Greetings good citizen, as hurricane season rolls along the public is treated to natural disasters rather than their man-made equivalents [e:g Trump vs. the Mouse that roared]
If god is sending his 'vengeance' there's no need for us to lift a finger. Don't have to fix the corrupt government(s) if God erases them for us.
[Hopefully illuminating the fact that government is never the problem, the corrupt are and always have been! How numb was Reagan for parroting the LINE, " The scariest phrase in the English language is, I'm from the government and I'm here to HELP."]
Aside from the moronic ad-lib "we launch in five minutes" it has to be one of the most idiotic phrases ever uttered...and it was handed to him by those who 'took over' with the fake election of 1980, marking the advent of 'Morning in America'.
Besides, everybody knows that the scariest word in ANY language is "MINE." [Which is precisely what the usurpers said when they took control of 'their' society...and the media/airwaves...and by extension, the justice system.]
But I digress, back to distractions and their usefulness.
For the third most populous city in the nation we lost surprisingly few people. Don't misconstrue, hurricanes are still very destructive but they're slow enough that even the single factor can avoid death by 'natural causes' [for them.]
We were forewarned after Katrina to expect more powerful hurricanes but that media just loves their adverbs! [nevermind hype! Can't get enough of that sensationalist stuff! Death SELLS!]
With so many [still solvable] problems facing our species, the feckless prefer to distract us with our constant impending doom rather than upset THEIR applecart.
Do you know what the most powerful word in any language is?
Of course you don't [mostly because you're too chicken to use it.]
The most powerful word in any language is NO. It is the rallying cry of the conservatives yet they remain ignorant of how or when to use it.
They can only parrot it, even if they don't understand what they're denying.
[That's why the mighty common denominator of conservatism is the single factor.]
You know when to say no and why you say it, but the clueless need to be told.
Of course, these are the same people who don't comprehend Reagan's Joke [I'm from the government and I'm here to help!]
How tragic [like most quotes attributed to him] it's not original.
Nobody needs me to tell them they are getting 'lied to.' [Serious mental pause there because the list is rather lengthy as to the multiple 'humiliations' regularly inflicted upon you. Lied to is usually the LEAST of them.]
The purpose of this 'charade' is to prevent you from pursuing the truth.
A truth you face every single day. You are being ROBBED and there is nothing you can do about it.
The 'parade of thieves' can be swiftly curtailed...but you don't know what to replace it with, do you?
You keep hearing about this Simple Plan but you can't find it anywhere...for pretty much the same reason you confuse anarchy with chaos. Because those in control don't want YOU to know their lock on management is false.
It can be 'assembled' from the posts on this blog but you have to know what you're looking at. {I once again belabor the obvious when I point out the single factor seldom does...}
Several posts provide thumbnail sketches of the entire concept although most [as is my quirk] digress considerably as I often chase single concepts and beat them to a pulp...depending on what's bugging me at that particular moment.
So if you want to know what to do and how to do it, educate yourself! It's all here, you just have to read and comprehend!
Thanks for letting me inside your head! [Now that's original!]
If god is sending his 'vengeance' there's no need for us to lift a finger. Don't have to fix the corrupt government(s) if God erases them for us.
[Hopefully illuminating the fact that government is never the problem, the corrupt are and always have been! How numb was Reagan for parroting the LINE, " The scariest phrase in the English language is, I'm from the government and I'm here to HELP."]
Aside from the moronic ad-lib "we launch in five minutes" it has to be one of the most idiotic phrases ever uttered...and it was handed to him by those who 'took over' with the fake election of 1980, marking the advent of 'Morning in America'.
Besides, everybody knows that the scariest word in ANY language is "MINE." [Which is precisely what the usurpers said when they took control of 'their' society...and the media/airwaves...and by extension, the justice system.]
But I digress, back to distractions and their usefulness.
For the third most populous city in the nation we lost surprisingly few people. Don't misconstrue, hurricanes are still very destructive but they're slow enough that even the single factor can avoid death by 'natural causes' [for them.]
We were forewarned after Katrina to expect more powerful hurricanes but that media just loves their adverbs! [nevermind hype! Can't get enough of that sensationalist stuff! Death SELLS!]
With so many [still solvable] problems facing our species, the feckless prefer to distract us with our constant impending doom rather than upset THEIR applecart.
Do you know what the most powerful word in any language is?
Of course you don't [mostly because you're too chicken to use it.]
The most powerful word in any language is NO. It is the rallying cry of the conservatives yet they remain ignorant of how or when to use it.
They can only parrot it, even if they don't understand what they're denying.
[That's why the mighty common denominator of conservatism is the single factor.]
You know when to say no and why you say it, but the clueless need to be told.
Of course, these are the same people who don't comprehend Reagan's Joke [I'm from the government and I'm here to help!]
How tragic [like most quotes attributed to him] it's not original.
Nobody needs me to tell them they are getting 'lied to.' [Serious mental pause there because the list is rather lengthy as to the multiple 'humiliations' regularly inflicted upon you. Lied to is usually the LEAST of them.]
The purpose of this 'charade' is to prevent you from pursuing the truth.
A truth you face every single day. You are being ROBBED and there is nothing you can do about it.
The 'parade of thieves' can be swiftly curtailed...but you don't know what to replace it with, do you?
You keep hearing about this Simple Plan but you can't find it anywhere...for pretty much the same reason you confuse anarchy with chaos. Because those in control don't want YOU to know their lock on management is false.
It can be 'assembled' from the posts on this blog but you have to know what you're looking at. {I once again belabor the obvious when I point out the single factor seldom does...}
Several posts provide thumbnail sketches of the entire concept although most [as is my quirk] digress considerably as I often chase single concepts and beat them to a pulp...depending on what's bugging me at that particular moment.
So if you want to know what to do and how to do it, educate yourself! It's all here, you just have to read and comprehend!
Thanks for letting me inside your head! [Now that's original!]
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