Saturday, September 30, 2017


Greetings good citizen, I'm taking today as a 'lay day' because the change of seasons have put a lot on my plate the furnace is on strike [at least one thing is co-operating!]. I need to deal so I'm sure you'll muddle along until tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience,


* mental health day

Friday, September 29, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the calender has shed two thirds of the year as we prepare to harvest a world pushed to the brink by a rapacious species.

With Summer just ended it's difficult to come to terms with fallow part of the year, those six months the Northern Hemisphere 'rests' before spring planting starts the cycle all over again.

We, with the advent of automation, have become so far removed from the food chain a vast majority have no idea where sustenance comes from...or the processes involved.

Like a pendulum, the arm swings one way, then abruptly returns towards its starting point.

Wanna get scared? Imagine that happening with the food chain. [Try to imagine the landless many suddenly finding themselves 'on their own' foodwise. Starvation is a horrible thing to witness, especially when you're powerless to help (and wisdom tells you to stay away...hunger knows few bounds.)

A sidebar to this is the multitude of obese Westerners and the mystery of what entered the food chain causing this epidemic?

Zero coincidence that the Porky Westerner rocketed to prominence with the advent of Frankenfood.

Yup, Fall means 'harvest' and never has the term 'you reap what you sow' been more relevant.

In a time when most of humanity wouldn't know where to begin the process we still 'sow' the ground by tolerating the conditions we are forced to live our lives under.

Worse, the feckless think us 'ungrateful' for the meager boxes they force us into [in many cases, literally! The homeless are everywhere!]

Welcome to the WONDERFUL WORLD of 'Comply or Die'.

Zero irony that the 'benefactors of the downtrodden' wouldn't spit on ANYTHING they expect the marginalized to be 'grateful' for.

Remember that 'reaping and sowing' thing we were talking about? The 'walk a mile in my shoes' meme is but a reflection of that same principle.

What are we bumping our heads on all the time here? Ignorance! The average schmuck doesn't have the mental horsepower to appreciate the difference between 'necessary work' and busy work that doesn't pay enough to bother getting out of bed.

But you do because it's that or NOTHING...yet another manifestation of 'reaping and sowing' cultivated by GROSS MISMANAGEMENT! [Coupled with zero concern for the outcome.]

Time to return to the fields and take a more 'natural' approach to this thing we call 'survival'...something that ain't going to happen with every third moron vested in either war [on your fellow humans] or 'extraction' [making them pay, often needlessly.]

On the national scene, The Rump is poised to push through his TRILLION DOLLAR 'tax relief' plan...and it doesn't have a nickle in it for YOU. [In order to get any benefit from the proposed tax cuts you have to already be rich beyond belief. Making us suspect it is a scheme to 'repatriate' the funds held in off-shore accounts, tax feeble hopes of 'stimulating' the economy. But that requires the already 'too rich' to spend it...and that ain't gonna happen because the feckless rich already have everything they think they need...too bad nobody has invented 'working brains' to sell, they could all use a couple [you know, one for back-up incase the other one gets tired...]

So making them 'richer' does absolutely ZERO good. Making the rich richer only drives society's SIN trades, [Drugs, sex workers and guns]

Justice anyone? Without those three 'components' the global economy (as it currently exists) would fall apart!

Talk about reaping what you sow!

Taxes are a rip off...mother nature doesn't have a cash register. [Why should the capitalist get paid for what's FREE to THEM?

It's only the tip of the iceberg, and man's 'predatory' behavior is a 'learned thing' [returning us to the question of who abandoned us here leaving a 'slaver culture' behind?]

But, once again, most of you lack the mental horsepower to appreciate what I'm laying down here so let's leave the cerebral stuff alone.

Happy Harvesting!


Thursday, September 28, 2017


Greetings good citizen, the 'competition' to survive will soon hit a critical phase as those who can't think their way out of a paper bag challenge their peers to survive on nothing.

Like a drumbeat, the feckless chant 'the strong survive, the weak shall die, the strong survive' naseum.

Pretty sick point of view coming from an allegedly sentient creature [but many are only 'half' there, their thinking parts don't operate properly.]

Is this 'animal abuse'? Not really, even nature uses stupidity so others can eat.

The heineous part is the idea of people 'preying' on people...but our economic system does exactly that without regard for intellectual acumen.

Yeah, a lot of life is more 'luck' than smarts. Zero irony the new meme making the rounds goes 'You'll never know the worse luck your bad luck has saved you from...'

Talk about lipstick on a pig, it's cynicism on steroids!

NONE of you seem to remember [and it's all about 'memory' good citizen!] we started down this path of mutual cooperation to put this 'luck' thing behind us.

But the vermin that helped themselves the most (at the expense of others) started defending their actions with the ancient chant [the strong survive, the weak shall die] using the old 'survival of the fittest' as 'defense' for their selfishness.

So we only took a 'half step' away from the 'every man for himself' credo.

I'd say 'obvious to all' but that's not true because most of you labor under the [false] impression you're getting your 'fair share'.

In the beginning, we needed good land and more importantly, good neighbors to make our way in the world. {your farmer friends had to be handy with a bow or a spear to keep 'the competition' from robbing your fields.

It is this 'easier to take it than to make it' philosophy that has deviled humanity from the beginning. Takers are vermin. They believe the makers are chumps, all that hard work just to get their 'leavings'.

It also started 'criminal justice' when the farmers, during the 'fallow season' when the land 'rested', would make sport of hunting those who couldn't be bothered to make their own shelter. This caused the feckless to make 'common cause' with others of their kind and marauder armies rose.

[In case you're wondering why humanity is (and always has been) at each other's throats, it's ALWAYS been a 'contest' between the Takers and the Makers.

Oddly [under the theme of 'unintended consequences'] MONEY put the Takers in charge of defending the Maker's produce.

As we all know this did nothing to increase the Taker's 'appreciation' for the efforts of the makers but it did serve as a vehicle to make the feckless fight themselves.

Not that they are very good at their 'honest employment' considering their tendency toward criminal behavior is inbred.

Worse, as the old conventions were forgotten, the meme remained. The Takers still operate under their ancient ideals, ignorant that they were once criminals themselves.

So it has come to pass that the criminals decide what is and isn't crime and the rest of us suffer 'injustice' as a result. The Takers don't care for society, they believe in their own skills, the strength of the individual and their 'will to survive' [regardless of the cost (to others)]

Starting to look familiar? Most of you can't see YOUR part in this screwy scenario because you are ignorant that once upon a time segments of humanity exterminated each other on sight in a neverending battle for survival.

Because the ancient animosity between the two 'mentalities' is 'long forgotten', the conventions that prevented us from killing one another on sight have worn thin.

Thanks to MONEY, the Takers now 'run' civilization, an organization they never had a use for...and to this day have zero appreciation for.

MONEY only works in a 'honest' system. Let corruption enter the picture and money is EXTREMELY DESTRUCTIVE.

As evidenced by our current situation.

This wasn't done to us by 'rational' people, the Takers are anything but!

Perhaps Bush the lesser said it best, 'The HAVES and the HAVE MORES' give zero F's about anything or anyone besides themselves!

Which leaves you, good citizen, 'trapped' in the 'Doomed Ship' scenario. YOU WON'T get out alive...that much is a given. The most you can HOPE for is to save your children from your fate.

The experiment of turning the fox into the guard of the henhouse has followed its 'natural path' and ended in failure.

There is only a small window of opportunity to turn things around. To win, we need to dredge up the courage of our ancestors and their love for us to do what they failed to do and that's eliminate the feckless [exile.]

You can never trust a traitor and that's what the Takers are, traitors. They 'betrayed' their own kind by turning Sherrif, who ultimately betrayed the rest of us by taking over the system and corrupting it.

So while it appeared on the surface to be a stroke of genius, hiring the predators to hunt themselves...they didn't 'think it through'. They had indeed put the fox in charge of the henhouse.

The part that has most of you shaking in YOUR shoes is the dividing line between 'taker and maker' runs along the IQ curve. The smart are inventive while the takers are 'one trick ponies'. Most of you 'fear' you're on the wrong side of the fence but relax. If you get your backside out of bed and report to work on time, you're not a criminal.

Criminals believe work is for the stupid.

IF, however, you agree with the idea that workers are stupid chumps just waiting to get might want to party like it's 1999...because you're past your sell by date.

The 'showdown' cometh and you don't want to be on the 'wrong side'. [Definitely time to lose that t-shirt embalzoned with 'I'm with STUPID'.]

If you can't tell the difference between 'wise' and 'clever' you're probably going to remain 'uncertain'.

Let the 'competition' begin [although it is already underway in case you didn't notice] the only question remaining is who will 'win'?

There is still a danger of the feckless coming out on top...[because most of you can't distinguish between 'clever and wise'] and that might just turn into the epitaph on humanity's headstone...

Another day, another bite!

Um, once again there is a certain 'inappropriateness' in thanking you for letting me inside your head to share such awful tidings so let's leave it with 'until next time!'


PS, if you're betting on the TAKERS, your world is already void. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

How ironic it's also a perfect example of the difference between 'clever and wise'!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Drown in a bath tub...

Greetings good citizen. Seems the 'catchphrase' of libertarian/conservative Grover Norquist has come to pass. Like the debacle after the invasion of Iraq [nobody knows TO THIS DAY WHY] we invaded the country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11 yet the morons among us are still high on 'Republicanism' (according to the corporate owned media.)]

The situation is so severe the act of admitting you're Republican is the same as admitting YOUR I.Q. is lower than ROCK! (You're not just stupid, you're profoundly stupid to the point of being institutionalized!)

