Greetings good citizen, those of you that share French ancestry or are just French at heart know today commemorates the storming of the prison that lends its name to this historic occasion.
Bastille Day is best known as being the 'prelude to The Terror', One can only wonder if it isn't high time we repeated that exercise in teaching the high and mighty the value of humility and compassion. [It's no coincidence that after the terror, royals around the world willingly stepped aside, welcoming 'democratic reforms'.]
Also not a coincidence is that the majority of these new democracies copied the system instituted in the US. We now have 200 plus years to examine how well that worked out [not!]
We can only imagine where we'd be today if The Terror had been repeated after the Crash of 1929? I'd be willing to bet the Crash of 2007 would have been avoided completely! [right along with many of the other underhanded, dirty deals during the thirty years (after the declaration of 'Morning in America') leading up to that second crash!]
On this historic day it is important to remember that those who believe they are 'more deserving' than the rest of us and have adopted 'high-handed' tactics to get their way. Well, Bastille Day marks the one time in the recent historic record that our self-professed 'betters' paid the price for their arrogance.
To their credit, they studied the Terror and learned...but what they learned was how to avoid taking the blame for the acts their agents instigated.
I admit to not appreciating what I was hearing during Reagan's 'Morning in America' speech but today's headlines, where a sitting US Attorney General refused to answer over 70 questions by a Senate investigatory panel...and nothin' happened has provided 'full appreciation' for what 'Morning in America' really means.
Is it because they're BOTH federal agencies that they can give one another the rigid middle finger? This just doesn't cut it as a way of explanation. YOU refuse to answer a prosecutor's question and the judge slaps YOUR backside in jail for 'contempt of court!'
What is compelling her to remain silent? What could be worth her job?
Doesn't this beg the question of who is threatening her? [and is it just her job that is in jeopardy?]
In yet another curious development in the pauperization of the world's workforce, the [conservative/Republican controlled] Senate has chosen to take 'no action' on the two proposed trade agreements until AFTER the Novembercoronation, er, elections.
Worse, doesn't help to vote Democrat because they all take their marching orders from the one percent now, just like the current meat-puppet with the little 'd' after his title does.
I may not have appreciated 'Morning in America' then but my eyes are wide open now!
Not that this helps matters much because a whole generation has matured to voting age SINCE 'Morning in America' and doesn't remember things used to be 'different'.
Sort of surprising really that Bastille Day has survived the subsequent Emperor's and dictators that have ruled France since The Terror [Back then ignorance was a major problem and what passed for the 'intelligensia' lacked the talent to prevent the capitalist farmers from chasing one another's tail. Resulting in famine and desperate people willing to suffer anything [including monarchy] if it put food back on the table.
Leading us to yet another truism, Civilization is only 9 meals deep.
While The Terror smacked some humility into the Royals, in retrospect, it appears they had a 'back-up plan'.
We were 'freed' from monarchy only to be saddled with 'the powerless Republic', the illusion of control.
Somehow nobody finds it suspicious that ALL of the controls are out of reach of the average citizen. {look at where THAT has left us?}
So I will share yet another obvious point. When crimes go unpunished, they are repeated. That is why the ancients instituted Exile. Reforming the guilty isn't a desirable outcome.
Besides, what price is sufficient for crimes of arrogance? Today's 'White Collar' crime carries a 'slap on the wrist', if that...usually reserved for 'underlings' caught red-handed.
So while I 'cheer' the spirit behind Bastille Day and the people's revenge, we need not roll out the guillotine, Exile will suffice [so long as precautions are taken to ensure those exiled don't escape!]
Seriously good citizen, if we fail to restore Justice, [a key component of Justice is Equality] our species prospects are dim indeed.
Again, I smell smoke and fear I've overloaded your mind so I'll leave you to ponder the implications of what I have shared.
Thank you for letting me inside your head,
Bastille Day is best known as being the 'prelude to The Terror', One can only wonder if it isn't high time we repeated that exercise in teaching the high and mighty the value of humility and compassion. [It's no coincidence that after the terror, royals around the world willingly stepped aside, welcoming 'democratic reforms'.]
Also not a coincidence is that the majority of these new democracies copied the system instituted in the US. We now have 200 plus years to examine how well that worked out [not!]
We can only imagine where we'd be today if The Terror had been repeated after the Crash of 1929? I'd be willing to bet the Crash of 2007 would have been avoided completely! [right along with many of the other underhanded, dirty deals during the thirty years (after the declaration of 'Morning in America') leading up to that second crash!]
On this historic day it is important to remember that those who believe they are 'more deserving' than the rest of us and have adopted 'high-handed' tactics to get their way. Well, Bastille Day marks the one time in the recent historic record that our self-professed 'betters' paid the price for their arrogance.
To their credit, they studied the Terror and learned...but what they learned was how to avoid taking the blame for the acts their agents instigated.
I admit to not appreciating what I was hearing during Reagan's 'Morning in America' speech but today's headlines, where a sitting US Attorney General refused to answer over 70 questions by a Senate investigatory panel...and nothin' happened has provided 'full appreciation' for what 'Morning in America' really means.
Is it because they're BOTH federal agencies that they can give one another the rigid middle finger? This just doesn't cut it as a way of explanation. YOU refuse to answer a prosecutor's question and the judge slaps YOUR backside in jail for 'contempt of court!'
What is compelling her to remain silent? What could be worth her job?
Doesn't this beg the question of who is threatening her? [and is it just her job that is in jeopardy?]
In yet another curious development in the pauperization of the world's workforce, the [conservative/Republican controlled] Senate has chosen to take 'no action' on the two proposed trade agreements until AFTER the November
Worse, doesn't help to vote Democrat because they all take their marching orders from the one percent now, just like the current meat-puppet with the little 'd' after his title does.
I may not have appreciated 'Morning in America' then but my eyes are wide open now!
Not that this helps matters much because a whole generation has matured to voting age SINCE 'Morning in America' and doesn't remember things used to be 'different'.
Sort of surprising really that Bastille Day has survived the subsequent Emperor's and dictators that have ruled France since The Terror [Back then ignorance was a major problem and what passed for the 'intelligensia' lacked the talent to prevent the capitalist farmers from chasing one another's tail. Resulting in famine and desperate people willing to suffer anything [including monarchy] if it put food back on the table.
Leading us to yet another truism, Civilization is only 9 meals deep.
While The Terror smacked some humility into the Royals, in retrospect, it appears they had a 'back-up plan'.
We were 'freed' from monarchy only to be saddled with 'the powerless Republic', the illusion of control.
Somehow nobody finds it suspicious that ALL of the controls are out of reach of the average citizen. {look at where THAT has left us?}
So I will share yet another obvious point. When crimes go unpunished, they are repeated. That is why the ancients instituted Exile. Reforming the guilty isn't a desirable outcome.
Besides, what price is sufficient for crimes of arrogance? Today's 'White Collar' crime carries a 'slap on the wrist', if that...usually reserved for 'underlings' caught red-handed.
So while I 'cheer' the spirit behind Bastille Day and the people's revenge, we need not roll out the guillotine, Exile will suffice [so long as precautions are taken to ensure those exiled don't escape!]
Seriously good citizen, if we fail to restore Justice, [a key component of Justice is Equality] our species prospects are dim indeed.
Again, I smell smoke and fear I've overloaded your mind so I'll leave you to ponder the implications of what I have shared.
Thank you for letting me inside your head,
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