Sunday, April 29, 2018


Greetings good citizen, enough with all this morbid political wrangling, let's talk about something really important: SHRUBS!

Lame, I know but the 'stage' our life plays out on is probably just as important as the actors themselves.

The thing to keep in mind is we get 99.9% of our information second hand [at best, often it's been parsed, grated and regurgitated a few times before you ever get wind of it.]

So it is most of our 'news' is 'pre-spun', you don't get a clear picture of what actually happened to avoid social upheaval...which could result in revolt (or worse, a coup.) [Don't you worry good citizen, should the cat ever escape the 'spin-bag', there's a 'controlled/pre-recorded' coup waiting to spring into action at a moment's notice!] Which is to say it doesn't have to be a real coup, all they have to do is convince you one has taken place.

With Generals retiring/resigning at a fevered clip that damn thing must have to be re-shot every few months but I digress.

The 'stage' is maintained by the spin doctors, it's the reason the GWOT remains in the background rather than being front and center, where politicians would have their feet held to the fire to end the madness...but no, instead 'perpetual war' in the planet's oil patch simmers largely unnoticed and atrocities go unreported [because the media is committed to it's primary goal of keeping the public 'docile' and that means pretending everything is above boards and most of the suffering stays 6,000 miles away.]

Without the media 'embedded' with the troops have you noticed they don't 'move'?

Be a mighty awkward conversation if we were to grill the generals as to what they were attempting to accomplish, wouldn't it? [Since they have made ZERO MEASURABLE PROGRESS in almost 18 years!]

But our 'honest journalists' have their mandate to keep the public docile...even if that means endless 'lies of omission.'

Just like El Trumpo's campaign rally last night because he's too much of a narcissist to shrug off being the brunt of some lame jokes.

We have been lied to so long we have adopted the stance of 'same as it ever was' but it's not the same, things have changed considerably since the advent of mass communication.

Now the lies have to be more uniform so there's a lag between when an event occurs and when/if it's reported.

The question is still how many lies can a society turn a blind eye to before societal collapse ensues?

The war is only one of the elephants in the room. The political landscape has become untenable, nobody trust the system and the outcomes just keep getting worse. [Which is to point out that the Rubicon was crossed in 1980.]

Rome has fallen and we are still pretending it didn't happen.

The factor to keep in mind, good citizen, is there are worse thing than social collapse. [There's social collapse cut off by a police state that rules through perpetual 'emergency powers'.

The emergency (like the GWOT) will NEVER end.

Would you trust this crew with extra-judicial powers?

Like the book foretells, the blood would run to the horse's bridle. Some innocent, some guilty but all INSANE.

Sort of like a nuclear strike, the lucky ones will go in that blinding white flash...everybody else is going to suffer and we will ask once again why we need a place called Hell?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


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