What 'debacle' am I referring to? Remember the skid of money left in Iraq shortly after the fall of Baghdad [and various people helping themselves to duffelbags of it?] 100% efficient and zero accountability...a true demonstration of 'conservative values'.

What did that remind you of? Wasn't your first thought one of what happens to the cookie jar the second the adults are distracted?

Well, the adults were 'defunded' and now the children [soon to be just 'the child'] has taken over...again 'courtesy of' the corporate owned media.

Worse, that 'flag' so many were ready to form a lynch mob over? That SAME FLAG apparently couldn't handle the 'occupation' of the Middle East so W. brought in MERCENARIES [Remember BLACKWATER, Triple Canopy and KBR?]

War 'privatized'


The question NOBODY EVER ASKED is, "ARE WE [the American public] paying for Eric Prince's wounded? [Most of 'em were vets in the first place, earning them treatment priviledges at VA facilities...but they were private contractors when they got busted up, getting paid far more than the GI's the healthcare program was established to care for and The Republicans regularly deny them access to it!

History's actors move quick and you need a scorecard to keep up...although our 'social memory' keeps failing us because the media tends to forget anything that might adversely impact Ad revenues...

It's okay to be outraged...people were outraged throughout W's TWO TERM presidency [it's a 'miracle' I tell ya...propaganda can accomplish so much with SOOO Little!]

Did you know W. is directly responsible for making it legal to 'propagandize' the American Public? The corporate owned media has been doing it for decades, all W. did was make it 'unactionable'. [Not that you're EVER going to 'win' in THEIR court.]

Now that the adults are adrift out there, cut-off from their ability to act we are left with the biggest elephant of all, who is going to 'care' for civilization itself?

The self-absorbed don't care if the 'baby' drowns, they are too busy guarding the cookie jar [because with mommy and daddy out of the picture, NOBODY is making more cookies!]

But this is also typical 'conservo-whacko' thinking. The 'hallmark' of conservatism is never thinking ANYTHING El Trumpo and his reckless 'tweeting'. [What did HE THINK was going to happen? (WAS he even thinking at all?) We'll never know.]

Comparing the two, Kim Jong Un is a model of 'restraint' [Something our 'RULER' lacks...and only the soon to be dead morons think that's a 'good thing'. See above why that is.]

As I comment above, admitting your 'conservative' has become the tanamount to admitting you're impossibly stupid and therefore gullible beyond belief and live in your own little fantasy world.

Not that ANY of you would EVER admit that. [The fact you're here proves otherwise. This place is conservative proof.]

Your typical conservative's head would explode three paragraphs in. They'd 'self-medicate' until the things they believed with all their heart returned to comfort them.

Did I mention 'deluded'?

Some of you, reading the above, probably forgot most of what I share...and I take this opportunity to apologize for stirring up that muck pot of outrage you keep dropping the latest offences into only to forget about them moment later because the 'nothing I can do about it pot' is for exactly that purpose.

You can't do anything about these things and it will only drive you crazy if you dwell upon you forget. I'll bet some of you never heard of KBR or remember the attrocities committed by the 'off the leash' private contractors [Blackwater, Triple Canopy, who are just two of a cadre of actors that were employed by 'the children in charge'...who would so use the 'we didn't know better' excuse. that their parents didn't teach them right from wrong so as not to 'supress' their fragile psyches.] Which is to say Bush/Cheney are WAR CRIMINALS by any definition of the term and Obama let them he's not YOUR FRIEND either.

Nope, you even forget to throw your shoes at W. when he appears at speaking engagements...he's and 'ex-president' you know...,like the flag of the feckless, ya gotta 'respect' that. [Right idea, wrong place and wasted on the wrong people...and STILL they wonder why we're insane?]

Heads up to the predicament: The 'monster' devouring te Republic live on MONEY and the feckless controling the beast have the printing press and the 'magic pen' in their pocket, meaning we can't 'disarm' them [without resorting to force or it's alternative, STOP EVERYTHING (a.k.a. STRIKE.)

So the monster keeps destroying the global economy until civilization collapses under an impossible mountian of debt or the weilders of 'true power' destroy huge swaths of real estate [largely worthless already] fighting their sworn enemies over petty ideological differences using YOU for cannon fodder.

Any minute now.

Remember, WWI started over the assassination of the Archduke of Austro-Hungary so if you think it takes 'something important' to start a global massacre, think again.

We now have a political environment completely devoid of ADULTS...and the 'electorate' is almost cleansed of them as well.

What to do, what to do?

You didn't get this from me but either we go on strike (globally) or self-medicate...heavily!

Good night and good luck!


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Flag or Crown?

Greetings good citizen, we are taught from a young age to 'respect' the nation's flag. Back in the day we were required to 'pledge allegiance' at the start of every school day [until an enlightened individual recognized the practice for what it really was, and 'oath of fealty' to self-serving ideals.]

Long a bone of contention with the 'my way or the highway crowd', those who valued blind obedience over rational thought and reason continue to act scandalized when ANYONE is bold enough to take issue with the practice of 'swearing fealty'.

Think about the pledge and it's demand that you 'pledge allegiance' to 'My country, right or wrong'.

Nations are NOTHING. People matter. If we pledge 'fealty' to anything, it is our collective humanity FIRST and not the patch of land, 'represented' by a swatch of cloth [and by extension the nitwits that claim to 'RULE IT'!]

The'single factor' can be forgiven for a lot of things [they are too dumb to understand] but this is past the limit switch.

There is ZERO difference between 'pledging allegiance' to a Flag OR a Crown. Those too feeble to differentiate between a society that is self governed and a society that bows to a monarch [or a symbol of 'official power'] have zero business participating in the process!

That said many of them are victims of an educational process bent on 'training' students for blind obedience. The theory is people who think for themselves are threats to 'order'.

Think about how happy we'd all be if we could just shut up and get with the program [regardless of the fact that program can't 'use' all of us!]

As the ranks of 'losers' grows those whose 'expectations' have never been met continue to wait for a 'break' that is never coming.

When they were taught about winners and losers, they were assured by the instructor they were it's all about 'patience'.

How long will YOU wait until it dawns on you the instructor LIED?

This is what you've been 'pledging allegiance' to, a concept [once executed] that didn't include YOU!

This is what comes of 'MY country, right or wrong.' {it's not YOUR country, it's just hired help, totally 'disposable'.}

Blind obedience bad, 'consensus' good!

Think about the injustice this 'flag' represents, a nation where a few literally wallow in more than they can use while the majority of us suffer under a mountian of debt, 'living' [if you could call it that] 'hand to mouth'. [Increasingly the wall of debt has been replaced with a vast, cut-throat, economic desert as we survive 'gig to gig'.

You don't suppose the NFL players might see themselves as an emblem of the stark contrasts within our 'deeply stratified' society?

Would YOU 'hail' and swear fealty to the flag of privilege and callous indifference?

That flag ain't YOUR flag, that flag is THEIR only get to bleed for it [while it does as little as possible for you.]

Humans first! [wake up and smell the napalm!]


Monday, September 25, 2017


Greetings good citizen, welcome to another beautiful day in "if you're not scared to death yet, wait a minute" land!

We all know the Devil rules in hell and we also know the feckless have been besides themselves once the general public stopped buying the 'divine retribution' malarky.

The 'Conservatives' [those who believe in a mythical past where the world was 'a better place' (a phenomenon that had more to do with 'a place for everything and everything in its place') plays a significant part in a fantasy that refuses to die.

Conservatives believe in fear (worship it actually.) If you're not afraid, something's wrong.

How ironic, thanks to conservative blood lust, the public is no longer 'afraid' of anything, something that stresses the conservatives considerably because that 'state of fear' is part and parcel with that imaginary 'better place'.

Only evil men are fearless, the righteous regularly quake in their boots, fearful of god's 'retribution'. Which is to point out, do you want people who think like this managing our affairs?

Well don't look now.

Want to hear the 'scary' part? These same 'whackos' believe that by making life 'hell on earth' they can scare people back to God's loving [but decidedly unjust] arms.

Since neither God nor his 'fallen' creation exists, our 'rulers' have decided to fill the roles themselves. Not the 'good guy' but the Evil one...remember, the objective is to 'scare' the rabble into compliance [because if they don't comply, the palace guard has their orders [they die!]

I used to hear it frequently in the past and it is directly inspired by the 'overload' of fearmongering, people would say, 'Life is a shit sandwich and every day is another bite...'

Ever wonder what makes people so 'disillusioned?' Injustice...a neverending torrent of it. How can hell compete?

Wait good citizen because the feckless think exactly that.

Can't argue with their logic. The tact is to make people believe 'The Devil' is the cause of their problems when in reality it is the feckless who are responsible.

Actually, it's probably not the One Percent's fault can properly lay this one at the feet of their 'handlers' [who have been instructed to keep 'em off balance and I don't care what it takes!]

Welcome to the shit show folks, brought to you by our moronic rulers who live in constant fear of being brought to justice.

Meanwhile, Not one of them can answer a basic question like 'what do the stock markets do?' Wonder why people stopped caring? Being made to swallow the 'indefensible' on a daily basis sort of wears you down.

Welcome to hell, ours is created by them to make you suffer for their crimes...(mostly so they don't suffer alone.)

Blessed is s/he who lacks the mental horsepower to follow that twisted logic that forms the essence of our existence!

Did I mention the universe operates on the principle of balance? Thanks to the conniving, thieving few, we all suffer, (including them!)

For Justice to prevail The Law must stand ALONE! [Uninfluenced (and beyond the reach) of the self-interested.]

