Greetings good citizen, today's top headlines focused attention on what has always been a 'surveillance state'. [You, being human and an 'apex mimic' wouldn't be much of a copycat if you weren't obsessed with watching people! It' a hiccup leftover from the eat or be eaten reflex that dictates only the 'wary' survive, the 'inattentive' become food.
So your 'right to privacy' is (and pretty much always has been) an 'idea' that had little basis in reality. The only achievable privacy is the kind that hides in plain sight.
Getting tweaked about surveillance is a waste of energy, besides, if you are not up to anything wrong, there's nothing to fear/worry about [except the suspicious mind can make something out of the most innocent of actions.]
Worse, anything is proof of something...significant or not. There are (a lot) people doing hard time (in for profit prison) for suspicion.
The 'War on Crime' post 'Morning in America' jumpstarted the High school to jail pipeline. Jobs? You don't need no stinkin' job...your ass is gonna stay in the can now that your 'reputation' is destroyed.
ASP hits the 'reset button' because criminals won't be allowed to live among us, there are NO 'prisons'. Break the law and forfeit your membership in civil society, this is irrevocable.
With this in mind, convicts not found to be mentally unstable will be given a '2nd chance'. Sadly, this will be rare because we are all a little 'twisted'.
But I digress...wildly.
The point of directing your attention to the 'surveillance state' is only to remind you this has ALWAYS been so. Perhaps the toughest part of being at the top of the food chain is how our 'wariness' (that made us the apex predator) annoys those who think they are smarter than the rest of us.
It's true people seldom 'notice' what's actually going on but they are ALWAYS WATCHING...and that is NOT GOING to Change!
The 'ultimate coup' is done right under the victim's noses. They have been watching your every move the whole time without understanding what they've been looking at.
This is the 'principle' magic operates on. [It's also why we SUCK at multitasking. Magicians train themselves for years to master the art of doing two (simple) things at once.]
So it is we have become a society of 'cons' who are basically 'untrustworthy' [again, a throwback to our 'predator' past.]
The 'problem' with the tendency to (perpetually) 'test the boundaries' is this is where psychopaths come from and this is the, er, 'personality trait' we need to filter out of the genepool.
Once a psychopath masters the art of treachery, they teach themselves to 'act' empathetic because they know psychopathy is incurable and if they are found out that they will be institutionalized for the rest of their natural days...
Globalization anyone? [Remember 'world trade' ALREADY EXISTED so this was the act of a...yup...and the guy rampaging across the global stage kicking every hornets nest he can find? He's one as well.
This clown [Trump] doesn't know what 'normal' is never minds means.
Question is Head, do you?
So your 'right to privacy' is (and pretty much always has been) an 'idea' that had little basis in reality. The only achievable privacy is the kind that hides in plain sight.
Getting tweaked about surveillance is a waste of energy, besides, if you are not up to anything wrong, there's nothing to fear/worry about [except the suspicious mind can make something out of the most innocent of actions.]
Worse, anything is proof of something...significant or not. There are (a lot) people doing hard time (in for profit prison) for suspicion.
The 'War on Crime' post 'Morning in America' jumpstarted the High school to jail pipeline. Jobs? You don't need no stinkin' job...your ass is gonna stay in the can now that your 'reputation' is destroyed.
ASP hits the 'reset button' because criminals won't be allowed to live among us, there are NO 'prisons'. Break the law and forfeit your membership in civil society, this is irrevocable.
With this in mind, convicts not found to be mentally unstable will be given a '2nd chance'. Sadly, this will be rare because we are all a little 'twisted'.
But I digress...wildly.
The point of directing your attention to the 'surveillance state' is only to remind you this has ALWAYS been so. Perhaps the toughest part of being at the top of the food chain is how our 'wariness' (that made us the apex predator) annoys those who think they are smarter than the rest of us.
It's true people seldom 'notice' what's actually going on but they are ALWAYS WATCHING...and that is NOT GOING to Change!
The 'ultimate coup' is done right under the victim's noses. They have been watching your every move the whole time without understanding what they've been looking at.
This is the 'principle' magic operates on. [It's also why we SUCK at multitasking. Magicians train themselves for years to master the art of doing two (simple) things at once.]
So it is we have become a society of 'cons' who are basically 'untrustworthy' [again, a throwback to our 'predator' past.]
The 'problem' with the tendency to (perpetually) 'test the boundaries' is this is where psychopaths come from and this is the, er, 'personality trait' we need to filter out of the genepool.
Once a psychopath masters the art of treachery, they teach themselves to 'act' empathetic because they know psychopathy is incurable and if they are found out that they will be institutionalized for the rest of their natural days...
Globalization anyone? [Remember 'world trade' ALREADY EXISTED so this was the act of a...yup...and the guy rampaging across the global stage kicking every hornets nest he can find? He's one as well.
This clown [Trump] doesn't know what 'normal' is never minds means.
Question is Head, do you?
This clown [Trump] doesn't know what 'normal' is never minds means.
ReplyDeleteQuestion is Head, do you?
So your 'right to privacy' is (and pretty much always has been) an 'idea' that had little basis in reality. The only achievable privacy is the kind that hides in plain sight.
ReplyDeleteYou, being human and an 'apex mimic' wouldn't be much of a copycat if you weren't obsessed with watching people! It' a hiccup leftover from the eat or be eaten reflex that dictates only the 'wary' survive, the 'inattentive' become food.
ReplyDeleteThe point of directing your attention to the 'surveillance state' is only to remind you this has ALWAYS been so. Perhaps the toughest part of being at the top of the food chain is how our 'wariness' (that made us the apex predator) annoys those who think they are smarter than the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteWorse, anything is proof of something...significant or not. There are (a lot) people doing hard time (in for profit prison) for suspicion.
ReplyDeleteQuestion is Head, do you?