 'usefulness' and how to best exploit the customer's desire for it. It is also the key to remaining employed. Commerce is on an unending crusade to clear out the 'deadwood' wherever it may exist in an organization.

Do we need to explore the elements of capitalism as it fails worldwide?

How else are we going to produce a viable alternative?

Let's face facts [many of them directly related to the truths I've been harping on over the past three years of this blog's existence nevermind the 30 years prior to today.]

Capitalism will NEVER provide jobs for the billions that need them without an enormous amount of waste.

That much is undisputed and also what drive pinheads to proclaim that everybody (except themselves) is 'useless'.

The 'useless' are not the capitalist's problem, they are society's.

Wake up and smell the coffee, we have passed the 'tipping point' where commerce 'needs' less than half of us to remain 'profitable'.

I know nuthin go up top but let me explain to the dolts among us one more time that a system that excludes half of the participants makes chumps out of the folk doing the heavy lifting for the capitalist.

The question facing everyone born on this planet every single minute of every day is 'How will I live?'

Short answer folks, if it were up to you we'd all be DEAD.

Capitalism is ENTIRELY on the (extremely gullible) INDIVIDUAL and works on the 'I got mine' principle (fuck the rest of 'em.)

Don't have a job, NOT the capitalist's problem, it's society's.

Can't make yourself useful? It's YOUR PROBLEM. Can't live on what the job pays? NOT the capitalist's problem (nor is it the Communist's for that matter, it is actually the fault of the bankster, the original something for nothing profession.

It is also how to 'correct' the feckless 'I got mine, fuck you' system we call capitalism.

There is NO SHORTAGE of shit that NEEDS doing, we need a system that exploits that rather than US.

MONEY is a tool with one purpose, it is the ANSWER to the question of HOW WILL I LIVE!

It is not 'intended' to make ANYONE more 'powerful' than anyone else. It is one Human = one vote not one dollar = one the Supremes have dictated at the 'request' of their 'benefactors'.

Who do you suppose they are? They are the reason your vote is an exercise in mental masturbation, they are the people who actually OWN the law and everything else (that matters.) Hell, these cucks even 'own' God! How's that for impressive?

Sometimes they even impress themselves [but enough 'uselessness'.]

Is any of this 'useful'?

If it escaped the holding cell it is locked in, probably but in three years the ONLY comments here are my own.

Sort of discouraging, isn't it?

I keep repeating the formula and they keep ignoring it, knowing the whole time they only hasten mankind's doom.

Riddle me this, watcher? Can you cluck like a chicken?



  1. MONEY is a tool with one purpose, it is the ANSWER to the question of HOW WILL I LIVE!

  2. How else are we going to produce a viable alternative?

  3. There is NO SHORTAGE of shit that NEEDS doing, we need a system that exploits that rather then US.

  4. Who do you suppose they are? They are the reason your vote is an exercise in mental masturbation, they are the people who actually OWN the law and everything else (that matters.) Hell, these cucks even 'own' God! How's that for impressive?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...