Wednesday, July 20, 2016

That was quick!

Greetings good citizen, it's official, The Donald is the Republican 'nominee' for president!

ABSOLUTELY ZERO IRONY SHOULD BE LOST ON THE FACT THAT HE RAN USING TRADITIONAL DEMOCRATIC 'platform planks'! [Something he got away with because there aren't any Democrats anymore!] He ran in direct opposition to Republican party dogma [although he did recently come out in favor for more tax cuts for the already wealthy, a 'critical component' of his plan to 'Make America Great AGAIN!'

Now that we know the media can 'legally' feed us BS we are left to ponder whether or not the levels of 'cognitive dissonance' on display here are real or if is it just 'propaganda'?

Again, it struck me after posting yesterday's post if a roll call account exists providing us with a black and white record of precisely who thought 'honesty' was an optional feature when it came to those entrusted with the job of preserving Liberty?

Or do you think that's yet another item that somehow falls under the catch-all of 'national security' and the public has no 'need to know'.

I will once again remind you that 'secrecy' is the domain of rogues and scoundrels, it has NO PLACE in government.

So naturally, since 'Morning in America', EVERYTHING is a 'secret'!

But we'd be here all day if we started ticking off all the things that have gone sideways since the 'Republican revolution'.

The recent surfacing of now two year old legislation permitting the 'propagandizing' [fancy word for 'misleading'] of the public only makes us wonder what other legislation has been passed because those who govern don't think we 'need to know'?

W. might have been less 'tongue-in-cheek' than we've been led to believe when he opined his job would be much easier if he were a dictator...

Isn't that what you call a government that operates 'without the express consent of the governed'?

Well good citizen, what if those we established a government to protect us from decided they didn't like being 'dictated to' anymore and took the government over?

If [and many do] you believe that the One Percent [a wild generalization] is using money to control the media circus THEY CALL 'government'...WHAT COULD YOU DO ABOUT IT?

Short answer, NOTHING!

So long as the media remains a 'for profit' venture, we are 'at the mercy' of the people who OWN it! [Worse, the owner also gets to decide what is 'true' along with what you get to 'know' and what you don't!]

You see, there is NO FREEDOM when NOTHING IS FREE!

Well, good citizen, take a deep breath because that's the ONLY THING you get for 'free' around here!

The ONLY THING you should 'pay for' are perishable/non-renewable goods. [Mighty short list come to think of it and in that respect your future is looking quite prosperous indeed!]

Isn't it time we show the 'my way or the highway' crowd our knot tying skills? {Showing them the door isn't going to fly. They have already proven they don't follow directions well; that's why they need to be 'in charge' (despite being unqualified'.)

I don't need to tell you to take a good look around you for you to know that it's true! Honestly, would the world be like this if these people were even remotely competent?

How many 'Rick & Morty' fans do I have out there? Well, to paraphrase Morty when he protests Rick's creation of a whole universe just to power his battery, Capitalism [the way we practice it] is really just slavery with extra steps.

Time to cast off your shackles and exile those who would exploit us. Your children deserve better!

Sorry, sort of went screaming off the reservation again...but it's all 'relative' in that 'ankle bone is connected to the shin bone' sort of way...

So, how about that Donald? Do you think the rain will hurt the rhubarb? [and those two question are a lot more pertinent than they appear to be on the surface.]

Because under a dictatorship, neither one matters.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


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