Friday, April 20, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is brought to you by 'Ask a Prepper' and addresses the delicate subject of our morals under Crisis conditions

Um, first a word about the 'source'. I mock Fox TV's 'Doomsday Prepper series mostly because it would commonly demonstrate EXCELLENT ways to get yourself killed during a real crisis. Even the scores provided by their panel of know nothing experts were useless.

I came by my, er, subscription to Ask a Prepper via a book this blogger wrote titled 'The forgotten ways', things our great grandparents did to survive the wild frontier.

Should civilization go to shit, what's available naturally is what you're going to have to 'work' with so mistake number one would be living in an area with few natural resources or remaining ignorant of what those resources are.

Commonest mistake number two is relying on the net to provide you with this crucial information after TEOTWAKI. If you haven't got the book and you're not Sheldon Cooper (gifted with an photographic memory) good luck searching out wild edibles because 90% of what grows wild will kill you and a goodly percentage of that slim number of wild edibles have poisonous doppelgangers, making KNOWING what you're looking at a critical piece of information. [Depending on your metabolism, some plants can kill you if you handle them so you'd best KNOW what you're looking at as you wander, starving through the woods.]

Unlike the Fox TV Series, Claude offers some helpful insights in the chaotic topic of social collapse.

Today's offering is written with the mindset of if there aren't personal 'limits' then civilization won't return until desperation rears its ugly head and people find themselves suddenly in the need of the talents those educated in medical science to save the life of their loved ones.

Not to put too fine a point on it but medicine is the single strongest argument in favor of 'socialization'.

The healthcare crisis goes much deeper than most of you imagine...because most of you don't even think about healthcare until it becomes a 'personal issue'.

Well, in case you were wondering why Dr's and hospitals are so important, now you know the answer.

But I digress.

Claude asks the question of what becomes permissible in the struggle for survival when we all know it's the 'law of the jungle'. Kill or be killed. In this respect living communally {like we do, in your face, haters!} goes against the, er, 'laws of nature' but the laws of nature have nothing to do with civilization and it is that difference that sets us apart from the 'savage mindless beasts', that kill because they can.

Depending on how you were 'raised' (I am treading on some mighty hallowed ground right now and a good half of you are confused.) Why is this? Because most of you were raised to give lip service to the sanctity of life while being taught by your...'realist' parents that the truth is 'anything goes'.

The average 'make it up as they go' knothead has zero appreciation of what separates humans from the savage beasts [in fact, the question makes a, er, 'curious' parlor game if you want to learn how your peers were raised [although when confronted, the parents will deny teaching their progeny the doctrine of ruthlessness that many low intelligence types regurgitate as 'gospel' (sadly the two are closely related.)]

What surprises are waiting inside the woodshed/outhouse most people call their mind?

(Sometimes blogging is its own reward...)

But I digress yet again.

Rather than focus on the limits, let's look at the first part and see if we can reach a consensus on what constitutes a 'crisis'.

One thing is without doubt, society, planet-wide is in crisis mode right here and now!

Despite the media's 'happy talk' [Where the media literally tells us who is allegedly 'happier' than everyone else for any number of reasons, our entire planet struggles to survive under the yoke of economic slavery and staggering inequality.

Don't have it so bad?

We're all just a lottery hit away from living the good life? What about 'until then'?

Most of us don't look too hard in the mirror because we don't like what we see. Worse, most of us blame ourselves for a situation, something we have little to no control over.

[Most people who take the 'ruthless route' to riches end up in prison.]

So what constitutes a 'crisis'? Is it like our morals, we'll know it when we see it? Or is there some more definitive feature that causes people to hit the panic button in unison?

Several come to mind but most of us would remain ignorant that our doom was but moments away. It's only in drama that the media gets out ahead of a crisis. If you are watching a disaster on the small screen it's because YOU weren't THERE.

So our definition of the term crisis (just as our definition of the term 'legal' suffers greatly from 'misinterpretation') those who are 'living the life' [at your expense/misery] do not consider the current state of society to be in 'crisis' despite the whole edifice being balanced on the point of the finest needle.

That's why true crisis in never far away. Have you picked up on the headlines relating to the woman killed on that Southwest flight? Now Southwest was asking for more time to inspect the engines on ALL of it's craft because the whole fleet is now in danger thanks to dollars and cents trumping what used to be a rigorous replacement schedule. MOST of the engines and airframes currently in use should have been scrapped a long time ago but no, the shareowners put profits before passenger safety and let safety concerns [all while letting strangers grope your nether regions in the name of the same concerns] slide so they could wring more profits out of engines and airframes past their 'use by' date.

But hey, life is a craps-shoot under capitalism. Besides your other choice is rail lines that haven't been properly maintained for a hundred years for the exact same reasons!

So WHAT constitutes a crisis and when do we DO something about it?

Don't look at your politicians, they take their orders from the people responsible for the crisis...this is all YOU!

Thanks for letting me inside your woodshed...(or is it an outhouse? It's hard to tell...)


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