Greetings good citizen, as the climate [both social/political and actual] teeter on the brink of disaster our species looks for guidance [a way out] of the mess those calling the shots have made.
Unsurprisingly, one of the 'developments' people need to keep their eyes on is the militarization of the police forces.
Judges [political appointees themselves] have displayed a shocking bias towards heavy handed policing. Bad enough killer cops walk but then 'the defenders of justice' choose not to prosecute, sending a very disturbing message to an already nervous public.
The single factor hasn't noticed anything is amiss, they don't have a firm grip on how things are supposed to operate. I belabor the obvious because most of you would fall into the 'uncertain' category and that leaves the door wide open to those who get to define 'acceptable'.
We are remarkable creatures in that we will permit pretty much ANYTHING so long as the rest of us go along with it.
And for all that twaddle about land of the 'free' and home of the brave, we're a bunch of cowards.
Don't even need to send you in search of a mirror for that charge to stick, that one you're 'courageous' enough to admit.
Well, some mighty sick minds know this about us and they have seized to 'high ground' [mostly because the majority of you are too afraid to challenge them or their usurped authority.]
[This is why The Tests are so necessary. Under ASP nobody holds a position of authority without having their character thoroughly vetted by testing that starts at the beginning of their educational process. If Johnny is an a-hole, unfit to run an ant farm, we'll know.]
We don't have that now and that is WHY things are so screwed up! [see title, please!]
Some of you are 'scared' of not having a police number to call. [Under ASP the blue wall 'vanishes', it is replaced by the 'Uh-oh squad' and when they come for you you KNOW you've screwed up because they only have ONE tool and that's EXILE!]
I belabor the obvious when I point out 'police' are totally unnecessary in a 'well-ordered' society. People don't mess with other people when it has a bearing on their future. [Get reported often enough and you'll find yourself justifying your existence to the Uh-oh squad.] That sword has two edges, reporting is a 'necessary function' of a well-ordered society but using that 'tool' for personal advantage is a highly dangerous game that has severe consequences.
Unfounded reports may cost you your membership in society too. [but will more likely result in finding yourself defending your 'criticism' in the dueling arena.] Which is to say there is a good reason to re-establish the ancient concept of 'defending one's honor'.
Accrue [and decline] too many challenges and it will reflect your 'willingness' to face the consequences of your actions. A determining factor when being considered for promotion.
Don't misconstrue, NOBODY will have a spotless permanent record. That in itself would be 'suspicious'. People who never reported anyone are just as 'tainted' as those constantly being reported [but end up being found 'not responsible' and therefore continue to do that thing they do that everyone finds so annoying...maybe it's the humming?]
Humor folks, don't add that last part to your notes! Humming will not be cause for exile but it might get a pencil rammed up your nose if you don't stop when asked!
You can rest assured there will be dumber reasons for duels as well...
The point being we will enjoy a far more 'civil' society if everyone acted like their reputation weighed/mattered in how their lives would turn out.
If we are to enjoy 'competent leadership' then we need to test and the character/reputation of the subject needs to be a matter of public record, for ALL to see.
We will seldom be given the choice between TWO, [never mind Sixteen, that's how many the Republicans ran before settling on the incumbent!] 'competent, honest individuals' The fact that neither were either is beside the point.
Leaders are molded by their experiences, not chosen by their looks or their faux resumes. Having 'prior experience' at the White House isn't a 'qualification' if you were the spouse of a former incumbent.
We have 'problems' and nobody connected to this 'circus' is interested in solving them. I suspect most would agree that this situation couldn't have happened at a worse time.
The public is getting trampled by all of the elephants the feckless refuse to even acknowledge, nevermind deal with!
Should we 'vote'? Yes, but only DIRECTLY upon proposed legislation that has first passed muster with the H.A-E. law.
Leaders are not 'above' the law. It is their responsibility to manage the efforts of mankind to build a better life for us all.
Better management can't be measured by 'efficiency' alone. Many managers excel at producing misery in copious amounts, more than most can handle...which is why we have people grabbing books of matches and going for walks in tinder-dry woods.
Make them wretched enough and they will become spiteful...there is also no way to [currently] assess a manager's stupidity quotient.
A vetted manager REMEMBERS what it was like to work for the unappreciative and dissatisfied. They swore they wouldn't be like that...until they got there and learned where it comes from.
Yup, in case you were wondering, we've been doing that WRONG for centuries too!
Amazed? You shouldn't be, it's due to the SAME PEOPLE being in charge the whole time!
We need to change that and ASP makes it possible.
Thumbnail to add to your 'notes'.
Besides the 'fine points' found here [and these aren't ALL of 'em] life is pretty much the way it needs to be. We just need to fix the miserable parts. Mother Nature 'dictates' what needs doing and comfort and convenience dictates the rest.
The 'good life' for a few isn't the whole job. A pretty good okay life for ALL is the goal.
Too many self-serving morons running things is the cause of the general paralysis afflicting society and they have chosen to 'eliminate' as much of the 'surplus population' as they can by any means necessary because they won't be held accountable for their actions.
Should I ask 'what are YOU going to do about it?' or should I just yawn...because you already know what you're going to do about it, same thing you always do.
So what were you thinking when you went for a walk in the woods with that book of matches in your pocket?
