Greetings good citizen, the focus of the upcoming election [Yeah, it's this year!] will be on defeating the populist freakazoid and removing him from office but the question remains...more of the same is what got us here. How do we change the system to put power beyond the reach of the self-interested?
EVERYBODY KNOWS the 'gridlock' that has crippled effective government for the past forty years has only reduced gangland deaths because government inaction and disinterest has allowed crime to run rampant as fake 'crusaders' slashed regulatory oversight while lining their own pockets.
The ONLY 'notable accomplishment' of the Trump Administration has been the focus on undoing decades of regulation protecting the public and the planet from the rapacious practices of the toxic has capitalism become.
Will electing a 'different' leader alter the direction the nation is being led in by the greedy and the feckless?
EVERYBODY KNOWS (the answer is NOPE.)
YOU are being held hostage to your paycheck, you aren't about to 'endanger' your only source of the CHANGE HAS TO BE HOLISTIC.
The dumb don't know what that means, all they know is that change is frightening and that they don't like it.
Step one is leveling the playing field.
Less than one percent will have the 90% of the planet they 'claim to own' taken away from them AND their bank accounts will be ZEROED.
Wait, it gets 'better', banking as an industry and a profession will cease to exist. [Debt will be illegal and placing someone in debt will become an exile offense.]
The ONLY way to obtain money will be to WORK for it and banking will become an internal function of the specialty you work for. [Don't panic, your money is for YOU and YOU alone. Nobody can take it nor can you GIVE it to anyone.] (financial punishment will disappear) We all make our own way in life and your membership in society provides you with EVERYTHING you need to prosper, 'sustainably'.
Your 'job' (besides the one society guarantees) is to not get your membership in society revoked. Here's a helpful hint. The principal rule is as old as humanity and we even call it the 'golden rule' of treating others as you wish to be treated. Yes, this rule is 'anti-asshole' but don't you think we've put up with the self-important long enough?
Fresh out of kindness and consideration? No problem because you are already on your way to live however you like with the like minded in the Big Empty.
Not ready for that kind of 'change' huh?
Rather take your chances with the muggers and the Brownshirt/Evangelicals (who talk the talk but have no frickin clue how walk the walk...and get militant if you run afoul of what they've been taught is devoutness.)
One 'denouncement' and you'll find yourself the guest of honor at a rock throwing party. [Isn't militant Christianity fun?]
In fact, every 'control based' dogma out there is centered on violence to maintain power both Democracy and COmmunism would collapse without the constant threat of state sponsored violence...and the 'we don't kill' doctrine is the lie they hide behind.
ASP is kindness centered, if you have no empathy you will be cast out to live (or not) on your own.
If you have a problem with sharing the planet equitably then NOBODY needs you...even you are your own worst enemy.
Rouges, the planet is lousy with them and if nothing is done, we shall all perish...not an 'opinion' but a fact.
Dump Trump is only the tip of the iceberg.
Tick Tick good citizen...
EVERYBODY KNOWS the 'gridlock' that has crippled effective government for the past forty years has only reduced gangland deaths because government inaction and disinterest has allowed crime to run rampant as fake 'crusaders' slashed regulatory oversight while lining their own pockets.
The ONLY 'notable accomplishment' of the Trump Administration has been the focus on undoing decades of regulation protecting the public and the planet from the rapacious practices of the toxic has capitalism become.
Will electing a 'different' leader alter the direction the nation is being led in by the greedy and the feckless?
EVERYBODY KNOWS (the answer is NOPE.)
YOU are being held hostage to your paycheck, you aren't about to 'endanger' your only source of the CHANGE HAS TO BE HOLISTIC.
The dumb don't know what that means, all they know is that change is frightening and that they don't like it.
Step one is leveling the playing field.
Less than one percent will have the 90% of the planet they 'claim to own' taken away from them AND their bank accounts will be ZEROED.
Wait, it gets 'better', banking as an industry and a profession will cease to exist. [Debt will be illegal and placing someone in debt will become an exile offense.]
The ONLY way to obtain money will be to WORK for it and banking will become an internal function of the specialty you work for. [Don't panic, your money is for YOU and YOU alone. Nobody can take it nor can you GIVE it to anyone.] (financial punishment will disappear) We all make our own way in life and your membership in society provides you with EVERYTHING you need to prosper, 'sustainably'.
Your 'job' (besides the one society guarantees) is to not get your membership in society revoked. Here's a helpful hint. The principal rule is as old as humanity and we even call it the 'golden rule' of treating others as you wish to be treated. Yes, this rule is 'anti-asshole' but don't you think we've put up with the self-important long enough?
Fresh out of kindness and consideration? No problem because you are already on your way to live however you like with the like minded in the Big Empty.
Not ready for that kind of 'change' huh?
Rather take your chances with the muggers and the Brownshirt/Evangelicals (who talk the talk but have no frickin clue how walk the walk...and get militant if you run afoul of what they've been taught is devoutness.)
One 'denouncement' and you'll find yourself the guest of honor at a rock throwing party. [Isn't militant Christianity fun?]
In fact, every 'control based' dogma out there is centered on violence to maintain power both Democracy and COmmunism would collapse without the constant threat of state sponsored violence...and the 'we don't kill' doctrine is the lie they hide behind.
ASP is kindness centered, if you have no empathy you will be cast out to live (or not) on your own.
If you have a problem with sharing the planet equitably then NOBODY needs you...even you are your own worst enemy.
Rouges, the planet is lousy with them and if nothing is done, we shall all perish...not an 'opinion' but a fact.
Dump Trump is only the tip of the iceberg.
Tick Tick good citizen...
ASP is kindness centered, if you have no empathy you will be cast out to live (or not) on your own.
ReplyDeleteEVERYBODY KNOWS the 'gridlock' that has crippled effective government for the past forty years has only reduced gangland deaths because government inaction and disinterest has allowed crime to run rampant as fake 'crusaders' slashed regulatory oversight while lining their own pockets.
ReplyDeleteOne 'denouncement' and you'll find yourself the guest of honor at a rock throwing party. [Isn't militant Christianity fun?]
ReplyDeleteYour 'job' (besides the one society guarantees) is to not get your membership in society revoked. Here's a helpful hint. The principal rule is as old as humanity and we even call it the 'golden rule' of treating others as you wish to be treated. Yes, this rule is 'anti-asshole' but don't you think we've put up with the self-important long enough?
ReplyDeleteFresh out of kindness and consideration? No problem because you are already on your way to live however you like with the like minded in the Big Empty.
YOU are being held hostage to your paycheck, you aren't about to 'endanger' your only source of the CHANGE HAS TO BE HOLISTIC.
ReplyDeleteRather take your chances with the muggers and the Brownshirt/Evangelicals (who talk the talk but have no frickin clue how walk the walk...and get militant if you run afoul of what they've been taught is devoutness.)
ReplyDeleteOne 'denouncement' and you'll find yourself the guest of honor at a rock throwing party. [Isn't militant Christianity fun?]