Saturday, April 14, 2018


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is ticklish because many things that should be illegal aren't just as our prisons are exploding with people have haven't done anything 'wrong'.

Not really tough to figure out, the feckless make theirs [literally print it up] AND control commerce (as a way of controlling the rest of us) [whosoever controls your economic situation controls you...think about it.]

How do they achieve both of these, er, 'ends'?

They also control the Law [and by extension, law ENFORCEMENT!] Everybody knows you'll never see a 'rich man' jailed because the jailers work for the rich [and they aren't that smart, sending one of the people they have been instructed to protect to prison would confuse them.]

So as our society crumbles under the build up of 'contradictions' [big mistake appointing the billionaire loose cannon to the Presidency because it shows what they are REALLY like! Did you see yesterday? Numb nuts was all over the freaking map! [Rumors of his mental instability are proven true every time he tweets!]

The history books will call this an 'act' but you can smell the crazy coming off that guy!

Worse, now some of his previous 'stunts' look somewhat less playful then they were previously thought/passed off as being.

But I digress, back on topic!

Some, usually the feckless, believe the law is whatever they interpret it to be, 'under the current circumstances' while most of us take the 'broader view' that the laws are specific and mean pretty much the same thing ALL of the TIME.

Now a judge has schizophrenia in this because if a poor man stands before him [and no man should EVER stand before a judge, the law stands on it's own. It's not up to a 'judges interpretation'] and a rich stands before him he has two different minds on how to decide the case.

Little known fact is this is the SOLE REASON judges exist is to insure the poor man doesn't receive the IDENTICAL treatment the Rich one gets.

If found guilty the rich man will be fined and walk out of the courtroom with a blemish on his record [that his lawyers will remove later.] but the poor man will be given jail time to 'teach him a lesson'.

Back to our 'flipside' where the feckless take a more 'immediate and situational' approach to 'my way or the highway', if you upset their plans you're guilty of existing and the full weight of their wrath will fall upon you, the law be damned!

Herein lies the danger of speaking 'truth to power.'

You can be 100% innocent but still get screwed if the feckless continue to be allowed to interpret the laws 'as they wish'.

This is why ASP eliminates lawyers and judges from the courts. The Law and it's interpretation belongs to those who must live under them.

Can alcohol compete with a weed anybody can grow? Does it have to?

Not that it occurred to you but if you want evidence that what passes for our legal system is insane just look at the advertisements surrounding the monetization of 'pot stocks' and our 'for profit' prisons overflowing with people nailed for 'minor possession'.

This is 'justice'? [Or do you believe that if you just keep your head down, Satan won't notice you?]

Zero irony that our legal system is as fraught with as many contradictions as our religious beliefs are!

When you step back and look at just how much BS is packed into our culture we have to marvel at the scope of what needs doing to put our species back on track just to survive! [In this respect being 'aware' is a bitch and knowing our time is limited becomes taxing.]

Needless to say, just as there are several iterations of the Magna Catra [and the most recent one has been shredded by the royal wannabes] our legal system long ago ceased to be about the 'rule of law' and returned to being the 'rule of man' and if YOU don't like it' tough!

Yeah, the rule of law needs to be placed beyond the reach of the feckless [which is why ASP uses direct democracy to pass legislation and has/tolerates ZERO 'lawmakers'.]

The people can make or rescind laws but only as a whole. When it comes to determining guilt, the law will be 'interpreted' by YOUR PEERS and not by some robe draped chiseler seeking to maintain the status quo!

Understand the judge has to work with the cops not to maintain JUSTICE but to maintain CONTROL! (Justice be damned!)

Real people WANT justice, the feckless want FREEDOM and they won't have it long if they place justice first because the feckless are thieves above all else.

While politicians say they value 'justice' and often run on a law & order ticket, the proviso is they honor the law ONLY if they get to interpret it the way they want it.

And that isn't justice.

So tell me again about the 'just and righteous' god of yours and why he lets shit-holes like this exist? Oh to 'test' you...I see (but you obviously don't.) And this is justice, right?

Thanks for letting me inside your head.


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