Sunday, July 31, 2016

Human First!

Greetings good citizen, if the stats page is to be believed I have a 'contingent' of readers from other nations and I just want to say thank you for giving me an audience. I write what I write with all humanity in mind.

I may have been born and raised in the US but I'm HUMAN FIRST!

While I complain loudly about the broken US political system it should surprise no one that 'it' [government/justice] is broken EVERYWHERE! The criminals responsible for the mess that is US politics have 'exported' their methods to every other nation that used the US template as the basis for their government. [The 'owner rules' model]

Now the owner doesn't care if you're a Democrat or a Republican, hell, he/she doesn't care if you're a communist so long as you subscribe to the 'owner rules' principle.

And there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between gold rules or it's more potent varient, 'gun rules'. Owner rules uses the exact same principle despite nobody being in posession of a 'bill of sale' from 'Spirit in the Sky' [or his evil doppelganger, Spirit down below, for those that believe one cannot exist without the other...]

So claims of ownership are usually 'reinforced' via 'gun rules'...which also seems to provide the claimant with all the gold they can hoard.

I believe the template remains unchanged, 'justice' flows from the barrel of a gun. Remove 'the just' from behind the trigger and all that remains is the rule of the gun.

How fortunate for modern criminals that their 'hired henchmen' are ignorant to the true nature of money. Once workers refuse to work for it, it becomes totally useless because the stuff money produces stops happening.

This 'equation (like all the others related to 'civilization') are straight-forward and EASY to UNDERSTAND. Probably why I find it so baffling that so many [ignorant] people keep allowing themselves to be enslaved by a 'tool' intended to facilitate a better life through the 'division of labor'.

No irony should be lost that the people overseeing the overseers made out the best and did the least...but that's why we HAD a 'justice system'.

The 'opportunists' with their finger on the 'trigger of justice' saw their chance and what we have today is the end result.

Again, baffling to me is why people still surrender their labor when it is clearly in their best interests NOT TO. I fully understand that the ones with the guns are more than willing to 'enslave' workers but, like all cases of people being not too bright they never seem to realize that once they wipe out certain talent groups the ability to enjoy certain products is lost.

And the WORST jobs will fall on THEM once they have 'eliminated' those who would rather DIE first.

Probably why those who would enslave you INSIST on controling the kind of education your children receive...

Did I mention we are in dire need of a regime change?

But you've been 'conditioned' to have 'low expectations' and be happy with scraps that (rarely if ever) fall of the table [which your labor provides!] You expect to be cared for in your old age but if you aren't then you'll do what your parents did and pray for a speedy death.

Somebody pointed out recently that we are already living in a 'dystopian nightmare' and you know what? I think they're right!

Take away the 'if only' and what's left is CRAP.

Ripped off for everything at every turn and when you're old and useless your tossed aside and left to your own devises.

Now let me turn to my 'proposal' [A Simple Plan] and point out that once we wrest control away from the 'self-interested opportunists' Exile will over-flow with their, er, corpses.

That's 'fact of life' number one, we will not 'suffer' the 'me first' crowd to keep ruining our lives just so they don't have to do ANYTHING!

EVERYBODY works and they work for a paycheck!

Will we 'strive' to reduce the workweek? Depends on the exile situation, we may be pushing a LOT of the [truly] surplus population [read privileged] from our midst...which SHOULDN'T affect production considering they didn't 'work' anyway.

Our biggest problem will be implementing 'alternative energy' before fossil fuels are depleted completely. But there will be a lot of people currently working in Homeland Security that will be out of a job once we bring the GWOT to a screeching halt. [Because face it, good citizen, the people running the world's government ARE the 'terrorists' and the GWOT merely provides a 'convenient excuse' to establish/justify a 'police state'.]

If a government is JUST then it need not fear its own people.

But the government IS NOT 'just', which is why they started this war on a concept that justifies killing dissenters when they label them 'suspected terrorists'.

This is Morning in America, brought to you by the party of the One Percent, the same people that won't admit to blackmailing Trump into running and refuse to 'embrace' their true candidate, the other Clinton.

Wonder if 'the promise' extends to Chelsea? She'll turn 35 in another decade [not that age has anything to do with it. ANYONE can be a 'meat puppet'. You apparently/obviously don't even need to be likeable/believable BUT you MUST have a stake in being some kind of minority/disadvantaged group.

They're already grooming an openly gay man to run in 2024, will they run a Lesbian in 2032?

Round and round, good citizen.

Under ASP [and no our symbol won't be a snake!] 'candidates for the leadership of our, er, 'world' will compete against other candidates who have climbed the ladder to the pinacle of the career chain, defeating all comers in the competition designed to measure character as well as problem solving skills.

Which is to tell you the ONLY thing ANYBODY will vote on are the LAWS we ALL must live under. Rest assurred that the leadership is in the most capable hands possible.

A job that important can't be left to a 'popularity contest' because it leads to where we are today, with the deck being stacked between who is 'less likely' to start WWIII!

If you're sick of this BS, then join me this November in a general strike intended to bring the current government to heel and restore a government 'of the people [not just the rich] by the people [repeat refrain] and FOR the people!

As a sidebar to an earlier comment, an 'extention' of the Human anti-exploitation law prohibits trade with any nation that exploits it's people...this is why the 'assumption is made that A Simpe Plan will become 'universal' shortly after implementation here in the world's 'dumping ground'.

So yes, we would need a method to select a 'world leader' and I for one don't think a 'popularity contest' is the way to go about it...

Look where such a practice has left us? Hoodwinked and bereft.

So, for the ex-pats and foreign english readers a hearty and special 'shout of thanks' and, as always I thank ALL of my 'fellow humans' for letting me inside their head!


[I got stuff to do and daylight is a wastin'!]

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Zombie Apocalypse

Greetings good citizen, No one appreciates the fact that Hollywood is 'bankrupt' more than me. The endless remakes of some real gaggers [they weren't popular when they were first made, do the people greenlighting this dreck think the script's 'time has come'?

Don't even get me started on television, talk about a wasteland!

But I digress...this ain't about Hollywood, it's about a media management that believes...well, let me make my case and you'll figure it out quick enough.

As a writer I often roll plot lines through my head and examine them. We've all seen Hollywood's obsession with vampires and zombies and apart from being what I would call extreme escapism there isn't much 'critical thinking' behind these, er, gruesome gorefests.

Central premise behind both, creatures is that they're both 'undead'.

Vampies suck your blood (despite not having a metabolism to make use of this odd behavior...when mosquitoes do it they use it to reproduce...and vampires are 'modeled' on mosquitoes.

Which brings us to zombies. Films have alternated from the strict interpretation of 'reanimated corpses' hungry for the flesh of their own kind (something you're obviously not supposed to waste a lot of time considering) until you consider what the 'too clever by half' writers are driving at.

The part that should bother you good citizen is the government has a website dedicated to what the public should do in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse.

Let's take a moment to consider the modern 'zombie' shall we?

Now, instead of being a re-animated corpse [filled to the brim with embalming fluid] our 're-imagined' zombies are infected with some virus that makes it's victims want to eat the flesh of it's own kind.

