Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Greetings good citizen, I often throw stones at the media for ignoring social issues but today's 'word' is lifted from this morning's headlines from the NY Times.

Naturally I didn't pick it because segregation is a 'man made problem'. I picked it because it is synonymous with the white/black/brown divide.

When YOU hear/think segregation don't you think color?

It ain't about color, it's about 'rabble'. It's about the real divide in our culture, the split between the rich, the wannabes and the destitute.

Integrated neighborhoods, where the rich and their wannabe's live are clean and considerably 'safer' than their blighted counterparts in the absence of a unifying factor [not all poor communities are cesspools.] Although the ones that aren't are blighted by rabid, predatory police and the brotherhood of the badge's newest recruit, the 'code enforcement officer'.

None will deny that blight is a symptom of economic inequality. The more destitute people gather in a particular area the 'gentry' calls for higher taxes to support a more vigorous/vigilant policing.

Because the true source of segregation is fear of having what they have stolen taken away from them.

It is here we are taught not to criticize (or much worse, QUESTION) success but rather to ridicule failure! Everybody living on the 'wrong side' of the tracks are the victims of their own stupidity [When the truth is they have been cheated out of their fair share.]

Why is there a 'right side of the tracks at all?' You aren't supposed to ask questions like that and you've already been taught the answer...why are some people rich? They're Thieves! The 'answer' is it's God's Will!

Funny how we keep hitting our heads on this money thing and how the wrong people keep perpetuating it.

Every social ill bar none is born of money.

No matter how much money you give to the church they do NOTHING about it...except name things after big contributors...weird huh?

[Did I mention the same people responsible for the fiction known as money also created God?]

Let's drift back to another headline in today's online edition. This is something that stays under radar when the feckless Rethuglicans are running things and when it surfaces on the Rethuglican's watch it is ALWAYS a 'bipartisan' problem...despite the thugs being responsible for 99% of it.

Federal budget deficit is projected to exceed a trillion dollars [forever] moving forward from 2020. Somewhat like the quadrillion dollars lost when the CDO market blew up, this is a chimera/accounting trick. We haven't paid for the original Revolution, nevermind anything after that and we have done nothing but bleed money making endless war since 1914.

Still, some sandbagger somewhere likes to keep stoking this fire (of obvious misdirection) that serves as red meat for those flag waving, military loving, war-mongering simpletons who like to call themselves the Tea Party.

Millions of homeless but not a cent for the destitute, we gotta fight them over there or we're gonna have to fight them over here! [In the meantime none of 'em has a navy nevermind an airforce that could penetrate US airspace...thanks to the largest military BUDGET on the planet!

[Damn good thing none of it has ANY basis in reality...which means there are a ton of 'fake billionaires' out there!]

A fact that will become apparent when the banks are closed and the banksters are exiled for their crimes [along with the faux academics and everyone pretending to work for 'justice'.]

But I digress. I often wonder if it's unhealthy to get the public's hopes up with merely the possibility of life being different than the predatory existence we have all come to know...(a little too intimately? All that fuckin' does exact a toll and if you don't think so just look at the wild eyed shooter as a prime example of an individual that's been 'boned' one time too many!)

Ain't gonna happen by itself. You gotta sit on your dead ass and MEAN IT! [It will start as a strike and end as a fight as we round up the criminals and exterminate them because they know what's coming. My bad for spilling the beans but if you aren't up front it's you that finds the wrong end of a rope.]

Yeah, being 'revolutionary' is a risky proposition all by itself and while I am 'technically' doing nothing wrong that doesn't mean one of their 'wind up toys' won't seek me out for peeing on their master's belief system...

Even god's soldiers don't seek revenge for themselves, it's ever and always about 'the cause'.

Perhaps this is what is unique about what you'll find here. I'm urging you to fight for YOU and your loved one's future and not some pie in the sky ideals where you'll collect your reward is some version of the 'afterlife'.

Like the play criticizes Jesus...too much heaven on their minds!

You should be happy NOW while you can enjoy it!

It all starts with RECOGNIZING what 'segregation' REALLY is!

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR (I hope) head,


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