Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we have arrived once again at that time of the year we take stock of where we've been with an eye towards where we think we are headed. The new millenium turned over no new leafs so perhaps it is too soon to tell if change is in the air but if you are observant, changes are everywhere.

Today's headlines read like a litany of woe, on the run CEO's and family farmers in distress to sub--stories about militias raking in 'immigration funds' from the EU...isn't that like trying to extinguish a fire using napalm?

The part that puzzles me is the Kool-Aid slingers telling anyone dumb enough to listen that 2019 was the best year ever.

As compared to what (and for whom?)

We all have opinions and the media as taken it upon themselves to express them for us [even when they are dead wrong.]

Did you see that former President Obama is in a dead heat with the only president that makes him appear effective, Comrade Pussygrabber for the title most of us didn't know existed, the most admired man category?

Ya' all think Gallup needs to up its standards? If these are society's heroes we can only wonder who the people over at Gallup think are its villains! Talk about soiling your brand, who the f did they poll, the two political analysts in the breakroom?

No need to belabor what opinions are like, everybody knows.

It does bring us crashing into the writer's lament though, the 'imprecision of speech'.

[I do the best I can with what I've got to work with.]

Fuck you, by the way.

This isn't about me, it's about US and what the future holds. No shortage of people wrangling public opinion out there. I'm guilty of that too despite my acting as a 'counterweight' to the liars who are paid to filter the garbage they feed you.

The 'neck deep in stupid phenomenon' is directly related to the disinformation you are fed regarding the destruction of the fabric of society.

You don't know what money IS or (worse) what it's for...because you are forced to use it in ways that it was never intended to be used/the worst possible way.

You believe you vote counts but can't point to a single incidence of this.

You believe in an 'all powerful' entity who will reward/punish you after death...with things you, if you took the time to think about them, wouldn't want in the first place...in case you're wondering why God is dead.

You believe you are 'free' despite being unable to define what freedom or the pursuit of it is...nevermind being routinely subjected to imprisonment by your the feckless clown posse of the Badge.

You're guilty if they say you are. Justice is whatever THEY say it is!

None of that is going to change tomorrow morning, is it?

No justice is it's own reward, the 'gift' that keeps giving [to those who claim justice for themselves.]

The grindstone won't lift until YOU lift it.

How do we protect ourselves from the feckless and justice that only 'serves' them?

By placing the LAW beyond the reach of the self-interested.

How do we do that?

Vote on the law directly and hold lawbreakers accountable, not to juries that are hogtied by judges but by juries selected at random.

Your peers are seldom the (only) victims of your crimes. Wipe out 'classes' and we are ALL 'peers'.

This is my humble offering to all of you with the wisdom to see that not only is it broken but there is no way to fix it using the tools that don't exist.

How about it Head, do you want a Happy New Year for ALL? [you selfish fuck!]


Monday, December 30, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the central premise behind capitalism is 'usefulness' and how to best exploit the customer's desire for it. It is also the key to remaining employed. Commerce is on an unending crusade to clear out the 'deadwood' wherever it may exist in an organization.

Do we need to explore the elements of capitalism as it fails worldwide?

How else are we going to produce a viable alternative?

Let's face facts [many of them directly related to the truths I've been harping on over the past three years of this blog's existence nevermind the 30 years prior to today.]

Capitalism will NEVER provide jobs for the billions that need them without an enormous amount of waste.

That much is undisputed and also what drive pinheads to proclaim that everybody (except themselves) is 'useless'.

The 'useless' are not the capitalist's problem, they are society's.

Wake up and smell the coffee, we have passed the 'tipping point' where commerce 'needs' less than half of us to remain 'profitable'.

I know nuthin go up top but let me explain to the dolts among us one more time that a system that excludes half of the participants makes chumps out of the folk doing the heavy lifting for the capitalist.

The question facing everyone born on this planet every single minute of every day is 'How will I live?'

Short answer folks, if it were up to you we'd all be DEAD.

Capitalism is ENTIRELY on the (extremely gullible) INDIVIDUAL and works on the 'I got mine' principle (fuck the rest of 'em.)

Don't have a job, NOT the capitalist's problem, it's society's.

Can't make yourself useful? It's YOUR PROBLEM. Can't live on what the job pays? NOT the capitalist's problem (nor is it the Communist's for that matter, it is actually the fault of the bankster, the original something for nothing profession.

It is also how to 'correct' the feckless 'I got mine, fuck you' system we call capitalism.

There is NO SHORTAGE of shit that NEEDS doing, we need a system that exploits that rather than US.

MONEY is a tool with one purpose, it is the ANSWER to the question of HOW WILL I LIVE!

It is not 'intended' to make ANYONE more 'powerful' than anyone else. It is one Human = one vote not one dollar = one vote...like the Supremes have dictated at the 'request' of their 'benefactors'.

Who do you suppose they are? They are the reason your vote is an exercise in mental masturbation, they are the people who actually OWN the law and everything else (that matters.) Hell, these cucks even 'own' God! How's that for impressive?

Sometimes they even impress themselves [but enough 'uselessness'.]

Is any of this 'useful'?

If it escaped the holding cell it is locked in, probably but in three years the ONLY comments here are my own.

Sort of discouraging, isn't it?

I keep repeating the formula and they keep ignoring it, knowing the whole time they only hasten mankind's doom.

Riddle me this, watcher? Can you cluck like a chicken?


Sunday, December 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, Thoreau's admonition to 'simplify' never caught on because scams rely on the facts being both obscure and contestable.

This is 'packaging' in our scam laden society...first your understanding is mislead then you are accused of pulling a fast one when you protest your confusion!

In fact it is your ignorance that is being preyed upon all along.

Since it's conception, the unknown 'New World' has been a beacon for the planet's oppressed and downtrodden. How unfortunate for the hopeful that life's scammers beat them to the promised land and fouled the justice system quicker than it was done in their war torn former homelands?

Yes good citizen, criminals never sleep (there will be plenty of time to sleep in jail...or dead, which is how a life of swindling whoever you come into contact with usually ends.)

You are presented your life in a neat package but the 'directions' are almost never followed...or one quickly learns is that 'rules' are for chumps. You really live in a world of take or be taken. [Um, I'd say 'we*' but that has an even more disturbing definition, handed to you by the swindlers among us...]

Justice means not getting prosecuted when you get caught swindling stupid out of their life savings.

These are truths most of you blind yourself to, preferring to listen to the 'do as I say and not what I do' pundits who preach against wickedness while embodying the worst humanity has to offer.

Winners are players who know how to play the game and don't give a damn if they end up dead in the end, it's not the destination but the journey that makes a life of evil so 'satisfying'...as long as you ignore the wreckage you leave in your wake.

Few would be shocked to learn that life's 'winners' are in fact criminals who would run you down and take what they wanted without regard for 'fairness' or justice.

As far as the typical criminal is concerned, 'niceness' in general is for chumps who deserve what they get for being too dumb to kill every human they meet the moment they turn their back.

How did you come to believe that 'most people' are 'nice' and will be 'kind' to you so long as you 'respect their boundaries'?

NONE of us is equipped to go it alone, if you don't have the back of your partner then nobody has yours either.

[There's the 'real cement' that holds marriages together, the realization that if you fuck your partner you will soon be fucked worse.]

The end of you life is no time to decide you'd be 'better off' solo. You can think it all you want but your soon to be brief life will quickly send you scrambling to recover what you foolishly threw away.

Boil it away and what's left?

*You & Me against the world.

Can you spell 'fucked'? The packaging is faulty but you fail to recognize that and that's on you, Head.

If we fail to break the criminal's grip on the justice system we will become a footnote in the anus of history...and most 'playa's don't give a shit. [It's not the destination but the 'ride' that matters to the criminally insane.]

I'm not making the grim here, I'm just pointing to what you have blinded yourself to.


Saturday, December 28, 2019


Greetings good citizen, over the millenia certain things haven't changed and the most damning of those practices is 'labeling' because it identifies things as something more (or less) than what they truly are.

Someone (usually an incompetent) strives for the mantle of leadership and then uses the title to give themselves privileges they don't deserve. Thus it is we have become accustomed to asking one another 'what' we are [usually a combination of ethnicity and religious basis to see if a 'closer' relationship is possible because some cultures despise others for reasons that go way beyond the rational.

But we don't do that today, right?

Yes we do. Worse, the fires of 'racial superiority' and ethnic purity still burn brightly in certain circles and there is zero irony that most of those circles contain the privileged.

How do you answer the question 'What (who) are you?'

Usually the inquisitor offers to self-identify first because asking can be a turning point in a relationship...and it provides the questioned with context.

We should all be puzzled when a stranger asks us 'what' we are...because we 'are' the obvious answer, Human. This gets truly disturbing if the inquisitor is unable to determine your gender from your appearance and mannerisms. Your orientation is also (usually) easily discernible to the observant although in some cases not so much because humans are raging opportunists and will 'try' just about anything, given the right circumstances.

We all call ourselves hetero (in public) but in reality we are all 'anysexual' willing to get our freak on if the situation moves us.

Perhaps it is this basic lack of honesty that compels us to identify [through the filter of religion] who and what we 'are'...because a 'bad' label can literally 'ruin your life' by blocking doors that might otherwise open for you.

So yeah, we tend to be careful when we are handed life's 'curveballs' because we are deeply conditioned to respond to 'labels'.

