Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Greetings good citizen, twice yesterday I encountered admonitions to vote when the cause of our current dilemma is 'voting' [on a stacked deck.]

We long ago ceased voting for candidates and the practice became an exercise in choosing the 'least worst' option. When asked 'who do you like?' in the contest between Bush and Gore I opined that I was for Gore, my 'logic'? I wanted someone who could spell 'idiot' rather than just be the poster child for stupid.

Turns out I wasn't wrong.

W. brought us war without end, the Patriot Act, 'Homeland Security' and the morons that make up the TSA. That's besides suspending habeas corpus and your right to a speedy trial...oh and let's not forget rolling back anti-usury legislation [he single-handedly made loan sharking legal again! only now they call it 'payday loans'.]

Let's reflect on the 'benefits' of voting when you have zero input on what is being decided. I'd like to point out that 250 years of voting hasn't fixed that situation, you have remained so far removed from ANY issues facing society and for reasons that aren't so mysterious, your bought and paid for 'representatives' pay zero attention to you no matter how much you complain! [It took 180 years before the 'invisible they' permitted females to vote!]

That's on YOU fella!

So after multiple revolutions it seems our self professed betters haven't learned anything...or is it us that has a 'handicap'?

The owners of commerce seem unable to break their cash addiction [it is through cash that taxes are avoided] and how they get first dibs on all of the 'good stuff' that falls off trucks, everyday, all day.

All the blue suits have to do is turn a blind eye to the plight of the masses...and if they don't the men in robes will make their lives miserable.


To 'fix' this shitshow we need to return money to it's original purpose.

We also need to end 'do it yourself money'. [The fiction we call the 'stock market' anyone...which is no different than bitcoins, which is no different than the 'circle of gold' or CDO's. Money doesn't make money because IT CAN'T.]

Money isn't a 'storehouse of value' because ITS value is set 'arbitrarily'! [That's how the banksters created the cheaper there.]

We're living in a 'blighted nation' for a reason good citizen and that reason is the ballot box isn't connected to the real issues facing our civilization. [Starting with capitalist predation and moving all the way across the spectrum to the purposeful pauperization of the public so a few could be billionaires.]

Where was YOUR vote on either issue? How did you vote on the 'war without end?' You voted for it right because nobody wants to admit they are weak or don't understand why we are destroying peoples countries because they have resources we covet?

When viewed using biblical terms the entire global situation starts taking on the appearance of the End Times (but the same could be said for just about any period over the past century...which SHOULD tell you something about fictional god's 'return'...ain't nobody home!)

Is this beginning to look like a John Deere commercial, it's not how fast you mow, it's how well you mow fast!

It's not about going to the polls and checking boxes or flipping levers, it's about actually deciding the things that matter! You CAN'T be a stakeholder in civilization if you have NO SAY! [But if you can't crack 100 on an IQ test, you should sit on the sidelines and let the smart people do what needs doing.]

Our experiment in DEMOCRACY won't begin until we can vote directly on the issues! [That's what 'leadership' is for, to decide what issues are the most important and put them for a vote, then to act upon that vote. Leadership is about solving problems, not kicking cans further down the road.

I keep pointing to what a wonderful world it COULD be if people would just share what there is to share but NO, we let the feckless take the best for themselves and we fight over what they drop on the ground [mostly for their amusement.]

Civilization needs to be MANAGED or it will collapse as people lose interest in a system that only exploits them.

Put you life on the scale good citizen [few can do this objectively] and weigh whether or not society is something you want membership in.

Then try and figure out if you currently ARE a member and no, being on the voter's list doesn't make you a member; it simply provides the 'illusion of participation'.

Chances are you don't, er, not a good word for this because the people on the list didn't 'earn' it, they were born to it so if you weren't born with a trust fund, chances are you only THINK you are a member of a society that has ZERO USE FOR YOU.

[This is also the primary difference between the 'truly wealthy' and the rest of us and brings us full circle to the 'god' thing, which these people are convinced that they are 'god's chosen!'] Thus was heresy a capital crime. If you Rejected God then you also rejected the king's 'divinity'...

Sickness (mental) lives here.

This is the basis for Jefferson's declaration that every couple of generations a nation should 'purge' itself of the self-interested. [Preferably BEFORE they can become 'entrenched'.]

Naturally only one nation following this procedure would leave hundreds that weren't, thus the universality of A Simple Plan. It is a global system. Don't freak, it can be done...in fact capitalism is already global it's just not universally recognized. [Some nations still 'pretend' to be communist.]

I apologize to my readers but like you I am losing patience with all of the stupid people currently in the media thus have I been, er, 'critical' and assuming my readers are intelligent enough to know it's not directed at THEM (specifically.)

If I don't shake you out of your comfort zone you will remain too timid to act and soon it will be you or them and I most certainly want YOU at my side!

Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind,


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