This is almost as insane as vampires that are stronger than superman and more intellectually gifted than Einstein...oh and if you're the 'right type' even the sun/light of day doesn't bother much for 'creatures of the night'.

Now we have people wanting to get infected, since feeble writers turned vampires into 'victims' rather than the murderous monsters they started their career in fiction as.

Now, some filmakers have imagined parts of the world overrun with vampires but these are as lame and bankrupt as the people who greenlighted these losers!

Um, alright good citizen. you may opine I can't be 'objective' on the subject of fictional characters but both the large and small screen are awash with ghosts, mythical creatures and the 'dramatized' stories of murder and mayhem...all for your 'entertainment'.

Except that this steady diet of 'oogum-boogum' is conditioning the public to ask A.) who watches this tripe? and B.)are these the morons voting for the guy that shouldn't even be running, nevermind president?

This is 'perception management' in the extreme.

Now a lot of us have retreated from the eye that never blinks but even what passes for 'news and information' is steeped in hokum.

Last night I watch a, er, don't know quite what to call this not so funny comedian that has his own HBO show doing a full court press on the oligarch's latest psyche campaign.

It's not about who is going to be president, it's about keeping 'the wrong person' from becoming president!

While many of you are too young to remember what it was like before 'Morning in America' things have certainly taken a bizarre twist since the 'Reagan Revolution' [which he, coincidentally, SLEPT THROUGH!]

The indictment I am making here is those who want you to believe the rest of society is losing it have cast YOU in the role of 'a mindless, flesh-eating corpse'.

The Zombie Apocalypse is already upon the poor beleagured and beseiged capitalist as hordes of mindless flesh eating creatures clamor for justice that they aren't capable of appreciating.

Here I am torn between (their) hubris and chutzpah. [both are damning.]

It's one thing to 'think' the public is incapable of making it's own decisions and quite another to use money to prove the point.

Pavlov's dogs are very well conditioned to respond when cash is waved in their general direction and the actions of a few is all it takes to doom the rest of us.

Worse, all this tripe few are interested in (yet they keep spewing it because it supports their campaign to paint society as 'irrational') puts you in a very bad position indeed.

They keep hijacking the electoral process and you have no choice but to go along with their lies.

The 'evidence' is all on their side.

We either live in a nation of drooling idiots or we live in a nation run by ruthless opportunists who will stop at nothing to prevent being brought to justice for their heinous crimes.

Those are 'the stakes' good citizen.

Imagine a nation where the criminals have usurped the are there!

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


PS: Gegner is still pressing his idea that the only way to break the criminal's hold on the justice system is a general strike [which may be accompanied by widespread lynching on both sides so watch your back.]

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Die is cast

Greetings good citizen, Once again Friday is upon us and we look forward to enjoying what remains of the brief Summer season. Global warming or no, Fall isn't tardy in this neck of the woods and Winter is more than a little too long for someone that doesn't enjoy ice or snow.

But you play the hand you're dealt.

So it is we all go along, doing what is expected of us...hoping against hope that when tragedy strikes it will be 'bearable'.

Into each life some 'rain' must fall, there is no avoiding it. It's the other BS we need to take a stand against!


Some things are 'inevitable', other things are 'mutable', the trick is knowing the difference!

We are built with many internal 'warning systems' intended to safeguard us from danger yet regardless of how well we take care of ourselves we are 'doomed to die'...and no amount of 'wishing' or 'precaution' is going to prevent that.

[There is a 'remote possibility' that genetic manipulation, received early enough, could add centuries to your lifespan but that, er, 'technology' is beyond us at the moment. I would also add that enhancing the body's ability to regenerate doesn't protect you from 'death by other means' e:g drowning, flaming car wrecks, tripping over your own feet, being crushed to get the picture.]

Non-metal workers/the public in general often misunderstand what is meant when they hear the expression I use in today's title.

Some of you suspect the term comes from metalworking although many of you have heard it in association with plastic forming while yet another context is the world of Art.

Some of you confuse the term with 'gambling' (since dice are commonly used by the average person while gaming and the singular of dice is 'die'.)

Well, all of the references are legitimate but the 'literary' use of the term dates back to metalworking when molten metal was poured into molds called dies, thus the term 'the die is cast'. [With a 'casting' being what the mold forms or the product of the 'die'.]

Since metal is one of the, er, 'most durable' substances known to man [damn that imprecision of speech but get too technical and language becomes too specialized for the average person to understand, thus the confusion over terms like 'the die is cast'.]

Back to the, er, 'implications' of the term it is generally used to say 'what's done is done and it cannot be 'undone'.

Quite literally true in most cases of die casting. Once the metal is mixed and poured it's the devils own to melt the end result and separate the alloyed materials...and sometimes that is simply impossible, you can't melt it and repour it with the same 'properties' of the original [depending on inputs.]

While we are not 'locked in' as the media would have you believe, the 'die' of the electoral race of 2016 has been 'cast' with the media telling a rather outraged and confused public that they have spoken!

How sad is it good citizen that if you find yourself trapped living in a nation filled with 'stupid people' and there isn't a blessed thing you can do about it?

Now THAT'S a tragedy!

Better than a 'sharp stick in the eye'...but only by a degree or two.

This is no accident, and to paraphrase Loki from the hit series Thor we ask 'how many times are you going to fall for that?'

[Apparently EVERY TIME.]

It is your 'blind acceptance' that the public are 'morons' that allows the 'manipulators of public opinion' to get away with robbing you of even the possibility of a better life.

IF you 'believe' you are surrounded by 'mental misfits' that consistently vote against their own interests then YOU MUST ACCEPT what the people who write what they're told/paid to write tell you and confront your doom.

BUT IF YOU BELIEVE the media lies to you and that YOU are being manipulated [to think the rest of the world is 'impossibly stupid' (emphasis on 'impossible'!) then we have a different problem on our hands, don't we?

Wouldn't you play the hand you've been dealt differently if you knew the cards were marked?

Time to throw the deck away and demand a new deal, isn't it?

But there isn't a 'clean' deck of cards to be found, is there?

Well, if you pick up A Simple Plan it was built to address the problems our society faces, specifically the ones created by the 'self-interested'.

The ones that keep you pinned in a cage you can't escape from [debtor's prison] and them laughing all the way to the bank at YOUR EXPENSE!

Unfair you say? Just because fortune hasn't torn your head off and left you for dead (yet) doesn't mean you're not walking a tight-rope every day where one false move will send you straight to a hell from which there is no escape.

Have you taken a good look around good citizen? What do you see? Unemployment off the charts, homelessness and hunger EVERYWHERE and a class of billionaires dictating the whole mess to their satisfaction, and yours so long as you remain docile and subservient.

The moment you start 'showing your age' you'll be replaced by a younger, better looking model.

No irony should be lost that if you're 'getting by' it is YOU that are the problem and the principle reason the rest of us are stuck with with this, er, 'rigged game' and self-proving logic.