Of the dozen or so remaining individuals pursuing the 'title' of POTUS, how many believe they can make a difference and how many are simply seeking the prestige that comes with the title because a quick reality check tells pretty much everyone that the job is being the figurehead for a brand that doesn't exist.

That's right good citizen, the labels Democrat or Republican only mean something to YOU...the people actually making the decisions you have to live with recognize neither of them because they all work for 'the Lords of Money.'

Don't think there are enough electrons to explain to the feeble just who those people are, they do what they do because they are paid to do it and that's the end of that.

How unfortunate for our species that the thinking process is incapable of arriving at obvious conclusions?

The jury is still out regarding our preference for fantasies or our inability to cope with life free of the deceptions we are fed by those who would exploit us.

You know its true...and that's why the deceivers can't sleep at night. How long will 'the illusion' hold?

Fewer questions are more fraught with fear.

I know I lost the simple when I pointed to the deceptions but often density is its own reward.

This leaves the rest of you...what's your major malfunction? Having too much fun playing 'go along to get along' that you lost sight of the boundaries?

The penalty for treason is death.

But to stand trial for treachery first you have to be found out...

Until next time, Head.


Friday, December 27, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the focus of the upcoming election [Yeah, it's this year!] will be on defeating the populist freakazoid and removing him from office but the question remains...more of the same is what got us here. How do we change the system to put power beyond the reach of the self-interested?

EVERYBODY KNOWS the 'gridlock' that has crippled effective government for the past forty years has only reduced gangland deaths because government inaction and disinterest has allowed crime to run rampant as fake 'crusaders' slashed regulatory oversight while lining their own pockets.

The ONLY 'notable accomplishment' of the Trump Administration has been the focus on undoing decades of regulation protecting the public and the planet from the rapacious practices of the capitalists...so toxic has capitalism become.

Will electing a 'different' leader alter the direction the nation is being led in by the greedy and the feckless?

EVERYBODY KNOWS (the answer is NOPE.)

YOU are being held hostage to your paycheck, you aren't about to 'endanger' your only source of income...so the CHANGE HAS TO BE HOLISTIC.

The dumb don't know what that means, all they know is that change is frightening and that they don't like it.

Step one is leveling the playing field.

Less than one percent will have the 90% of the planet they 'claim to own' taken away from them AND their bank accounts will be ZEROED.

Wait, it gets 'better', banking as an industry and a profession will cease to exist. [Debt will be illegal and placing someone in debt will become an exile offense.]

The ONLY way to obtain money will be to WORK for it and banking will become an internal function of the specialty you work for. [Don't panic, your money is for YOU and YOU alone. Nobody can take it nor can you GIVE it to anyone.] (financial punishment will disappear) We all make our own way in life and your membership in society provides you with EVERYTHING you need to prosper, 'sustainably'.

Your 'job' (besides the one society guarantees) is to not get your membership in society revoked. Here's a helpful hint. The principal rule is as old as humanity and we even call it the 'golden rule' of treating others as you wish to be treated. Yes, this rule is 'anti-asshole' but don't you think we've put up with the self-important long enough?

Fresh out of kindness and consideration? No problem because you are already on your way to live however you like with the like minded in the Big Empty.

Not ready for that kind of 'change' huh?

Rather take your chances with the muggers and the Brownshirt/Evangelicals (who talk the talk but have no frickin clue how walk the walk...and get militant if you run afoul of what they've been taught is devoutness.)

One 'denouncement' and you'll find yourself the guest of honor at a rock throwing party. [Isn't militant Christianity fun?]

In fact, every 'control based' dogma out there is centered on violence to maintain power both Democracy and COmmunism would collapse without the constant threat of state sponsored violence...and the 'we don't kill' doctrine is the lie they hide behind.

ASP is kindness centered, if you have no empathy you will be cast out to live (or not) on your own.

If you have a problem with sharing the planet equitably then NOBODY needs you...even you are your own worst enemy.

Rouges, the planet is lousy with them and if nothing is done, we shall all perish...not an 'opinion' but a fact.

Dump Trump is only the tip of the iceberg.

Tick Tick good citizen...


Thursday, December 26, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we are all scandalized when something shared in confidence gets back to the very individual you didn't want to know about it...but it is little 'slips' like this that serve to clear the air... sometimes.

Our individual mental playgrounds are dangerous places indeed. We often think what we would never say, which is why people will stop at nothing to get you to reveal your innermost thoughts because they want in on the laugh.

Most of us refuse to share because what makes you chuckle, er, sinisterly might give you a black eye in the minds of your peers.

So we arrive at 'privacy' and how the 'facts' about us are laying there for anyone to see and most of it is without 'context'.

I have repeatedly warned of the 3 things humans hate [Cameras, mirrors and the truth because nobody likes the truth...it is highly 'unflattering'.]

We all hold higher opinions of ourselves than others would credit us with and some of us think this is 'unfair'. Conversely, most of us needn't dig too hard to find folk who believe we are 'full of ourselves' because most of us are, to varying degrees.

I am an abysmal failure as a human being and an even worse 'friend'...that admitted, I am running just about 'average'.

With no god to hand out 'attaboys' or 'fuck you's' we all slide along the 'medians' of honesty and reliability.

Can't trust anyone further than you could throw them [and most of us struggle to lift infants without injuring ourselves once the blush of youth fades.]

So, what do you need to keep away from 'prying eyes?' Are you afraid someone will find out where you hid the body or stashed the loot?

There are hundreds of embarrassing details that would force most of us to backtrack mightily to clarify any 'misconceptions' folk might have gotten from your version of affairs past...starting with the fact that they weren't there and neither were you as it turns out.

The media's focus on the loss of privacy hinges on the fact that anyone genuinely gives a fuck what you did at ANY point in the past [that isn't directly linked to criminal activity...]

Which is what specifically is behind the concern troll's sudden interest in protecting 'yours'.

More daunting [should any of you spare a moment to consider it] is the fact that history will not remember ANY of us.

I leave behind my 'scribbling' and with one good EMP that goes poof, not that anyone will give a shit!

I honestly endeavor not to tax your ragged attention too sorely so I try to be brief while remaining 'relevant'.

Only rogues and scoundrels require the 'cloak of secrecy', privacy's alter ego.

If you've got nothing to hide...and most of us do but the worst that's going to happen is our ego is going to be bruised for a short while...and if you're a psychopath, you'll be over it the moment it happens!

DId I just say you were a psychopath?

No, I just inferred that you might have some psychopathic tendencies...

Just something else to ponder as the old year wanes, Head.


Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Greetings good citizen, publicly the Pentagon is telling us they are scaling back the Global War on Terror to strengthen their footing against more 'traditional' opponents...[specifically China and the former USSR.]

Is the 'peace dividend' finished? [Was it ever a thing?]

Using 'tools' like God, humans like to 'pretend'...a lot.

Can you imagine what would happen to the global economy if PEACE actually broke out worldwide? If it weren't for the fixation on constantly upgrading the militaries of even the tiniest of nations the global job market would flatline.

Can YOU say mismanagement?

WTF is WRONG with the people running things?

I'll tell you what you already know, ya can't f'n fire 'em!

How many of you are DUMB enough to think the government has ANYTHING to do with this 'War on Peace?'

Why does nobody else see this? Is everyone in the media STUPID?

If we take that back a notch or two is the steady slaughter of our children preferable to the alternative?

No population 'crisis' if we kill enough of 'em...and guess who is facing a disproportionate amount of the culling?

People of color. [Does anyone think that's an accident?]

Problem with guns and bombs are if nobody uses them, they are 'useless'.

What does this say about the murderous wretches who claim to own what belongs to us all?

Who is that? You ask...

They aren't really hiding, are they?

Preznint Pussygrabber (the flag humper) is their proxy...so how many of you are puzzled by the 'gift' North Korea has for us?

Let's chase this rabbit hole a little further. Here we are in the second year of presidential campaigning by a huge field of people that I wouldn't let tie my shoes and we have a cadre of self-important A-holes dictating to the people who run the media and the military pretending to be the "government".

Chant the refrain, children. [How f'n dumb are you?]

Yet you seem uninterested in doing anything about this.

Que sera, sera?

If you don't TRY to kill the spider before it bites you whose fault is it? Fate?

Nope, it's YOURS.

Merry X-mas. I asked Santa to bring you an ounce of brains but he said they were on backorder...hope you get them in time!


Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we can pick our 'friends' but our relatives come to us whether we 'want' them or not. We get to choose if we want to 'associate' with them but the 'blood connection' remains regardless of the superficial divides of ideology.

From your siblings down to your extended relations, they may be assholes but they are your assholes.

How many of you just violently rejected this fact?

Hmmn. All of you? That's mighty rough. How will we 'unite' if it has to be done on 'your terms'?

Let's shift mental gears here from the chimera that we call love to the more influential force of nature known as need.

Love is 'nice' but we don't 'need' it. What we need is common cause and it is here that we are all chasing our own 'unicorns', absolutely convinced that we are doing the right thing for the greater good.


Harry Potter takes on the topic of 'the greater good' and the evil that lurks beneath the motives of those who would strip you of your individuality to make society more accommodating for their decidedly radical agendas.

HBO's Watchmen reveals the elephant in the room: White people built this world so white people believe they deserve to run it...(even if they suck at it.)

How unfortunate for us all the only 'rule' they respect is that of conquest? They conquered this world and they expect it to stay conquered.