It's in there, like a tiger waiting to pounce. It just needs a little nudge.
Until next time, head,
Unsurprisingly, one of the 'developments' people need to keep their eyes on is the militarization of the police forces.
Judges [political appointees themselves] have displayed a shocking bias towards heavy handed policing. Bad enough killer cops walk but then 'the defenders of justice' choose not to prosecute, sending a very disturbing message to an already nervous public.
The single factor hasn't noticed anything is amiss, they don't have a firm grip on how things are supposed to operate. I belabor the obvious because most of you would fall into the 'uncertain' category and that leaves the door wide open to those who get to define 'acceptable'.
We are remarkable creatures in that we will permit pretty much ANYTHING so long as the rest of us go along with it.
And for all that twaddle about land of the 'free' and home of the brave, we're a bunch of cowards.
Don't even need to send you in search of a mirror for that charge to stick, that one you're 'courageous' enough to admit.
Well, some mighty sick minds know this about us and they have seized to 'high ground' [mostly because the majority of you are too afraid to challenge them or their usurped authority.]
[This is why The Tests are so necessary. Under ASP nobody holds a position of authority without having their character thoroughly vetted by testing that starts at the beginning of their educational process. If Johnny is an a-hole, unfit to run an ant farm, we'll know.]
We don't have that now and that is WHY things are so screwed up! [see title, please!]
Some of you are 'scared' of not having a police number to call. [Under ASP the blue wall 'vanishes', it is replaced by the 'Uh-oh squad' and when they come for you you KNOW you've screwed up because they only have ONE tool and that's EXILE!]
I belabor the obvious when I point out 'police' are totally unnecessary in a 'well-ordered' society. People don't mess with other people when it has a bearing on their future. [Get reported often enough and you'll find yourself justifying your existence to the Uh-oh squad.] That sword has two edges, reporting is a 'necessary function' of a well-ordered society but using that 'tool' for personal advantage is a highly dangerous game that has severe consequences.
Unfounded reports may cost you your membership in society too. [but will more likely result in finding yourself defending your 'criticism' in the dueling arena.] Which is to say there is a good reason to re-establish the ancient concept of 'defending one's honor'.
Accrue [and decline] too many challenges and it will reflect your 'willingness' to face the consequences of your actions. A determining factor when being considered for promotion.
Don't misconstrue, NOBODY will have a spotless permanent record. That in itself would be 'suspicious'. People who never reported anyone are just as 'tainted' as those constantly being reported [but end up being found 'not responsible' and therefore continue to do that thing they do that everyone finds so annoying...maybe it's the humming?]
Humor folks, don't add that last part to your notes! Humming will not be cause for exile but it might get a pencil rammed up your nose if you don't stop when asked!
You can rest assured there will be dumber reasons for duels as well...
The point being we will enjoy a far more 'civil' society if everyone acted like their reputation weighed/mattered in how their lives would turn out.
If we are to enjoy 'competent leadership' then we need to test and the character/reputation of the subject needs to be a matter of public record, for ALL to see.
We will seldom be given the choice between TWO, [never mind Sixteen, that's how many the Republicans ran before settling on the incumbent!] 'competent, honest individuals' The fact that neither were either is beside the point.
Leaders are molded by their experiences, not chosen by their looks or their faux resumes. Having 'prior experience' at the White House isn't a 'qualification' if you were the spouse of a former incumbent.
We have 'problems' and nobody connected to this 'circus' is interested in solving them. I suspect most would agree that this situation couldn't have happened at a worse time.
The public is getting trampled by all of the elephants the feckless refuse to even acknowledge, nevermind deal with!
Should we 'vote'? Yes, but only DIRECTLY upon proposed legislation that has first passed muster with the H.A-E. law.
Leaders are not 'above' the law. It is their responsibility to manage the efforts of mankind to build a better life for us all.
Better management can't be measured by 'efficiency' alone. Many managers excel at producing misery in copious amounts, more than most can handle...which is why we have people grabbing books of matches and going for walks in tinder-dry woods.
Make them wretched enough and they will become spiteful...there is also no way to [currently] assess a manager's stupidity quotient.
A vetted manager REMEMBERS what it was like to work for the unappreciative and dissatisfied. They swore they wouldn't be like that...until they got there and learned where it comes from.
Yup, in case you were wondering, we've been doing that WRONG for centuries too!
Amazed? You shouldn't be, it's due to the SAME PEOPLE being in charge the whole time!
We need to change that and ASP makes it possible.
Thumbnail to add to your 'notes'.
Besides the 'fine points' found here [and these aren't ALL of 'em] life is pretty much the way it needs to be. We just need to fix the miserable parts. Mother Nature 'dictates' what needs doing and comfort and convenience dictates the rest.
The 'good life' for a few isn't the whole job. A pretty good okay life for ALL is the goal.
Too many self-serving morons running things is the cause of the general paralysis afflicting society and they have chosen to 'eliminate' as much of the 'surplus population' as they can by any means necessary because they won't be held accountable for their actions.
Should I ask 'what are YOU going to do about it?' or should I just yawn...because you already know what you're going to do about it, same thing you always do.
So what were you thinking when you went for a walk in the woods with that book of matches in your pocket?
It's in there, like a tiger waiting to pounce. It just needs a little nudge.
Until next time, head,
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