Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Greetings good citizen, as the reality of climate change hits home builders are 'improving' how [if not where] houses are built. Yeah, they still tend to ignore 'flood plains' because flat places are more, er, 'economical' to build on but that's just capitalism in action, where 'prudence' always takes a back seat to 'profits!'.

I'll refrain from waving the 'investor' stick, I'm sure you're sick of hearing how there's no place to invest in the globalized world. [How foolish were investors in that hairbrained move? (talk about putting all of your eggs in one basket?) How stupid can you get?]

Worse, I'll also refrain from pointing to the huge (and growing) 'economic desert' this has created. [Even the 'gig' economy is choking on the splinters.]

But no, you will sit there and plot how the 'next election' will turn things around when you know damn well 'reform' may be on the ballot but it's only there for 'show'.

Things are as they are for a reason. Some of it is 'unintended' and the rest is D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.?

Problem with 'opportunism' is those who practice it are incapable [usually due to lack of interest] of weighing the consequences not only of their own actions but when they are combined with the actions of other feckless opportunists!

It is the very definition of 'cascading systemic failure' poetically portrayed in the work 'for want of a nail'.

The clouds have parted and sunshine has returned to middle Texas. The waterlogged residents will start rebuilding without regard for where or how...or, more poignantly, if they should, considering what's coming.

Katrina and Harvey are twelve years apart [twelve drought stricken years in case you don't remember] Katrina was an 'abnormally' powerful storm just as Harvey was an 'abnormally' SLOW one. What do you suppose will be the defining characteristic of the next one to lay waste to the Carribean? [Oh, that's right! Gulf Coast, the rest of the Carribean can go twist in the wind for all YOU care, its not Murika!]

Maybe we'll find out sooner than anyone suspects, Cat 4 Irma is bearing down on southern Florida as I go to post.

As for 'normal' we are still far from having a clue what that is, weather-wise. For all we know the past ten thousand years have been 'abnormal' while mankind, er, 'flourished' across the planet. [Imagine where we'd be if we weren't our own worst enemy?]

If the profit seeking warmonger's get their way, the devastation of Harvey will be the least of mankind's troubles. Left unknown is whether or not the survivors of the Trump presidency will possess the WILL to rebuild?

A dummy slap like that is more than a little difficult to recover from [even if he doesn't succeed in nuking us all back to the stone age.]

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


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