[The more the media tells you the public are idiots, incapable of recognizing/acting in their own interests, the more it 'reinforces' your belief that you are trapped in an 'impossible situation'...when in reality, those who control what you know are dicking with you bigtime...and THAT can be fixed!

Did I mention it's rope and light pole time?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, July 28, 2016


Greetings good citizen, like the profile says, I'm an 'outspoken critic' and pull no punches...although I admit to sometimes biting my tongue when perhaps I shouldn't.

If you're wondering when the most recent incident of holding myself in check occurred it was just moment's ago on my morning visit to SAR, my 'go to' source for the pulse of the blogosphere.

Seems as though Mr. Trump's cyber-soldiers are on the march, protecting their champion from his (sure to be fatal) case of 'foot-in-mouth' disease.

Apparently anyone that parrot's the media's mock outrage over Trump's rhetorical request that the Russians 'hack' Hillary's private server to recover her 'lost e-mails', well, here we butt up once again to a citizen's 'right' to speak their mind [unless it reveals an inconvenient truth, then it's not cool!]

And forming the opinion that Mr. Trump's lack of control over his mouth makes him a poor candidate for 'meat-puppet-in-Chief' is also evidence that you've drank the 'Democratic Kool-Aid'.

But this is neither here nor there regarding 'the stick in my craw', it's the rift created in a party that had pinned it's hopes on the Sanders candidacy.

Then that man rolled over and played dead when we finally arrived at the convention floor.

Which is to clarify that while there may not be any 'real democrats' in politics after Morning in America, there are plenty of us left out here in the trenches, abandoned by those who claim to 'lead' our party.

Now 'Uncle Tom Obama' is 'passing the baton' to the woman that stepped aside 8 years ago in what was then suspected and is now an apparent 'quid pro quo' arrangement.

Where Bernie figures into this is rather diabolical considering the Clinton's are the embodiment of the term 'Dino'. [Willy-Jeff single handedly unraveled the New Deal with the full support of a Republican dominated congress! although it should be noted that St. Ronnie is responsible for 'laying the groundwork' for that crime against the public.]

Let's have a look at the 'legacy' of 'Uncle Tom Obama' shall we?

Did he end the war in the Middle East? Did he prosecute the war criminals, Bush & Cheney? Did he prosecute the banksters that pillaged a generation's retirement funds? Did he close Guantanamo Bay?

Well, we all know the answer to all of those questions is No...and Hillary promises 'more of the same'...

Given Bernie's role as the 'Judas Goat' we can only wonder who will be the next traitor to hold up Democratic principles only to betray them at the last minute? [Are they setting Elizabeth Warren up for the next fall?]

I already told you what we can expect from Hillary, we will get a largely meaningless repeal of Citizen's United' followed by another failed attempt at the ERA, then it will be time to re-elect her and she will do nothing in her last term, just like her predecessor, Uncle Tom.

Um, probably shouldn't use 'archaic' references like Uncle Tom (which back in the day was a powerful insult to anyone 'of color'.)

You see, Uncle Tom [and by extention an 'Uncle Tom nigger'] was perfectly fine with being a slave so long as Massa was happy.

And Uncle Tom Obama has bent over backwards keeping 'Massa' happy. He considers his constituency to be the same as W's, 'the Haves and the Have Mores!'

It is with zero irony that Hillary embraces the same 'constituency.'

So, am I siding with Trump?

No.. and I use the same logic when the choice was between Gore and W. I want somebody that can spell moron as opposed to just being one [and I'm still pretty sure Al Gore can spell moron without skipping a beat although getting 'outmanuevered' as he did in the Florida recount debacle wasn't an inspiring display of 'leadership'.

It was, however, a sure sign that what passes for democracy in this nation had been 'hi-jacked.'

Were we to stop and examine the historical record we would find numerous incidents of 'suspicious activity' as well as volumes of evidence all is not 'as advertised' in this nation's 'political operating system'.

So it is we arrive at 'quiz time'. Who runs the day to day operations of officialdom? Civil servants. Who do those civil servants work for? [Technically YOU but the POLITICIANS YOU (allegedly) elect have direct control over those 'minions'.]

Take a good look at the political landscape and look at where the whole political process begins?

With the people who 'own' the media.

While more common today, wealthy people becoming politicians used to be a rarity...and mounting a campaign even for a regional office was then and remains an expensive proposition.

So if you want to 'serve' the public it all starts with what? Raising funds to run for the post.

And where do those funds come from?

Short answer...'the Haves and the Have Mores!'

So how 'represented' are you?

Short answer...Zippo!

Does anyone else find it curious that the net is suddenly filled with polls seeking your 'opinion' of Uncle Tom?

Hmmn...[why do you think they want to know?]

Well, Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ride my Seesaw!

Greetings good citizen; once again I find myself confounded by the facts. Hillary received 'the nomination' last night but I still don't know a single Hillary supporter. What makes this worse is I do know several Trump supporters...and they are STUPID beyond belief [but that's pretty typical for a conservo-whacko.]

Trump continues to rail against NAFTA 'remembering' the conservo-whacko talking point that it was signed on 'Slick Willie's' [Clinton] watch but apparently forgetting it was developed and implemented on none other than 'St. Ronnies' [Reagan] watch!

NAFTA was a REPUBLICAN idea, just as Obamacare IS ROMNEYCARE [Identical to the system he implemented in Massachusetts when he was governor.]

Um, since there haven't been ANY democrats in politics since LBJ 'abdicated' in 1968, how long will the 'stupid public' keep buying Republican ideas that republicans turn around and demonize are their fault in the first place?

This 'hang it on the other party' ruse is wearing thin.

But then there's the 'stupid' thing to contend with.

Apparently the people who like being told what to think are fine with it...making life itself a very risky proposition indeed.

But that has always been the case.

While the 'success' of this tactic is depressing we have only our own lifetimes to compare it too. Those who pull this stunt may have been doing it for centuries but the mentally challenged among us have yet to catch on.

Admittedly, the public DOES [eventually] catch on...and they've been more than a little 'sloppy' lately, bringing the day of reckoning closer and closer.

But they seem to control that too!

So I was thinking this time WE could try something that hasn't been done before.

Part of the reason it hasn't been done is the fortitude required to 'stay with it.'

General Strikes are a fairly commonplace events in Europe but the organizers tell you how long to strike for and when it's over nobody is held accountable so it's not an 'effective tool'.

The original 'general strike' was intended to last 'as long as it takes'...and since this time the goal is the total abdictation of the government that so effectively ignores us, we could be in for a long haul.

Problem with this 'strategy' is those who control money have much more than they need so we are NOT attempting to 'starve them out'. YOU are much more likely to miss a few meals than they are. [If their servants continue to serve them in defiance of the strike.]

But the knife's edge of this ploy is to shut EVERYTHING down until a deal is reached.

So know up front that people will die but likely a lot less than during 'conventional warfare', not that this makes it any more palatable. [There can be no change without pain.]

But face facts good citizen, we only have ONE CARD to play and the G.S. is IT!

Um, integral to the strikes success is the marking and shaming of collaborators.

Nothing like 'peer pressure' to maximize the strike's effectiveness! AND the more 'effective' the strike is the quicker it will end.

