Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Rhyme or Reason...

Greetings good citizen, as most of you are aware, there is little 'logic' behind who gets paid how much for doing what. Point this out and you are quickly accused of 'jealousy' [bizarrely ending the conversation before it even starts.]

When wages are 'secret' because learning the boss's nephew, who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, makes twice what you do for emptying the wastebaskets can start a revolt on the shop floor!

That said, the politician's fall-back recipe for restoring economic vitality has always been the two edged sword of 'education reform' and increasing 'access' to higher education, a panacea In Theory anyway until the results become known.

Education DOESN'T drive 'demand'. It also begs the question of just who studies 'compensation' to the point they are confident enough to brand themselves 'experts'? [Probably the same group of idiots that call themselves Economists who, to this day, are unable to grasp the simple concept of 'all economies are LOCAL'.

While we are all 'aware' that 'discrimination' exists...we are barred from even talking about WHY the DECISIONMAKER gets to choose who among his many 'employees' prospers and who 'suffers' [merely so some can be the 'envy' of their peers!]

A watch without screws would be useless yet the boss pays the mainspring richly and the screws next to nothing because of 'percieved value'.

The mainspring 'drives' the watch while the screws merely hold it together. From here it's difficult (if not impossible) to decide which function is 'more important'...thus have we been saddled with a society filled with a handful of 'winners' and numerous, er, 'losers'.

Seems we keep returning to what everybody knows, that the 'system' is 'deeply flawed' but ANY and ALL attempts to FIX THE SYSTEM are met with FIERCE RESISTANCE [by the relative few who benefit from said obvious 'flaws'.]

If a 'manager' left these issues unaddressed they could be dismissed [and possibly sued] for their lack of dilligence...yet 'owners' are permitted to inflict this kind of suffering on us without fear of recourse! Using our 'example' of the ubiquitous 'Boss's Nephew', all the owner has to say is 'he's Family' and the discussion stops in it's tracks.

It is assumed EVERYBODY 'takes care' of Family [if they like them...or fear them, either way works.]

Why people 'go along' with the fractured logic of 'he's rich and he's just ensuring his family STAYS rich' is one that wouldn't hold up in the court of public opinion and 'what's fair to one is fair to all' [the 'backbone' of the H.A.E.]

It is 'near impossible' to place a value on the individual pieces and ignore the whole yet it is done all the time.

What is 'valuable' good citizen? If we use 'utility' as our benchmark how much is a 'useful idiot' worth? Turns out having someone who 'agrees' with you regardless of how outrageous your actions can be 'priceless'. [In a world driven by useless money!]

But if we return to the 'true factors' of equality and justice...where outrageousness is of little 'value' we'd find the time has come to restore the adults to the leadership of humanity and that's not going to happen 'organically'.

We've gotten this far without a 'playbook' and 'muddled along' is as good as it's gotten. Now we can literally destroy ourselves with the flick of a switch and we even have a loose cannon in charge of that how many of you think 'laying down the law' is a good idea?

Can't use the 'seat of your pants' playbook that resulted in the current 'anything goes' er, cesspool.

Life has ONE GOAL and that goal is 'SURVIVAL'.

When those running civilization view the rest of us as 'competition', it is time to remove that segment from power. ALL for one and ONE FOR ALL is and should always be our 'motto'.

Today's motto is 'F'em all and the dumb ones twice! Is THAT who you want running your world?

WE CAN turn this thing around but it's going to be an 'all in' effort!

Look to your future and decide...

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


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