Saturday, April 7, 2018


Greetings good citizen, thanks to our useless Justice System that fails to enforce the laws we are no longer united...and too few of you have a clue what that means.

First it let the nominal owners of industry flee, seeking a more 'pliable' workforce...which wasn't really the workers problem, it was a fiction created by the worthless bankers.

Money is NOT a 'storehouse of value' which leaves us all at the, er, 'whimsy' of those who decide how much each currency is worth on any given day. (a criminal act in itself.)

The bankers cry, "Not my fault you people went off the Gold Standard, now we don't have a reference point!"

Yep, Nixon abandoned the gold standard in 1972. [Why is it everything bad happens on the Rethuglican's watch?] 40 years of prosperity followed their electoral banishment from capitol hill but somehow they're back...and we can only wonder WHO resurrected them? [I'm looking at you JP.]

Well, we are all living with the terrors of a debt driven economy. If you can't afford it AND you aren't creditworthy...oh well.

Since we are no longer 'socially united' [despite being in general agreement on what outcomes we'd like to see] it's how to get there that is causing the divisions.

Nobody, in the meantime, is addressing the real culprit, the more for me crowd.

Speculation has it that the gold standard is what got JFK assassinated and made LBJ abdicate. Because abandoning the Gold standard was one of Tricky Dick's 'legacies'. Not the first thing he did but it was one of the last.

How sad is it that most historians agree Watergate marked the end of our Justice system.

What replaced it is decidedly 'unjust'. [A necessary sacrifice made to 'preserve capitalism' that only works for the few.]

Most of you know 'something' is 'off' but you can't quite figure out what. Things may have landed in the toilet but there's a chance somebody can snatch us out of here before it flushes.

Well, bad news. The plumbers are here to install hands-free flushing units on the toilet!

Not that YOUR hands were ever anywhere near the lever. The only thing keeping this sodden shit-show floating was hope.

We are close to 'what comes next' now that the feckless, rabid capitalist is hitting their heads against the same old brick saturation.

No markets, no problem.

What's coming is another form of 'right-sizing'. Either you're connected to the 'pipeline' or you're not.

This 'Trade War' numbnuts is creating will be the excuse used to cripple the superfluous economies of the West. [Where the workers have become restive and troublesome, clamoring for more than just endless toil while praying ceaselessly for 'deliverance'.

The riots will be legendary and so will the carnage [if we fail to unite! We have a common enemy and it's right there hiding in plain sight!]

Stupid has no clue but YOU know. It's the guys in the blue uniforms and the ones they work for (politicians) and the ones they work for (the Oligarchs/One Percenters.)]

Puppets on a string, tied together by $

The already badly limping economy won't take much to cripple, in fact (with a shove from above) most will be shocked to see how 'fragile' it really is. [almost zero redundancy means zero back-up and it's been this way for DECADES, since 'Morning in America', thank you for asking!]

I'm a lot of things good citizen, one thing I'm seldom accused of is being 'right'...

I wouldn't doubt me this time. Tick-Tock good citizen, the clock is ticking and there ain't a thing you can do about it except UNITE, purge and re-establish order, [an inclusive one this time.] How pathetic that I have to include not only the less than pale complected but WOMEN too! [WTF!]

Most of what is being pointed at as 'division' is actually frustration over NOTHING being done.

IDEALLY we would remove those from power that have refused to do what their job dictates [and slap 'em in irons until the Exile facility can be prepared.] Not that ANYTHING goes 'ideally', ever.

Yeah, this time it won't be fire or flood, it will be FAMINE [the preferred tool of the truly feckless!]

Think they wouldn't? We're talking about a portion of society that routinely LIVES by the notion of 'F 'EM all and the dumb ones TWICE!'

United we Stand...divided we're scroomed.

Just a friendly reminder regarding where the bear shits from your old pal Gegner.

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