Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Greetings good citizen, it seems the POTUS is branching into another aspect of the industry primarily responsible for making him wealthy. Hospitality, but this time on the federal dime! [From today's NY Times]

Inside a Private Prison: Blood, Suicide and Poorly Paid Guards

A trial in Mississippi provides a rare glimpse into a world where mistreatment of inmates is commonplace, at a time when the Trump administration wants to expand the use of private prisons.

While Hospitals are sometimes called Hotels for the sick, prisons are, er, Accommodations where we keep law breakers.

This is where it gets interesting because at the forefront of this issue is why do we have prisons at all?

Short answer, because we don't want these 'dangerous' people living with us 'decent folk' BUT we don't want to kill them [that would make us no better than they are.]

So we relegate these dangerous types to a place where they can learn 'the error of their ways'.

What do you suppose the principle lesson the modern prison system teaches?


But you don't need prison to teach you that. There are tyrants a plenty pretty much everywhere you look under the 'Every man a King' system more commonly known as Capitalism.

Prison is about second chances...and a tidy profit if the OWNER plays their cards right!

Who keeps our burgeoning 'for profit' prisons packed with, er, 'headcount'? Why its the job of the Uniformed Thug! But more importantly, who profits from all of those state subsidized guests? Officers of the court! Almost every one of them is a share-owner in the newly founded 'Prisons Inc', brought to you by 'Morning in America.'

But as we can see, those turned away by the 'brotherhood of the badge' can join the minor league of pistol packing, badge toting bad asses, they can go to work for the prison system...which USED TO BE part of the civil service, just like the big leagues but not anymore. Not since they were privatized.

The typical state 'allots' a whopping $50,000 per prisoner, per year and this is just to house and shelter and monitor their overall health them. Anything else is an 'add on'. Need an aspirin? Now were talking hospital pricing! (not that they are actually going to give you one.)

Before the Conservative Revolution the very idea of profiting from state inflicted misfortune was reprehensible, it was viewed akin to 'double jeopardy' [making the prisoner pay twice for the same crime.]

But the conservative mind ISN'T 'normal'. Being card carrying opportunists they stay true to form and never think anything through!

The opportunist, first and foremost, has zero empathy. They can't even imagine the possibility that it could EVER be them wearing an Orange jumpsuit.

Oh, isn't it a coincidence that we have [since the advent of 'for profit prisons] seen the beginning of mass shooters who would rather kill themselves than be taken alive? [See today's headline for an explanation...wouldn't you?]

Even the psycho in Las Vegas offed himself rather than face prison. Sort of tells ya something, doesn't it?

Just a thought experiment here but what if this share owner thing was allowed to 'trickle down' to the arresting officer?


Nothing personal but a fella has to take care of himself, doesn't he?

The uniformed thug doesn't care if you're guilty or not, he needs to keep the cells full so his share price doesn't drop!

[Where are our investigative reporters now?] What do you suppose would be revealed if we tore back the shroud behind this predatory business model masquerading as 'reform'?

With all of the other things we have on our plates isn't this one completely 'off radar'? It starts with the 'presumption of guilt' and it's compounded by the notion that they are getting what they deserve, who cares?

You would if it were you!

Does ANYBODY deserve that? [talk about cruel and unusual!]

While prisons exist to, er, 'punish' lawbreakers for minor offenses, there is no way to undo the damage prisons do and many occupying prison cells did nothing that can justify the time stolen from them. [considering prison is the most expensive form of 'birth control'.]

Can we let mismanagement and malfeasance sneak their ugly heads back in here for a moment?

This is why there will be no 'prisons' under ASP [The hash marks are there because there will be 'guards' posted around the exile compound which could be interpreted as being 'prison-like'.

Lord of the Flies Island will not be guarded [but the shark infested waters will be re-stocked routinely] Voluntary Exile for those not familiar with what Lord of the Flies implies...

It is NOT POSSIBLE to reform humans via incarceration so we have to be honest and wonder what they are REALLY up to? The motive is instantly obvious: prisoners = free labor, which the state 'sells' in sweetheart deals.

Whose a criminal now?

Me? I'm an affirmed member of the 'Don't take me alive' club.

For our species to advance we must stop the predation and bring the miscreants responsible to justice. [Exile and in some cases execute.]

Even if this means exiling the entire justice system and their bosses in government!

When it comes time to pay the piper I'm going to bet I have a lot of company in The Steely Dan fan club.

Most of 'em won't go willingly but that won't stop us from doing what needs to be done.

All non violent offenders will be released immediately and everyone else will have their convictions reviewed, MOST will be granted a '2nd chance'. Those deemed too unstable to release will be exiled.

But before we can restore justice to those who have been deprived of it we must first win justice for ourselves...and that means bringing the criminals to justice.

Thanks for opening your mind and sympathy to those of you who have loved ones languishing behind bars,


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