Sunday, September 3, 2017

Rinse & repeat

Greetings good citizen, we're 6 months into the new administration and the next presidential race is starting to take shape as the hopefuls on both sides dig for the one thing that has no place in politics...$

How do we 'reform' a system that runs on what its broken by?

Short answer is you can't. [Perhaps closer to the mark is 'you're not supposed to.'] We live under a 'gold rules' society where those that have the gold, make the rules.

But anyone with two brain cells still in communication with one another knows, it's not money but force that rules society. The current equation is money buys force but just so much, make enough people miserable and the tiny amount you can buy is easily dwarfed.

This 'calculus' isn't lost on the buyers...they know they tread on thin ice, the gamble they make is no one will get through their wall of hired muscle to make them pay for what they've done.

Besides, the feckless subscribe to the 'blood in the streets' theory! [That chaos creates opportunity.]

Well, politics is most certainly chaos and from that particular chaos rises untold opportunities. Why is it the feckless are never satisfied?

Relax, rhetorical question if there ever was one.

Back to the question at hand. The [fake] democrats [remember, I told you the 'real' democrats were 'defunded' into extinction a long time ago. Today's Democrats are merely opportunists willing to sell those stupid enough to vote for them down the Styx while making a tidy profit for themselves doing work you just can't find anywhere else!

Toe the line [your campaign contributors draw for you] and the media will have your back, guaranteed!

And if the media says you're okay, the public has no choice but to believe them! [Despite Bush the lesser's legislation that made it legal for the press to 'propagandize' the public.] Libel is now just a five letter word.

If the press lies it's no longer their problem, it's YOURS!

Have I pointed to the part where society is about to collapse under the weight of its own contradictions yet? [Daily but YOU gotta be paying attention!]

Fixing the system is also a 'rhetorical question', as long as the feckless 'own' the information stream and can thereby fire anyone who doesn't keep their yap shut [with impunity] there is only one way this blood & tears.

Why do I prattle so if our destruction is destined? Because if we don't break the loop we WILL repeat the behavior that caused the collapse.

'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!' Starting to get it now?

Until next time, head, keep thinking or at least try and improve your choice of hats! That pointy thing looks stupid!


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