Thursday, December 5, 2019


Greetings good citizen, like the unemployment situation and the true level of 'homelessness' the 'estimate' of how many 'families' suffer from food insecurity is exactly that, an estimate.

With almost half of the working aged citizens counted as 'Not in the Workforce' we are told unemployment in the land that MAKES NOTHING is at record lows...because if you don't have a job you are 'discarded' from the figures.

If you aren't collecting relief (unemployment or welfare) then you don't count.

Living in subsidized housing and are a member of the 'working poor'. Unemployed and living in your motor vehicle then you don't exist at all.

Understand good citizen, these people are considered 'collateral damage' by a commerce system turned predator. This traces back to the Supreme court decision that declared commerce exists to serve its share owners and nobody else.

How many of you think the Supremes should step off the bench and onto the gallows?

Commerce exists to MEET THE NEEDS OF SOCIETY...not the people who own commerce but the legal justification arrived at in the early days of 'Morning in America/the conservative bloodless coup' also marks the end of Justice by for and of the people...

Not entirely true, people still decide what goes and what doesn't but now only the people who OWN America get a say, the rest of you are a pack of moochers looking for a handout because the handful of owners can't use you.

So yesterday's headlines tell us that 'hundreds of thousands' will lose access to Food Assistance...which is not what they specified, they said, specifically 'food stamps'.

FORTY PERCENT of U.S. households receive some variety of 'food assistance'. Is that 'hundreds of thousands' beginning to look like a 'low ball' figure?

How unfortunate trustworthy and government are oxymorons, two terms the contradict one another.

So what do YOU know? The people 'running' this country not only don't care about those who can't bring them to justice but they will bury you and yours if you try.

Which is to say 'nutrition' is the number one objective of survival. Not getting enough to eat makes humans 'desperate' and when enough humans get desperate the carnage will be unstoppable.

Guess the Bible-heads honestly believe it's better to RULE IN HELL than SERVE in Heaven.

The 'striking' part of 'Morning in America' was the advent of the merciless 'My way or the highway' management style. Zero coincidence Morning in America also marks the beginnings of the For profit prison system here in the 'Land of the 'free'. This speaks volumes about what the press neglected to report.

NOBODY is talking about this, especially the Press but have you noticed the marked increase in Luxury Goods since the 'Conservative Revolution' swept the PLANET?

That's right, those who decided they 'owned' the planet also lied about the scope of their decidedly hostile takeover.

Remember, failure to share what there is leads to what, good citizen?


While nation on nation conflicts are a boon for commerce, rich vs poor is no less bloody and far more brutal because only soldiers get medical treatment, rebels [now labeled 'enemy combatants] have to live or die as fate deems necessary.

In case any of you had the impression that more penniless, hungry people would just be added to the stack of millions already living on the street (because if you lose the parental lottery) then you, by default, join the vast majority of us who were not born 'landed'.

Desperate circumstances drive people to desperate acts...and don't for a second pretend you 'don't know why' 90% of the population is trying to kill the victims of a heartless, merciless commerce system.

IF you are honest with yourself then you already know The Senate will flip in the next election but Pussygrabber WON'T be removed from office because the Senate will never act on the House's articles of impeachment (out of 'Party Loyalty')

So riddle me this, if ALL candidates rely on 'the rich' for campaign funding, [the way for a 'normal' working class person to enter government doesn't exist...but you KNOW that.] Which PARTY 'represents' you or YOUR CHILDREN'S interests?

Isn't the answer NEITHER?

Not your problem...until it is.

Remember, 'you & me against the world' is 'Same as it EVER was'. If humanity fails to unite then our species is DOOMED to extinction.

Three things people hate. Camera's, mirrors and the truth.

Here you have 'the truth' from your old pal Gegner,

Good luck and chose wisely, Head.


  1. Living in subsidized housing and are a member of the 'working poor'. Unemployed and living in your motor vehicle then you don't exist at all.

  2. Guess the Bible-heads honestly believe it's better to RULE IN HELL than SERVE in Heaven.

  3. IF you are honest with yourself then you already know The Senate will flip in the next election but Pussygrabber WON'T be removed from office because the Senate will never act on the House's articles of impeachment (out of 'Party Loyalty')

    The 'Republican's don't fear another 40 year exile from control of the government because they 'own' the whole shebang, lock, stock & barrel. The ONLY thing to remove the self interested from persecuting us with impunity is revolution.

  4. With almost half of the working aged citizens counted as 'Not in the Workforce' we are told unemployment in the land that MAKES NOTHING is at record lows...because if you don't have a job you are 'discarded' from the figures. No jobs and no food subsidies is a recipe for disaster...if the law takes the 'wrong' side, the carnage will be catastrophic.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...