I'm sure the civil engineers out there have a handle on how long the lights will stay on without anyone minding the power plant but that's how long the 'predators' have to stand down.

When the lights go off it's game over and the GS becomes 'Helter Skelter'.

Now, the scary thought here is Helter Skelter is what they had in mind in the first place. It would be simple enough to achieve [especially if you 'own' the power plant!]

Lights out and let the savages do the rest.

So the important thing to do is insure the military isn't able to mobilize it's reserve forces by telling your sons and daughters to refuse to report! [This is crucial, once 'in uniform' they are subject to summary execution if they refuse to fire on innocent civilians.]

Squad leaders usually only have to cap one resister and the rest go along quietly. Squad leader will likely get fragged later but later doesn't matter, he needs his people bloodied even if he has to bloody them.

Eyes wide open people, we are dealing with a ruthless, implacable enemy bent on robbing you and yours for as long as WE LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT!

That last part is KEY, good citizen. If we fail to act things will NEVER get better.

Sort of puts a new emphasis on that old saying 'If you aren't part of the solution then you are part of the problem...'

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Anything goes!

Greetings good citizen, I didn't watch the WHOLE opening night telecast of the DNC but what I did see was enough to confirm my suspicions...Bernie was a 'ringer'.

Didn't want to say anything before this in case I was wrong but sadly I saw it with my own eyes, last night was 'crunch-time' and Bernie folded. [There was never going to be an Independent run despite his being THE ONLY Independent in Congress!]

IF you understand the set-up [since 'Morning in America'] you would have to be A.) a deep insider, B.) a complete narcissist or C.) absolutely bat-shit insane to want the job of being 'meat-puppet in chief'.

Bernie didn't WANT the job. He went along with the ruse and carried the flag for (the badly crumbling) faux 'opposition Party' while the right wing marched down the campaign trail on the 'populist ticket.'

Ironically, Bernie purposefully courted the 'Never Hillary' vote only to lead it to slaughter last night. Bernie, as you well know, will retire from politics after this as his 'career' is over.

Not that any of this matters...wasn't I commenting just yesterday that our 'major malfunction' as a species is our 'basic untrustworthiness'?

I think everyone that held out hope that Bernie was genuine felt the wheels of the bus roll over them in excruciatingly slow motion last night.

Me, I didn't give him a penny.

Call me a cynic but I suspected the whole thing was phony from the outset.

IN RETROSPECT how many of you saw this coming 4 years ago when the conservative echo chamber was salivating to run (anyone) against Hillary! Why did you think the conservative candidate field was so large this cycle?

Didn't 16 of 'em decide they could beat Hillary? How ironic that they were right but they didn't factor in having to best each another?

Which is to opine what we're watching is all 'staged' so I'll stick my neck out and commit. Our next president will be 'female'.

I had hope/doubt but Bernie dashed that last night.

Naturally, hindsight is 20/20. Sometimes it sucks being right.

If we can tear our eyes away from the 'spectacle' put on for our, er, benefit [how much longer will they bother now that it is apparent it's all an illusion?] With each passing election cycle the 'facade' wears thinner. It has already reached the point of 'transparency'] we can step back and take a look at what's coming down the pike almost directly out of the sun.

Keep the title of this post in mind as we examine the 'trends' the media is feeding us.

Is anyone else disturbed that, of late, not a day goes by without somebody going on a [mindless/senseless] 'murder spree'?

How many of you think/suspect that this is attributable to the GWOT? Understand good citizen, we have been under a 'perpetual state of war' since the beginning of this millennium.

Don't you think that kind of, er, 'pressure' takes a toll? Is it any wonder the not too tightly wrapped are coming 'unglued'?

We have a whole generation growing up that doesn't remember being at peace.

Admittedly, modern warfare has, thus far, been a fairly 'antiseptic' exercise [with 'war zones' being confined to distant shores and casualties being much lighter than in wars past...]

But there have been 'other casualties' we don't commonly associate with war.

Um, the loss of privacy has been blamed on the war but we all know they 'spy on us' because they can.

Then there is the deeply disturbing uptick of police killing the unarmed...then claiming 'fear' as their excuse.

Where is this leading? Well, one party rule is already a fact as it becomes increasingly apparent NEITHER PARTY represents the interests of defenseless exploited.

Will the fearsome 'next step' be military operations conducted in population centers that result in murdering large numbers of civilians under the nebulous banner of the GWOT. [Similar to today's drone strikes that kill 'suspected terrorists' with judicial impunity!]

Which is to say those behind our sudden shift towards 'single party rule' will suppress opposition, brutally if necessary.

We have lived under single party rule before, in fact it's what we revolted [apparently unsuccessfully] against. We also [allegedly] 'defeated' the single party rule [of our sorely missed opponents] the communists.

Back when the US, er, suffered 'single party rule' we called it monarchy. As it is practiced today, communism is little different. The only missing ingredient is the 'hereditary ruler' [although oligarchs that rule from the shadows are the same thing.]

How ironic is it that the only difference between the [existing] governments of this world are due to 'cultivated ignorance'?

Even the most intellectually challenged recognize the danger of an 'all powerful government' operating 'in the shadows', perverting justice to meet it's, er, 'desires'.

This returns us to today's 'theme', what is coming straight for us that we can't see?

You'll find out soon enough, good citizen.

Now, did you do what I told you to do?

There isn't much time and worse, no hiding place.

Bon Chance, good citizen, the fuse has been lit and it's bound to be one hell of a show [but I wouldn't make popcorn, not yet anyway!]

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


PS: Gegner is still NEVER HILLARY and remains steadfast in his call for a general strike commencing the day after election day...if things get that far.

Monday, July 25, 2016


Greetings good citizen, I'm 'overdue' to run a piece about a topic that perplexes me mightily. It puzzles me so much it is the driving force behind my belief our presence here on this dustball in the sky is representative of not one but dozens of different planets.

Left unknown is whether or not we're POW's or have just been branded as criminals by an uncaring Galactic government.

What am I babbling about? United we stand but, quite obviously, united we're not!

While it's tempting to consider the idea we are part of a bold, inter-galactic social experiment...I'd have to opine either the experiment was deemed a failure or what we have today is what happens when you abandon the whole business as a bad idea and leave the mess you made behind.

Part of it works. We CAN and have in the past made 'common cause' with our fellow travelers on countless occasions but, and the emphasis appears to be the best outcome manageable is only a 'temporary truce'.

Here in the 'melting pot' we are only slowing, grudgingly 'homogenizing'.

While it is pleasant to speculate that we humans are all part of a 'cooperative venture' between worlds, it is far more likely we share a 'common enemy', which is how we came to find ourselves on a planet dominated by humans.

The fact that no other humans have come to find/rescue us tells us something about the outcome of that 'joint venture'.

The fact that all the humans on this planet are very war-like reveals yet another piece of the puzzle.

Slowly, progress is being made on mastering the many tongues we speak...yet we all 'read and write', which tells us something else and MOST languages have common words, revealing yet another 'commonality'.

