Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Greetings good citizen, some day's you eat the bear and other day's the bear eats you. Today I couldn't get the fire hot enough to burn all of the green wood that fell off the trees in my yard [yesterday's torrential rain didn't help matters any...but She wants it burned [NOW] so who am I to argue?

Anyway, snow tomorrow so it's not going to happen then either. {I think you're starting to see why I chose that particular word for today's title}

Naturally nobody [well almost nobody] expects things to go their way 100% of the time. If at first you don't succeed there's always later [beginning to look like next year for that dang brush pile, only a couple of weeks left to this year's burning season!]

Eventually we shall succeed in everything we do, given enough time...which is the mother of all stumbling blocks. When your starving (or suffocating) time is something you don't have a lot of.

Every day when your eyes pop open and you become aware that you're still here you unconsciously wonder if you're going to make it until the end of the day [that's how 'uncertain' time is.] Making it that much more ironic that your last thoughts before you, er, 'move on' are regrets over what you'd wish you had done before the buzzer signalling the end of your life sounded.

Maybe later when you've had a moment to absorb and digest the event you'll be flooded with relief that this, er, 'trial/ordeal' is over. Will the next phrase be more dreadful? Hard to conceive but not impossible.

The wise know they are here to learn while the fools listen to those who preach we are here to 'worship god' (and the semi-fools believe it's a combination of the two meaning that they 'learn' nothing.)

Let's pause here for a moment while we examine the two terms of today's piece, life itself is often 'equated' with 'futility'. There is a widespread belief that life is pointless, making the whole exercise of learning anything 'futile'.

Some will even insist that futility IS the lesson life teaches [but the wise know this is not true.] (Sort of blows your mind to consider how few people are wise...)

So many live believing money is real and god will/must forgive them of anything if they just ask for it...[can you say psychopaths?]

Um, probably bum you all out if I point out that LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL...but it seems none of you make the connection between Santa and Satan either.

What kind of school is this anyway?

One where you are supposedly smart enough to figure some things out for yourselves.

Just a little hint from your old pal Gegner, it's never too late to start paying attention.

[Maybe next time around you won't sit there and do nothing while 'the teacher' steals your stuff!]

If there were a lesson to be learned right this minute it would be that things are as they are BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

Here's another 'thought experiment' for ya: Would you want to meet you in Space? Do you watch the science channel and think, damn good thing nobody from this generation is out colonizing planets because it would make for one hell of a war! [yet another thing we as a species needs to learn. How the hell are we supposed to 'share' the universe if we can't share a single planet WITH OUR OWN KIND!]

Mind blown?

That's for those of you who think you already know everything there is to know.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head,


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