Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we can pick our 'friends' but our relatives come to us whether we 'want' them or not. We get to choose if we want to 'associate' with them but the 'blood connection' remains regardless of the superficial divides of ideology.

From your siblings down to your extended relations, they may be assholes but they are your assholes.

How many of you just violently rejected this fact?

Hmmn. All of you? That's mighty rough. How will we 'unite' if it has to be done on 'your terms'?

Let's shift mental gears here from the chimera that we call love to the more influential force of nature known as need.

Love is 'nice' but we don't 'need' it. What we need is common cause and it is here that we are all chasing our own 'unicorns', absolutely convinced that we are doing the right thing for the greater good.


Harry Potter takes on the topic of 'the greater good' and the evil that lurks beneath the motives of those who would strip you of your individuality to make society more accommodating for their decidedly radical agendas.

HBO's Watchmen reveals the elephant in the room: White people built this world so white people believe they deserve to run it...(even if they suck at it.)

How unfortunate for us all the only 'rule' they respect is that of conquest? They conquered this world and they expect it to stay conquered.

They have no interest in a cooperative world like the one needed if we are to defeat the many problems caused by the predatory commerce system that serves to keep the rabble docile and turned against one another so their rule goes uncontested.

Worse, you have been taught to LOVE your servitude. It does you no good BUT the alternative is decidedly unpleasant, they make sure of that.

Nope, there is no 'alternative' to predatory capitalism, the 'alternative' being pointed to here is 'failure'. Fail to be a 'good capitalist' and you will lose EVERYTHING.

What? Nobody loses under capitalism. There is social assistance everywhere you look...how sad the most dominant of these 'options' is PRISON!

Did I mention white people suck at running things? Like I shared yesterday, it's not 'white people' at all, it's the f'n RICH, the I got mine, F-U crowd that hands you their shit and expects you to make a living with it.

The thing to understand is the F-U crowd is NOT 'lily white' (but they seem to prefer white people for reasons unexplained, likely for their obsession with order and their callous disregard for 'fairness'.)

[Did I nail 'em?]

You bet I did!

If you don't make it a practice to HIDE during the Holiday Season (and many do.) Preferring the company of those that agree with them [making for a horrendous number of 'solitary celebrations' out there.] The rest who haven't given up on their fellow humans...or that dumbly believe that work centered events are 'safe'...

Here's something to contemplate during what was once known as the season for judgment:

United we stand. Our needs are common and what's fair for one must be fair for ALL. If we fail to reject the predatory system forced upon us by 'the privileged' we shall fail as a species.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.

Your future 'happiness' depends on it.


I'd wish you a Happy-Merry but this is no place for either falsehoods or 'wishes'.

The truth is neither good nor bad, it simply is.


  1. The truth is neither good nor bad, it simply is.

  2. HBO's Watchmen reveals the elephant in the room: White people built this world so white people believe they deserve to run it...(even if they suck at it.)

  3. Love is 'nice' but we don't 'need' it. What we need is common cause and it is here that we are all chasing our own 'unicorns', absolutely convinced that we are doing the right thing for the greater good.

  4. Hmmn. All of you? That's mighty rough. How will we 'unite' if it has to be done on 'your terms'?

  5. The thing to understand is the F-U crowd is NOT 'lily white' (but they seem to prefer white people for reasons unexplained, likely for their obsession with order and their callous disregard for 'fairness'.)


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...