Friday, April 27, 2018


Greetings good citizen, adherents of the 'laws of nature' more commonly known as the Law of the Jungle haven't learned/noticed/considered how mankind is unique to every other mammal on the planet.

Using nature as a model, anthropologists 'assume' that early man was a hunter gatherer solely from observing the behavior of other predators. Since we don't know how we got here and the planet of origin is lost to us our beginnings remain shrouded in the mists of speculation.

In a bizarre twist, we could be some machine race's answer to the hellacious distances space travel entails. [Biological units self-repair, a highly desirable feature when you're a million light years from the nearest replacement part facility.]

Considering how far we've come in just the past century, if 'life' has had, say 3 billion years to 'evolve', what would come after sentience succeeded in immortalizing itself via machinery? [and space itself continuing to expand at Faster Than Light-speed] doesn't the question become 'What else is out there?'

Now our unimaginably ancient machine, er, ancestors can't stray too far from their life-giving spare parts facilities [gone is apparently still gone, baby!] so who do the send across ever expanding space to seek out other lifeforms?

Sounds bizarre when we say it but biological lifeforms are born 'expendable'. The immortality sword cuts in both directions and life, regardless of how it manifests itself, is nothing if not 'cautious'...[at least the ones that survive longer than a few minutes.]

So if our biological predecessors created more permanent units to store their 'essence' in it would become their 'trap'. They would be required to develop other means of gathering news of what was transpiring beyond the limits of their vessel's maintenance needs.

NOT that this was our sole or even original purpose.

Having already developed near immortal versions of their biological selves they mastered the ability to self-replicate [clone] and sent their clones out to do the dirty and dangerous job of mining distant space to explore ever deeper into the unknown, leaving behind 'colonies' as they went.

Even a simple mining operation, such as the one here on Earth, would require a considerable degree of specialization as they harvested a planet's star ship fuel.

Now let's turn to the Bible for some 'answers' shall we?

Created in 'God's image'...check, we're cloned from his/her cells!

King of kings and lord of lords...check, do what you're told and don't ask questions! [You LITERALLY can't handle the truth!]

Oh, and you'd better behave because we're coming back! [Not!]

[END biblical reference]

Um, more disturbingly...if we follow the likely/logical progression, the first vessels sent out would establish 'supply depots' along the intended route so subsequent missions could re-supply on their long voyage to the rim of the universe.

Since the advent of mass communications (and even before) there have been UFO sightings. Were these advance units reporting back to base or were they renegades of a collapsed empire, we don't know. What 'appears' to have happened is our rock got mined out, making stopping here for anything other than food a waste of time.

'Dig we must' is no longer the reason for our existence. We can only wonder if our nascent space program is a feeble attempt to follow our, er, 'creator' into space...and nobody is stepping up to provide us with the break though necessary to create star ships [because the fuel's gone!]

If there's another way to cross the void, our multi-billion year old ancestors haven't found it. [One is tempted to add 'yet' but if you've had 3 billion years to figure something out, I think we can scratch 'not looking hard enough' off the list.]

Speculation is a formidable thing because it has so many unforeseeable outcomes/consequences. The above is born of the idea that one species has survived long enough to 'can' themselves and returned to using biological technology for it's, er, 'efficiency' [cheap and self-replicating.]

We tend not to consider ourselves as 'expendable' yet we treat each other as though we were...and that comes down from the top.

Since 'science' is 90% speculation [with the remaining 9% being theory and, if we're generous, 1% fact] much of what we believe is simply 'plausible'.

The gulf between the truth and need to know is what fuels both ignorance and poverty [keep the 'expendable' thought centered in your mind.]

They matter and YOU don't. [Zero logic behind this, it's simply how they think!] If that isn't bad enough they will use 'junk science' to justify their behavior.

The above is 'speculative fiction' [albeit rooted in logic with A leading to B and resulting in C.] while the theory that we are wild beasts that 'learned' to work together [when evidence to the contrary is EVERYWHERE]

If we can't break out of the mold then we will remain discarded and abandoned biological tools completely devoid of purpose.

You're more than that [or at least you have the potential to be] because the other thing that makes humanity unique is our ability to DREAM!

Our creators envisioned possible futures and made them so...maybe they didn't choose wisely and maybe they paid the ultimate price for that miscalculation. We don't know the facts but we didn't just spring up out of the ground a hundred thousand years ago [which is what the fossil trail tells us.] You WON'T find 'the missing link' here because this isn't the planet of origin.


What I'm trying to tell you is you have a head full of fairy tales and you WON'T be able to work in your own best interest until you wake up to the idea your 'reason to exist' is a LIE!

It's a ticking time bomb good citizen and if we don't DO SOMETHING about it it's going to take us out!

Step 1. We have to stop following morons! People who lack vision have no business leading our species.

Um, when I make an important point such as that one I end the piece so it stays with you.

the second step is equally important, we have to THINK! Animals do just fine operating on instinct but they aren't at the top of the food chain, are they? Well if YOU DON'T THINK then neither are YOU!

Thanks for letting me inside your mind,


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