Sunday, July 24, 2016

Nostalgia or Dementia?

Greetings good citizen, Conservatives and liberals are built differently. That's an obvious fact and the most basic of these differences is how they process 'authority'.

The mantra 'mine is not to reason why' is decidely conservative. They automatically and unquestioningly believe whatever they hear from 'percieved authority'...they also vehemently resist anyone or anything that challenges 'authority'.

Liberals on the other hand question authority and it's motives by nature, making the two 'parties' natural enemies.

Now, look out over the political landscape and tell me, how many liberals do you see?

The answer is NONE!

Which raises the question of Why? Because those who don't like being questioned, never mind defied, have driven those who would hold them accountable out of the public arena!

Understand, good citizen, there is a 'third' personality type out there and that is 'criminal' who find the authority worshiping conservative 'useful' for obvious reasons...

So, who are all those people posing as Democrats? Why conservatives in disguise of course!

Wait a minute, but who keeps coming up with all those bad ideas we keep hearing about?

Three guesses and the first two don't count...especially if there is only ONE PARTY LEFT!

Um, no the answer ISN'T 'the Commies!'

Nearly as remarkable as the media ignoring the absence of true liberals in the public square [although the conservative 'echo chamber' has been quick to point out that what passes for the 'opposition' in the political arena acts more like a door mat, which should tell you something...but no, stupid is more than a little 'slow on the uptake'.]

More telling, good citizen is what you're seeing is what 'one party rule' looks like.

The problem with this is YOUR situation isn't about to improve because YOU only THINK you belong to the only party in existence.

How this makes the One Percent laugh!

It's one thing to have them DESPISE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE STUPID and quite another to be so dim that you don't realize you are the object of their ridicule and undeserving of sympathy [although we are all regularly referred to as 'pathetic'...but it's not the same thing.]

[STOP] I want to pause for a moment and, er, 'apologize' for what must, on the surface appear to be 'ridiculing' pretty much everybody BUT it's not the kind of thing you can explain, stopping every other sentence to add, 'except you guys' because, face it good citizen, if I weren't talking about the majority of people, we wouldn't be here and this wouldn't be necessary!


So, the main difference between Liberals and Conservatives are their 'attitudes' toward authority. There are other, scarier differences and they manifest themselves in 'peculiar' ways.

Have you noticed your 'typical conservative' is outwardly religious [to the point of championing against the division of church and long as it was their particular branch of the whacko tree!] while secretly being one of the most depraved individuals you know?

Not only do they know all the dirtiest jokes but they tend to leer the most too.

Now I'm being petty but that doesn't make it any less TRUE!


Conservatives have this, 'obsession' about an imaginary past when everything was wonderful...and it seems to differ between individuals but they all agree, the past was best!

Could this be why they don't want anyone making the future brighter? They don't want their glorious past overshadowed?

EVERY conservative political campaign is based on the 'grand delusion' that other conservatives seem to be able to tap into. Don't you want The Donald to 'Make America Great Again?'

Why is it the typical conservo-whacko steadfastly believes that A.) this is possible and B.) it is necessary...all with zero specifics?

I know, my liberal is showing.

Which is to point out you won't find solutions if you don't ask questions. How unfortunate is it for the rest of us that conservo-whackos are notoriously bad at questioning anything?

Worse, they can't spell 'ethics' nevermind possess any.

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse you have to add that thinking isn't their strong suit either!

So, it's looking like the chances for a revolution are mighty thin, considering the forces of stupid have us grossly outnumbered.

Today's youth looks upon the older generation and thinks 'this is what a world filled with demented people looks like!'

And you know what, they're right.

It's scary stupid out there!

Just want you to remember, not everybody but an astounding number of people manage to function on a daily basis while barely remembering what they're doing or why they're doing it.

THANK YOU for letting me inside your head, [It's a little bruised but I don't think I broke anything...]


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