Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Greetings good citizen, my home page for my online e-mail account tells me Paul Ryan is retiring from politics, joining the virtual stampede of GOP refugees as they decide to not seek re-election.

Are they trying to poison the punch bowl by flooding congress with neophyte legislators? What do you suppose Pollyanna will do if she suddenly finds herself holding the reins of power but has no clue what to do with them?

Will the oligarchs (that pretended they did't exist) burst onto the political stage and shut down the nation's industries because of their displeasure with the newly elected, self-styled Avengers? [No Strike today folks, you're all fired!]

How would YOU respond to such an act?

The reality of the situation is commerce needs YOU, it doesn't need THEM and would be better off without them!

Understand, the corporate owned media would be calling for the heads of the newly elected legislators because the media does what it's TOLD BY THE SAME PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR RUNNING OUR ECONOMY INTO THE GROUND REPEATEDLY!

And who are 'THEY'? The same oligarchs that pretend they don't exist. You don't know who they are [can you say 'corporate veil?] but they OWN everything, which is why they have more than they'll ever need and YOU will NEVER have enough!

If the dogs get too close [and I suspect the insiders like Ryan know what's coming] will El Trumpo resign rather than face the music? [All depends on his handlers. THEY might hold his feet to the fire when he has a demonstrated tendency to 'flee' and a decided aversion to daylight.]

Just like his 'handlers', the current POTUS is a creature of opaqueness. This legendary [in his own mind] 'deal maker' operates on quid pro quo with zero 'traceability'.

Just like his 'hush agreement' with Stormy Daniels, he doesn't believe in leaving paper trails.

Since Stormy and a few other bits of dirty laundry have surfaced since he's taken office, what do you suppose they REALLY have on him?

Why do you suppose Paul Ryan is heading for the exit door?

One thing is certain, the next presidential contest will overthrow this government.

The public is so frustrated with crumbling infrastructure and war without end [thanks mostly to stupid politicians!] that the voters will tear this nation apart for lack of a candidate that represents THEM.

Take a cold hard look, good citizen. Who on today's political stage has YOUR back?

My particular stage has been barren for quite some time but you know it is my opinion that what currently exists isn't even close to Democracy. I don't need no stinkin' representative. I'm perfectly capable of voting myself!

Did you see that thanks to 'kick the can' Republican's the teachers in Oklahoma didn't get their pay raise?

Is this the other reason Republicans are rushing for the exit door? [They give away the store to their campaign contributors and let the bills stack up, unpaid for everyone else...unlike those 'tax and spend' Democrats that no longer exist?

Nope, now the 'progressives' have adopted the same strategy they learned at the GOP's knee, 'mandate but don't fund' or borrow and spend [which, as you can imagine is even more expensive than tax and spend. [But the banksters are just fine with it...]

If we look at society from a 'check book' point of view [the same way we are 'taught' to misunderstand money] we will NEVER be able to pay back the trillions that the feckless have already looted from the treasury. [We do have the power to wipe that debt out with a 'stroke of the pen' and we will once we start teaching the public the TRUTH about money and its singular useful purpose.

Money is supposed to lift you up, not hold you back! Debt will be outlawed and there will be no way to transfer funds between individuals. Gift all you want but it is impossible to 'liquidate what isn't yours' because money is 'personal'.

Also ends the world's 'oldest profession' but since sex became deadly we're all better off 'handling' that ourselves.

There is a section of ASP that handles 'why money' and not a plain 'gift economy' where opportunists get first dibs on everything, which is why there will still be money. That and you'd never get a table at a restaurant [or find someone willing to work in one] if food were free. Same goes for hotel rooms. The entire hospitality industry would collapse without the regulating effects of 'money'.

For all of the conservatives screaming about being 'over-regulated' would YOU want to live in a 'first come, first serve' environment [where your access depended not only on being 'first' but on who you were related to and who you were sleeping with...capeche?]

Money isn't perfect but it's the best answer we've far.

But I digress, is there a 'giant' we can all rally around? [Some will point at Hillary and others will point at Bernie but the world is beyond exhausted with 'retreads' of Wall Street's Proxies.]

Trouble with speculation is there are so many variables, if El Trumpo pushes the button to hide his, er, indiscretions, we'll all have bigger problems to cope with.

No speculation that the 'population bomb' is devouring society wholesale and it will continue to drive the 'refugee crisis' until Capitalism is brought to heel.

Probably more speculation than you can handle for one session, back to work!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your mind,


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