Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Greetings good citizen, in the wake of the 2nd natural disaster to hit the nation in as many weeks {thankfully Irma wasn't as severe as the prognosticators predicted but it remains unknown how much of the Shod-E construction company's work was revealed to be substandard so the jury is still out.)

Power outages are an inconvenience but survivable. The folks of neighboring island nations are learning the hard way that civilization is only 9 meals deep.

Why bring it up? Because a lack of preparedness is its own reward.

More disturbing that [thanks to irrational conservatism] governments have cut back severely on 'emergency aid' stockpiles.

The fact that there is ZERO planning behind this makes it that much riskier. I belabor the obvious when I point out that three quarters of us live 'hand to mouth' due to the duel whipsaw of low/uncertian wages and high prices.

Which is to say relying on the public to provide it's own 'emergency relief' is sadistic to the point of cruelty...but it's about what you'd expect coming from the 'single factor'.

You should enjoy a good chuckle over that because the single factor has already forgotten about our little 'inside joke' concerning them.


Since it usually takes a while to work up to ANY point I don't feel compelled to apologize for digressing, the above is NOT the topic of today's post.

No, today's topic was picked up from the internet newsfeed on my homepage and it, er, 'touched' upon the heart of a different crisis facing our species and it's continued existance.

The 'balkanization' of the political process.

Since the bloodless coup known as 'Morning in America' humanity's entire political environment has been subverted to insure the survival of the criminals among us.

I have explained many times how this was done...or how anyone with the 'wherewithal' could duplicate the process. It starts with the 'vetting' process.

Campaigns are notoriously expensive so the first thing Joe/Jane candidate needs to do is form an 'exploratory committee' to see if 'the money' will back their candidacy...and it all goes sour from there.

You see, most of you have figured out that it doesn't matter what 'banner' you fly on the road to elected office if both sides take their marching orders from the oligarchs.

Thus has voting proven to be an exercise in 'pretending' to be represented, while the feckless hope against hope that you don't lynch them for their treachery.

Actually, they RELY on voter complicity. They HOPE TO HELL you KNOW THE SCORE so you don't hold them accountable for selling you out.

The oligarchs promise to have their backs but the 'patron's protection' only extends to the stupid. A clever attacker can take them out and nobody would be the wiser.

Anyway, as the (political) process continues to produce, er, 'unseemly' results and the public is increasingly seeing that they are less divided than the media tells them, the top is about to blow off of the pressure cooker.


Because the feckless few couldn't leave well enough alone, the 'veneer' has been removed and the now ancient battle of Us vs Them has returned to center stage in its ugliest form, no longer a contest between 'liberal and conservative' [nor was it ever] but the much older conflict of 'rich vs poor'.

How stupid do you have to be to rip the scab off of that one?

Rhetorical question good citizen, rhetorical question.

Worse, we all know how this one plays out. The bulk of the rich 'take cover' while their 'proxies' are torn to pieces in the public square. Once the 'bloodlust' is satisfied, the criminals re-emerge, quietly leading as obscure a life as they can [in public] while living it up with their 'peers' [laughing over how stupid the rest of us are] in their now ancient haunts in private.] Do any of you find it ironic that they talk about the revolt more than we do?

Yes, the rich 'keep to themselves'. Some of you may foolishly think you'd like to have a beer with the Donald, never considering that he'd be aghast at the idea of even being alone in a room with the likes of you! [Because you'd quickly realize what an empty suit he was.]

So come November when it's time to pay your 'stupidity tax' and have a check mark placed next to your name at the polling station...do you go on a rampage and burn the polls down...or do you cut to the chase and form a posse to take out the local PD?

Because it's obvious by now that nothing is going to change if we keep allowing ourselves to be led by the nose.

[Talk about cynical, the only ones who read this far are the government censors...and they agree with me!]

So until next time head, sleep tight!


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