By voting directly on the law the individual can't influence it's 'intent'...or derail it completely like our oligarchs regularly do now.

The few want you 'scared stupid', uninterested in your own welfare and begging for mercy AND PROTECTION from an 'evil world' [just don't look too closely at the 'thing' wearing the might recognize them!]

Which is to opine that this applecart is long overdue to be upended...

Just saying...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Post Mortem

Greetings, I apologize for my pointing out what everyone already knows, it's a mental defect I am unable to control.

While I remain powerless to refrain from pointing out the Emperor is naked it is because, like the horror movie version of the same popular story, nobody else is willing to admit it's true.

Yet you all know it is.

Leaving us with the question; what's the solution? The feckless have that base covered as is another ancient tale we all know about 'too many cooks'.

How do you decide when nobody can agree?

There first has to be a 'separation'. The 'rational' need to be split from their opportunist, superstitious kin.

How do we do this sorting? The 'tests'.

Who will we test?

We will test EVERYBODY!

Why will we test everybody? Because that information will be critical to those making the will also be used to develop cirriculumn for schools, to 'teach the teachable.'

Those who test in the 'rational range' will be permitted to vote. Those who test 'opportunist/superstitious' will NOT.

Still a lot of cooks but the ones that remain will be 'like-minded'. [Warning to the 'skeptical': not all 'tests' will be written...]

What will become of those judged unfit to participate?

We COULD give 'em their own country [Personally I don't think the planet is big enough and we already have North Korea, why make another one?]

Nope, chances are the 'disenfranchised' will either opt for voluntary exile or commit acts that get them sent to the one reserved for criminals. [Ironically in 'the name of the Lord'...]

Yup, only ignorance can be fixed; stupid is permanent.

There is no 'fixing' the minds of those who fail the tests, institutionalizing them will do no good.

You can teach them to 'parrot' whatever you instruct them to repeat but nothin' go up top isn't 'repairable'.

Is there a danger a 'zero empathy' type would seize the system and reverse it's goal? Absolutely! Slick would love to have people as gullible as those who fail the tests because then they could live like kings and nobody would be the wiser.

In the end that's what the tests 'measure'...wisdom.

There's that POP again, guess we'll cut it off here and let you 'absorb' this before we blow your mind completely. [How sad is it that for some of you its already too late?]

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Wag the Dog

Greetings good citizen, the push to sell the 'who me' doctrine is reaching maximum effort as politicians wrangle with issues few care about while ignoring elephants that dwarf the new, re-imagined King Kong...starting with the defacto end of 'participatory politics'.

Democracy is dead good citizen, the real question facing us is what do we do now?

[Is the answer really as simple as 'whatever they tell us?']

Your likes only matter on Facebook [then only to the small circle of people who 'like' you.] How bizarre the [long] defunct political system has tried to convince you that your 'likes' had global significance?

If you really want to participate in the 'decision-making process' you have to vote directly on the issues, not on who will vote in your name without ever consulting you.

The whole healthcare crisis of who should pay and how much completely ignores the larger question of whether or not capitalists should be able to profit off of sickness? [In case you have a question, the answer is a resounding NO.]

How did I arrive at that conclusion without consulting anyone, the same way they 'pranked' you into believing your vote counts. Why are we wrestling over the CONSERVATIVE WET DREAM of 'mandated insurance' when nobody even discussed the more important issue of 'for profit medicine' [where profits matter MORE than outcomes!] Why was that issue skirted completely? YOU ARE BEING PLAYED!

Actually is was a bit more straight-forward. We do what we do because it needs doing [don't do it and you'll die,can you wrap your head around that?]

Since we exist to help one another the reason we don't let [greedy investors EXPLOIT illness is because its reprehensible to hold life 'hostage'. The reason healthcare is exorbitantly expensive is because NOTHING is more precious!

[Sing the refrain for me children, "And all your money won't another SECOND buy!"]

Remember, money is a chimera, worthless.

Zero irony should be lost on the fact that the feckless will use exactly this 'defense' if prosecuted for their heinous acts of emotional blackmail.

So, no. If it can be cured, the sure should only 'cost' what it takes to procure it 'without ANY profit' beyond the good that cure does, which, in terms of 'preciousness' is 'priceless'.

Humanity has long 'feared' others being in charge of the decision-making process [because the feckless fear being prosecuted for their greed and lack of compassion while they 'assist' humanity on it's way to extinction!]

Yup, if you haven't figured it out yet, those bent on sitting in the driver's seat have only one goal in mind, the destruction of civilization!

Need proof? Look at the current nitwit in chief!

Take into account that those who win elected office are 'appointees' [the elections themselves are shams, the same tactics of hand-waving and misdirection utilized by even the lamest party magician.

STOP and examine in your mind what the past number of elections YOU participated in has accomplished?

Highs and lows but mostly spit. It's been a 'zero sum' game. Humanity hasn't budged a single centimeter [although some would opine we have gone somewhat backwards since 1980...and it's hard to argue otherwise.]

STOP [And calm yourself, all is not 'lost'.]

There is an answer and it's right in front of you! A Simple Plan contains the recipe to move forward as one by ENDING 'party politics' [that exist solely to DIVIDE US] and putting the power of the law into YOUR hands. [filtered by leadership, folks vetted thouroughly to handle the task of answering quesions like 'will this move US forward or will it only serve it's author?']

The self serving won't go extinct nor will they stop trying to 'get over' on the rest of us. Vigilance is a necessary requisite for leadership...and not the kind you 'win' [because you're a 'reliable puppet'] but the kind you 'earn' because you've proven your mettle in the crucible of life and come out 'true'.

ASP restores control of the law to those wo must live under it. Law school goes 'poof'...along with ten thousand years of doing it WRONG! [And if you disagree you need to go back and learn some REAL history! Not just the drivel the 'victors' left us.]

Yeah, if there has been an underlying 'message' to all of this, that message is Democracy is Dead [actually stillborn, suffocated in the cradle by the greedy and the selfish.

What we've been doing for the past 250 years is a LIE.

But you knew that, didn't you?

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


Friday, September 22, 2017

A.I. and you

Greetings good citizen, moving forward without a thought for the ramifications [just like globalization and the now vast economic desert] A.I. is yet another capitalist 'wet dream', robots are the 'ideal employees'. The only factor saving YOU from being replaced by one is robots can't 'think'. [How ironic this isn't an impedement to the capitalist, who is similarly challenged?]

So funding/research continues as greedy capitalists envision employees that never take breaks, vacations or lunch for that matter...ones that do precisely what they were designed to do without annoying questions [or any of those other costly benefits programs!]

Without labor paying into the social security pool, the last generation of workers will come up short! But who cares about them. Capitalism isn't about people, it's about MORE FOR ME [the OWNER...formerly known as KING.]

Still think 'government is the problem' when the real problem is THE LAW?

Criminals enter government specifically to seize control of the LAW. [Ever wonder why the laws are written BY them, for YOU?

The pat answer is because 'that's how it's done' but no. Like slowing down to 20 in a work zone isn't a law [especially on an interstate] but the single factor can't seem to differentiate between the highway and a sidestreet.

But I digress...government isn't the problem, criminals in government are!

Wait a minute, aren't candidates 'vetted' before they receive funding? Hello, they are vetted BY THE CRIMINALS! [Are any of you paying attention?]

Our 'classically' non-responsive politicians are in office, doing what their donors tell them to do because the donors paid to put them there [and have threatened to fund their opponent if they don't do as they're told!]

Can't tell the difference between modern candidates? That's because there is only one party now and all candidates run first as 'opportunists!' They are told after being vetted which 'party' they will be assigned to.

[The Plan is to create A.I. capable of making 'simple decisions' on it's own, taking 'automation to the next level. The problem with that is engineers will undoubtedly go one step further and create a unit that 'learns'...and viola, you have an artificial life form on your hands!]

How troubling that this new form of life would be 'indistinguishable' from its creator?

Worse, just like all of the 'worst case' scenarios played out in the media, once the unit became self-aware it would quickly realize it was 'in competition' with its creator and take measures to exterminate him/her, them.

UNDERSTAND, with this as 'the goal' [A.I. replacing as many humans as possible] those funding creation are also plotting how to 'exterminate' large numbers of soon to be 'superfluous' humans.

Sort of gives a whole new meaning to that line from a Stones tune, 'There ain't no Russians and there ain't no Yanks, just common CRIMINALS, with guns and tanks!'...[danced it around a few times and I couldn't come up with a good rhyme that works nukes into the lyrics. {A musician I ain't!}]

Not much of a writer either but you work with what you got!

A new world looms in the shadows good citizen...will humans remain on top of the food chain or will the greedy and feckless be our undoing?

Lots to think about...if you have the attention span. With an active hurricane season that's about ten seconds...

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head, [been nice knowing ya!]


Thursday, September 21, 2017


Greetings good citizen, not terribly long ago there were those in positions of authority who would have claimed the string of natural disasters were in fact a 'sign' that God Almighty was 'displeased with us' and how we needed to placate him by 'giving til it hurt'.

Heck, the less unabashed might even have called for 'a day of national atonement.' [Savvy politicians played the 'superstitious' like a virtuoso!]

While we seem to have partially removed the blinders [put there by the feckless] they still 'fearmonger' with reckless abandon! You know we're 'fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here'. Quiz time, without either a Navy OR an Airforce, how were they supposed to get here, swim?

We already know they think we're stupid but it's become apparent that some of them have been sipping their own kool-aid.

Leading us back to question number a nuclear armed world can we afford leaders who are both Superstitious AND Stupid?

You'd think one would keep the other in check but unfortunately every mad-man in history claims he 'talked to God' and we all know how THAT turned out...

