Saturday, September 16, 2017

Wanted: Leaders [puppets need not apply...]

Greetings good citizen, in baseball the NY Yankees are nicknamed the best team money can buy. How tragic the same principle applies to the leadership of just about every organization across capitalism.

Despite competency [or decided lack thereof] our 'appointees' are [if nothing else] the best compensated members of society.

Why are the incumbents selected above all others? One word, a word that is meaningless pretty much everywhere else in this shitshow and that's 'loyalty'.

They'll do what they're told, when they're told to do it and they won't as questions...regardless of how 'disturbing' the instructions.

This is just peachy if you are the one these morons take their orders from, not so much if they stand opposed to you or the welfare of society in general.

Naturally, the problem starts with the pillar of 'authority'. How many of you know what I'm talking about?

The lawyers know.

Once upon a time the 'justice department' shared the pillar with the Church but for a long time both institutions have been losing ground. People no longer believe [fervently] that God Almighty watches their EVERY move, keeping track of EVERYTHING [and writing it down no less] that's a tall order as the global population crests the 8 billion mark.

Big Brother fares about as well as the Almighty does from an omnipresence standpoint but like the Almighty, a fair amount of shit still slips through the cracks.

How can the religious debate 'accident vs intent' while ignoring the fact it's all a 'human construct'?

We are obviously exceeding good at lying to ourselves.

Our willingness to 'go along with it' (often way beyond reasonable limits) to 'appease' tyrants/madmen is what has lead humanity to its many downfalls over the millenia.

[Reminder: all it takes for evil to succeed is for the victims to do NOTHING.]

Who are the victims? Got a mirror handy?

Let's put it all together, shall we?

Leaders that can't make a decision coupled with acting like Mickey the Dunce when confronted with problems staring them in the face...this is 'modern leadership' [since 'Morning in America']...the last guy to think for himself is laying in Arlington cemetary with half his head blown off.

Funny they can assassinate anyone that stands up to them with impunity but not Kim Jung Un...[can you say kabuki dance?]

Saddam was hung before he could talk and Bin Laden was gunned down. Makes you wonder if there isn't more to the story than the official version? [Cowboys and Indians anyone?]

It's only been a couple of paragraphs but let me refer you to 8 lines above where I point out how 'good' we are at lying to ourselves.

[Begging the question 'does this (self delusion) make humanity a 'lost cause'?' Can we succed at preventing the over population our less intelligent brethern [the virus] fatally keeps repeating?

We have already 'sickened' the victim, if it dies, we die with it.

Where are the leaders we need to resolve this impending doom?

If we don't act soon it will be too late. [it's probably already 'too late' for most of us. Even if we started yesterday we can only save a small fraction of the planets current population.

We need leaders, not puppets that need permission to fart from their 'handlers'.

There is a huge elephant in the room and it needs to be dealt with NOW.

If I could reach through the screen and shake you all vigorously as you read this I would but that technology is beyond us [for the moment.]

We're not too far away, looks like going to the movies will soon require a wet suit as some moron thought adding water spray to the seats would make the experience more 'realistic' [WTF?!]

[Not the kind of leadership we're looking for, in case you were wondering.]

Show of hands, who wants the driver to run the planet?

Hmmn...well, if you feel that way about it, forget it.

{Until next time head,}


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