They have no interest in a cooperative world like the one needed if we are to defeat the many problems caused by the predatory commerce system that serves to keep the rabble docile and turned against one another so their rule goes uncontested.

Worse, you have been taught to LOVE your servitude. It does you no good BUT the alternative is decidedly unpleasant, they make sure of that.

Nope, there is no 'alternative' to predatory capitalism, the 'alternative' being pointed to here is 'failure'. Fail to be a 'good capitalist' and you will lose EVERYTHING.

What? Nobody loses under capitalism. There is social assistance everywhere you look...how sad the most dominant of these 'options' is PRISON!

Did I mention white people suck at running things? Like I shared yesterday, it's not 'white people' at all, it's the f'n RICH, the I got mine, F-U crowd that hands you their shit and expects you to make a living with it.

The thing to understand is the F-U crowd is NOT 'lily white' (but they seem to prefer white people for reasons unexplained, likely for their obsession with order and their callous disregard for 'fairness'.)

[Did I nail 'em?]

You bet I did!

If you don't make it a practice to HIDE during the Holiday Season (and many do.) Preferring the company of those that agree with them [making for a horrendous number of 'solitary celebrations' out there.] The rest who haven't given up on their fellow humans...or that dumbly believe that work centered events are 'safe'...

Here's something to contemplate during what was once known as the season for judgment:

United we stand. Our needs are common and what's fair for one must be fair for ALL. If we fail to reject the predatory system forced upon us by 'the privileged' we shall fail as a species.

Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.

Your future 'happiness' depends on it.


I'd wish you a Happy-Merry but this is no place for either falsehoods or 'wishes'.

The truth is neither good nor bad, it simply is.

Monday, December 23, 2019


Greetings good citizen, as we approach the end of the year/decade the feckless media raises its eyes toward the rearview mirror and tells us 'what's best'...while turning a blind eye to the Heart of the Matter.

Read a typically tone-deaf piece this morning that raved about how HBO's re-imagined Watchmen shone a light on resurgent 'White Supremacy' when, once again, it is NOT 'race relations' that are behind the 'inequities' ripping the social fabric to shreds.

The problem is far older and rooted in the misnamed Justice System that is dominated by 'individuals of privilege' worldwide...people who like to pretend they don't exist and have made a career out of enforcing inequality because change would remove their privilege.

The loosely applied label for this ilk is the, "I got mine, f-u!" crowd and they are legion.

They LOVE to lay racism as the root cause of this deeply troubled world while ignoring the larger, older problem of greed that leads to both criminality and injustice on a massive scale, WORLDWIDE!

What are homelessness, poverty and starvation/hunger all indicators of?

MISMANAGEMENT on a colossal scale.

Those claiming to OWN what belongs to us all are THIEVES, and their confederates that sell us their products are criminals.


'I got mine, f-u' has got to go!

Seriously children, the refrain says it all. [How f'n dumb are you?]

If we were to be real with one another racism is a problem but what's UNDERNEATH the racism isn't WHITE SUPERIORITY, it is just plain SUPERIORITY which is toxic all by itself.

This, sadly, leaves us with the single most asked question in ANY language...

Do you know what that question is?

Sure ya do because YOU say it all the f'n time! [It's just that thinkin' ain't your strong suit...]

The most repeated question in the world is 'What the fuck is WRONG with you????'

Until you figure that one out we shall remain unable to fix ANY of this.

Could the answer be 'nuthin' go up top?'

Sure looks like it

Act or be acted upon, there isn't another choice, Head.


Sunday, December 22, 2019


Greetings good citizen, we as a species have been asked 'what are words for when no one listens?' and none of the living generations has answered...partly because they don't know but mostly because they didn't want to 'appear' foolish (despite it being far too late for that, were we to be 'real' with one another.)

Again, being 'real' with one another, most of you would rather hide than act [which is how we got to such a sorry state in the first place.] You didn't see the harm in letting things work themselves out, mostly because you didn't dare to make a stand for fear that you hadn't considered ALL of the variables.

Now here we are, faced with problems that no single nation state is capable of dealing with and the 'self-interested' who operate above and away from the justice systems maintained solely to protect the commercial interests of the criminals that claim to own what belongs to all of us...

Beginning to see the 'problem'?

Of course not.

You're perfectly content to believe the people who are acting in their own best interests wouldn't endanger yours, never once asking the question, 'Who would stop them?'

If you can't answer that question then you already know the answer...[nobody.]

Here's another slap in your smug face; these self-styled demi-gods are no smarter than you are AND most of them were, TRUMP-LIKE born into the money they have no frickin clue how to invest.

And it didn't even occur to you to even ask who would stop them until you read it here!

Yet you believe these are people who have carefully considered the consequences of their actions...

Chant the refrain, children! [How f'n dumb are you?]

Truth? You secretly appall yourself...most of the time. [Gegner is not appalled, Gegner is ashamed of you, both your failure to act and your refusal to see.]

YOU keep hitting the snooze alarm hoping against hope that the problem(s) will fix themselves...the whole time knowing NOTHING will happen until you get off your dead ass and DO something!

Apparently it is not enough to point at the problems that need fixing so I will go against my mandate and TELL YOU what YOU need to do.

If you don't listen then that (and the consequences) are on YOU.

Step one is UNITE, drop the fake petty prejudices you were TAUGHT and make common cause with others LIKE YOU or none of you will survive.

The answer (and you f'n well know it) to the excuse, "But they'll kill me!" is they are doing it whether you actively resist or not. The only way you win is to fight back!

Once united you will have the power of 'refusal' at your command. Use it to deny their self-servings claim of ownership of what belongs to us all. Only then will those who act with legal impunity be brought to heel.

[Repeat after me, It's NOT yours, it's OURS!]

Then we must act to place the law BEYOND THE REACH of the 'self-interested' [People we currently call 'rich'. In an 'equitable' future, they will cease to exist with the truly 'hard cases' being permanently removed from the genepool.]

No lawyers, no judges and no cops will finally lead to NO WARS!

Those who refuse to willingly live under society's rules will have their membership in society revoked. Same goes for those who fail to put their humanity ahead of their own interests.

This was NEVER about you...or f'n spirit in the sky. It has always been about US, united.

Accept and prosper or reject and die (for those are the wages of stupidity. a.k.a believing dumb things.)

Happy Holidays!


Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sappy Holidays!

Greetings good citizen, Happy Festivus for those of you that have grown tired of the fakery surrounding the 'church co-opted holidays'. No coincidence that the churches placed their 'holy days' right over the ancient festivals that coincided with the planet's natural rhythms. Today is the Winter Solstice, celebrated since the 'dawn of humanity's arrival' as the actual 'New Year'. Each religion has its own calendar as well as its own agenda but be that as it may, there is no question that after today, the life giving Sun resumes its northward journey through the tropics. The first day of winter marks the halfway point until the return of Summer.

No wonder people celebrated during this dismal time of year. Hope is such a powerful thing.

These celebrations also helped plan how long the stored food would last and helped to gauge what needed attention in the upcoming planting season.

Interesting to note that the churches downplayed the pagan festivals as frivolous, drunken orgies marked with brawls and murders as the peasants sought revenge for the shortages they faced with three more months of hard winter ahead of them.

So, yeah. It was a time of reckoning and humans that relied heavily on each other to do their part didn't like being told the next three months would be lean unless you had a yen for whatever was bountiful, usually something that doubled as animal feed like cabbage or turnips.

While the church painted these Days of judgment as drunken brawls [and most 'acts of revenge' are 'fueled by' alcohol, it was more the result of the drinking rather than being caused by it.]

Most of you fools think the farmers of old grew whatever they wanted and that was NOT the case. Even farmers today are TOLD what the market needs so it's not a 'dictatorship', per se. Not as neat as that because just like ancient times not everybody's land is suitable for the crops the market is short of...as evidenced by f'n cucumbers!

It takes a village and while these guys were farmers, they weren't agronomists. Farming back then was one size fits all. What came up best on a given plot was determined by what kind of dung was used for fertilizer...and you used what you had.

Thus were these acts of vengeance viewed as appeasement of the gods of nature who were obviously displeased with whoever failed the tribe. [Don't discount that 'stupidity' also played a major role.] Selling off your 'extra' livestock for wine or mead in the Spring is likely what produced most shortages come the lean time of the year.

Come Spring, many the tribe would send out emissaries to barter for what they were short on and the idiocy would repeat itself...with more than a few dumb farmers paying the price for their cupidity.

While the church condemned the 'pagan' festivals, they weren't so much 'celebrations' as they were public trials of who did or did not meet their obligations to the community.

Most escaped the harsh judgement of their fickle gods and if the mid-winter tally showed a surplus then there was reason to 'celebrate' and if folks got rowdy, well men will be men.

With the advent of the Industrial Age we have been excluded from the 'accountability process' that the church branded as 'pagan festivals' and the celebration part has been co-opted by the commerce sector solely to boost sales...for no 'greater purpose' beyond the momentary expression of appreciation for the few who have been kind to us in the past weeks and months.

One 'Aw Fuk' is all it takes and you are off the Christmas card list, Buster!

So needless to say, Yule [Festivus] is STILL a time for judgment and retribution.

Christ is King? Big whoop! It's the time of year where you are gonna get what's coming to you...

Have YOU been a 'Good Citizen'?

I sincerely hope so Head, for your sake.


