Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Greetings good citizen, everyone can relate to what it's like to deal with in your face spitefulness [One of those situations magnified when the 'expectation of civility' isn't met.]

Often this deliberate attack is followed up with even nastier rhetoric, leading to ever more spiteful reactions between the foes in this 'pissing contest'.

'Owning the Libs' is just one example of the childish behavior that cemented the label 'deplorable' on those who take pride in being Trump supporters...a base that is rapidly crumbling because social structures don't tolerate 'acidity' well.

Haters hate...everybody and everything.

This is why houses built of straw burn down before being completed.

Is P.C. a hot button issue for you? The people bothered the most by this strawman are those who are offended by the words Political [which they have been raised to believe are 'personal'] and the word correctness, which, like a 'no smoking' sign can rankle even non-smokers because people don't like being told what they can or can't do...pretty much EVER.

What is the anti P.C. movement a direct attack upon?


Now (bonehead) what, specifically is 'civility'?

Civility forms the foundation of the conventions against slaughtering one another on sight!

Some have difficulty with holding two concepts in their heads at the same time...usually because they are mentally incapable of connecting the two.

Society, a social construct with strict rules has conventions that must be obeyed or you will forfeit your 'membership'. Even 'one on one' interactions have rules that must be obeyed or you will forfeit your 'standing' in society. This was the first rule abandoned when the criminals took control of the Justice system.

In an increasingly crowded world there is a growing tendency to snub conventions and take the 'just be yourself' approach. [And if you don't like it go fuck yourself!]

The RULES exist for a reason. Without rules humans are all selfish savages who tend to take what we want from those too weak to defend themselves.

Civility and correctness are the standards by which EVERYONE'S behavior is judged. Somehow the 'talking heads' slapped the word 'political' (where it doesn't belong) so they could use it to whip those who believe dumb things [the stupid] into a frenzy over their non-existent political persuasion.

The, er, bottom end of the mental spectrum doesn't understand all. What they understand is people feel strongly about anything that reflects upon their 'patriotism' when they don't understand/appreciate what that is fully either! [This is why voting should be restricted to those who can crack a 100 on a standard IQ test!]

While we are here I will once again point to the badly broken electoral process that put the current national embarrassment in the Oval Office. The press implies that the low intelligence Trump voter is responsible for his election but the Electoral College did the deed after numbnuts LOST by 3 MILLION votes! Intentional or not, the latest photos from the NATO summit being held in England display our 'Man Child' President in all his infantile grandeur.

We can interpret Trump snatching victory from the jaws of defeat two ways; either the sabotaging of the nation's educational system is almost complete or the intelligence deficit isn't as bad as the media makes it out to be.

ASP places 'civility' front and center with strong consequences for the 'take me as I am' crowd who believe fairness is a quaint idea embraced by the 'weak'.

It is a stereotype to connect 'strength' with low intelligence but people who feel violence is the way things 'get done' prove up front that neither thinking, empathy or cooperation are their strong suits.

Respect the rules or suffer the short and brutish consequences.

If you don't choose now, it will be beyond your control sooner than you think.

Civility is worth its weight in gold.

If you chafe at having rules to follow then you'd best hope you see the gorilla this sort of negligence spawns before it sees you...and takes everything you have because you can't stop him.

Don't like the rules then you will hate the 'alternative' motormouth neglects to mention as he sweetly cozens those who routinely fail to 'think things through'.

Don't get it caught in a wringer, Head.


PS: Let me amend yesterday's epiphany back a few notches, perhaps we are all here to learn to use the bump between our shoulders for more than a hat rack. Own a MAGA cap? Epic fail!


  1. If you chafe at having rules to follow then you'd best hope you see the gorilla this sort of negligence spawns before it sees you...and takes everything you have because you can't stop him.

    Life offers many lessons, often too many. Remember why handguns earned the nickname 'Equalizers'. A small man can pack a gun large enough to make even the stupefyingly dumb think twice!

  2. Don't like the rules then you will hate the 'alternative' motormouth neglects to mention as he sweetly cozens those who routinely fail to 'think things through'.

  3. 'Owning the Libs' is just one example of the childish behavior that cemented the label 'deplorable' on those who take pride in being Trump supporters...a base that is rapidly crumbling because social structures don't tolerate 'acidity' well.

  4. The, er, bottom end of the mental spectrum doesn't understand all. What they understand is people feel strongly about anything that reflects upon their 'patriotism' when they don't understand/appreciate what that is fully either! [This is why voting should be restricted to those who can crack a 100 on a standard IQ test!]


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...