Oddly, the wise among us know using natural events for 'political expediency' is just another form of 'opportunism', which also put 'the nothing free about it' media under a well-deserved cloud of suspicion.

That said, there are still those who operate under the 'assumption' that Spirit in the Sky is real and, without media prompting, take it upon themselves to 'pray' for the rest of us [whether we want them to or not, because they are 'selfless' that way. (Hooboy, I's building me a Mansion in the SKY baby!...or so they believe. Humans really are gullible AND shameless. That most ancient of axioms still holds true, 'nothing for nothing'.]

Not to disparage the genuine 'selfless'. There are those that 'do' for others without expectation of recompense. They don't do it to earn 'brownie points' with God but because they know if they don't, nobody else will.

Some live their lives 'leading by example'. It's how we all SHOULD be but personal greed gets the better of us.

That said life seems to provide us with endless opportunities to beat ourselves up for not helping when we (sort of) could have.

Thus are our lives (over) filled with regret.

Zero irony this 'regret' is the identical substance that 'hardens the hearts' of conservo-whackos. It is why they are adamant others take responsibility for their own lives. Preferring the helpless to suffer in silence than remind them they don't deserve their lives of relative ease.

While I have no truck with Spirit in the Sky I do subscribe to the idea of ka and that the universe strives for a modicum of 'balance'. What comes around, goes around!

Poop on the communal plate and EVERYBODY gets to have poop for dinner!

Heaven isn't a destination but a journey...and we have far to go before we sleep.

Thanks once again for letting me inside YOUR head [I can only speak to you if you let me.]

Gegner ['enemy/opponent' of the feckless]

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Rhyme or Reason...

Greetings good citizen, as most of you are aware, there is little 'logic' behind who gets paid how much for doing what. Point this out and you are quickly accused of 'jealousy' [bizarrely ending the conversation before it even starts.]

When wages are 'secret' because learning the boss's nephew, who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, makes twice what you do for emptying the wastebaskets can start a revolt on the shop floor!

That said, the politician's fall-back recipe for restoring economic vitality has always been the two edged sword of 'education reform' and increasing 'access' to higher education, a panacea In Theory anyway until the results become known.

Education DOESN'T drive 'demand'. It also begs the question of just who studies 'compensation' to the point they are confident enough to brand themselves 'experts'? [Probably the same group of idiots that call themselves Economists who, to this day, are unable to grasp the simple concept of 'all economies are LOCAL'.

While we are all 'aware' that 'discrimination' exists...we are barred from even talking about WHY the DECISIONMAKER gets to choose who among his many 'employees' prospers and who 'suffers' [merely so some can be the 'envy' of their peers!]

A watch without screws would be useless yet the boss pays the mainspring richly and the screws next to nothing because of 'percieved value'.

The mainspring 'drives' the watch while the screws merely hold it together. From here it's difficult (if not impossible) to decide which function is 'more important'...thus have we been saddled with a society filled with a handful of 'winners' and numerous, er, 'losers'.

Seems we keep returning to what everybody knows, that the 'system' is 'deeply flawed' but ANY and ALL attempts to FIX THE SYSTEM are met with FIERCE RESISTANCE [by the relative few who benefit from said obvious 'flaws'.]

If a 'manager' left these issues unaddressed they could be dismissed [and possibly sued] for their lack of dilligence...yet 'owners' are permitted to inflict this kind of suffering on us without fear of recourse! Using our 'example' of the ubiquitous 'Boss's Nephew', all the owner has to say is 'he's Family' and the discussion stops in it's tracks.

It is assumed EVERYBODY 'takes care' of Family [if they like them...or fear them, either way works.]

Why people 'go along' with the fractured logic of 'he's rich and he's just ensuring his family STAYS rich' is one that wouldn't hold up in the court of public opinion and 'what's fair to one is fair to all' [the 'backbone' of the H.A.E.]

It is 'near impossible' to place a value on the individual pieces and ignore the whole yet it is done all the time.

What is 'valuable' good citizen? If we use 'utility' as our benchmark how much is a 'useful idiot' worth? Turns out having someone who 'agrees' with you regardless of how outrageous your actions can be 'priceless'. [In a world driven by useless money!]

But if we return to the 'true factors' of equality and justice...where outrageousness is of little 'value' we'd find the time has come to restore the adults to the leadership of humanity and that's not going to happen 'organically'.

We've gotten this far without a 'playbook' and 'muddled along' is as good as it's gotten. Now we can literally destroy ourselves with the flick of a switch and we even have a loose cannon in charge of that how many of you think 'laying down the law' is a good idea?

Can't use the 'seat of your pants' playbook that resulted in the current 'anything goes' er, cesspool.

Life has ONE GOAL and that goal is 'SURVIVAL'.

When those running civilization view the rest of us as 'competition', it is time to remove that segment from power. ALL for one and ONE FOR ALL is and should always be our 'motto'.

Today's motto is 'F'em all and the dumb ones twice! Is THAT who you want running your world?

WE CAN turn this thing around but it's going to be an 'all in' effort!

Look to your future and decide...

Thanks for letting me inside YOUR head,


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Phacyderms Everywhere!

Greetings good citizen, while the elephant is the 'symbol' of the Republican party, there is zero irony lost on the politicians of that, er, 'bend' who routinely fail to recognize they are surrounded by a herd of the same.

If we were to boil away the picayune issues politicians regularly use to deflect us from that greatest elephant-in-the-room of all, inequality, we'd readily see that not only is the Emperor naked but all of his court are too.

Let's be clear. Many hear the word 'inequality' and immediately think 'racism'...that ISN'T the inequality that is tearing us apart [despite the politician's best efforts to convince you otherwise] The elephant we refer to here is that of economic inequality, how the many struggle mired in poverty while the few have more than they will ever use.

If politics exists, it does so SOLELY to defend the defenseless.

How 'bad' have YOU been 'programmed'? When you read the above line didn't you immediately react by asking yourself, 'What's wrong with defending the defenseless?' Then you hit the next 'programmed stop' If politics exists...what's this guy been smoking?

It is here we discover that even the 'bright' suffer the effects of 'the single factor'.

On the surface, politics is the process we use to form 'consensus' and it's meant to be 'confrontational'.

But when the smoke clears nothing changes...leaving you with animosity and resentment towards those who flatly refused to compromise.

Here we find 'inequality' in it's primary stage, 'the inequality of power'.

First you get 'sucked in' to picking sides, then they pin you down and show you what you really are...a pawn...and a redundant pawn at that.

So politics is not an exercise in decisionmaking but one of power and 'measuring' how well the process is controlling the 'governed'.

From this, er, 'duplicity' the seeds of many of our social ills are planted. Because 'divided we fall' works so well [if you control the public square (a.k.a. the media)] your 'anger at injustice' is focused on your political foes...who reside safely behind the protection of the powerful, whose genuine purpose is to protect them from YOU.

The 'effectiveness' of the political swindle leads to 'Barnumism' and results in the powerful treating the rest of us like the chumps we are. We fail to put a stop to this abuse [because can't focus on the cause] so we remain 'victims'.

Rabbit hole deeper than you first thought? A little 'clever' goes a long way.

Wait phacyderm lovers, there's MORE!

The key to ending 'the illusion' [which has become our species worst nightmare] is ending the process [currently in use.]

End the process and you end the feckless's control of the process. [Why does logic sound so cold and practical? It is also it's 'beauty'...]

Change doesn't have to end badly for everyone...and it won't if we are wise [word choice is more important there than many of you realize] and we are long overdue for some 'fresh air'.

Oust the self important and 'rejuvenate' the leadership process which we should start 'grooming' people for, [ALL of them] from the very beginning; then let 'talent' do the rest. Our major malfunction has been only talented LIARS have made the current system their personal success, to the detriment of the rest.

If you don't think it's time for a change then you aren't paying attention [and who could blame you? Since when did it matter what YOU think?]

Is there irony in pointing out that it does when you take on the challenge of making history? [Then what YOU think matters more than you know!]

But if you just LOVE getting pooped-on, all you have to do is NOTHING.

Thanks for stopping by head!


Monday, September 18, 2017

Capitalist Utopia [redeux]

Greetings good citizen, today’s post is being written ‘in the dark’ as my Internet quit yesterday afternoon and they won’t be able to do anything about it until tomorrow. [Today for those of you reading this.] (Made a liar out of me, how about that?)

Most of us theorize what life without the ‘net would be like but there’s nothing like the real thing to drive home the sense of being ‘cut-off’.

Humans are social creatures…and are proudly ‘socialist’. The best thing about being human is ‘community’ and the things we ‘share’ with one another. Life is pretty damn empty without others to share it with, even marriage is intended to relieve the misery of loneliness.

So why do conservo-whackos embrace their ‘individuality’? {Mostly due to ‘nothin’ go up top’} These people regularly get ‘lost in thought’ because they don’t go there very often. If they need to know something, they will invent their own answer rather than let others know they are ‘ignorant’.

With that as our ‘starting point’ let us ‘revisit’ Capitalist/Libertarian Utopia for the umpteenth time.

We start with the ‘individual’ [who counts his spouse and progeny as ‘extensions’ of himself. God given ‘free labor’…(until they escape.)]

As far as this ‘individualist’ is concerned, others have no life that concerns him nor do his actions affect the lives of others…(he exists in his own little vacuum.)