I have laid it out in earlier essays, what we see in our relationships here mirrors the situation on our respective planets of origin.

The [widespread] lack of cooperation and the prevalence of 'top down' power structures devils our entire species. Perhaps the most vexing and persistent of character flaws dividing the human race is their basic 'untrustworthiness'.

While all life is 'opportunist', our species has elevated this trait to an Art!

When we're not complaining about how 'unfair' life is, we're busy trying to get over on whoever we can, every chance we get!

Which is to point out that while ALL life is 'opportunistic', no other species we know of preys upon other members of their species like humans do!

Yesterday I connected the dots between the 'authority worshiping conservative' and the 'useful idiots' so critical to those who would exploit us. So I'm not suffering from schizophrenia when I point to the 'hooray for me and to hell with everyone else' crew (just shy of a crowd) that so plainly divides the 'self-made' from the 'wannabes'.

And I am again compelled to point out that not everyone suffers from 'me first' syndrome, a phenomenon we now associate with psychopaths.

I know I've lost a good percentage of you, you don't have time to 'chase chimera'...which is how they get away with it...because you aren't 'on guard'.

That and you're more than just a little stupid. [If you can't own that then there's no hope, hell, even I admit to being dumb sometimes...and some of you would call what I do here proof of my stupidity but if not me, who?

It's the risk a leader willingly accepts. So yeah, I paint a bullseye on my back so I can reach out to those of you who suffer in silence, wondering why NO ONE is trying to change things, make them better because WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, AREN'T WE?

Not to be a total fool, I tip my hat to you, my reader because opening your mind to what you find here marks you as the posessor of dangerous knowledge. You now know you aren't alone in your quest for Justice!

Same as it's always been, good citizen, two at a time. Together the two of us will conquer the world!

But I can't do it without you and you can't do it without yours...thus are we 'united'.

Backtracking somewhat I believe we can put the 'if only we had an alien enemy, that would unite us!' myth to rest. I appears we have met that alien enemy and we lost.

So much for that idea...

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


PS: Today is less 'strident' than normal because one risks being labeled as 'shrill' if you constantly scream. Today might be a more mellow tone AND a decidedly more 'off the beaten path' approach but it is certainly more 'fun' to explore possibilities while pointing out social woes and the need to unite against those who would exploit us because they can...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Nostalgia or Dementia?

Greetings good citizen, Conservatives and liberals are built differently. That's an obvious fact and the most basic of these differences is how they process 'authority'.

The mantra 'mine is not to reason why' is decidely conservative. They automatically and unquestioningly believe whatever they hear from 'percieved authority'...they also vehemently resist anyone or anything that challenges 'authority'.

Liberals on the other hand question authority and it's motives by nature, making the two 'parties' natural enemies.

Now, look out over the political landscape and tell me, how many liberals do you see?

The answer is NONE!

Which raises the question of Why? Because those who don't like being questioned, never mind defied, have driven those who would hold them accountable out of the public arena!

Understand, good citizen, there is a 'third' personality type out there and that is 'criminal' who find the authority worshiping conservative 'useful' for obvious reasons...

So, who are all those people posing as Democrats? Why conservatives in disguise of course!

Wait a minute, but who keeps coming up with all those bad ideas we keep hearing about?

Three guesses and the first two don't count...especially if there is only ONE PARTY LEFT!

Um, no the answer ISN'T 'the Commies!'

Nearly as remarkable as the media ignoring the absence of true liberals in the public square [although the conservative 'echo chamber' has been quick to point out that what passes for the 'opposition' in the political arena acts more like a door mat, which should tell you something...but no, stupid is more than a little 'slow on the uptake'.]

More telling, good citizen is what you're seeing is what 'one party rule' looks like.

The problem with this is YOUR situation isn't about to improve because YOU only THINK you belong to the only party in existence.

How this makes the One Percent laugh!

It's one thing to have them DESPISE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE STUPID and quite another to be so dim that you don't realize you are the object of their ridicule and undeserving of sympathy [although we are all regularly referred to as 'pathetic'...but it's not the same thing.]

[STOP] I want to pause for a moment and, er, 'apologize' for what must, on the surface appear to be 'ridiculing' pretty much everybody BUT it's not the kind of thing you can explain, stopping every other sentence to add, 'except you guys' because, face it good citizen, if I weren't talking about the majority of people, we wouldn't be here and this wouldn't be necessary!


So, the main difference between Liberals and Conservatives are their 'attitudes' toward authority. There are other, scarier differences and they manifest themselves in 'peculiar' ways.

Have you noticed your 'typical conservative' is outwardly religious [to the point of championing against the division of church and long as it was their particular branch of the whacko tree!] while secretly being one of the most depraved individuals you know?

Not only do they know all the dirtiest jokes but they tend to leer the most too.

Now I'm being petty but that doesn't make it any less TRUE!


Conservatives have this, 'obsession' about an imaginary past when everything was wonderful...and it seems to differ between individuals but they all agree, the past was best!

Could this be why they don't want anyone making the future brighter? They don't want their glorious past overshadowed?

EVERY conservative political campaign is based on the 'grand delusion' that other conservatives seem to be able to tap into. Don't you want The Donald to 'Make America Great Again?'

Why is it the typical conservo-whacko steadfastly believes that A.) this is possible and B.) it is necessary...all with zero specifics?

I know, my liberal is showing.

Which is to point out you won't find solutions if you don't ask questions. How unfortunate is it for the rest of us that conservo-whackos are notoriously bad at questioning anything?

Worse, they can't spell 'ethics' nevermind possess any.

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse you have to add that thinking isn't their strong suit either!

So, it's looking like the chances for a revolution are mighty thin, considering the forces of stupid have us grossly outnumbered.

Today's youth looks upon the older generation and thinks 'this is what a world filled with demented people looks like!'

And you know what, they're right.

It's scary stupid out there!

Just want you to remember, not everybody but an astounding number of people manage to function on a daily basis while barely remembering what they're doing or why they're doing it.

THANK YOU for letting me inside your head, [It's a little bruised but I don't think I broke anything...]


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Magical Thinking!

Greetings good citizen, yesterday's indictment of the people living under communism. (In their defense, they're doing what they're told to do and wearing the 'label' their leaders hung on them. Ignorance is a terrible thing but you work with the tools you have.

What I'm pointing to is the people who supported the communist movements didn't 'understand' what they were getting into. What they heard was communism was a 'great equalizer' [and they were fed up with being the 'lowest of the low' under the existing system] so they voted with their guns and the deceivers suddenly changed their tune. NOW they were being told they couldn't go directly from being peons to equals because they didn't know how, first they had to be 'educated'...and that 'learning process' is apparently endless because the A-holes doing the educating are never satisfied with the results.

Remind you of something? Sounds like the 'War on Drugs or the more perplexing 'War on Poverty' which inexplicably can't be won! [because money is so badly managed under the current system.]

Obviously, some people will NEVER have enough money, they'll always want more so how do you 'fix' that?

Naturally, that's not what the War on Poverty is attempting to fix...but it is the 'opposite side' of the same coin.

