Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, only the greybeards among us remember a time when the US was the planet's manufacturing hub and GE was the biggest Company on the planet. Yeah, Mr. Edison, who was robbed blind by J.P. Morgan, (the defacto owner of the company Tom built) is now called something else in China.

Saw but did not read an article on MSN yesterday offering to tell us who buys the stuff the US produces.

So it is good citizen, what do you suppose team USA makes besides food and explosive, corrosive financial products? Aside from Haas, the US machine tool industry has vanished...and who knows how much of that lonely entry in the Made in USA label is still produced in the US because we all know it's about the 'cheap'.

What makes another country 'cheap'? We are taught that 'production cost' is related to the standard of living of the workforce in a given nation but this is not the case.

Why don't the Chinese starve to death producing the goods US citizens USED TO PRODUCE for a 'fraction' of US workers need to live? [se habla 'runaway inflation' tied to NOTHING?]

The answer rests with the BANKSTERS and their feckless manipulation of the substance known as MONEY. [If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck, why isn't a buck a buck? Because the banksters pay the Chinese in dollars that buy four times what a US dollar buys yet one US dollar will buy you 8 Chinese dollars that you need to live in China to spend!

Please wrap your feeble mind around the FRAUD this presents.

I can lead you to the rotting corpse of your future but I can't make you SEE IT!

How do you expect to survive on a planet where the few make the laws to suit themselves? Zero irony they DON'T EXPECT YOU to survive in a world that they have shut YOU out of.

Think you are a 'valued' team member? Think again.

You are being played for a chump and THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN [LEGALLY] DO ABOUT IT. [Where's JUSTICE now?]

There is but one way to restore JUSTICE and that is with torches and electric mini guns (taken from the corpses of those stupid enough to stand with our oppressors.)

Um, did you just blink and ask, 'What oppressors?' All YOU see are co-workers and the 'slime' toting the mini-guns are OUR F'N KIDS!

The boss is okay if perhaps a little too gung ho sometimes [because HIS bonus depends on it) It's his boss that sucks!

Nope, not finding any oppressors just the homeless guys down the block that turned up after the last bail-out of the local car assembly plant tanked because nobody can f'n afford a new car. [Something you WON'T be taught in school, we USED to not only make the most cars in the world, we also made ALL of the parts so EVERYBODY could afford a new car every two years!

How did we manage that when we are now a net importer of food? We used to feed the world and hunger was (mostly) erased when welfare insured people had a place to live and food on the table because USA once believed in its heart that how you treated your fellow man is how you measured if the sacrifices you made were worth it. Back then those 'sacrifices' were taxes paid...so ask yourself what you get for your taxes today? Politicians who live like kings by selling YOU out to people who already have more than they can use?

You don't know from Adam BUT the folks that lived through THE GREAT DEPRESSION were BETTER OFF than 90% of today's median income population! They had roofs over their heads, food on the table AND money in their pockets AND money in the bank and these (we are taught) were 'desperate times'.

Credit/debt didn't exist back then, these people didn't hand over most of their paycheck to a credit card company ('pretending' they were doing it 'for the points'.)

What the f is wrong with you? How did you get so IGNORANT? You were taught NONE OF THIS...and the media is mute as well and we can only wonder 'why'?

Don't take any wooden nickels [although there isn't anything that makes one more 'real' than the other...]

Only two more weeks until we start a whole new year of this mass insanity, Head!

Could SHAME be a big part of it?

Only you know the answer to that one.



  1. You don't know from Adam BUT the folks that lived through THE GREAT DEPRESSION were BETTER OFF than 90% of today's median income population! They had roofs over their heads, food on the table AND money in their pockets AND money in the bank and these (we are taught) were 'desperate times'

  2. I can lead you to the rotting corpse of your future but I can't make you SEE IT!

    Remember "It's a wonderful life?" Compare life today and ask yourself WHO WAS BETTER OFF?

  3. What the f is wrong with you? How did you get so IGNORANT? You were taught NONE OF THIS...and the media is mute as well and we can only wonder 'why'?

  4. What makes another country 'cheap'? We are taught that 'production cost' is related to the standard of living of the workforce in a given nation but this is not the case.

    Why don't the Chinese starve to death producing the goods US citizens USED TO PRODUCE for a 'fraction' of US workers need to live? [se habla 'runaway inflation' tied to NOTHING?]

    The banksters robbed us without saying stick 'em up, which doesn't alter the facts.

  5. Don't take any wooden nickels [although there isn't anything that makes one more 'real' than the other...]

  6. The answer rests with the BANKSTERS and their feckless manipulation of the substance known as MONEY. [If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck, why isn't a buck a buck? Because the banksters pay the Chinese in dollars that buy four times what a US dollar buys yet one US dollar will buy you 8 Chinese dollars that you need to live in China to spend!

  7. How did we manage that when we are now a net importer of food? We used to feed the world and hunger was (mostly) erased when welfare insured people had a place to live and food on the table because USA once believed in its heart that how you treated your fellow man is how you measured if the sacrifices you made were worth it. Back then those 'sacrifices' were taxes paid...so ask yourself what you get for your taxes today? Politicians who live like kings by selling YOU out to people who already have more than they can use?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...