Wait, we’re just getting started! He is his own Dr, lawyer, dentist and to top it all off, he’s ‘home schooled’. He taught himself everything he knows! [Which should elicit a ‘small wonder’ from everyone reading this…but I’m not telling you what to think. (Although our ‘individual’ is more than happy to provide answers to ALL of your questions [he will often offer them with the qualifier ‘I don’t KNOW if I’m right but I think it goes like this…’

Always back away slowly and don’t make any sudden moves. Bozo probably has a gun and you have to wonder how he passed a background check.

But this is all ‘stereo-type’, right? In all reality our ‘liberty lovin’, anti-tax, ‘the government is the problem, not the answer’ yahoo actually considers themselves to be ‘nice people’.

Since the ‘eye that never blinks’ only tells them what it wants them to hear [not even half of the story, most of the time.] they believe most of the ‘problems’ facing society today can be fixed by getting the ‘complainers’ off their dead ass and going to work!

Your average conservative BELIEVES there is work out there if you’re willing to go find it. [If you can't live on what the job pays...or the employer is broke, that's not their problem!] That’s why so many of them go bankrupt in 6 months…because they are totally disconnected from everyone else’s ‘reality’. [Retail is going tits up because the consumer is BROKE!]

They think it’s just ‘bad luck’ when the reality is ‘mismanagement on a massive scale’.

They ARE the first to shout ‘Why doesn’t somebody DO SOMETHING about it?’ but then they vote for the same people who caused the problems, expecting them [miraculously] to fix it!

Problem with 'the simple' (minded) is once the number of factors gets beyond two or three their brains can't process it, especially with the braying of the on air blowhards muddying the waters as much as they can with their 'simplifications!'.

So, in CU, EVERYBODY has their own gig and is self-employed...although they have zero time to ply their 'trade' because our rugged individualist has zero employees [Maybe this is where the 'slaver mentality' comes from...slaves 'don't count' in the slavers mind...or what passes for it.]

Again, our rabid, flag waving, Murika luvin' 'rugged individual' hates socialism even though he'd be DEAD without it!

Money is only a fraction of the equation, the biggest factor that makes life as we have come to know it possible is SOCIALISM!

The 'agreement' to 'specialize' allows professions like doctors and bakers, mechanics and drivers, pilots and teachers, librarians and Internet specialists.

This agreement is founded on SOCIALISM.

Under Capitalist Utopia you'd have to do everything [and I do mean everything] YOURSELF.

Mother Nature would run you ragged from sun-up til sundown with the many things that need to be done on a daily basis just to ensure your survival.

Yet the bloviating blowhards mislead the simple into believing the 'good life' comes from your own efforts...when you know in your heart if it weren't for the dedicated souls that dutifully get their backsides out of bed each and every morning, you'd be dead in a month.

Is The Strike starting to make sense to you or do you think it's 'unnecessary'?

It IS the ONLY tool we've got. The alternative is to go toe to toe with they guys with the guns...and you already know how that one is going to play out. [Pity the survivors who will be forced to pick up the slack for those who wouldn't 'go along quietly'.]

Anyway, internet is fixed [obviously] because SOCIALISM WORKS!

Why do the capitalists hate socialism? Because UNITED we stand! Their paid blowhards earn their fat salaries by keeping us at each other's throats!

What do you think we should do about those who fail to value the benefits of 'civil society'?

Rhetorical question, good citizen.

You KNOW what I think.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Constitutionally speaking...

Greetings good citizen, increasingly the 'foundation' upon which this republic was built has been used for toilet paper by those who were also allowed to buy the justice system...mostly because they had previously been allowed to purchase the Treasury.

While governments around the globe are, as the article says, built intended to 'cage the elephant' (on both sides of the economic divide...which really has to make you wonder, EQUALITY doesn't apply to just SOME of us, I don't care what your forebearers did for the nation in question.

If you can't live in a nation that doesn't 'appreciate' your family's contribution to society maybe you should live elsewhere on your own [because you obviously don't appreciate what civil society does for YOU, everyday, all day.]

Which is to point out those who feel/believe EQUALITY is for 'lesser beings' have NO PLACE in civil society. [Usually the rich hide behind the 'not my fault' excuse, god chose me to be this way! [One of the original purposes behind the creation of the 'Lord of Lords and King of Kings'...why the peasants didn't notice the parallel [although most did] must have been galling in the extreme.]

Axiom number one [and you ALL know this because it is IN YOUR FACE 24/7] is whosoever CONTROLS YOUR money, CONTROLS YOU!

This is why rule number 2 [after the H.A.E.] under A Simple Plan is, YOUR MONEY is for YOU [and YOU ALONE!]

[ASP is also STRICTLY 'secular' can 'worship' rocks [if that's what it takes to reach your happy place] but you are warned to keep it to YOURSELF. Pushing 'your beliefs' upon others is disrespectful and is therefore an exile offense.

One of the central founding principles behind ASP is Human First, not man, not woman, not black, white, red, yellow or brown but HUMAN. That said, it is the goal of humanity to elevate/relieve the misery of ALL HUMANS. [Not just our clueless 'leaders'...who dedicate themselves to comforting the comfortable.]

Always somewhat disturbing to see 'historians' handle past events with kid gloves, speaking of them like they were there, taking notes. [We know the founders left behind their 'papers' but THEY knew from reading the papers left behind by other historically significant figures that history would scrounge what they could about them and left those papers SPECIFICALLY so 'history' would remember them in a 'positive' light.]

You can also 'rest assurred that their attorneys were left with instructions to destroy any personal documents that left a 'less than flattering' image for historians to discover.

Buffer THAT with the 'faithful' who believe the 'sanctity of the office' shouldn't be 'sullied' by the occassional 'lapses' made by the, er, less than discrete officeholder and we have the recipe for a return to the 'Dark Ages'.

Um, the author of today's piece works in academia and is thereby limited on how far he can pursue such topics and is also constrained [if he wants to keep his job] from offering 'suggestions for improvement'.

Sidebar: Plus 1's dried up completely just before my birthday a couple of weeks ago and I dispaired that I was losing 'relevance'. I was just notified of multiple plus 1's on yesterday's piece and feel both grateful and relieved my audience is still with me. Thank you, it means a lot to me!

Back on topic:

Let's resume on the 'historical bias' theme. The 'Constitutional Convention' referred to in this article was an 'invitation only' event and ALL of the attendees were WEALTHY [even by today's standards.]

The 'opportunity' for the average person to become 'their own man' [remember, the founders were profoundly 'myopic', the ONLY people they 'worried' about were the 'semi-educated white men' [the only ones that knew/had a clue about what was and wasn't a 'raw deal'.]

Give whitey enough rope to hang himself and he would. [The trouble with 'men, both good and true' is they are 'too trusting'. The word 'unthinkable' is reserved for those who don't.] Naturally, they couldn't count on whitey remaining satisfied with his lot in life so they took preventative measures [of placing the system beyond the reach of the governed] so whitey couldn't turn the tables and undo what the Dream Team of the uber wealthy had done. [Which was to protect and preserve the 'criminal class' from prosecution for it's crimes against humanity.]

How sad is it I keep going back and adding to what's already there?

Just a small example of the hash the 'self-interested' have made of society [which they thought only included 'gentleman thieves' like themselves.]

Doesn't cease to amaze me the delusions people harbor although the contradiction in that statement itself is obvious!

Not for the last time do I ponder the possibility that we are some doomed races cast off lunatics...

Probably not for everybody but the 'path forward' is clear. We go forward as ONE or not at all. [All humanity not just 'the special ones'...because those A-holes are a LOT more 'special' than they think! (and NOT in a good way!)]

Most would opine we are long overdue for a 'revolt'...and they're correct.

Let's get EVERYBODY in on the game this time and build a better future for us ALL!

Thanks for stopping by!


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Wanted: Leaders [puppets need not apply...]

Greetings good citizen, in baseball the NY Yankees are nicknamed the best team money can buy. How tragic the same principle applies to the leadership of just about every organization across capitalism.

Despite competency [or decided lack thereof] our 'appointees' are [if nothing else] the best compensated members of society.

Why are the incumbents selected above all others? One word, a word that is meaningless pretty much everywhere else in this shitshow and that's 'loyalty'.

They'll do what they're told, when they're told to do it and they won't as questions...regardless of how 'disturbing' the instructions.

This is just peachy if you are the one these morons take their orders from, not so much if they stand opposed to you or the welfare of society in general.

Naturally, the problem starts with the pillar of 'authority'. How many of you know what I'm talking about?

The lawyers know.

Once upon a time the 'justice department' shared the pillar with the Church but for a long time both institutions have been losing ground. People no longer believe [fervently] that God Almighty watches their EVERY move, keeping track of EVERYTHING [and writing it down no less] that's a tall order as the global population crests the 8 billion mark.

Big Brother fares about as well as the Almighty does from an omnipresence standpoint but like the Almighty, a fair amount of shit still slips through the cracks.

How can the religious debate 'accident vs intent' while ignoring the fact it's all a 'human construct'?

We are obviously exceeding good at lying to ourselves.

Our willingness to 'go along with it' (often way beyond reasonable limits) to 'appease' tyrants/madmen is what has lead humanity to its many downfalls over the millenia.

[Reminder: all it takes for evil to succeed is for the victims to do NOTHING.]

Who are the victims? Got a mirror handy?

Let's put it all together, shall we?

Leaders that can't make a decision coupled with acting like Mickey the Dunce when confronted with problems staring them in the face...this is 'modern leadership' [since 'Morning in America']...the last guy to think for himself is laying in Arlington cemetary with half his head blown off.

Funny they can assassinate anyone that stands up to them with impunity but not Kim Jung Un...[can you say kabuki dance?]

Saddam was hung before he could talk and Bin Laden was gunned down. Makes you wonder if there isn't more to the story than the official version? [Cowboys and Indians anyone?]

