Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Flag or Crown?

Greetings good citizen, we are taught from a young age to 'respect' the nation's flag. Back in the day we were required to 'pledge allegiance' at the start of every school day [until an enlightened individual recognized the practice for what it really was, and 'oath of fealty' to self-serving ideals.]

Long a bone of contention with the 'my way or the highway crowd', those who valued blind obedience over rational thought and reason continue to act scandalized when ANYONE is bold enough to take issue with the practice of 'swearing fealty'.

Think about the pledge and it's demand that you 'pledge allegiance' to 'My country, right or wrong'.

Nations are NOTHING. People matter. If we pledge 'fealty' to anything, it is our collective humanity FIRST and not the patch of land, 'represented' by a swatch of cloth [and by extension the nitwits that claim to 'RULE IT'!]

The'single factor' can be forgiven for a lot of things [they are too dumb to understand] but this is past the limit switch.

There is ZERO difference between 'pledging allegiance' to a Flag OR a Crown. Those too feeble to differentiate between a society that is self governed and a society that bows to a monarch [or a symbol of 'official power'] have zero business participating in the process!

That said many of them are victims of an educational process bent on 'training' students for blind obedience. The theory is people who think for themselves are threats to 'order'.

Think about how happy we'd all be if we could just shut up and get with the program [regardless of the fact that program can't 'use' all of us!]

As the ranks of 'losers' grows those whose 'expectations' have never been met continue to wait for a 'break' that is never coming.

When they were taught about winners and losers, they were assured by the instructor they were winners...so it's all about 'patience'.

How long will YOU wait until it dawns on you the instructor LIED?

This is what you've been 'pledging allegiance' to, a concept [once executed] that didn't include YOU!

This is what comes of 'MY country, right or wrong.' {it's not YOUR country, it's THEIRS...you just hired help, totally 'disposable'.}

Blind obedience bad, 'consensus' good!

Think about the injustice this 'flag' represents, a nation where a few literally wallow in more than they can use while the majority of us suffer under a mountian of debt, 'living' [if you could call it that] 'hand to mouth'. [Increasingly the wall of debt has been replaced with a vast, cut-throat, economic desert as we survive 'gig to gig'.

You don't suppose the NFL players might see themselves as an emblem of the stark contrasts within our 'deeply stratified' society?

Would YOU 'hail' and swear fealty to the flag of privilege and callous indifference?

That flag ain't YOUR flag, that flag is THEIR flag...you only get to bleed for it [while it does as little as possible for you.]

Humans first! [wake up and smell the napalm!]


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