Friday, December 20, 2019


Greetings good citizen, part & parcel with the world of 'I' comes the vision we have of how we expect our lives to unfold as we progress through the ladder of age, not that many of us reflect very much on what life will be like when our body starts to betray us...for the most part we all 'dream' of dying peacefully in our sleep once we have lived our lives to the fullest.

The part to keep in mind here is this is ALL 'fantasy'...specifically, YOUR fantasy.

As each 'rung' on the ladder is achieved [most often driven by the age element more so than the achievement part because most of our 'fantasies' are fluid, changing as life offers us glimpses of what it 'could be'.

The part that stays with you is regardless of how you get there, as the ride approaches the end you tend to convince yourself that for the most part, you life met your 'minimum expectations', in that respect even the most wretched of us seldom die as failures.

By the time you reach your fifties the bar has dropped considerably. You have given up on the possibility that you will retire young and live the rest of your life out in leisure...while still holding out hope for a lottery hit to turn things around for you.

Grounded we pretend to be but grounded we aren't...such is the mind.

It is here that the dreamer collides most viciously with the obstacle to achieving their dreams, that thing we call 'reality'.

Did you know that much of what passes for reality is 'pretend' too?

Which is to say the primary thing preventing you from becoming king/queen/it is the fact that there are 7 billion others with the exact same idea.

While our fantasy selves consider themselves complete, they need nothing from the 7 billion 'copycats' who want to take what is rightfully theirs, this collides with the reality that NONE OF US can live a life of leisure, er, 'unassisted'.

No individual possesses that much 'talent', with the weird exception of writers...who develop godlike talents when crafting their narratives...to bad that too is only 'make believe'.

But we digress.

'The Dream' is part of what maintains the 'peace' within an insular society such as ours because it allows the individual to pretend that all things are possible when we know in our hearts THEY ARE NOT.

So it is we have the political process and the 'illusion of participation' it provides. How many of you are with Speaker Pelosi that we will just have to satisfy ourselves with the fact that Donadl (misspelling intentional) has been impeached and will from this day forward carry that stain on his reputation with him...because the Senate will not prosecute him even if he does murder an innocent passerby in Times square on live television!

The MF HUMPED the flag on national television and the media didn't say boo...tells us who is working for who, doesn't it?

Because like the whole election process, the bought and paid for government is also a chimera, an exercise in 'let's pretend' where the rest of us have been reduced to the role of 'observers'.

We CAN'T prosecute him ourselves, the tools don't exist.

But wait, is ridding ourselves of the most annoying president in history really the biggest problem on our collective plate, what about our children's dwindling future?

Why do NONE of you dumbasses ever bring that up?

Notice NONE of the morons running for 'Leader of the 'free world' are offering anything beside free education FOR JOBS THAT DON'T EXIST! WTF!

[Chant the refrain children!]

If YOU don't get your head out of 'fantasyland' the future is fucked.

Nuff said!


Thursday, December 19, 2019


Greetings good citizen, turns out the candidate I was behind in the upcoming presidential race is a failure for the same reason the rest came up short, if you don't understand what JUSTICE is you have no business being the leader.

In yesterday's impeachment vote one congress person voted 'present' to demonstrate that she wouldn't let partisanship stand in the way of getting things done.

So rather than vote for the pursuit of justice, she chose to abstain, hoping to woo the voters that were dismayed with the perceived 'persecution' of Preznint Pussygrabber.

This variety of 'political triangulation' is common and precisely what we don't need in a leader !

If you don't value justice then you are unfit to lead. [It also casts a shadow on your judgment, people who don't value justice shouldn't vote.]

Considering where we are I'd say screw impeachment, invoke the 25th already! What amount of proof does anyone need that Pussygrabber is mentally incompetent? Does he actually have to drop his drawers while he 'dry humps' the flag? Dry humping the flag on international TV is apparently okay if your a Republican!

WTF? [We have already eclipsed the point of 'what's wrong with him', now the question becomes what's wrong with YOU?]

Which is unfair because none of this is up to 'you'. You've been bound, gagged and locked in the trunk, there to watch wide eyed in horror as the spectacle unfolds.

This whole fiasco is being 'staged' to provide YOU with the 'illusion of justice'. If they do nothing the environment come election day is likely to be downright hostile.

Not 'safe' to walk around believing half the nation is off its rocker and supports [to the point of violence] an insane dotard who is single handedly setting the stage for a return to monarchy.

REMEMBER, Numbnuts didn't WIN, he lost by 3 million votes.

Trump DOES NOT represent the 'will of the people' but the will of those who bought the process.

Now it's the media's job to sell you the illusion that your fellow citizens did this to you, for themselves.

One thing that was missing from Willy Jeff's impeachment [for a BJ from an intern] was the protests IN FAVOR of impeachment. Maybe the Trumpsters really are 'walk ons' in a staged spectacle for public consumption. IF they aren't getting paid they aren't about to freeze like the pro-impeachment demonstrators are doing.

How many of you conservative twats think the people protesting in favor of impeachment are paid shills?

Where does that rabbit hole lead?

Time to burn the f'n polls then move on to the statehouses as both have proven to be 'useless'.

This government by the rich, for the rest of us isn't working out as evidenced by the global collapse of capitalism and the wholesale shuttering of retail outlets, decimating that 2nd income stream of all faux 'middle class' citizens.

Now your 2nd job is sitting in a car Uber gave you for hours on end wondering when they are going to repo the POS on you and then what will you do? The only people making money on Uber are the cell phone carriers.

This is what YOU are 'voting' for...more of the same and if you don't like it, tough, you agreed to 'arbitrate' and the arbitrators work for them so you are fucked.

One more time, for those of you with minds like a fine steel sieve: Hillary stepped aside for Obama, who gave the war criminal a pass, then Biden AND Bernie stepped aside to give Hillary her shot...and wouldn't you know it, the biggest oaf the Republicans could find one, oh well.

Now it's looking like the Media is torn between Biden or Bernie, who both stepped aside to give someone else a chance!

Aren't you sick of choices between 'same shit, different face and more of the same lite?'

Me? F this and the horse it keeps riding in on!

Only a hundred more clicks to 75,000! [Yippee!]


Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Greetings good citizen, sort of amusing that the president who got elected DESPITE his admission that he held women in zero regard is calling his (inevitable) impeachment a witch hunt and an attack on Democracy by, ironically enough, the non-existent party that draws its name from the freakin' process itself!

Few doubt the media's coverage of the proceedings is merely another false display intended to bolster support for a failed system of government while exposing more of the rot and corruption that permeates the true divide in the 'classes' the media exploits while denying the existence of 'classes'.

The Republican's represent the rich/robber/criminal class while they OWN the opposition, because NOTHING happens without MONEY.

Everybody knows the political process is the captive of the wealthy (who print all they want and laugh while you knock yourself out for a pittance!) and there ain't a thing the captive legal system will do about it.

Seems it always boils down to that divisive truism that dictates "Let those who CLAIM to OWN the land, Rule the land!"

This is treason against humanity and revokes the claimants membership in civil society that said claimant has absolutely no use or respect for.

YOU are a rat in a cage, being tortured by criminals who would kill you than look at you. [This is an unvarnished view of the 'government we have' which is NOT the 'government we NEED'.]

Want to see rats 'sanitizing' the cesspool just watch the 'parlimentary bullshit' on display as this latest impeachment is being televised! [The whole while the feckless media is telling the public the 'nation' is divided almost perfectly so they can foist off ANY OUTCOME THEY DESIRE, including RE-APPOINTING the fucktard-in-chief and nobody can 'object because 3 million votes isn't 'enough'. Let me remind you that Hitler conquered all of Europe with a single million man army.]

Now we are being told that a million looney tunes that can't define democracy nevermind impeachment are sufficient reason to abort the search for justice that will never exist under the current system which is controlled by criminals who use the government to enrich themselves.

Doesn't matter what side of the impeachment argument you fall on, YOU are the victim here.

Here in the season of love and compassion for your fellow humans [it is a truly a 'mean' individual who spends the season calculating each expenditure in terms of R.O.I.] we should pause and consider where EXACTLY this shit-show is headed if we can't come to an 'equitable' arrangement that respects EVERYBODY'S needs at the basic level.

Time for a peaceful solution is running out and those currently in control have taken a decidedly 'non-negotiable' position...as evidenced by the Pussygrabber.

Now the POSSIBILITY that the moron might regain office is enough to not polarize but mobilize those frightened by the prospects of waking up living in a nightmare where they can't protect their children from the predators that would laugh while they starved.

This is just a glimpse of things to come.

What's it gonna be, Head?

Die on your feet or live (barely) on your knees.


Are you genuinely so stupid that you don't see the life or death consequences of failure?

The life you save will most likely be your own, choose wisely!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Greetings good citizen, only the greybeards among us remember a time when the US was the planet's manufacturing hub and GE was the biggest Company on the planet. Yeah, Mr. Edison, who was robbed blind by J.P. Morgan, (the defacto owner of the company Tom built) is now called something else in China.

Saw but did not read an article on MSN yesterday offering to tell us who buys the stuff the US produces.

So it is good citizen, what do you suppose team USA makes besides food and explosive, corrosive financial products? Aside from Haas, the US machine tool industry has vanished...and who knows how much of that lonely entry in the Made in USA label is still produced in the US because we all know it's about the 'cheap'.

