Greetings good citizen. Seems the 'catchphrase' of libertarian/conservative Grover Norquist has come to pass. Like the debacle after the invasion of Iraq [nobody knows TO THIS DAY WHY] we invaded the country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 yet the morons among us are still high on 'Republicanism' (according to the corporate owned media.)]
The situation is so severe the act of admitting you're Republican is the same as admitting YOUR I.Q. is lower than ROCK! (You're not just stupid, you're profoundly stupid to the point of being institutionalized!)
What 'debacle' am I referring to? Remember the skid of money left in Iraq shortly after the fall of Baghdad [and various people helping themselves to duffelbags of it?] 100% efficient and zero accountability...a true demonstration of 'conservative values'.
What did that remind you of? Wasn't your first thought one of what happens to the cookie jar the second the adults are distracted?
Well, the adults were 'defunded' and now the children [soon to be just 'the child'] has taken over...again 'courtesy of' the corporate owned media.
Worse, that 'flag' so many were ready to form a lynch mob over? That SAME FLAG apparently couldn't handle the 'occupation' of the Middle East so W. brought in MERCENARIES [Remember BLACKWATER, Triple Canopy and KBR?]
War 'privatized'
The question NOBODY EVER ASKED is, "ARE WE [the American public] paying for Eric Prince's wounded? [Most of 'em were vets in the first place, earning them treatment priviledges at VA facilities...but they were private contractors when they got busted up, getting paid far more than the GI's the healthcare program was established to care for and The Republicans regularly deny them access to it!
History's actors move quick and you need a scorecard to keep up...although our 'social memory' keeps failing us because the media tends to forget anything that might adversely impact Ad revenues...
It's okay to be outraged...people were outraged throughout W's TWO TERM presidency [it's a 'miracle' I tell ya...propaganda can accomplish so much with SOOO Little!]
Did you know W. is directly responsible for making it legal to 'propagandize' the American Public? The corporate owned media has been doing it for decades, all W. did was make it 'unactionable'. [Not that you're EVER going to 'win' in THEIR court.]
Now that the adults are adrift out there, cut-off from their ability to act we are left with the biggest elephant of all, who is going to 'care' for civilization itself?
The self-absorbed don't care if the 'baby' drowns, they are too busy guarding the cookie jar [because with mommy and daddy out of the picture, NOBODY is making more cookies!]
But this is also typical 'conservo-whacko' thinking. The 'hallmark' of conservatism is never thinking ANYTHING El Trumpo and his reckless 'tweeting'. [What did HE THINK was going to happen? (WAS he even thinking at all?) We'll never know.]
Comparing the two, Kim Jong Un is a model of 'restraint' [Something our 'RULER' lacks...and only the soon to be dead morons think that's a 'good thing'. See above why that is.]
As I comment above, admitting your 'conservative' has become the tanamount to admitting you're impossibly stupid and therefore gullible beyond belief and live in your own little fantasy world.
Not that ANY of you would EVER admit that. [The fact you're here proves otherwise. This place is conservative proof.]
Your typical conservative's head would explode three paragraphs in. They'd 'self-medicate' until the things they believed with all their heart returned to comfort them.
Did I mention 'deluded'?
Some of you, reading the above, probably forgot most of what I share...and I take this opportunity to apologize for stirring up that muck pot of outrage you keep dropping the latest offences into only to forget about them moment later because the 'nothing I can do about it pot' is for exactly that purpose.
You can't do anything about these things and it will only drive you crazy if you dwell upon you forget. I'll bet some of you never heard of KBR or remember the attrocities committed by the 'off the leash' private contractors [Blackwater, Triple Canopy, who are just two of a cadre of actors that were employed by 'the children in charge'...who would so use the 'we didn't know better' excuse. that their parents didn't teach them right from wrong so as not to 'supress' their fragile psyches.] Which is to say Bush/Cheney are WAR CRIMINALS by any definition of the term and Obama let them he's not YOUR FRIEND either.
Nope, you even forget to throw your shoes at W. when he appears at speaking engagements...he's and 'ex-president' you know...,like the flag of the feckless, ya gotta 'respect' that. [Right idea, wrong place and wasted on the wrong people...and STILL they wonder why we're insane?]
Heads up to the predicament: The 'monster' devouring te Republic live on MONEY and the feckless controling the beast have the printing press and the 'magic pen' in their pocket, meaning we can't 'disarm' them [without resorting to force or it's alternative, STOP EVERYTHING (a.k.a. STRIKE.)
So the monster keeps destroying the global economy until civilization collapses under an impossible mountian of debt or the weilders of 'true power' destroy huge swaths of real estate [largely worthless already] fighting their sworn enemies over petty ideological differences using YOU for cannon fodder.
Any minute now.
Remember, WWI started over the assassination of the Archduke of Austro-Hungary so if you think it takes 'something important' to start a global massacre, think again.
We now have a political environment completely devoid of ADULTS...and the 'electorate' is almost cleansed of them as well.
