Greetings good citizen, increasingly the 'foundation' upon which this republic was built has been used for toilet paper by those who were also allowed to buy the justice system...mostly because
they had previously been allowed to purchase the Treasury.
While governments around the globe are, as the article says, built intended to 'cage the elephant' (on both sides of the economic divide...which really has to make you wonder, EQUALITY doesn't apply to just SOME of us, I don't care what your forebearers did for the nation in question.
If you can't live in a nation that doesn't 'appreciate' your family's contribution to society maybe you should live elsewhere on your own [because you obviously don't appreciate what civil society does for YOU,
everyday, all day.]
Which is to point out those who feel/believe EQUALITY is for 'lesser beings' have NO PLACE in civil society. [Usually the rich hide behind the 'not my fault' excuse, god chose me to be this way! [One of the original purposes behind the creation of the 'Lord of Lords and King of Kings'...why the peasants didn't notice the parallel [although most did] must have been galling in the extreme.]
Axiom number one [and you ALL know this because it is IN YOUR FACE
24/7] is whosoever CONTROLS YOUR money, CONTROLS YOU!
This is why rule number 2 [after the H.A.E.] under A Simple Plan is, YOUR MONEY is for YOU [and YOU ALONE!]
[ASP is also STRICTLY 'secular' can 'worship' rocks [if that's what it takes to reach your happy place] but you are warned to
keep it to YOURSELF. Pushing 'your beliefs' upon others is disrespectful and is therefore an exile offense.
One of the central founding principles behind ASP is Human First, not man, not woman, not black, white, red, yellow or brown but HUMAN. That said, it is the goal of humanity to elevate/relieve the misery of ALL HUMANS. [Not just our clueless 'leaders'...who dedicate themselves to comforting the comfortable.]
Always somewhat disturbing to see 'historians' handle past events with kid gloves, speaking of them like they were there, taking notes. [We know the founders left behind their 'papers' but THEY knew from reading the papers left behind by other historically significant figures that history would scrounge what they could about them and left those papers SPECIFICALLY so 'history' would remember them in a 'positive' light.]
You can also 'rest assurred that their attorneys were left with instructions to destroy any personal documents that left a 'less than flattering' image for historians to discover.
Buffer THAT with the 'faithful' who believe the 'sanctity of the office' shouldn't be 'sullied' by the occassional 'lapses' made by the, er, less than discrete officeholder and we have the recipe for a return to the 'Dark Ages'.
Um, the author of today's piece works in academia and is thereby limited on how far he can pursue such topics and is also constrained [if he wants to keep his job] from offering 'suggestions for improvement'.
Sidebar: Plus 1's dried up completely just before my birthday a couple of weeks ago and I dispaired that I was losing 'relevance'. I was just notified of multiple plus 1's on yesterday's piece and feel both grateful and relieved my audience is still with me. Thank you, it means a lot to me!
Back on topic:
Let's resume on the 'historical bias' theme. The 'Constitutional Convention' referred to in this article was an 'invitation only' event and ALL of the attendees were WEALTHY [even by today's standards.]
The 'opportunity' for the average person to become 'their own man' [remember, the founders were profoundly 'myopic', the ONLY people they 'worried' about were the 'semi-educated white men' [the only ones that knew/had a clue about what was and wasn't a 'raw deal'.]
Give whitey enough rope to hang himself and he would. [The trouble with 'men, both good and true' is they are 'too trusting'. The word 'unthinkable' is reserved for those who don't.] Naturally, they couldn't count on whitey remaining satisfied with his lot in life so they took preventative measures [of placing the system beyond the reach of the governed] so whitey couldn't turn the tables and undo what the Dream Team of the uber wealthy had done. [Which was to protect and preserve the 'criminal class' from prosecution for it's crimes against humanity.]
How sad is it I keep going back and adding to what's already there?
Just a small example of the hash the 'self-interested' have made of society [which they thought only included 'gentleman thieves' like themselves.]
Doesn't cease to amaze me the delusions people harbor although the contradiction in that statement itself is obvious!
Not for the last time do I ponder the possibility that we are some doomed races cast off lunatics...
Probably not for everybody but the 'path forward' is clear. We go forward as ONE or not at all. [All humanity not just 'the special ones'...because those A-holes are a LOT more 'special' than they think! (and NOT in a good way!)]
Most would opine we are long overdue for a 'revolt'...and they're correct.
Let's get EVERYBODY in on the game this time and build a better future for us ALL!
Thanks for stopping by!