What makes another country 'cheap'? We are taught that 'production cost' is related to the standard of living of the workforce in a given nation but this is not the case.

Why don't the Chinese starve to death producing the goods US citizens USED TO PRODUCE for a 'fraction' of US workers need to live? [se habla 'runaway inflation' tied to NOTHING?]

The answer rests with the BANKSTERS and their feckless manipulation of the substance known as MONEY. [If a pig is a pig and a duck is a duck, why isn't a buck a buck? Because the banksters pay the Chinese in dollars that buy four times what a US dollar buys yet one US dollar will buy you 8 Chinese dollars that you need to live in China to spend!

Please wrap your feeble mind around the FRAUD this presents.

I can lead you to the rotting corpse of your future but I can't make you SEE IT!

How do you expect to survive on a planet where the few make the laws to suit themselves? Zero irony they DON'T EXPECT YOU to survive in a world that they have shut YOU out of.

Think you are a 'valued' team member? Think again.

You are being played for a chump and THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN [LEGALLY] DO ABOUT IT. [Where's JUSTICE now?]

There is but one way to restore JUSTICE and that is with torches and electric mini guns (taken from the corpses of those stupid enough to stand with our oppressors.)

Um, did you just blink and ask, 'What oppressors?' All YOU see are co-workers and the 'slime' toting the mini-guns are OUR F'N KIDS!

The boss is okay if perhaps a little too gung ho sometimes [because HIS bonus depends on it) It's his boss that sucks!

Nope, not finding any oppressors just the homeless guys down the block that turned up after the last bail-out of the local car assembly plant tanked because nobody can f'n afford a new car. [Something you WON'T be taught in school, we USED to not only make the most cars in the world, we also made ALL of the parts so EVERYBODY could afford a new car every two years!

How did we manage that when we are now a net importer of food? We used to feed the world and hunger was (mostly) erased when welfare insured people had a place to live and food on the table because USA once believed in its heart that how you treated your fellow man is how you measured if the sacrifices you made were worth it. Back then those 'sacrifices' were taxes paid...so ask yourself what you get for your taxes today? Politicians who live like kings by selling YOU out to people who already have more than they can use?

You don't know from Adam BUT the folks that lived through THE GREAT DEPRESSION were BETTER OFF than 90% of today's median income population! They had roofs over their heads, food on the table AND money in their pockets AND money in the bank and these (we are taught) were 'desperate times'.

Credit/debt didn't exist back then, these people didn't hand over most of their paycheck to a credit card company ('pretending' they were doing it 'for the points'.)

What the f is wrong with you? How did you get so IGNORANT? You were taught NONE OF THIS...and the media is mute as well and we can only wonder 'why'?

Don't take any wooden nickels [although there isn't anything that makes one more 'real' than the other...]

Only two more weeks until we start a whole new year of this mass insanity, Head!

Could SHAME be a big part of it?

Only you know the answer to that one.


Monday, December 16, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the idea of powerlessness has so permeated our society that most of you have stopped paying attention to what is going on around you , preferring to listen to the narrative being spewed by those who blame 'others' for the self-inflicted wound of not standing up for themselves.

If you believe nobody cares it becomes a self-fulling prophecy [so powerful is the grip of self-delusion.]

There are few things in life more corrosive than self-pity. Accepting responsibility for your mistakes and missteps is something many refuse to do. Conversely, some are stymied by past failures and are unable to let go and move on...and sometimes the 'others' involved won't allow it. [Hindsight is always so clear, making letting go that much more difficult.]

But today's parable focuses on the bull in the china shop that never listens to anyone and never accepts responsibility for their recklessness.

Like dumb and stupid, there are only a couple of degrees of separation between thick skinned and thick skulled.

Rounding out this trifecta of insensitivity is the tendency we have towards finding our fellow humans 'Toxic'.

This traces back to the world of 'I' and the skill with which an outside observer can topple the most carefully constructed fantasy with a single grunt of revulsion. A phenomenon that is magnified by the fact most of us are so consumed in these personal fantasylands that we misinterpret any slight as an assault when we aren't even the target.

Face it, the typical human's frequent lapses in attentiveness create an atmosphere just ripe for conflict. Often what's going on around you competes with what's going on in your mind so much so that you have trouble deciding which one deserves your attention...what little you have to give (outside a genuine crisis.)

Oh yes good citizen, the 'moments of lucidity' that we all relish so much are rare because those are the moments when your attention is FOCUSED on there 'here and now'.

Remember the insane asylum analogy I keep referring to? Well it is these conflicting narratives that create this 'otherworldliness' we sometimes find ourselves wrapped up in.

So, we live in a world of SCREAMING where pretty much all of us refuse to listen...[If you have to raise your voice, your 'point' is lost, so we 'tune out'.]

But in your head your mind is screaming for attention and focus.

No wonder we are all mad. [A mix of frustrated and insane.]

Unsurprisingly the cognizant know the best way to 'quiet' your tortured mind is to make oneself keenly aware of the 'here and now'.

This is easier said than done because the mind is relentless and seeks (constant) distraction. If you can keep your wits about you there is no end to the marvels you will encounter...but first you must get your head out of someone else's asshole as they only want to fill it WITH THEIR SHIT.

Trouble with the world of 'I' is there isn't anyone to 'listen' to you muse over the marvels you've found. When we do find someone that will feign interest in your mental ramblings we mistake it for love...because it takes a leap of faith to trust another with your innermost self.

Took awhile to dig it out but this is the 'center of the problem'. Our innermost selves are fragile and need to be 'protected' from the callous indifference more commonly known as 'life'.

A precious gift has been laid bare before your rapacious mind...question is what will you do with this revelation?

Take a dump on it or will you take a moment and LISTEN?

In the end it is all any of us have to 'give'. (Again) If I have to explain what that is the point is lost, it's more than a hatrack, USE IT!

Look to your fate and act accordingly...


Sunday, December 15, 2019


Greetings good citizen, with the political process being turned against the people it is supposed to 'serve' [although it looks suspiciously like the process is actually designed to repress us because the slightest friction ANYWHERE in the process derails even the strongest of initiatives and yet the process is never altered sure looks strange...but the process is falsely labeled as a method of resolving conflict, it is used to inflame it instead.

Were we to ask the public if politics, especially party politics, was 'effective' the answer would be a resounding no for both sides of the aisle...but both sides would also be stymied at what to replace it with.

How 'bout honesty?

Conflict resolution MUST start with honesty and nothing can be 'off-limits'.

The whole point of politics is the resolution of conflict without violence. (Otherwise we'd simply attack whoever opposed us with everything we had.

Problem here is the 'we' part. YOU may have a problem with someone else's ideas but that doesn't make it your neighbor's problem nor is he keen to die over your 'perception problem', which is what happens if you over-do the growl and attack thing too many times.

Now we have the two existing parties ready to murder one another over their ideological differences that the the party members aren't even aware they hold!

The media is responsible for your perception [but only for a short time longer, you can only hit the panic button so many times before people start ignoring it and that is WHY they are doing it.] When the public figures out they have been short-sheeted they are going to look under whatever rock the f'n media points at to seek retribution against the culprit.

Gonna go hunting liberals when the fucktarded media blames the fake economy AND fake news on them (with ZERO evidence?)

How f'n DUMB are YOU?

Those who control the current political gridlock like things just the way they are. Consensus would likely lead to their being prosecuted for crimes against humanity. A phenomenon they rely on the system to protect them from.

So we return to a question the f'n media never asks and we can only wonder how 'good' a for profit media is for anyone involved...and it is responsible for the current crop of billionaires, make no mistake about it.

What am I referring to? If we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, then WHO opposes us?

Do YOU know the answer?

Quick quiz: taking what doesn't belong to you is called stealing.

How do you get a bill of sale for what belongs to everyone? [Don't suppose the answer is a fraudulent legal system, do you?]

Why does nobody ask this question? Because such a question is considered heresy and in the not too distant past the penalty for heresy was death.

Did you know the penalty for treachery is still death?

Why do you suppose the fraudsters are shaking in their shoes that they will be found out?

Politics in the hands of the few is a brick wall the treacherous hide behind, just like the damn badges.

The politician, the judge, the lawyer (hoping to become a judge) and the cop (who is studying to become a lawyer) all have one thing in common...YOU ARE THE ENEMY.

The penalty for treason is death and those calling themselves 'Officers of the court' are ALL traitors because the law is the exclusive domain of the people who live under it. For justice to prevail it can not tolerate 'specialists' who use their claim of special knowledge to twist the law to THEIR liking.

It's the reason the public has abandoned even the idea of Justice, because the law is corrupt.

But you knew that, didn't you, Head?

Tick-tock, time's a wastin'.


Saturday, December 14, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the 'holiday season' is upon us and what is the principal takeaway out of control consumerism shows us?

Let's pause a moment and reflect on the first part of the word Holiday...which is actually the bastardization of the term 'holy day'.

Everybody knows and this is news to no one...but how did these religious paid days off turn into the commercial bonanza they represent for the predatory commerce system?

I'm tempted to draw the parallel of the Wise men bearing gifts but this distracts from the fact that all three of them were 'kings'...and what's the difference between 'kings' and ordinary people?

Right in one, kings are RICH. Bobo, not so much.

Why do the masses studiously ignore the glaring divide between themselves and their self-proclaimed 'betters'?

