Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, had a choice this morning between some chump who discovered the 'meaning of life' in a dream [why do humans obsess over finding meaning where there is none?] The cognizant know that life is neither good nor bad, life just is or a rather circuitous article on 'business as usual' under capitalism [although the article claimed to be an 'expose' on 'betrayal' [of the public trust.]

MOST of us learn the fundamentals of Profits BEFORE People while we are still in high school...and if you failed to figure that one out before you entered the 'for profit institution' known as college you found yourself in for one whopping self-inflicted wound you most likely will NEVER recover from. [Luck is, if nothing else, fickle.]

What does 'profits before people' have to do with Magic?

If we begin with the 'fraud' that is money, then money itself is imbued with 'magical properties'.

As an adult tasked with surviving in this predatory clusterfuck of a society I ask you to look down the barrel of commerce and tell me where you 'think' you fit?

FACT: Most people 'fall' into the circumstances that provide them with the ability to obtain sustenance. You may not choose it as a career path but, being a natural born opportunist, you plucked whatever came you way and used it to 'get by'.

This is the primary 'career ladder of life.' Planning is for criminals, the rest of us are 'accidents waiting to happen'.

Criminals PLAN to attend Law School or an equally prestigious Medical Institution, the rest [yes, I'm looking at you educators] are legacies. Public employees are self-replicating...after Law School, many criminals toss their hats into the political arena. [Shocking, eh?]

Only the 'morally ambiguous' succeed at actually practicing law. Ironically, being morally rigid makes you valuable as well because you are useful in determining where the 'edges' of a given piece of legislation are. [So it can be successfully attacked.]

None of this 'matters' because of voodoo economics. [We have returned to looking down the scope of the rifle of life.]

History is shockingly brief. We started out as bands of hunters. From there we learned to 'cultivate' and became 'farmers'. Farm work is tedious and repetitive, literally begging to be 'automated'. Automation increased 'efficiency' and radically reduced the need for 'farmers'. [Hello unemployment.]

Um, since 'genius' isn't mankind's strong suit nobody sees the problem created by having self replicating machines hanging around with nothing to do...So the 'side product' of Farm automation became mass produced weaponry to beat back the quickly rising 'surplus population'.

While the warmongers among us hail the reduction of the loss of life [again via 'automation'] as a 'win', we once again encounter the conundrum of too many humans and not enough to 'do'...which again, is the product of an astounding 'lack of imagination' the idea of paying people to do nothing so they can still 'consume'.

How f'n dumb are you?

Is that a suicide note pinned to your top?


Why would you wear such a thing? Oops, I forgot, YOU can't read.

Anyhoo, back to the pipe. Which most of you can't see I will remind you again that I write these for the cognizant.

After farms and war what came next?

We SHOULD be able to figure this one out. Either you grow food, you move food or you prepare food. Either you wear a badge or you do your damndest not to get busted...and either your treat the sick or you (eventually) become one of them.

So what's left? Magic, right!

Well, beyond turning them off then on again, this is about as much as most of you understand about what has become the primary driver of the economy.

Yep, the economy has shifted from data management to the disposal of the highly toxic components we are ill equipped to deal with. [Remember that article I read this morning? This is was what it was about.]

Naturally, we have to ask ourselves WHY the cost of recovering these toxic parts isn't built into their sales price?

Because nobody would be able to afford them...leading us to the more relevant question of can we afford to keep them? [Especially considering how 'toxic' they are apart from the chemical compounds used to make them.]

Again with the short answer. [It's not three letters, leaving the one with only two.]

The 'modern' economy is centered on electronic devices...electronic devices that rapidly become obsolete creating an environmental nightmare thanks to 'NOT MY PROBLEM!' Capitalism.

I leave you with the following equation.

Money = will and will = survival.

Why do we allow the fatally dumb lead us?

Not many next times left head, shit or get off the pot...



  1. Why do we allow the fatally dumb lead us?

  2. Um, since 'genius' isn't mankind's strong suit nobody sees the problem created by having self replicating machines hanging around with nothing to do...So the 'side product' of Farm automation became mass produced weaponry to beat back the quickly rising 'surplus population'.

  3. FACT: Most people 'fall' into the circumstances that provide them with the ability to obtain sustenance. You may not choose it as a career path but, being a natural born opportunist, you plucked whatever came you way and used it to 'get by'.

    This is the primary 'career ladder of life.' Planning is for criminals, the rest of us are 'accidents waiting to happen'.

  4. Yep, the economy has shifted from data management to the disposal of the highly toxic components we are ill equipped to deal with. [Remember that article I read this morning? This is was what it was about.]

    Naturally, we have to ask ourselves WHY the cost of recovering these toxic parts isn't built into their sales price?

    The very existence of (tech) billionaires makes that a truly confounding question...are they going to buy US a new planet?

  5. I leave you with the following equation.

    Money = will and will = survival.

  6. Um, since 'genius' isn't mankind's strong suit nobody sees the problem created by having self replicating machines hanging around with nothing to do...So the 'side product' of Farm automation became mass produced weaponry to beat back the quickly rising 'surplus population'.

  7. FACT: Most people 'fall' into the circumstances that provide them with the ability to obtain sustenance. You may not choose it as a career path but, being a natural born opportunist, you plucked whatever came you way and used it to 'get by'.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...