Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, there is a certain tendency to point at the 'face' of the problem and conclude if you removed the individual, the problem would subside.

Tailgunner Joe McCarthy tainted the Republican brand for a decade after the era of communist witch hunts conservatism is now famous for. [Zero irony they are still hunting commies today when nobody in the current media drenched (and drained) society has the first clue what a communist is!]

For the conservative biased media 'liberals' are today's 'commies'.

Like the Communists of old, the typical capitalist has no clue how much they have in common with the dread menace to the Murikan way of life and that is a learned ignorance, very much like the hatred of Satan.

If you were to draw parallels between you and the Prince of Darkness you'd likely suicide when it became apparent that the only thing separating you from him was your allegiance to Satan's enemy.

Satan sucks and so do most people. [Go ahead and deny it, doesn't make it any less true.]

Were we to peer into the mirror we may observe this tendency to despise anyone and anything we aren't taught is wholesome and pure...and this is a learned thing, make no mistake about it.

This is how your head GOT filled with '*contradictions'.

The very 'foundation' of conservatism is learned hatred. You are told who and what to hate and if you seek an explanation you risk being cast out by the liars that despise questions most of all.

Your 'internal compass' points true, which is why 'learned hatred' is unravelling. Unfortunately, not as rapidly as humanity needs it to. Without UNITY our kind will vanish from this planet.

Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE (and without peace there can be no prosperity.)

How damning is it that the 'central message' of conservatism is satisfaction with one's 'appointed allotment' in life?

Tens of MILLIONS of homeless around the planet and yet conservatism teaches that this is 'God's Judgment' and it is blasphemy to even question God's judgment...when nobody has EVER laid eyes upon this total fabrication.

The Bible tells of many 'encounters' with the Almighty but always in the distant past...so we just have to 'take it on faith' that any of them ever happened.

Um, most are finally coming around to the reality that Spirit in the Sky doesn't exist and no amount of 'wishing' is going to make it true. Nobody is 'watching out for us' and nobody is watching our back (or neither World War [between Christian Nations] would have happened) *For those of you too dumb to figure out what 'contradictions' I referred to earlier, these are those.]

While Pussygrabber is the 'face' of modern CONSERVATISM the root goes much deeper...and traces along the ever reliable route of impeachment...and what route is that? FOLLOW THE MONEY!

Who is behind the media endorsed Dictatorship of wealth more commonly known as CONSERVATISM?

Who do you think it is? Don't have a clue?

Are you waiting for me to brand the Capitalist?

WRONG, it's the f'n OWNERS!

There is ONE PLANET and either we share it EQUALLY or we f'n kill one another on sight.

Nuff said.



  1. Um, most are finally coming around to the reality that Spirit in the Sky doesn't exist and no amount of 'wishing' is going to make it true. Nobody is 'watching out for us' and nobody is watching our back (or neither World War [between Christian Nations] would have happened) *For those of you too dumb to figure out what 'contradictions' I referred to earlier, these are those.]

  2. Who is behind the media endorsed Dictatorship of wealth more commonly known as CONSERVATISM?

    Who do you think it is? Don't have a clue?


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...