And now that I have your mind sitting in the correct region we should get to the 'point' of this essay.

HOW do you change things by voting for 'more of the same?'

While it is true that candidate Trump ISN'T a 'politician'...he IS a BILLIONAIRE, making him what?


The last Republican nominee for President was also a Billionaire...but he scuttled his bid for the presidency by expressing his 'true opinion' of the working class that got leaked to the public.

Now considering those boys 'own' the press, it wasn't an accident he was 'outted'.

They could have just as easily sat on that tape but they didn't (mostly because it would have gone viral on social media.)

Guess what Trump thinks of his supporters?

Not too hard to figure out considering he comes from the same 'social strata' as his fellow republican Mitt...

But that ignores the REAL PROBLEM, doesn't it? The Donald's main appeal is HE'S NOT HILLARY!

DON'T BE A 'BONEHEAD' Just because these guys call themselves Republican's and YOU think of yourself as a Republican doesn't mean you're MATES!

Just like real life, walk up to one of these guys unbidden and a guard will probably 'intercept' you. Should you encounter one of them without their 'security detachment', they'd probably just ignore you.

On the inside they're telling themself, 'I hope this moron doesn't ask for an autograph!' A selfie maybe but I ain't signing nuthin!

On this, her third consecutive run, aren't you beginning to wonder who, precisely, promised the former first lady that she would be 'president'?

Because she runs like she 'owns' the turf. That she will be the first female president and she doesn't care if NOBODY votes for her!

And that pretty much sums up Hillary's campaign.

The thing BOTH candidates share is neither one is presenting a 'plan' to accomplish anything. Trump makes huge promises but offers no explaination as to how he's going to make them happen...and since the 'average voter' KNOWS 'politicians lie'...he doesn't have to 'deliver'. The promise will get him what he wants and if anybody is STUPID ENOUGH to BELIEVE HIM, well, that's THEIR PROBLEM!

Just like if you can't live on what the boss pays you, it's NOT HIS PROBLEM, IT'S YOURS!

I preach to the choir when I point out that we can't afford to keep allowing our public servants to ignore us, but voting for more of the same isn't the solution!

Once again good citizen the 'solution' to our insoluable problem doesn't lie in the ballot box, it lies in a general strike.

Let them know we mean business because they know civilization is only nine meals deep, then the animals inside us will tear this place apart!

Funny to hear the pundits on TV admonishing everyone to get out and vote...when there is nothing to vote 'for', neither candidate has demonstrated even the most remote grasp of the problems facing our society...and that's why we MUST REJECT ALL OF THEM!

Ironically, I can't make sense in my other essays and not make sense know what I say is true so what we're really talking about is 'intestinal fortitude'.

Do you have the GUTS to DO THE RIGHT THING?

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Friday, July 22, 2016


Greetings good citizen, I doubt I have sufficient 'concentration' to provide a 'chronology' useful towards explaining where we've come from to where we are headed...but since when has that stopped me?

So starting with an apology for breaking your mind [in advance] I will launch into a 'long view' chronology intended to identify 'trends' as humanity marched through our time on this planet.

If you really want to get freaky, since Homo-sapiens springs up fully formed in this planet's fossil record about 2 million years ago, we can further speculate that what we see in our own timeline 'mirrors' where we came from.

Which is to 'opine' we started off as 'bands' of wandering exiles, killing whatever didn't kill us first to survive.

After considerable 'trial and error' we discovered wild edibles and learned how to culitivate them.

Factoring in legends like Atlantis, there was probably a 'guard post' here back in ancient times, not for our 'preservation', odds are we were all expendable/undesirable but SOME of us may have succeeded in smuggling contraband into our new 'prison'.

So the guard here had the same job as guards anywhere else, to prevent escapes. If some of the guards 'helped' in modest ways it seems this is also part of what they do, they're 'trapped here' too!

Anyway, the settling down that accompanies cultivation of crops and animal husbandry caused 'good' land to be 'claimed' quickly with late-comers being told to 'find your own'.

Well, this now ancient inability to share fed our in-born savagery and the 'outsiders' attacked the settlements.

Anyway, the 'leaders' of the settlement organized the workers into fighting units and the better fed farmers went forth and kicked hunter backside, basically banishing those who didn't 'surrender' [Look, we have suddenly discovered Slavery and it didn't have anything to do with what color you were!]

Yes, good citizen; for all our 'high ideals' slavery still exists today.

So the vanquished were enslaved as civilization and 'the rule of the military' spread wherever civilization went. [Rule of law still hasn't been achieved, what passes for it today is a mockery of the term.]

It is unclear when the guys brandishing spears decided to crown themselves and make the job 'hereditary' but it doesn't matter because we know that's how it went down. Factor in 'Monkey See, Monkey Do' and the process spread around the world [like almost everything else.]

It is also curious to note that churches started gaining favor with our newly minted 'rulers' and so began yet another dark chapter in human history where 'heresy' and those who 'spoke for god' tried with all their might to put both of your feet into the same shoe, all the while declaring this was not only the 'Will of God' but also the 'Love of God'.

I jest about the shoe but just as bizarre claims were made as self-annointed 'priests' one-upped each other as they competed to get their flock to bow to increasingly bizarre behavior based solely on their say-so. They found this amusing, regardless of how much carnage it caused! [A prime example of 'the legendary' in action.]

We could get lost here but let's press on, shall we?

You don't need to follow Game of Thrones to know how royalty quickly became inbred because those who spoke for god told those who weilded spears that the 'legitimacy' of their claim to the throne was in their 'blood'.

So we have it that these morons started, er, 'raping their relatives' (on the priest's advice) to keep their bloodline 'pure'. It wasn't until later that the idea of inter-marrying with other royal families occurred to them but by then the damage was done.

Emperors gave way to kings and kings gave way, what we have now which is a bastardization of monarchy masquerading as Democracy.

The other progression was from tribal warrior [all] to soldier under command of the King to 'freeman' under the protection of the sovereign [regardless of what that sovereign called itself.]

And since the 'crown' controlled the money, it went without saying that anyone wearing a crown was rich!

Civilization has always been rife with taxes, duties and fees with the sovereign taking theirs 'off the top'.

Not that anyone (dared) to point out this dirty deal.

In yet another 'progression' we have the 'practice of law'. Since its inception it has served to protect this theft more so than its stated purpose which was to insure 'equal protection under the law'...[which is only 'equal' if you can afford it!]

Where am I going with this? Aside from skipping the 'conquest of the world' by capitalist forces and the subsequent bombing of the 'old world' to rubble in the last World War, resulting an brief 'abnormal outcome' in the 'untouched West' we are currently seeing capitalism conquering its 'final frontier' as China becomes the 'new' USA.

What YOU need to be aware of is China's version of 'communism' isn't far removed from Stalin's. In fact the Chinese communist party is beginning to look a lot like the monarchies of old (without, for the moment, the 'in-breeding'.) or, dare I say it, our modern Democracies with their 'illusion of participation'.

Many of you wouldn't know communism if you were beat to death with it...and apparently that goes double for those allegedly living under communist rule.