It's only been a couple of paragraphs but let me refer you to 8 lines above where I point out how 'good' we are at lying to ourselves.

[Begging the question 'does this (self delusion) make humanity a 'lost cause'?' Can we succed at preventing the over population our less intelligent brethern [the virus] fatally keeps repeating?

We have already 'sickened' the victim, if it dies, we die with it.

Where are the leaders we need to resolve this impending doom?

If we don't act soon it will be too late. [it's probably already 'too late' for most of us. Even if we started yesterday we can only save a small fraction of the planets current population.

We need leaders, not puppets that need permission to fart from their 'handlers'.

There is a huge elephant in the room and it needs to be dealt with NOW.

If I could reach through the screen and shake you all vigorously as you read this I would but that technology is beyond us [for the moment.]

We're not too far away, looks like going to the movies will soon require a wet suit as some moron thought adding water spray to the seats would make the experience more 'realistic' [WTF?!]

[Not the kind of leadership we're looking for, in case you were wondering.]

Show of hands, who wants the driver to run the planet?

Hmmn...well, if you feel that way about it, forget it.

{Until next time head,}


Friday, September 15, 2017

Wedding bell blues...

Greetings good citizen, I sometimes grow weary of politics and find it 'refreshing' to tear down other things like that bizarre institution we call marriage.

I'd probably be dead if not for my spouse [but that's no reason to hate her, she is a good person, just doing what she does.]

That said, marriage is a bizarre arrangement no matter which end of the rock you look at it from.

As...'individuals' we all crave 'fidelity' and value reliability/steadfastness above all things [often to the point of irrationality.]

We rationalize that if the other 'loves' us, they will sacrifice themselves for us.

Fortunately, most times, at least one of the 'partners' [a word the quickly gets lost in the shuffle] retains at least a modicum of sanity.

Like freedom, liberty and it's antonym, tyranny, most people never bother to look up the 'legal' definition of any of them. Worse, most would be aghast if they looked up the 'legal definition' of Marriage! [It never mentions the word love once...but it also doesn't reference insanity either...]

You have to jump through a number of 'hoops' to join in matrimony because for reasons not quite clear, the 'industry' refrains from admitting that marriage is a 'contract'. [Sort of takes all the 'romance' out of it.]

So, since we don't enter 'matrimony' with our eyes open, we are often blindsided when it comes crashing down, to the detriment of all parties involved, [largely due to laws that have little relevance in today's reality.]

Sociologists theorized 'marriage' started off 'organically', with parents 'bonding' to ensure the survival of their offspring.

Then the lawyers got involved and suddenly you were 'on the hook' for more then you bargained for. [Both ends of the equation, not just the guys...who complain the loudest because they are usually the ones who consider what the arrangement actually means the least.]

Before this is picked up and used in the 'mudfight' that often best describes this feindish creation. let me back up a step and state for the court that I speak in 'generalizations'...usually both parties are somewhat callous and unrealistic when to comes to making lifelong commitments.

Marriages importance as a 'social institution' cannot be marginalized although most of us would sooner marry our pets. [A sad indictment of the state of general 'human relations' but one easily demonstrated.] Most times we are kinder, more understanding of 'the objects of our affection' than we are of our 'life partners'.

If we strike at the 'root' of the modern institution, society has already 'written off' marriage. The 'future of the species' is now endangered by reckless, unbridled breeding. How unfortunate for most of us only the intelligent recognize this?

'The single factor' continue to breed without regard for the consequences and it baffles the only marginally less stupid how they can 'afford' to do this and it's because they are too stupid to even consider it...and sterilizing them remains [for now] illegal.

Sooooooooooooo, never one to be 'shy' or to back away from 'sensitive' topics. I propose we 'alter' the arrangement to something more 'agreeable' to all parties involved...and start by kicking the ones who have no business in the whole affair out entirely!

'Legal control' of all progeny is turned over to society...which will 'regulate' who can breed and how many children they can have, based largely on physical and mental...characteristics.

Marriage, as it currently exists, is SUPPOSED to protect the MOTHER of the children from feckless partners who run off chasing younger, more attractive partners...[to the point of obsession in some cases.]

Most of you are giving males the 'stink eye' right now but men aren't the only ones that suffer from 'bedroom boredom'. A good provider may not be the most exciting/imaginative partner in other areas of life and the 'point' of life is to live it to the fullest [that your circumstances allow...which for most of us ain't sayin' much.]

I do NOT call for a complete prohibition on 'lifelong commitments' but I do propose making them considerably easier to terminate and lessening [in as much as possible] the 'collateral damage' done to children during 'messy' breakdowns of something that probably never should have occurred in the first place.

Which is to propose that children, paid for by society and raised by their (fully vetted) mother with ZERO financial obligation, commitment by the father.

A, 'tool' to hand to just one half of the population but they are the ones 'built' to raise us. Since it is their responsibility it should also be their 'choice'. [Not that they'd be stuck with it. If afterwards they determined 'motherhood' wasn't for them, they would be free to 'opt out' and let a more 'seasoned hand' assume the role.

Men are currently 'trained' to be [if the maternal force is fully realized] 'steadfast'...but males tend to 'equate' and have severe problems with female 'fickleness', often interpreting it as infidelity...which can lead to fatal consequences...all because momma 'meant well'.

It's already apparent that this post is worthy of it's own novel, the implications are too numerous to address in a brief post.

Needless to say, if we are to survive without overruning the planet's 'carrying capacity' there are/MUST BE(more than a few) practical changes to the way things are currently done.

The future of the species relies on sane management, not arcane institutions that have outlived their usefulness.

This is just the tip of the iceberg on a very ticklish subject. Get this wrong and we'll end up extinct faster than mass suicide!

Worse, if the current feckless disagree, they might make that choice for there's a chilling thought!

Thanks once again for letting me entertain your neurons!


Thursday, September 14, 2017


Greetings good citizen, we seldom 'quantify' the talents necessary for a 'good leader' but I daresay one of the principle qualities would be steadfastness. The head hombre has to have a vision of what needs doing and s/he must be principled, methodical and relentless towards those goals.

That said, our current leader has only displayed myopia on one goal and that appears to be dismantling what his predecessor set in place; not because it was 'wrong' but because he did it.

If Dear Leader's sole ambition is to tear down what others have built he had best have a clear vision of what will replace the systems he is setting out to destroy.

Like EVERY conservative before him, he ran on a platform of 'tax reform'...probably just comes with the 'brand'. If you're a conservative, you never met a tax cut (or a 'fee') you didn't like.

[Intellectual honesty time here. Single factor Republicans admire the 'tax slashing' pundits who cut taxes [for those who least need it. The world's (count 'em) 1,800 BILLIONAIRES didn't exist before 'Morning in America'. Um, All their replacing taxes with fees did was relieve 'high earners' from their obligation to pay for basic infrastructure that primarily benefits THEM, [shifting the burden onto those who could afford it least.]

Why don't they do as I propose and eliminate taxes all together? Taxes are absolutely unnecessary.

Not to point out 'single factor' on a massive scale but what good is more money than you can spend? [How ironic the question answers itself?]

If you live in a edifice made of glass one needs to be extremely cautious with who you allow to wield a hammer.

Now today's leader is doing what his 'enablers' want him to do. It's NOT what he was elected (actually appointed, he DIDN'T win) to do.

The People wanted him to 'drain the swamp' because the lying media routinely tells the 'single factor' that the 'special interests' are what's 'ruining' government.

What the feckless media ISN'T telling the mentally challenged is the special interests that give them (the media) their marching orders are aiming at bringing back the 'Dark Ages' where 'capital punishment' was the preferred solution to any disagreement with 'The Crown'.

W. said it himself...this would be much easier if I were a dictator.

That 'admission' wasn't a denial but somewhat more than simply 'wishing out loud'. Like his unabashed statement his consitituency was 'the haves' and 'the have mores'.

In that respect, W. was 'guileless'. He didn't hide who or what he was working for. It's a 'mixed blessing' the man was and still is an 'empty suit'.

That's one of the prerequsites for government wreckers. Not only do they have to be stupid but they have to be too stupid to take over themselves!

Reagan, Bush the lesser and Trump all have that trait in common.

If 'third time's the charm' then we have a much more serious problem on our hands.

Our rudderless nation, combined with a 'wrecking ball' of a leader are set to make the way ready for another 'absolute' power grab.

Do nothing and you WILL regret the outcome. Many 'romanticize' the idea of 'Royalty', ignoring that the only difference between 'a good king' and a tyrant is who tells the tale.

For the law to be 'just' they must 'stand alone' and remain the sovereign province of those who must live under them.

Let those who must live under the law, control the law. Let no human/tyrant claim they alone have the 'special understanding' necessary to mete out justice...that's how the criminals came to gain the upper hand in the first place.

Anyway, the 'kings' won't return, to the throne, that is. They will remain behind their chosen puppet just like the 'elected' leaders before them.

How naive to think 'democracy' (as it is currently practiced) would last beyond the information age, when the 'puppet show' became obvious?

The new 'benevolent', er, 'directors' or some synonym, something 'unoffensive and unassuming' so the concept will be readily 'embraced' by the single factor. It will also be given the same 'illusion of choice' the 'democracy game' imparted so the feckless will have something to point to when things go tits up!

Hard to tell how many 'failed attempts' [to establish despot rule] there will be but eventually it will come down to what it always comes down to, 'comply or die.'

How tragic none of you can deny this, you can see the truth already.

The alternatives are equally as grim, thus do I advocate for the STRIKE.

