Sunday, December 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, with the political process being turned against the people it is supposed to 'serve' [although it looks suspiciously like the process is actually designed to repress us because the slightest friction ANYWHERE in the process derails even the strongest of initiatives and yet the process is never altered sure looks strange...but the process is falsely labeled as a method of resolving conflict, it is used to inflame it instead.

Were we to ask the public if politics, especially party politics, was 'effective' the answer would be a resounding no for both sides of the aisle...but both sides would also be stymied at what to replace it with.

How 'bout honesty?

Conflict resolution MUST start with honesty and nothing can be 'off-limits'.

The whole point of politics is the resolution of conflict without violence. (Otherwise we'd simply attack whoever opposed us with everything we had.

Problem here is the 'we' part. YOU may have a problem with someone else's ideas but that doesn't make it your neighbor's problem nor is he keen to die over your 'perception problem', which is what happens if you over-do the growl and attack thing too many times.

Now we have the two existing parties ready to murder one another over their ideological differences that the the party members aren't even aware they hold!

The media is responsible for your perception [but only for a short time longer, you can only hit the panic button so many times before people start ignoring it and that is WHY they are doing it.] When the public figures out they have been short-sheeted they are going to look under whatever rock the f'n media points at to seek retribution against the culprit.

Gonna go hunting liberals when the fucktarded media blames the fake economy AND fake news on them (with ZERO evidence?)

How f'n DUMB are YOU?

Those who control the current political gridlock like things just the way they are. Consensus would likely lead to their being prosecuted for crimes against humanity. A phenomenon they rely on the system to protect them from.

So we return to a question the f'n media never asks and we can only wonder how 'good' a for profit media is for anyone involved...and it is responsible for the current crop of billionaires, make no mistake about it.

What am I referring to? If we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, then WHO opposes us?

Do YOU know the answer?

Quick quiz: taking what doesn't belong to you is called stealing.

How do you get a bill of sale for what belongs to everyone? [Don't suppose the answer is a fraudulent legal system, do you?]

Why does nobody ask this question? Because such a question is considered heresy and in the not too distant past the penalty for heresy was death.

Did you know the penalty for treachery is still death?

Why do you suppose the fraudsters are shaking in their shoes that they will be found out?

Politics in the hands of the few is a brick wall the treacherous hide behind, just like the damn badges.

The politician, the judge, the lawyer (hoping to become a judge) and the cop (who is studying to become a lawyer) all have one thing in common...YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

The penalty for treason is death and those calling themselves 'Officers of the court' are ALL traitors because the law is the exclusive domain of the people who live under it. For justice to prevail it can not tolerate 'specialists' who use their claim of special knowledge to twist the law to THEIR liking.

It's the reason the public has abandoned even the idea of Justice, because the law is corrupt.

But you knew that, didn't you, Head?

Tick-tock, time's a wastin'.



  1. It's the reason the public has abandoned even the idea of Justice, because the law is corrupt.

    But you knew that, didn't you, Head?

  2. The whole point of politics is the resolution of conflict without violence. (Otherwise we'd simply attack whoever opposed us with everything we had.

  3. The politician, the judge, the lawyer (hoping to become a judge) and the cop (who is studying to become a lawyer) all have one thing in common...YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

  4. Politics in the hands of the few is a brick wall the treacherous hide behind, just like the damn badges.

  5. It's the reason the public has abandoned even the idea of Justice, because the law is corrupt.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...