Under Communism 'the 'means of production' are owned by the state and the people work for the greater good. Money doesn't even enter into the picture because Mother Nature DOESN'T HAVE A CASH REGISTER! [ONLY THE KING DOES!]

Yet both, er, 'modern examples' of communism are INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM CAPITALISM in how the worker is compensated.

So who's zooming who here, good citizen? Does it suddenly feel like they're trying to make you put both of your feet in one shoe?

Now who would think THAT was funny?

The same people that have been playing you for a chump for centuries.

The same people leaving you in a raped land to fend for yourselves while they take [and make no mistake about it is] THEIR MONEY and settle in the Orient.

The reality you need to wake up to is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS 'THE CHEAPER THERE!' It's all slight of hand as money's value is manipulated and the media lies to you!

Ever wonder why the country's infrastructure is being neglected? Because the 'money power' wants to punish us!

For what? Don't know and chances are they don't either...the part that matters is 'because they CAN!'

Which is why it's Rope and Light Post time!

Like I said up front, a 'quick and dirty' timeline is confusing at best, this is just the highlights. If you can't handle the truth, oh well.

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Thursday, July 21, 2016


Greetings good citizen, today's topic is yet another tale crafted long ago along the banks of the famous ancient river in Egypt known the world over as 'Denial'.

In a 'too clever by half' move (popular with most authors) he anagramed the current year to come up with the one used as the title of the work.

What began as a 'cautionary tale' about the masks adopted by tyrants seems to have morphed into a blueprint for the subjugation of our species via technology.

Orson Welles 'demonstration' of the public's gullibility was not lost on either Orwell or Huxley...nor should it be lost on you!

Orwell's thinly veiled 'state' was locked in a perpetual state of war, with enemy and ally switching places as needed. [unnecessarily reinforcing the gullibility of the average citizen.]

So, where am I going with this?

First ingredient is 'perpetual war'. For the first time in history good citizen we are at war with an IDEA [wherever it may be found.] Worse, the STUPID among us fail to recognize that it only takes a change in perspective and THEY go from being Patriots to Terrorists themselves! [The inference being you're either with us or against us!]

[Hard to choose whether this would be an 'Oh' or a 'Duh' moment?]

The Global War on Terror is as stupid as the guy that started it...but the none too smart public, conditioned to believe whatever they receive from the 'eye that never blinks' just went along with it!

Not EVERYBODY (obviously) but 'most people'.

Orwell's protagonist falls into the latter category but he 'learns' he's being fed a steady diet of BS due to his job as opposed to growing up knowing something is wrong with the current picture.

[Just like the majority of us today!]

The thing I want to point out good citizen is those of us that possess the knowledge that things weren't always like this are a rapidly dwindling resource. Before we hit the middle of this century there will be nobody alive that remembers we weren't always at war...and by then 1984 will be 'banned' for being 'heresy'.

So much for 'good intentions' eh?

Listen to me, here I am postulating what life will be like long after we have run 'civilization' off a cliff!

Which is to opine that Orwell's cautionary tale remains just that, cautionary because it didn't account for two other critical variables in play, overpopulation [colliding with automation] and the pending exhaustion of 'cheap, abundant energy'.

Um, in a 'they're doing it wrong' revelation, I suspect both Orwell and Huxley were of a mind that the frequent (mindless) wars fought among the 'idiot powers' were their way of combating 'overpopulation'...but millions died during WWII and we still doubled the planet's [human] population right on schedule!

Few lives have been lost [relatively speaking] in the GWOT, Hundreds of thousands have been maimed but the dead are a tiny fraction of what past wars have produced.

Thereby taxing resources at a, er, 'shocking' rate.

While the alarmists among us say we need 5 Earths to maintain our current lifestyle...[a lifestyle a majority of us would LIKE TO become accustomed to] the reality is if we don't learn how to 'eat dirt' (and keep it in our pants) we will soon overrun the 'carrying capacity' of the planet.

And again I belabor the obvious when I quibble: 'Well, not ALL of us!'

But when there's nothing to eat and you find yourself on the 'not so fussy's' menu, you won't have either the time or the energy to fight your way into the gated and well-defended compounds of the uber rich...

But once again, I digress.

The other 'parallels' of both stories that are mirrored in today's reality are the 'shadowy nature' of government and the futility of resistance.

Yes, you got that last part right. I said 'resistance is futile'.

In the end of both works the protagonist kills themself...because the alternative is wiping out every politician and their minions in existence! [Tell me, what else do you do with 'professional liars'? How would we know when they had been 'rehabilitated'? Short answer, we wouldn't.]

If you want to skewer that fact with a bit of irony, it may explain why we find ourselves stranded halfway across the galaxy on a forgotten planet, killing one another over our superstitious beliefs!

Which is to opine we already had our 'IQ's' tested and we came up short. So here we sit, 'free' to think whatever we please!

A bit humbling to consider we are so stupid we're dangerous but take a good look at what we've wrought and the 'truth of the matter' will slap you silly!

But that's just crazy talk! Almost as crazy as believeing mankind has been able to evolve enough [somewhere else] that they developed the ability to cross thousands of light years of space using GOLD of all things!

Something that by now is 'old school' but since they didn't leave any of this technology behind we ourselves remain that funny prayer they taught us to repeat.

"Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be they name..."

Ever wonder if that place really exists? I personally can't wrap my mind around 'perpetual happiness', sounds like being lobotimized to me.

[Probably how I wound up here in the first place.]

So, 1984, a cautionary tale about the media's power to manipulate opinion and A Brave New World, a tale about eugenics and the 'search for utopia' that still exists in the fever dreams of those with too much power and their fear of losing [or worse, being held accountable for] that power!

Thanks for letting me inside your head [and remember, just because we don't see it everywhere we look it doesn't mean Big Brother ISN'T watching YOU!


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

That was quick!

Greetings good citizen, it's official, The Donald is the Republican 'nominee' for president!

ABSOLUTELY ZERO IRONY SHOULD BE LOST ON THE FACT THAT HE RAN USING TRADITIONAL DEMOCRATIC 'platform planks'! [Something he got away with because there aren't any Democrats anymore!] He ran in direct opposition to Republican party dogma [although he did recently come out in favor for more tax cuts for the already wealthy, a 'critical component' of his plan to 'Make America Great AGAIN!'

Now that we know the media can 'legally' feed us BS we are left to ponder whether or not the levels of 'cognitive dissonance' on display here are real or if is it just 'propaganda'?

Again, it struck me after posting yesterday's post if a roll call account exists providing us with a black and white record of precisely who thought 'honesty' was an optional feature when it came to those entrusted with the job of preserving Liberty?

Or do you think that's yet another item that somehow falls under the catch-all of 'national security' and the public has no 'need to know'.

I will once again remind you that 'secrecy' is the domain of rogues and scoundrels, it has NO PLACE in government.

So naturally, since 'Morning in America', EVERYTHING is a 'secret'!

But we'd be here all day if we started ticking off all the things that have gone sideways since the 'Republican revolution'.