What to do, what to do?
You didn't get this from me but either we go on strike (globally) or self-medicate...heavily!
Good night and good luck!
The situation is so severe the act of admitting you're Republican is the same as admitting YOUR I.Q. is lower than ROCK! (You're not just stupid, you're profoundly stupid to the point of being institutionalized!)
What 'debacle' am I referring to? Remember the skid of money left in Iraq shortly after the fall of Baghdad [and various people helping themselves to duffelbags of it?] 100% efficient and zero accountability...a true demonstration of 'conservative values'.
What did that remind you of? Wasn't your first thought one of what happens to the cookie jar the second the adults are distracted?
Well, the adults were 'defunded' and now the children [soon to be just 'the child'] has taken over...again 'courtesy of' the corporate owned media.
Worse, that 'flag' so many were ready to form a lynch mob over? That SAME FLAG apparently couldn't handle the 'occupation' of the Middle East so W. brought in MERCENARIES [Remember BLACKWATER, Triple Canopy and KBR?]
War 'privatized'
The question NOBODY EVER ASKED is, "ARE WE [the American public] paying for Eric Prince's wounded? [Most of 'em were vets in the first place, earning them treatment priviledges at VA facilities...but they were private contractors when they got busted up, getting paid far more than the GI's the healthcare program was established to care for and The Republicans regularly deny them access to it!
History's actors move quick and you need a scorecard to keep up...although our 'social memory' keeps failing us because the media tends to forget anything that might adversely impact Ad revenues...
It's okay to be outraged...people were outraged throughout W's TWO TERM presidency [it's a 'miracle' I tell ya...propaganda can accomplish so much with SOOO Little!]
Did you know W. is directly responsible for making it legal to 'propagandize' the American Public? The corporate owned media has been doing it for decades, all W. did was make it 'unactionable'. [Not that you're EVER going to 'win' in THEIR court.]
Now that the adults are adrift out there, cut-off from their ability to act we are left with the biggest elephant of all, who is going to 'care' for civilization itself?
The self-absorbed don't care if the 'baby' drowns, they are too busy guarding the cookie jar [because with mommy and daddy out of the picture, NOBODY is making more cookies!]
But this is also typical 'conservo-whacko' thinking. The 'hallmark' of conservatism is never thinking ANYTHING El Trumpo and his reckless 'tweeting'. [What did HE THINK was going to happen? (WAS he even thinking at all?) We'll never know.]
Comparing the two, Kim Jong Un is a model of 'restraint' [Something our 'RULER' lacks...and only the soon to be dead morons think that's a 'good thing'. See above why that is.]
As I comment above, admitting your 'conservative' has become the tanamount to admitting you're impossibly stupid and therefore gullible beyond belief and live in your own little fantasy world.
Not that ANY of you would EVER admit that. [The fact you're here proves otherwise. This place is conservative proof.]
Your typical conservative's head would explode three paragraphs in. They'd 'self-medicate' until the things they believed with all their heart returned to comfort them.
Did I mention 'deluded'?
Some of you, reading the above, probably forgot most of what I share...and I take this opportunity to apologize for stirring up that muck pot of outrage you keep dropping the latest offences into only to forget about them moment later because the 'nothing I can do about it pot' is for exactly that purpose.
You can't do anything about these things and it will only drive you crazy if you dwell upon you forget. I'll bet some of you never heard of KBR or remember the attrocities committed by the 'off the leash' private contractors [Blackwater, Triple Canopy, who are just two of a cadre of actors that were employed by 'the children in charge'...who would so use the 'we didn't know better' excuse. that their parents didn't teach them right from wrong so as not to 'supress' their fragile psyches.] Which is to say Bush/Cheney are WAR CRIMINALS by any definition of the term and Obama let them he's not YOUR FRIEND either.
Nope, you even forget to throw your shoes at W. when he appears at speaking engagements...he's and 'ex-president' you know...,like the flag of the feckless, ya gotta 'respect' that. [Right idea, wrong place and wasted on the wrong people...and STILL they wonder why we're insane?]
Heads up to the predicament: The 'monster' devouring te Republic live on MONEY and the feckless controling the beast have the printing press and the 'magic pen' in their pocket, meaning we can't 'disarm' them [without resorting to force or it's alternative, STOP EVERYTHING (a.k.a. STRIKE.)
So the monster keeps destroying the global economy until civilization collapses under an impossible mountian of debt or the weilders of 'true power' destroy huge swaths of real estate [largely worthless already] fighting their sworn enemies over petty ideological differences using YOU for cannon fodder.
Any minute now.
Remember, WWI started over the assassination of the Archduke of Austro-Hungary so if you think it takes 'something important' to start a global massacre, think again.
We now have a political environment completely devoid of ADULTS...and the 'electorate' is almost cleansed of them as well.
What to do, what to do?
You didn't get this from me but either we go on strike (globally) or self-medicate...heavily!
Good night and good luck!
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