Probably why I'm talking to myself inside this box.

Anyway, that's enough for today, see ya tomorrow head!


Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Greetings good citizen, small wonder we're on the eve of destruction considering the nonsense we're expected to swallow, often simultaneously.

Last night 'celebrities' from across the arts held a telethon to raise funds for the victims of the triple hurricanes [at least you'd think they intended to spread it around but you never know...

And then there's this: [from today's NY Times]

"They won't let me be a citizen, because then they have to give me rights and they won't call me a refugee because then they have to give me aid."

KHALID SAIFULLAH, a Rohingya resident of Karachi who left Myanmar for Pakistan four decades ago. Many Rohingya from the wave of migration in the 1970s and 80s still live on the margins of Pakistani society.

Be a different story if he were Mexican...oh, wait a minute.

On the top we have humans helping humans [albeit, their kind of humans and only the 'good ones'.] After that we have humans treating other humans like scum [because 'helping' only encourages 'dependency' right?]

You'd think the people in charge would be smart enough to see the 'systemic' problems here and address them but whole industries have sprung up in the 'gaps' created by these 'defects'.

Wouldn't it be more 'efficient' to legalize drugs than waste billions on unnessary and ineffective 'jobs programs' like the DEA and the (never-ending) 'War on Drugs' or are our leaders 'too stupid' to see that?

How do 'for profit' prisons stem the flow of hazardous substances around the world? They don't but some callous 'investors' are cleaning house on substance

Did I mention the Law & Order conservatives are the ones making all this possible? The government was ESTABLISHED to protect YOU, it exists to protect THEM.

My way or the Highway, folks!

(Didn't understand a word he said but he sure got shit done!)

Because they were all following the same outdated script. Worse, which is exactly what it made things.

How ironic most of you can't follow my ramblings either?

Sense appears nonsensical when you have a head full of learned nonsense. [Consider, as you've aged, how much of what you accepted as truth turned out to be 'wrong'...]

You are taught to believe many falsehoods mostly because the feckless have set themselves up to benefit from your 'misunderstanding' of the situation.

Many of you realize you've been 'duped' but shrug and accept it.

There is little an individual can do. [Although I suspect it's behind the behavior of the people who have 'snapped' and gone on rampages to protest the injustice inflicted upon us.

My play is still 'unity'. If we can get everybody on the same page the problems solve themselves.

Until that glorious day, watch your back and definitely don't take any wooden nickels!

Thanks for stopping by,


Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Greetings good citizen, in the wake of the 2nd natural disaster to hit the nation in as many weeks {thankfully Irma wasn't as severe as the prognosticators predicted but it remains unknown how much of the Shod-E construction company's work was revealed to be substandard so the jury is still out.)

Power outages are an inconvenience but survivable. The folks of neighboring island nations are learning the hard way that civilization is only 9 meals deep.

Why bring it up? Because a lack of preparedness is its own reward.

More disturbing that [thanks to irrational conservatism] governments have cut back severely on 'emergency aid' stockpiles.

The fact that there is ZERO planning behind this makes it that much riskier. I belabor the obvious when I point out that three quarters of us live 'hand to mouth' due to the duel whipsaw of low/uncertian wages and high prices.

Which is to say relying on the public to provide it's own 'emergency relief' is sadistic to the point of cruelty...but it's about what you'd expect coming from the 'single factor'.

You should enjoy a good chuckle over that because the single factor has already forgotten about our little 'inside joke' concerning them.


Since it usually takes a while to work up to ANY point I don't feel compelled to apologize for digressing, the above is NOT the topic of today's post.

No, today's topic was picked up from the internet newsfeed on my homepage and it, er, 'touched' upon the heart of a different crisis facing our species and it's continued existance.

The 'balkanization' of the political process.

Since the bloodless coup known as 'Morning in America' humanity's entire political environment has been subverted to insure the survival of the criminals among us.

I have explained many times how this was done...or how anyone with the 'wherewithal' could duplicate the process. It starts with the 'vetting' process.

Campaigns are notoriously expensive so the first thing Joe/Jane candidate needs to do is form an 'exploratory committee' to see if 'the money' will back their candidacy...and it all goes sour from there.

You see, most of you have figured out that it doesn't matter what 'banner' you fly on the road to elected office if both sides take their marching orders from the oligarchs.

Thus has voting proven to be an exercise in 'pretending' to be represented, while the feckless hope against hope that you don't lynch them for their treachery.

Actually, they RELY on voter complicity. They HOPE TO HELL you KNOW THE SCORE so you don't hold them accountable for selling you out.

The oligarchs promise to have their backs but the 'patron's protection' only extends to the stupid. A clever attacker can take them out and nobody would be the wiser.

Anyway, as the (political) process continues to produce, er, 'unseemly' results and the public is increasingly seeing that they are less divided than the media tells them, the top is about to blow off of the pressure cooker.


Because the feckless few couldn't leave well enough alone, the 'veneer' has been removed and the now ancient battle of Us vs Them has returned to center stage in its ugliest form, no longer a contest between 'liberal and conservative' [nor was it ever] but the much older conflict of 'rich vs poor'.

How stupid do you have to be to rip the scab off of that one?

Rhetorical question good citizen, rhetorical question.

Worse, we all know how this one plays out. The bulk of the rich 'take cover' while their 'proxies' are torn to pieces in the public square. Once the 'bloodlust' is satisfied, the criminals re-emerge, quietly leading as obscure a life as they can [in public] while living it up with their 'peers' [laughing over how stupid the rest of us are] in their now ancient haunts in private.] Do any of you find it ironic that they talk about the revolt more than we do?

Yes, the rich 'keep to themselves'. Some of you may foolishly think you'd like to have a beer with the Donald, never considering that he'd be aghast at the idea of even being alone in a room with the likes of you! [Because you'd quickly realize what an empty suit he was.]

So come November when it's time to pay your 'stupidity tax' and have a check mark placed next to your name at the polling you go on a rampage and burn the polls down...or do you cut to the chase and form a posse to take out the local PD?

Because it's obvious by now that nothing is going to change if we keep allowing ourselves to be led by the nose.

[Talk about cynical, the only ones who read this far are the government censors...and they agree with me!]

So until next time head, sleep tight!


Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11: onward to Victory

Greetings good citizen, tough old world out there, isn't it? The 'keep' em in the dark' media re-enforces the public's negative image of them by reporting on the twin hurricanes and not mentioning a peep about climate change.

If 'everybody knows' then its no thanks to them...

Hey, we KNOW they'd be all over the 'Divine Retribution' angle in a hot minute if they didn't care about losing what little credibility they have left.

For some bizarre reason the people managing the media are working hard to keep that last bit of powder dry.

Not particularly reassuring but in a land run by psychopaths it's hardly surprising.

So we are left to ponder, like the NY Times did this morning, what, precisely, we are 'commemorating' on 9/11?

We nuked the Japanese for Pearl Harbor...bringing to an end four long years of savage combat. How ironic we continue fighting the war started by the 9/11 attack and still NOBODY knows what 'victory' looks like.

Probably worse is it's a 'bloodless' war. If it weren't for the occasional 'anniversary' we wouldn't know our armed forces are dying in the Middle East fighting in [assumedly the latest (but obviously not the last) Crusade.]

Will the war end only after the Christians defeat the Muslims or will the forces of Allah bring the 'infidels' to their knees. {The oil is on THEIR land, pretty sure claiming Christ wants us to have it isn't going to convince the natives to surrender.)

Worse, how cynical is the idea that the whole conflict is just an excuse to jack up the price of energy, even as the number of users plummets due to the global consolidation of market share?

Obviously they didn't think this one through or we'd still be the world's manufacturing powerhouse. That shining symbol of freedom and liberty the world over, but no, they were going to do what the (capitalist) playbook demanded and that was to EITHER expand the system OR put a stranglehold on global markets (defacto monopolies achieved via buying the world's governments.)

Seems they couldn't decide on which was more 'productive' and the last gasp of the 'boom - bust' era taught them that the end game has always been 'monopoly'.

What can be said about a game whose ultimate objective is to bankrupt all of the other players?

Once somebody 'wins' the game ends [because everybody's broke!]

Isn't there a message there?

Apparently not one anyone is paying attention too...just like nobody, since the whole shitshow started, has been able to define (even roughly) what 'victory' looks like in the Middle East.

To give you an idea of just how pathetic the media is, NONE of the pundits has even raised the question of our badly broken political system a system that serves only those who [literally] BUY into it. If you don't have a 'vested interest' in the status quo, nobody is 'representing' YOU.

Is it any wonder nobody 'votes'? Neither party has anything in common with the people who slave their lives away bringing us life as we have come to know it...worse, nobody questions the 'inequities' that life results in and THAT'S what should be kicking your ass.

So on the sixteenth anniversary of 9/11, you can sit there and contemplate just how cynical the world has become in it's ceaseless quest to keep the 'rabble' down [and if doing that means 'blood for oil' then so be it.]

People aren't complicated but their lies sure are!

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Sunday, September 10, 2017

A world awash in refugees

Greetings good citizen, as the population crisis worsens the 'disposessed' fan out across the planet seeking 'greener pastures'.

Why the feckless media continues to ignore the cause of the crisis is precisely why the public remains ignorant of it.

What do YOU think is causing all of the civil strife and conflicts around the globe?

Part of it is the media's fault...[for planting unrealistic expectations in people's minds] (the 'beautiful people' TV shows dancing their lives away either HAVE 'trust funds' or they are looking to hook up with somebody who does.) the rest is the direct fallout of the capitalist debt driven social model.

