Greetings good citizen, parsing words is like eating instant oatmeal straight from the package. Leaves you with your mouth drier than the Sahara (not that I'd know, the one person I met who actually does this didn't offer his comparison, I'm just spitballing with my own mental image here.
Misunderstanding, ignorance and stupidity all leave us in the same wretched place so parsing the terms doesn't provide us with insight.
My bad for putting you through it. [Sorry, for what little it's worth.]
So to turn the corner and provide some positive motion, let's set a 'baseline'. Widespread stupidity and ignorance have led us to colossal misunderstandings fueled by people in authority [who shouldn't be there because they are 'unqualified'] acting on their own ignorance.
This is the basement, the foundation hole we must rebuild upon [starting fresh means letting a new species take the helm...and there isn't one pushing us off the top of the hill at the moment.]
Stupidity [yeah I'm gonna go there because this whole shitshow runs on 'personal interpretations', many of which are made up as they go along and it is this 'tendency' to make the facts fit the beliefs that leads to the cluster fuck we call society.
Stupid refuses to accept answers that don't line up with their 'beliefs'...thus is stupid 'permanent'. Stupid is the refusal to acknowledge other possibilities. That said, we are nothing if not stubborn.
So in our 'unequal' New World [brought to you by Morning in America, which has already taken us 3/4's of the way back to the Dark Ages.] We need to recognize the 'deficiencies' in our educational system that is causing widespread stupidity.
Once upon a time humans learned 'by rote' [repetition'] The first 'formal' educational practices used this to get children to memorize the basics.
Depending on where you lived governed how long you got to 'practice' these skills. In agricultural states 3 years was considered sufficient, in more urbanized environments [where the kids were not needed to weed the fields] they got 6 years, which allowed for a smattering of geography and civics to be tossed into the kids repertoire.]
The 'history' of education is as troubled as the history of mankind, often for the benefit of the few, ignorance reigns supreme.
It is foolish to think education alone is responsible. In most cases non-mainstream education comes from some seriously deluded people, your parents, who were taught by their parents (who taught themselves) 'how the world works'.
You'd think mandatory public education would have stamped out the teachings of the ignorant but no, your grandparents aren't far removed from a time when the only people to have anything even resembling a 'liberal' education were members of the clergy.
Knowledge is power and the clergy guarded it's knowledge zealously! Mostly for fear of the collection plate drying up if people learned that the bible was a work of 'educational fiction' meant to expand the mind (of the PROFOUNDLY IGNORANT!)
Speaking of profound ignorance, one need only look at the POTUS to see how far we have regressed in five decades. [Not that the whizbang generation of the great technological leap back in the early 20th century were 'better' educated.] Most of the 'inventive' types achieved their breakthroughs via the ability to 'free associate' with other thinkers (but not necessarily doers.) I am one of the ones tasked with turning imagination into reality.
Notice how the great leap pretty much 'dried up' after a second, er, 'remodeling' of the education system [one intended to make us all rabid little capitalists] by TEACHING US of the oppression foisted upon the Communists by their demented leadership.
By now MOST OF US have figured out that there isn't a nickels worth of difference between the Communist and the Capitalist commerce models.
In BOTH systems, management by the self interested has proven EVIL! [Ever notice that if you add a D to evil you get DEVIL? [Talk about lack of imagination! (Or more disturbing, how Santa is Satan case you had any doubts about who fabricated them...WTF?)]
Beginning to see how you've been railroaded by the self-interested who didn't want to risk living among people who knew better or that better was possible? [Understand, our self-professed betters are still 'profoundly ignorant, compounded by profound stupidity.] You aren't supposed to know how the, er, 'other half' (the one percent, which is still an overstatement, but hey, that part is supposed to be SECRET!)
Not mental giants here and they fear being 'found out' as/for the frauds they are.
As long as we remain 'ignorant' they will continue to use it against us.
Aren't you sick of hearing, "Come on, can't you take a joke?"
How long will you subject your kids to being the butt of a BAD JOKE?
FOCUS people, the solution is right in front of you.
First we need to defund the fraudsters, in the infamous words of Nancy Reagan, JUST SAY NO!
She was taking about drugs but I'm talking about MONEY!
A much more serious epidemic here because the contagion is EVERYWHERE!
I know, you first.
Don't work like that, if MOST of us don't do it [and even if most of us do] it's going to be an uphill battle because like I said above, we are nothing if not stubborn.
But you know that.
Worse, most of you believe we have to kill those who don't agree with us [it's that support our troops b.s. writ large!]
When the real 'threat' comes from those pretending to run things.
How do you bring those nominally in charge of justice to justice?
I'll leave you to ponder that along with the effects this persistent mismanagement is having upon the world your children WON'T inherit.
