Thursday, December 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, turns out the candidate I was behind in the upcoming presidential race is a failure for the same reason the rest came up short, if you don't understand what JUSTICE is you have no business being the leader.

In yesterday's impeachment vote one congress person voted 'present' to demonstrate that she wouldn't let partisanship stand in the way of getting things done.

So rather than vote for the pursuit of justice, she chose to abstain, hoping to woo the voters that were dismayed with the perceived 'persecution' of Preznint Pussygrabber.

This variety of 'political triangulation' is common and precisely what we don't need in a leader !

If you don't value justice then you are unfit to lead. [It also casts a shadow on your judgment, people who don't value justice shouldn't vote.]

Considering where we are I'd say screw impeachment, invoke the 25th already! What amount of proof does anyone need that Pussygrabber is mentally incompetent? Does he actually have to drop his drawers while he 'dry humps' the flag? Dry humping the flag on international TV is apparently okay if your a Republican!

WTF? [We have already eclipsed the point of 'what's wrong with him', now the question becomes what's wrong with YOU?]

Which is unfair because none of this is up to 'you'. You've been bound, gagged and locked in the trunk, there to watch wide eyed in horror as the spectacle unfolds.

This whole fiasco is being 'staged' to provide YOU with the 'illusion of justice'. If they do nothing the environment come election day is likely to be downright hostile.

Not 'safe' to walk around believing half the nation is off its rocker and supports [to the point of violence] an insane dotard who is single handedly setting the stage for a return to monarchy.

REMEMBER, Numbnuts didn't WIN, he lost by 3 million votes.

Trump DOES NOT represent the 'will of the people' but the will of those who bought the process.

Now it's the media's job to sell you the illusion that your fellow citizens did this to you, for themselves.

One thing that was missing from Willy Jeff's impeachment [for a BJ from an intern] was the protests IN FAVOR of impeachment. Maybe the Trumpsters really are 'walk ons' in a staged spectacle for public consumption. IF they aren't getting paid they aren't about to freeze like the pro-impeachment demonstrators are doing.

How many of you conservative twats think the people protesting in favor of impeachment are paid shills?

Where does that rabbit hole lead?

Time to burn the f'n polls then move on to the statehouses as both have proven to be 'useless'.

This government by the rich, for the rest of us isn't working out as evidenced by the global collapse of capitalism and the wholesale shuttering of retail outlets, decimating that 2nd income stream of all faux 'middle class' citizens.

Now your 2nd job is sitting in a car Uber gave you for hours on end wondering when they are going to repo the POS on you and then what will you do? The only people making money on Uber are the cell phone carriers.

This is what YOU are 'voting' for...more of the same and if you don't like it, tough, you agreed to 'arbitrate' and the arbitrators work for them so you are fucked.

One more time, for those of you with minds like a fine steel sieve: Hillary stepped aside for Obama, who gave the war criminal a pass, then Biden AND Bernie stepped aside to give Hillary her shot...and wouldn't you know it, the biggest oaf the Republicans could find one, oh well.

Now it's looking like the Media is torn between Biden or Bernie, who both stepped aside to give someone else a chance!

Aren't you sick of choices between 'same shit, different face and more of the same lite?'

Me? F this and the horse it keeps riding in on!

Only a hundred more clicks to 75,000! [Yippee!]



  1. if you don't understand what JUSTICE is you have no business being the leader.

  2. REMEMBER, Numbnuts didn't WIN, he lost by 3 million votes.

    Trump DOES NOT represent the 'will of the people' but the will of those who bought the process.

    How do you spell Trumpster? D-U-P-E!

  3. Considering where we are I'd say screw impeachment, invoke the 25th already! What amount of proof does anyone need that Pussygrabber is mentally incompetent? Does he actually have to drop his drawers while he 'dry humps' the flag? Dry humping the flag on international TV is apparently okay if your a Republican!

  4. This whole fiasco is being 'staged' to provide YOU with the 'illusion of justice'. If they do nothing the environment come election day is likely to be downright hostile.


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...