Because ENVY is a sin. Say one word about the 'divide' and what are you hit with? They call YOU Jealous!

Um, further distancing themselves from their criminal acts the feckless insist they 'earned' what they have by blending their luck with their cleverness [when a five minute conversation with any one of them would debunk that nonsense out of hand.]

It is here, good citizen, that we are forced to chant the refrain...[how f'n dumb are you?]

Of course were we to be honest about the circumstances we have no control over, 'stupidity' and a healthy regard for making the best of a bad situation wins out because the truth is NOBODY can be trusted when the self-serving make the rules.

Problem with the 'more for me' system is it operates on the same mythical belief system that capitalism operates on, first it sets resources to 'infinite' then it exploits scarcity...[chant the refrain!]

Did I mention you can fill an individual's head with nonsense and they are still capable of functioning, er, 'adequately' because 'normally' is wide of the benchmark...[It's WHY we have trigger happy cops and bankers who are both heartless AND mindless.]

Truly bizarre is how the phrase 'Shoot first and ask questions later' started off as 'gallows humor' that made light of the fact that (prior to forensics) dead humans told no tales.

Ya don't suppose 'modern policing' has embraced this truth, expecting their 'brothers' to cover their trail and ignore what the 'evidence' tells them.

Not that it matters, they got the prosecutors on board with the whole notion that good people make mistakes and wearing a badge puts you in a position where you ordinarily wouldn't be so if you kill an unarmed kid, the LEAST the injustice system can do is look the other way and REFUSE TO PROSECUTE!

Innocent until PROVEN guilty...if you were toting a badge at the time of the crime anyway. Otherwise proximity to the victim is enough to be convicted of murdering your own mother. [Gotta keep those conviction rates up and show the public they are doing the job of keeping them 'safe'. If a 'few' innocent people end up behind bars, it's not the corrupt system's fault but the 'inscrutable' Will of God that is responsible.

Most of you 'tuned out' when I presented the unvarnished truth about the self-serving 'instrument' that protects the thieves who rule us. You don't like that 'truth' either but the facts that you are unwilling to face doesn't alter them.

The 'challenge' facing humanity is crafting a system that is tamper-proof {Like ASP.] While the term task suggests avoidability nothing could be further from the truth. If we refuse to change the feckless will end us all to cover their crimes and avoid prosecution for stealing what wasn't theirs to begin with.

Tis the season to embrace the fact that 'More for ME' puts the interests of the individual ahead of the survival of the species.

Doesn't help that most of you can't conceive of a punishment that fits this crime outside an eternity in the cesspool it creates.

Is the 'hell'?

None of us are getting out of there, which is a mighty terrifying idea all by itself.

Merry Christmas everybody!


Friday, December 13, 2019


Greetings good citizen, most have no clue how much influence the media has on your life. My first novel [Unplugged] focuses on exactly this phenomenon when the world of 'yak' suddenly goes silent and the ONLY thing you KNOW is what you see with your own eyes because the rest is 'hearsay'.

Some yearn for a time that pretty much never existed, a time where most couldn't read so the 'news' heavily relied on 'word of mouth'...and the top stories would be repeated with various embellishments, often obscuring the original report beyond recognition.

This is why written reporting was viewed as a 'god send' The ability to go back and read the original reduced the tendency to 'spin' the reporting to suit a given agenda. [note the 'reduced'] much of what you are told today is 'propaganda' in support of the 'larger narrative' intended to keep you wary yet docile.

How many of you glean the subtext in today's hype filled environment of 'watch out' with just the right undertone of 'but we're on top of it' to keep you from shooting the next shady looking character that crosses your path?

Society is brimming with self-serving, feral individuals. How sad is it that there isn't a prohibition against using fear to intimidate the general populace?

Conservative talk would collapse without the whole cloth chimera they regularly concoct to frighten those already possessed by a paranoid mind. [Remember yesterday's revelation that wariness is the natural 'protection' against becoming a meal for the opportunist?]

Part of the media's 'magic' [read mis-direction] is the constant strumming of the beware circuit in your consciousness, literally putting it to 'sleep' via over-stimulation.

How many of you are even aware this is happening?

Just as I suspected, too few. The rest are 'sleepwalking', fretting without knowing why and if they knew WHY they were doing this they'd be both frightened and pissed.

While no one will deny that mission number one is survival, the feckless will deny that mission number two is 'control' all day long and twice if you ask them to their face!

Why do I insist on telling you what you already, er, 'suspect/know'?

Because you aren't DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT [yet.]

Admit it Head, you 'forget' because the manipulation is both relentless and ceaseless.

Add in 'go along to get along' and acceptance becomes the 'path of least resistance'.

Here's your 'wake up call', YOU are so far gone you don't remember which direction 'up' is! [You are told down is up and you simply go along with it! That's how 'cowed' you are.]

I'd apologize for bitch slapping you but we'd both know how insincere that would be.

Doesn't help that you'd do it yourself if it weren't so pointless.

Your actions define you.

We all know we CAN'T act...but that doesn't prevent us from whispering. The FIRST STEP to throwing off an oppressor is condemning them.

No time like the present, The feckless have been doing it for decades, you've heard the whispering campaign against the hapless boomers who wrecked EVERYTHING.

Yeah, that's them and why do you appear shocked, weren't you taught that your failure was the fault of your 'ignorant parents' who stood there and 'took it' while the feckless raped them repeatedly.

Same shit, different generation.

Did I mention CONTROL?

Don't just sit there, CONDEMN THEM! [Failure to be SPECIFIC is the leading cause of FAILURE. What are you supposed to be condemning? OWNERSHIP! What is owned CAN'T be shared. The fucktards defend ownership by saying they 'sell' it to whoever can pay but if you don't have the 'asking price' [which is totally arbitrary] you get NONE so the 'sale' argument is total bullshit!]

NOBODY OWNS THE PLANET, we can't afford to allow the fucktards to claim it/anything for themselves...in God's name for fuck's sake!

If speaking to you rationally worked I would but it is obvious you only respond to being belittled.

I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but they beat me to it (and you're already doing it!)


Thursday, December 12, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's top headlines focused attention on what has always been a 'surveillance state'. [You, being human and an 'apex mimic' wouldn't be much of a copycat if you weren't obsessed with watching people! It' a hiccup leftover from the eat or be eaten reflex that dictates only the 'wary' survive, the 'inattentive' become food.

So your 'right to privacy' is (and pretty much always has been) an 'idea' that had little basis in reality. The only achievable privacy is the kind that hides in plain sight.

Getting tweaked about surveillance is a waste of energy, besides, if you are not up to anything wrong, there's nothing to fear/worry about [except the suspicious mind can make something out of the most innocent of actions.]

Worse, anything is proof of something...significant or not. There are (a lot) people doing hard time (in for profit prison) for suspicion.

The 'War on Crime' post 'Morning in America' jumpstarted the High school to jail pipeline. Jobs? You don't need no stinkin' job...your ass is gonna stay in the can now that your 'reputation' is destroyed.

ASP hits the 'reset button' because criminals won't be allowed to live among us, there are NO 'prisons'. Break the law and forfeit your membership in civil society, this is irrevocable.

With this in mind, convicts not found to be mentally unstable will be given a '2nd chance'. Sadly, this will be rare because we are all a little 'twisted'.

But I digress...wildly.

The point of directing your attention to the 'surveillance state' is only to remind you this has ALWAYS been so. Perhaps the toughest part of being at the top of the food chain is how our 'wariness' (that made us the apex predator) annoys those who think they are smarter than the rest of us.

It's true people seldom 'notice' what's actually going on but they are ALWAYS WATCHING...and that is NOT GOING to Change!

The 'ultimate coup' is done right under the victim's noses. They have been watching your every move the whole time without understanding what they've been looking at.

This is the 'principle' magic operates on. [It's also why we SUCK at multitasking. Magicians train themselves for years to master the art of doing two (simple) things at once.]

So it is we have become a society of 'cons' who are basically 'untrustworthy' [again, a throwback to our 'predator' past.]

The 'problem' with the tendency to (perpetually) 'test the boundaries' is this is where psychopaths come from and this is the, er, 'personality trait' we need to filter out of the genepool.

Once a psychopath masters the art of treachery, they teach themselves to 'act' empathetic because they know psychopathy is incurable and if they are found out that they will be institutionalized for the rest of their natural days...

Globalization anyone? [Remember 'world trade' ALREADY EXISTED so this was the act of a...yup...and the guy rampaging across the global stage kicking every hornets nest he can find? He's one as well.

This clown [Trump] doesn't know what 'normal' is never minds means.

Question is Head, do you?


Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Greetings good citizen, had a choice this morning between some chump who discovered the 'meaning of life' in a dream [why do humans obsess over finding meaning where there is none?] The cognizant know that life is neither good nor bad, life just is or a rather circuitous article on 'business as usual' under capitalism [although the article claimed to be an 'expose' on 'betrayal' [of the public trust.]

MOST of us learn the fundamentals of Profits BEFORE People while we are still in high school...and if you failed to figure that one out before you entered the 'for profit institution' known as college you found yourself in for one whopping self-inflicted wound you most likely will NEVER recover from. [Luck is, if nothing else, fickle.]

What does 'profits before people' have to do with Magic?

If we begin with the 'fraud' that is money, then money itself is imbued with 'magical properties'.