We don't need the 'doomsday clock' to tell us it's time to make a stand.
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
Misunderstanding, ignorance and stupidity all leave us in the same wretched place so parsing the terms doesn't provide us with insight.
My bad for putting you through it. [Sorry, for what little it's worth.]
So to turn the corner and provide some positive motion, let's set a 'baseline'. Widespread stupidity and ignorance have led us to colossal misunderstandings fueled by people in authority [who shouldn't be there because they are 'unqualified'] acting on their own ignorance.
This is the basement, the foundation hole we must rebuild upon [starting fresh means letting a new species take the helm...and there isn't one pushing us off the top of the hill at the moment.]
Stupidity [yeah I'm gonna go there because this whole shitshow runs on 'personal interpretations', many of which are made up as they go along and it is this 'tendency' to make the facts fit the beliefs that leads to the cluster fuck we call society.
Stupid refuses to accept answers that don't line up with their 'beliefs'...thus is stupid 'permanent'. Stupid is the refusal to acknowledge other possibilities. That said, we are nothing if not stubborn.
So in our 'unequal' New World [brought to you by Morning in America, which has already taken us 3/4's of the way back to the Dark Ages.] We need to recognize the 'deficiencies' in our educational system that is causing widespread stupidity.
Once upon a time humans learned 'by rote' [repetition'] The first 'formal' educational practices used this to get children to memorize the basics.
Depending on where you lived governed how long you got to 'practice' these skills. In agricultural states 3 years was considered sufficient, in more urbanized environments [where the kids were not needed to weed the fields] they got 6 years, which allowed for a smattering of geography and civics to be tossed into the kids repertoire.]
The 'history' of education is as troubled as the history of mankind, often for the benefit of the few, ignorance reigns supreme.
It is foolish to think education alone is responsible. In most cases non-mainstream education comes from some seriously deluded people, your parents, who were taught by their parents (who taught themselves) 'how the world works'.
You'd think mandatory public education would have stamped out the teachings of the ignorant but no, your grandparents aren't far removed from a time when the only people to have anything even resembling a 'liberal' education were members of the clergy.
Knowledge is power and the clergy guarded it's knowledge zealously! Mostly for fear of the collection plate drying up if people learned that the bible was a work of 'educational fiction' meant to expand the mind (of the PROFOUNDLY IGNORANT!)
Speaking of profound ignorance, one need only look at the POTUS to see how far we have regressed in five decades. [Not that the whizbang generation of the great technological leap back in the early 20th century were 'better' educated.] Most of the 'inventive' types achieved their breakthroughs via the ability to 'free associate' with other thinkers (but not necessarily doers.) I am one of the ones tasked with turning imagination into reality.
Notice how the great leap pretty much 'dried up' after a second, er, 'remodeling' of the education system [one intended to make us all rabid little capitalists] by TEACHING US of the oppression foisted upon the Communists by their demented leadership.
By now MOST OF US have figured out that there isn't a nickels worth of difference between the Communist and the Capitalist commerce models.
In BOTH systems, management by the self interested has proven EVIL! [Ever notice that if you add a D to evil you get DEVIL? [Talk about lack of imagination! (Or more disturbing, how Santa is Satan case you had any doubts about who fabricated them...WTF?)]
Beginning to see how you've been railroaded by the self-interested who didn't want to risk living among people who knew better or that better was possible? [Understand, our self-professed betters are still 'profoundly ignorant, compounded by profound stupidity.] You aren't supposed to know how the, er, 'other half' (the one percent, which is still an overstatement, but hey, that part is supposed to be SECRET!)
Not mental giants here and they fear being 'found out' as/for the frauds they are.
As long as we remain 'ignorant' they will continue to use it against us.
Aren't you sick of hearing, "Come on, can't you take a joke?"
How long will you subject your kids to being the butt of a BAD JOKE?
FOCUS people, the solution is right in front of you.
First we need to defund the fraudsters, in the infamous words of Nancy Reagan, JUST SAY NO!
She was taking about drugs but I'm talking about MONEY!
A much more serious epidemic here because the contagion is EVERYWHERE!
I know, you first.
Don't work like that, if MOST of us don't do it [and even if most of us do] it's going to be an uphill battle because like I said above, we are nothing if not stubborn.
But you know that.
Worse, most of you believe we have to kill those who don't agree with us [it's that support our troops b.s. writ large!]
When the real 'threat' comes from those pretending to run things.
How do you bring those nominally in charge of justice to justice?
I'll leave you to ponder that along with the effects this persistent mismanagement is having upon the world your children WON'T inherit.
We don't need the 'doomsday clock' to tell us it's time to make a stand.
Thanks for letting me inside your head,
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