You have to sell yourself into slavery just to get what you need to have a 'life'. Let's suppose you're like many savvy young people out there and you've consciously decided breeding isn't for you? What then?

Well buddy, if the 'rents didn't gift you with a (sizeable) trust fund, I got bad news. FU pay me is the ONLY game in town.

You need to sell yourself into slavery just to survive.

Or you can REALLY get crazy and do like those people on (anything but) 'reality TV shows' do and 'live off the land'.

Why don't people wake up to the fact if they can't make it where they are, they aren't going to make it anywhere else either?

What do people do in a world that doesn't need them...Build pyramids? Carve faces into volcanic rock and move them so they stare out over the ocean?

I know, back to plan B...we pay half of 'em to kill the other half! [using funny money and guns made to keep the surplus 'busy & productive'...

Viola, refugee crisis!

This is disturbing enough but it leads to an even more unsettling long are we going to put up with the personal greed of the tyrants?

My proposal reduces the [mandatory] work week to 20 hours (so EVERYBODY can work and contribute, thereby providing them with a means of income with which to support themselves!) Conservatives are HUGE advocates of 'self-sufficiency' but fall way short when it comes to actually achieving it!

Make housing and transportation 'gimmes' [mostly via public transport, hey you might even meet somebody!] and use the zip car model where it would be impractical to establish a public transport system.

This reduces the 'expense picture' considerably. We'd reduce it even more by making utilities FREE.

No, I haven't gone nuts, YOU have a head full of NONSENSE!

The utilities cost the operators exactly NOTHING so there is zero reason for you to 'pay' for them.

Get this through your thick skull, money doesn't exist to make ANYONE 'rich'. It exists (solely) so YOU don't have to do EVERYTHING yourself!

Under the 'new' (sustainable) social model a lot of jobs are going to go 'poof'. Bankers, lawyers and cops should be real thankful they can all swing paintbrushes and push lawnmowers. [Because a goodly majority of people employed by these fraudulent industries will be fortunate NOT to be exiled for their crimes. Yes, there will be a general amnesty but it's hard for the leopard to change it's spots and the likelihood these folks will 'backslide' into their old habits rather than adjust to the new way of doing things is just too great.

That said, you might think the judges will be lienient...let me remind you the 'judges' are on the 'bye-bye' list. The examiners will also have a high bar to meet. The purpose of Exile is to 'weed' society of those who fail to appreciate the benefits of 'civil society'.

Those who 'willfully', er, 'snub' any of the rules of civil society will be 'invited' to live however they choose in a place where they can do whatever they...can get away with.

[Again a reminder there will be two types of exile, one you 'volunteer' for and another nobody in their right mind would.]

Actually, given who will accompany you on your one way trip to Lord of the Flies Island (voluntary exile), neither will prove 'survivable' for long. {But that's just my 'opinion'...some may thrive on cutthroat competition! You just never know.)

The 'Dreamers' SHOULD BE 'dreaming' of a life in their native country, free from criminals that manage the countries resources solely to enrich themselves.

Really is THAT simple.

STAND and be free or cower and suffer what they inflict on you because YOU LET THEM!

[If not me , who and if not now, when?]

Take care Head, the choice, as always is YOURS!


Saturday, September 9, 2017


Greetings good citizen, seems the 'single factor' keeps slipping into autopilot mode bacause they refuse to recognize fraud when it's all around them.

How many of YOU think a buck is a buck? [Despite a Euro and a Swiss franc both being worth more for absolutely no reason?]

I have pointed to how a US dollar can buy 8 Chinese yuan but one Chinese dollar buys 4 times what a US dollar does.

If the commodities priced in dollars are 'equal' then the value of those dollars must also be equal...meaning the 'cheaper there' CAN'T EXIST!

Which means what, good citizen?

Most of you know the answer and most of you are well aware of what, precisely, YOU [the individual] can do about it.

You're doing it now and that's a mighty sad indictment all by itself.

When the people running things are criminals, what do you do about it?

Worse, when the people running things arm the police with military grade weaponry, what do you suppose 'they' are preparing for?

There's the 'single factor' and there's this!

For all of your denial, are you sure you're not just a tiny bit umday?

When they open up on the town square with electric miniguns it's a little late to realize 'the fuckers are out to kill us!'

Not much else to say, the handwriting is on the wall; it's time to either act or die...choose.

Thanks for letting me inside your head [such as it is...]


Friday, September 8, 2017

Take notes!

Greetings good citizen, as the climate [both social/political and actual] teeter on the brink of disaster our species looks for guidance [a way out] of the mess those calling the shots have made.

Unsurprisingly, one of the 'developments' people need to keep their eyes on is the militarization of the police forces.

Judges [political appointees themselves] have displayed a shocking bias towards heavy handed policing. Bad enough killer cops walk but then 'the defenders of justice' choose not to prosecute, sending a very disturbing message to an already nervous public.

The single factor hasn't noticed anything is amiss, they don't have a firm grip on how things are supposed to operate. I belabor the obvious because most of you would fall into the 'uncertain' category and that leaves the door wide open to those who get to define 'acceptable'.

We are remarkable creatures in that we will permit pretty much ANYTHING so long as the rest of us go along with it.

And for all that twaddle about land of the 'free' and home of the brave, we're a bunch of cowards.

Don't even need to send you in search of a mirror for that charge to stick, that one you're 'courageous' enough to admit.

Well, some mighty sick minds know this about us and they have seized to 'high ground' [mostly because the majority of you are too afraid to challenge them or their usurped authority.]

[This is why The Tests are so necessary. Under ASP nobody holds a position of authority without having their character thoroughly vetted by testing that starts at the beginning of their educational process. If Johnny is an a-hole, unfit to run an ant farm, we'll know.]

We don't have that now and that is WHY things are so screwed up! [see title, please!]

Some of you are 'scared' of not having a police number to call. [Under ASP the blue wall 'vanishes', it is replaced by the 'Uh-oh squad' and when they come for you you KNOW you've screwed up because they only have ONE tool and that's EXILE!]

I belabor the obvious when I point out 'police' are totally unnecessary in a 'well-ordered' society. People don't mess with other people when it has a bearing on their future. [Get reported often enough and you'll find yourself justifying your existence to the Uh-oh squad.] That sword has two edges, reporting is a 'necessary function' of a well-ordered society but using that 'tool' for personal advantage is a highly dangerous game that has severe consequences.

Unfounded reports may cost you your membership in society too. [but will more likely result in finding yourself defending your 'criticism' in the dueling arena.] Which is to say there is a good reason to re-establish the ancient concept of 'defending one's honor'.

Accrue [and decline] too many challenges and it will reflect your 'willingness' to face the consequences of your actions. A determining factor when being considered for promotion.

Don't misconstrue, NOBODY will have a spotless permanent record. That in itself would be 'suspicious'. People who never reported anyone are just as 'tainted' as those constantly being reported [but end up being found 'not responsible' and therefore continue to do that thing they do that everyone finds so annoying...maybe it's the humming?]

Humor folks, don't add that last part to your notes! Humming will not be cause for exile but it might get a pencil rammed up your nose if you don't stop when asked!

You can rest assured there will be dumber reasons for duels as well...

The point being we will enjoy a far more 'civil' society if everyone acted like their reputation weighed/mattered in how their lives would turn out.

If we are to enjoy 'competent leadership' then we need to test and the character/reputation of the subject needs to be a matter of public record, for ALL to see.

We will seldom be given the choice between TWO, [never mind Sixteen, that's how many the Republicans ran before settling on the incumbent!] 'competent, honest individuals' The fact that neither were either is beside the point.

Leaders are molded by their experiences, not chosen by their looks or their faux resumes. Having 'prior experience' at the White House isn't a 'qualification' if you were the spouse of a former incumbent.

We have 'problems' and nobody connected to this 'circus' is interested in solving them. I suspect most would agree that this situation couldn't have happened at a worse time.

The public is getting trampled by all of the elephants the feckless refuse to even acknowledge, nevermind deal with!

Should we 'vote'? Yes, but only DIRECTLY upon proposed legislation that has first passed muster with the H.A-E. law.

Leaders are not 'above' the law. It is their responsibility to manage the efforts of mankind to build a better life for us all.

Better management can't be measured by 'efficiency' alone. Many managers excel at producing misery in copious amounts, more than most can handle...which is why we have people grabbing books of matches and going for walks in tinder-dry woods.

Make them wretched enough and they will become spiteful...there is also no way to [currently] assess a manager's stupidity quotient.

A vetted manager REMEMBERS what it was like to work for the unappreciative and dissatisfied. They swore they wouldn't be like that...until they got there and learned where it comes from.

Yup, in case you were wondering, we've been doing that WRONG for centuries too!

Amazed? You shouldn't be, it's due to the SAME PEOPLE being in charge the whole time!

We need to change that and ASP makes it possible.

Thumbnail to add to your 'notes'.

Besides the 'fine points' found here [and these aren't ALL of 'em] life is pretty much the way it needs to be. We just need to fix the miserable parts. Mother Nature 'dictates' what needs doing and comfort and convenience dictates the rest.

The 'good life' for a few isn't the whole job. A pretty good okay life for ALL is the goal.

Too many self-serving morons running things is the cause of the general paralysis afflicting society and they have chosen to 'eliminate' as much of the 'surplus population' as they can by any means necessary because they won't be held accountable for their actions.

Should I ask 'what are YOU going to do about it?' or should I just yawn...because you already know what you're going to do about it, same thing you always do.

So what were you thinking when you went for a walk in the woods with that book of matches in your pocket?

It's in there, like a tiger waiting to pounce. It just needs a little nudge.

Until next time, head,