As an adult tasked with surviving in this predatory clusterfuck of a society I ask you to look down the barrel of commerce and tell me where you 'think' you fit?

FACT: Most people 'fall' into the circumstances that provide them with the ability to obtain sustenance. You may not choose it as a career path but, being a natural born opportunist, you plucked whatever came you way and used it to 'get by'.

This is the primary 'career ladder of life.' Planning is for criminals, the rest of us are 'accidents waiting to happen'.

Criminals PLAN to attend Law School or an equally prestigious Medical Institution, the rest [yes, I'm looking at you educators] are legacies. Public employees are self-replicating...after Law School, many criminals toss their hats into the political arena. [Shocking, eh?]

Only the 'morally ambiguous' succeed at actually practicing law. Ironically, being morally rigid makes you valuable as well because you are useful in determining where the 'edges' of a given piece of legislation are. [So it can be successfully attacked.]

None of this 'matters' because of voodoo economics. [We have returned to looking down the scope of the rifle of life.]

History is shockingly brief. We started out as bands of hunters. From there we learned to 'cultivate' and became 'farmers'. Farm work is tedious and repetitive, literally begging to be 'automated'. Automation increased 'efficiency' and radically reduced the need for 'farmers'. [Hello unemployment.]

Um, since 'genius' isn't mankind's strong suit nobody sees the problem created by having self replicating machines hanging around with nothing to do...So the 'side product' of Farm automation became mass produced weaponry to beat back the quickly rising 'surplus population'.

While the warmongers among us hail the reduction of the loss of life [again via 'automation'] as a 'win', we once again encounter the conundrum of too many humans and not enough to 'do'...which again, is the product of an astounding 'lack of imagination'...like the idea of paying people to do nothing so they can still 'consume'.

How f'n dumb are you?

Is that a suicide note pinned to your top?


Why would you wear such a thing? Oops, I forgot, YOU can't read.

Anyhoo, back to the pipe. Which most of you can't see either...so I will remind you again that I write these for the cognizant.

After farms and war what came next?

We SHOULD be able to figure this one out. Either you grow food, you move food or you prepare food. Either you wear a badge or you do your damndest not to get busted...and either your treat the sick or you (eventually) become one of them.

So what's left? Magic, right!

Well, beyond turning them off then on again, this is about as much as most of you understand about what has become the primary driver of the economy.

Yep, the economy has shifted from data management to the disposal of the highly toxic components we are ill equipped to deal with. [Remember that article I read this morning? This is was what it was about.]

Naturally, we have to ask ourselves WHY the cost of recovering these toxic parts isn't built into their sales price?

Because nobody would be able to afford them...leading us to the more relevant question of can we afford to keep them? [Especially considering how 'toxic' they are apart from the chemical compounds used to make them.]

Again with the short answer. [It's not three letters, leaving the one with only two.]

The 'modern' economy is centered on electronic devices...electronic devices that rapidly become obsolete creating an environmental nightmare thanks to 'NOT MY PROBLEM!' Capitalism.

I leave you with the following equation.

Money = will and will = survival.

Why do we allow the fatally dumb lead us?

Not many next times left head, shit or get off the pot...


Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Greetings good citizen, there is a certain tendency to point at the 'face' of the problem and conclude if you removed the individual, the problem would subside.

Tailgunner Joe McCarthy tainted the Republican brand for a decade after the era of communist witch hunts conservatism is now famous for. [Zero irony they are still hunting commies today when nobody in the current media drenched (and drained) society has the first clue what a communist is!]

For the conservative biased media 'liberals' are today's 'commies'.

Like the Communists of old, the typical capitalist has no clue how much they have in common with the dread menace to the Murikan way of life and that is a learned ignorance, very much like the hatred of Satan.

If you were to draw parallels between you and the Prince of Darkness you'd likely suicide when it became apparent that the only thing separating you from him was your allegiance to Satan's enemy.

Satan sucks and so do most people. [Go ahead and deny it, doesn't make it any less true.]

Were we to peer into the mirror we may observe this tendency to despise anyone and anything we aren't taught is wholesome and pure...and this is a learned thing, make no mistake about it.

This is how your head GOT filled with '*contradictions'.

The very 'foundation' of conservatism is learned hatred. You are told who and what to hate and if you seek an explanation you risk being cast out by the liars that despise questions most of all.

Your 'internal compass' points true, which is why 'learned hatred' is unravelling. Unfortunately, not as rapidly as humanity needs it to. Without UNITY our kind will vanish from this planet.

Without EQUALITY there can be no JUSTICE and without JUSTICE there can be no PEACE (and without peace there can be no prosperity.)

How damning is it that the 'central message' of conservatism is satisfaction with one's 'appointed allotment' in life?

Tens of MILLIONS of homeless around the planet and yet conservatism teaches that this is 'God's Judgment' and it is blasphemy to even question God's judgment...when nobody has EVER laid eyes upon this total fabrication.

The Bible tells of many 'encounters' with the Almighty but always in the distant past...so we just have to 'take it on faith' that any of them ever happened.

Um, most are finally coming around to the reality that Spirit in the Sky doesn't exist and no amount of 'wishing' is going to make it true. Nobody is 'watching out for us' and nobody is watching our back (or neither World War [between Christian Nations] would have happened) *For those of you too dumb to figure out what 'contradictions' I referred to earlier, these are those.]

While Pussygrabber is the 'face' of modern CONSERVATISM the root goes much deeper...and traces along the ever reliable route of impeachment...and what route is that? FOLLOW THE MONEY!

Who is behind the media endorsed Dictatorship of wealth more commonly known as CONSERVATISM?

Who do you think it is? Don't have a clue?

Are you waiting for me to brand the Capitalist?

WRONG, it's the f'n OWNERS!

There is ONE PLANET and either we share it EQUALLY or we f'n kill one another on sight.

Nuff said.


Monday, December 9, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the media continues to repeat the lie that the public is more divided than ever when a more accurate expression of this phenomenon would be not division but CONFUSION!

Nevada is NOT a 'swing state' but the media can't stop itself from telling us that the state is still 'in play' if only to head of the impossibility that we might find some unity forming elsewhere.

Again, the cognizant already realize the playbook used to saddle the nation with a bumbling incompetent the last time is being employed again in an effort to engineer yet another Electoral Upset where the 'lapdog' of The Crown (yes good citizen, our self-professed betters still consider themselves Royals and, er, 'God's Elect') is placed on the Throne labeled as The Leader of the Free World.

Things to consider as the smoke intensifies:

Our Revolution is a 'one way street' where the shadowy, self-appointed 'committee members' preach the gospel of 'revolt' against lying conservatives. This deep reservoir provides a 'veneer' of credibility yet boil away the bullshit and Our Revolution is nothing more than another 'vote for me' scheme that changes nothing fundamental about the badly broken system.

MORE OF THE SAME is NOT revolutionary or even revolt, it is a distraction from a larger problem.

WORSE (when you thought it couldn't get any...)

Our Revolution's most recent incarnation is actually the folks behind the Sanders Campaign, our self-professed socialist.

Remember, this guy folded like a paper cup when the only other candidate against Trump was...HILLARY, Wall St's bitch!

The DNC [which nobody knows who is behind] 'picked' Hillary and instead of soldiering on, Bernie stepped aside, JUST AS Joe Biden [failed presidential candidate who signed on to be Obama's VP also invoked 'personal tragedy' when refusing to step up as Obama's successor.] Given this track record, what kind of LEADERSHIP can we expect from either of these two 'straw horses'?

Is this looking like a house of cards yet? Rhetorical question, good citizen, EVERYBODY KNOWS.

'The Crown' mocks you in your helplessness. You can't get a candidate you trust on the ballot because no such character exists...and WHOEVER you pick is 'vulnerable'.

The system insures that.

Are you following me or did your inability to solve the puzzle lead you to give up and embrace the fatalist's creed of 'Hope for the best and prepare for the worst?'

Humanity will remain a rabbit in a snare until it learns how to hop backwards.

The longer we follow the self-destructive path of popular elections we will continue to tighten the noose around our neck.

Leaders are PROBLEM SOLVERS and they prove their worth by SOLVING PROBLEMS.

ASP solves problems facing mankind holistically by truly 'leveling' the playing field. Life would stop being a game of winners and losers as it has so blatantly become. [The 'abolition' of private property would erase most of the 'bottlenecks' created by capitalism.] Unfortunately, the criminals are 'relentless'.

So as Pussygrabber continues to push us towards nuclear armageddon the real question facing humanity is whether or not you are smart enough to learn that we can't keep doing this.

YOU must vote DIRECTLY on the LAW for it to have ANY validity.

Humanity's cesspool is brought to you by those who have taken it upon themselves to decide what the law is and when it should be applied.

Wake the fuck up!


Sunday, December 8, 2019


Greetings good citizen, like yesterday's post, today's title requires some 'context' to fully understand the topic.

Lots of things are disposable but some of you are likely wondering what the 'economists' are babbling about when they touch on the topic of 'disposable income'. Your 'primary job' covers most of your living expenses and your 'second job' keeps the lights on and food on the table, your 'side hustle' is where your 'pocket/beer money' comes from.

You have to work two jobs if you don't have a license in something because the bulk of what's out there isn't 40 hours a week, leaving you with the time to do two not full time gigs. Since the primary gig hovers around thirty hours a week, the second is usually half that (if you're lucky) leaving the 'slack' to be taken up by the 'side hustle'.

