Thursday, April 5, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I think I've used 'rudderless' as the title for a dozen posts by now but today's paper tells me society is officially clueless. I guess it can always get worse and at the center of it all is the media, which dug this hole with it's own selective point of view.

Vanity is a terrible thing and we all suffer from it (in varying degrees.) Coupled to vanity that is often born of King Kong sized egos is our consistent failure to face reality when it doesn't match our faith based beliefs.

I have repeatedly railed against ignorance so to see our communications networks so befouled with propaganda fills me with dread because there is one thing we can be sure of: This mob isn't capable of thinking! What mob is that? The bubble-gum snappin, god fearin' Trump votin' flag wavin' patriots who don't have a 'ng' to their name...(or their brain for that matter, which only serves to keep their hat rack from caving in.)

[Oh how they love their hats!]

Seems the CEO of Sinclair is incredulous at being singled out. He thinks his stations (and by inference, their practices) are just like everyone else's. It is apparently lost on him that Sinclair wouldn't even exist if not for the right-wing noise machine and it's cadre of One Percent backers.

One of today's editorials asked if the Republican party can recover from the clown posse that has taken over 'The Gipper's' grand revolt.

Just a personal opinion I suppose but since 'Morning in America' party politics are defunct and 'voting' [as it has been practiced] is now widely recognized as being an exercise in mental masturbation because the facts remain that YOU decide NOTHING!

The larger question is can humanity survive in a minimum information environment?

What if there was a 'one note song' [something along the lines of 'All is well, count your blessings and be happy!'] handed down from on high (like it always is) because the cheating feckless really want YOU to BELIEVE your life is as good as its EVER going to get so shut up already!

You wouldn't think it but they really are aware that their 'enjoyment' of peace is totally reliant [primarily on heavily armed henchmen] whose survival hinges on the 'relative happiness' of the population in general.

The hallmark of the Dark Ages was precisely that. 'Reality' was whatever you were told it was and 'dissent' was dealt with SEVERELY. Don't agree with official dogma? More often than not defying what passed for official wisdom [regardless of how foolish] meant death (if a sufficiently high enough Royal was in earshot.)

Guess what 'Fake News' paves the way for? Precisely that kind of 'dogma'...where what you think doesn't matter. If you 'disagree' you keep that to yourself because defiance of approved 'Happy Talk' invites death.

Speak out against deplorable conditions and get branded a troublemaker.

What's worse is they will use that to justify your execution.

Happy-Happy, Joy-Joy is born of the Dark Ages.

Stupid is just how they like' em.

Um, most of you are cool with 'go along to get along' but look at how that has worked out?

You live in a sewer dominated by criminals.

Now imagine a world where if you complain about EITHER, you life is forfeit...

Can't happen? IT DID and it lasted for a THOUSAND YEARS!

The next plague will wipe out Billions and the feckless won't care because that' what they do.

If YOU'RE cool with that just keep sitting on your hands and pretending there is nothing you can do. [Or take a page out of littel vegan girls book and go on a rampage over things that offend you personally.


Thanks for paying least I hope you are.


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