Thursday, September 14, 2017


Greetings good citizen, we seldom 'quantify' the talents necessary for a 'good leader' but I daresay one of the principle qualities would be steadfastness. The head hombre has to have a vision of what needs doing and s/he must be principled, methodical and relentless towards those goals.

That said, our current leader has only displayed myopia on one goal and that appears to be dismantling what his predecessor set in place; not because it was 'wrong' but because he did it.

If Dear Leader's sole ambition is to tear down what others have built he had best have a clear vision of what will replace the systems he is setting out to destroy.

Like EVERY conservative before him, he ran on a platform of 'tax reform'...probably just comes with the 'brand'. If you're a conservative, you never met a tax cut (or a 'fee') you didn't like.

[Intellectual honesty time here. Single factor Republicans admire the 'tax slashing' pundits who cut taxes [for those who least need it. The world's (count 'em) 1,800 BILLIONAIRES didn't exist before 'Morning in America'. Um, All their replacing taxes with fees did was relieve 'high earners' from their obligation to pay for basic infrastructure that primarily benefits THEM, [shifting the burden onto those who could afford it least.]

Why don't they do as I propose and eliminate taxes all together? Taxes are absolutely unnecessary.

Not to point out 'single factor' on a massive scale but what good is more money than you can spend? [How ironic the question answers itself?]

If you live in a edifice made of glass one needs to be extremely cautious with who you allow to wield a hammer.

Now today's leader is doing what his 'enablers' want him to do. It's NOT what he was elected (actually appointed, he DIDN'T win) to do.

The People wanted him to 'drain the swamp' because the lying media routinely tells the 'single factor' that the 'special interests' are what's 'ruining' government.

What the feckless media ISN'T telling the mentally challenged is the special interests that give them (the media) their marching orders are aiming at bringing back the 'Dark Ages' where 'capital punishment' was the preferred solution to any disagreement with 'The Crown'.

W. said it himself...this would be much easier if I were a dictator.

That 'admission' wasn't a denial but somewhat more than simply 'wishing out loud'. Like his unabashed statement his consitituency was 'the haves' and 'the have mores'.

In that respect, W. was 'guileless'. He didn't hide who or what he was working for. It's a 'mixed blessing' the man was and still is an 'empty suit'.

That's one of the prerequsites for government wreckers. Not only do they have to be stupid but they have to be too stupid to take over themselves!

Reagan, Bush the lesser and Trump all have that trait in common.

If 'third time's the charm' then we have a much more serious problem on our hands.

Our rudderless nation, combined with a 'wrecking ball' of a leader are set to make the way ready for another 'absolute' power grab.

Do nothing and you WILL regret the outcome. Many 'romanticize' the idea of 'Royalty', ignoring that the only difference between 'a good king' and a tyrant is who tells the tale.

For the law to be 'just' they must 'stand alone' and remain the sovereign province of those who must live under them.

Let those who must live under the law, control the law. Let no human/tyrant claim they alone have the 'special understanding' necessary to mete out justice...that's how the criminals came to gain the upper hand in the first place.

Anyway, the 'kings' won't return, to the throne, that is. They will remain behind their chosen puppet just like the 'elected' leaders before them.

How naive to think 'democracy' (as it is currently practiced) would last beyond the information age, when the 'puppet show' became obvious?

The new 'benevolent', er, 'directors' or some synonym, something 'unoffensive and unassuming' so the concept will be readily 'embraced' by the single factor. It will also be given the same 'illusion of choice' the 'democracy game' imparted so the feckless will have something to point to when things go tits up!

Hard to tell how many 'failed attempts' [to establish despot rule] there will be but eventually it will come down to what it always comes down to, 'comply or die.'

How tragic none of you can deny this, you can see the truth already.

The alternatives are equally as grim, thus do I advocate for the STRIKE.

Probably why I'm talking to myself inside this box.

Anyway, that's enough for today, see ya tomorrow head!


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