Now we encounter the 'second part' of the term 'disposable'. People that need to work multiple jobs just to keep their heads above water are also considered 'disposable' by the people that refuse to pay them a living wage or employ them 'full time'. While they do the 'dirty' jobs the so-called 'professionals' refuse to do they are only tolerated by the college educated morons who fail to realize they won the lottery by having parents that would support them while they jumped through hoops pursuing their golden ticket to the GOOD LIFE a college degree PROMISES.

[Head Slap!] Remember Occupy? Of course you don't. Thanks to the media it was reduced to a bunch of privileged whiners complaining they got taken over the coals in tuition for jobs that didn't exist!

NewsFlash: College isn't about making you employable, it's like a movie theater where the business model relies on 'asses in seats!' It's not what YOU get out of it, it's what 'sells'. If you think somebody is going to pay you to read sanskrit, great! Pony up and the lecture hall is right across the quad!

This is where predatory economics meets dumb/ignorant adults who think...because they saw it repeatedly as they journeyed through the workforce (as they were being made 'redundant' every five years) that people with degrees...in ANY f'n THING were given jobs solely on the basis on the fact they had a degree and not what that degree taught them.

Like all the 'new math' you were taught in elementary school, once you enter the 'real world' you never use ANY of it. Tradesmen use 'bits' of it and engineers use it constantly but we aren't ALL engineers, are we? [Even engineers rely mostly on add, subtract, multiply and divide...seldom do you 'find for X'.]

While your math skills point to your problem solving abilities, if you aren't spoonfed the variables most of you don't have a clue what you are looking at.

WITH THAT AS A GIVEN, the knotheads running things have ZERO 'understanding/appreciation' of the toll DEBT DRIVEN SOCIETY is taking on the planet.

The oceans oxygen level is dropping rapidly...you don't suppose the 'recently discovered' link between Big Agra's favorite herbicide [which washes off the treated fields and into the oceans...] and cancer in humans is also killing off the oxygen producing fauna in in the oceans?

The rabid capitalist will deny it to their grave but that doesn't mean it isn't true.

Humanity NEEDS to unite and put an end to the MORE FOR ME bullshit while there is still a planet worth saving.

Your kids are already facing the prospects of a 'dead world'. Germs, Guns and Steel shows us the results of rapacious campaigns to 'conquer the weak' and rape the land for all it's worth...and f'n GOLD IS WORTHLESS!

Like the idiot slogan, "The one who dies with the most toys wins!'

Is THIS who is leading us?

We can do better via sustainability.

Either we cooperate or we shall perish making some ingrate rich...for nothing.

Later Head,


Saturday, December 7, 2019


Greetings good citizen, the, er, 'quest for purpose' is totally unrelated to the purpose of government as well as the individual who might be tickled to learn that they no longer have one...

Naturally that assumes the mental maturity to accept we have outlived our 'original purpose'...which is how the Church was able to insert the 'Glorification of God' into the resulting void. [Doesn't matter, pick a church and they provide some inane reason why you should tithe...religiously!]

But the 'purpose of government' is increasingly becoming to protect the owners [with lethal force, as needed] from the retribution of their victims.

We THINK government exists to mete out 'justice' the best it can BUT like all 'relative terms' justice is different things to different people.

Who gets their 'way'?

Money 'talks' but GUNS RULE!

Most are 'amenable' to being bought off but the amount it would take to buy us all off would render money worthless.

This is where 'lead & fear' come in. The dead don't complain but humans are harder to kill than most would assume. We are all 'adverse' to being used as a bullet stop. One doesn't need too much imagination to appreciate fully what 'better off dead' means.

While the average individual 'thinks' [because this is what they are taught] that the police will [if given the proper justification] will 'protect' them, those same 'officers' will shoot you dead if their real bosses tell them to.

Who are their 'real bosses'? Those that claim to legally own what belongs to all of us.


The greatest 'fracture' in human society is the dismissal [by the criminals who stole them for themselves] of the EXISTENCE of Communal Resources.] Worse, Public lands are protected by the government and 'sold/granted' to the feckless so ONLY THE CONNECTED can exploit the resources those 'public lands' contain!

Um, ever, for giggles, look at huge tracts of land out west?

You see tens of thousand of acres 'for sale' and those tens of thousand of acres are BLM land...so the measly few hundred thousand dollars they are asking for what is mostly desert is 'deeded rights' to 60 or 80 acres of desert and 20,000 acres of land 'leased' from the BLM.

What you are getting, sometimes for phone numbers [7 digit asking price] is in fact a tiny piece of deeded land with a huge lease you are obliged to renew (annually) if you want to retain 'access' to it.

No need to chant the refrain but it should drive home the point that what you 'think' and what it is are two very different things.

Ya don't suppose we should put an end to the practice of trying [now ceaselessly] from trying to 'get over' on each other.

There's a reason the penalty for treachery is death. If you can't be trusted there is no place for you in society.

But we are ALL liars, just stick a gun in their face and watch every one cop to some of the most outrageous shit you can imagine (all because nobody wants to become a vegetable because some asshole shot you and didn't hit anything, er, 'vital'.

Dead is dead and we can all live with that (as ridiculous an expression as that is) because nobody wants to risk the consequences of getting shot and permanently losing the use of some portion of their anatomy.

Fear of getting shot and surviving outweighs that getting shot dead.

But again, I digress.

If government DOESN'T exist to protect us from those who would rob us blind then it exists to protect those who rob us blind.

Zero irony 'the ones with the guns' by definition are 'the government'.

If there is no 'justice' then we are all hostages of the few who claim what belongs to us all for themselves.

YOUR FUTURE consists of remaining peaceful and not complaining even when you are denied the means to live, complainers die...just not right away.

That's why you don't make any noise...you don't see the point. [Then you're puzzled as to why your kids despise you.]

So, with all that to consider are you going to just put your head down and keep your mouth shut?

Far better to die on your feet than to suffer in silence, worrying about what might happen.

Happy Pearl Harbor Day, Head!


Friday, December 6, 2019


Greetings good citizen, today's title conjures mental images of capital punishment but like many words in the common lexicon it is also the word used in association with seeing your plans to fruition.

Speaking of which I want to direct your already bedraggled consciousness to the fact there is currently NO 'shared vision' for humanity's future.

LBJ had adopted Kennedy's Great Society [which actively sought to eradicate poverty using the windfall of Roosevelt's high taxes on people who needed more money like a hole in the head THAT THEY DID DESERVE.

Nope, Nixon shifted the 'national focus' on completing the 'Space Race' and ending the fruitless hunt for oil in the South China sea with the opening of the 'trade doors' to the largest population on the planet.

[Please note, the current POTUS ran on making the nation 'great again' without ANY clarification of WHO precisely it would be 'Great Again' FOR. Sure wasn't his too dumb to think for themselves supporters...seems the only part of 'promises kept' anyone can detect is he's made it Great for the f'n Billionaires of this nation.]

Big Picture, folks, that's what's missing from the public's endless assault of insoluble problems the feckless media bombards us with.

A million little things are going in the shitter and nobody is lifting a finger to 'stem the tide'...although comparing our situation to the tide pretty much justifies their inaction because the 'rot' is both inevitable and unstoppable 'as the tide'.

We can't execute IF THERE IS NO PLAN!

If we rewind and pick up where we left the 'Big Picture' after Tricky Dick left office in disgrace with his personal 'mission accomplished' banner swinging in the breeze, that's right folks, the Republican party had succeeded in scuttling Roosevelt's legacy by paving the way for capitalism to roll into the world's largest consumer market...China and India.

The problem with there not being a plan to put into action is you end up with a rudderless, directionless society and as I have belabored repeatedly, MANKIND NEEDS UNITY AND DIRECTION!

The feckless 'romanticize' the the notion of 'following your heart/dreams' and that 'real men' don't need a map, all he needs is a 'good woman' by his side [to think for him because he has no f'n clue where he's going or what he's going to do when he gets there.] She knows and she will make sure it happens because her baby factory is just itching to get busy!

Cynical for sure but there's 'The Dream' in a nutshell and it worked great as long as there was land for the TAKING...now that land is no longer 'free'...not that we ran out but the place is filling up fast, those little baby-makers never rest...which is how Indo-China got where they are.

Speculation has it that 'Communist' China welcomed their ideological rival the capitalist because the alternative was famine.

Don't look now but China is being torn apart by the same forces that are undermining the capitalist West. Party members with 'influence' reward themselves at the expense of the people they claim to serve.

When the whip of justice snaps back all they will have is fond memories of being, for a while anyway, 'secret royalty'.

If you have to ask yourself 'Why shouldn't I?' You most definitely SHOULDN'T!

The 'murder machine' is going to see highs it hasn't seen since the Mongol hordes darkened the Steppes.

The 'unthinking' who attempt to avoid justice with the push of a button will face the retribution of the vengeful survivors. Probably find themselves thrown into the crater of their own treachery, there to microwave to death.

News to NO-ONE that without a PLAN civilization is RUDDERLESS.

Nobody admits to abandoning the Great Society and it never achieved fruition...so who is responsible for this epic fail?

One hint: they culprits are more popularly known as the Robber Barons!

Without a PLAN humanity will remain RUDDERLESS...and civilization WILL tear itself apart as nothing is done to head off the 'more for me' crowd that is bleeding the rest of us dry.

Wake the fuck up, Head!