The recent surfacing of now two year old legislation permitting the 'propagandizing' [fancy word for 'misleading'] of the public only makes us wonder what other legislation has been passed because those who govern don't think we 'need to know'?

W. might have been less 'tongue-in-cheek' than we've been led to believe when he opined his job would be much easier if he were a dictator...

Isn't that what you call a government that operates 'without the express consent of the governed'?

Well good citizen, what if those we established a government to protect us from decided they didn't like being 'dictated to' anymore and took the government over?

If [and many do] you believe that the One Percent [a wild generalization] is using money to control the media circus THEY CALL 'government'...WHAT COULD YOU DO ABOUT IT?

Short answer, NOTHING!

So long as the media remains a 'for profit' venture, we are 'at the mercy' of the people who OWN it! [Worse, the owner also gets to decide what is 'true' along with what you get to 'know' and what you don't!]

You see, there is NO FREEDOM when NOTHING IS FREE!

Well, good citizen, take a deep breath because that's the ONLY THING you get for 'free' around here!

The ONLY THING you should 'pay for' are perishable/non-renewable goods. [Mighty short list come to think of it and in that respect your future is looking quite prosperous indeed!]

Isn't it time we show the 'my way or the highway' crowd our knot tying skills? {Showing them the door isn't going to fly. They have already proven they don't follow directions well; that's why they need to be 'in charge' (despite being unqualified'.)

I don't need to tell you to take a good look around you for you to know that it's true! Honestly, would the world be like this if these people were even remotely competent?

How many 'Rick & Morty' fans do I have out there? Well, to paraphrase Morty when he protests Rick's creation of a whole universe just to power his battery, Capitalism [the way we practice it] is really just slavery with extra steps.

Time to cast off your shackles and exile those who would exploit us. Your children deserve better!

Sorry, sort of went screaming off the reservation again...but it's all 'relative' in that 'ankle bone is connected to the shin bone' sort of way...

So, how about that Donald? Do you think the rain will hurt the rhubarb? [and those two question are a lot more pertinent than they appear to be on the surface.]

Because under a dictatorship, neither one matters.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Re-imagining the past

Greetings good citizen, today our MY personal crusade to raise awareness of the true meaning of 'Morning in America' [which was followed closely by Global Conservative Dominance, (in case you hadn't noticed.)]

Well, the 'general uneasiness' the electorate has been feeling, an annoyance from the start of the political process in this country as 'words and actions' have always been 'problematic' for those who 'assumed power'. This feeling has escalated from annoyance to downright fear as the ultra conservative echo chamber began questioning the loyalty of those who assailed conservative dogma.

[Smacky El Rushbo! Although, ironically, it is the reason he became 'irrelevant']

In a 'color me amazed' revelation, it seems our conservo-whacko overlords have gone as far as 'legalizing' the 'propagandization' of the people of the United States.

The first part that is disturbing about this development is why the nation's commercial interests would want the public to 'mis-remember' how the past has effected the future. Here we see the insidious part of 'the victors write history' at play.

Propaganda is some really interesting stuff because it 'smacks of truth' but it isn't 'the whole story'.

You may have seen the NewsCorp [makers of Fox News] produced mini-series that are running as 'filler' on National Geographic Channel, the ones that point to decades past and provide a cause and effect narrative [for those who weren't alive then and don't know better.] As someone who lived through those periods please accept my testimony that the broadcasts leave a LOT unsaid and put a decidedly pro-capitalist bias on what they do present.

While the legislation permitting the 4th Estate to lie with impunity is supposedly only 2 years old, they have been doing it since the printing press was invented!

It's part of what makes terms like 'The Public Trust' such an oxymoron!

The other factor regarding this , er, 'recent development' is where was the media when this went down? Perhaps just as disturbing a question is where were our 'legislators'?

Next thing you know the Prezident will be on the air telling us not to criticize the media, they're just doing...well obviously not their job but 'what they're told'.

So if you had any doubts that the political process in this country has been 'hi-jacked', this should extinguish those negative emotions, fortifying you to finally start listening to your own 'voice of reason'. I know you don't like relying on your own judgement, it's so much easier being told 'what to do and when to do it'...but that isn't 'life', robots do what they're told and only what they're told...which is why you won't find any robots in prison.

You, on the other hand, are a whole different story.

While this post threatened to be another 'monster', this is all I have to say. You either start keeping your own council [and if you're looking for answers, ask somebody who lived through it and not watch some whitewashed, cherry picked and FALSE version the corporate owned media lays down for you!]

But that's just 'sour grapes' (or so they'd have you believe. Anything that goes against their precious enslavement regimen is dismissed as 'envy' if not labeled downright delusional...just as advising you to keep your own council would be viewed! Now there's something to chew on!)

Thanks once again for letting me inside your head,


Monday, July 18, 2016

Dangerous waters

Greetings good citizen. Remember what I advised in my recent post titled, "Through a lens, Darkly?"

Well, I WASN"T KIDDING when I told you the time to prepare was YESTERDAY!

Which is to opine I may be 'a little late to the party' with yesterday's post that speculates on the cause of rising incidences of deadly confrontations with the nation's infant, badged and armored amateur collection agency.

Let me repeat what will soon become a mantra, 'Morning in America', closely associated with the Reagan Revolution marks the usurpation of the sovereignty of this 'republic' by 'the people who [claim to] 'Own it'. [Own what? The entire nation!]

Which is to say the same forces [that brought us the Robber Barons] that were temporarily exiled from the corridors of power but they returned with a vengeance with the advent of 'Morning in America'.

How unfortunate is it for the rest of us that thanks to 'technological omnipresence' they have embedded themselves so deeply into the redesigned systems that they will be 'near impossible' to remove.

Oh, it can be done but we're going to have to start all over from scratch. [Good thing A Simple Plan discards most of the machinery used to 'enslave' the 'non-owner'.]

Which is to point out that some of the 'machinery' will be retained but the mechanism will be outlawed.

Confused? We live in a 'debt-driven' society, thus the glib assertion 'Money makes the world go 'round!' when 'I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go!' is much closer to the truth. A Simple Plan outlaws debt by making it a crime to cause somebody to be in 'your debt.'

Credit wouldn't exist because you'd never be put in the position of having to purchase something you'd never a house or an 'expendable' like a motor vehicle.

Bet you wouldn't have kept borrowing from Peter to pay Paul if you knew up front the ride would end with your being tased to death during a b.s. traffic stop by some chowda head cop looking to collect a bounty, would ya?

Don't need to draw you a picture of how this escalates into having a taser drained into your miserable buttocks but when the cop tells you you're 'under arrest' and you start going WTF? for a broken directional bulb? And he replies noooooooo....he has a 'warrant for your arrest'. And again you have a WTF moment as you try and remember if somebody saw you dumping that stuff your wife told you to get out of the cellar into the nearest dumpster?

But no and the 'arresting officer' refuses to get specific. All he tells you is he stopped you for an 'outstanding warrant and he needs to take you in. [Which is to further speculate that the people KILLED by on the clock, pension drawing amateur bounty hunter are the 'second timers'.

You'll probably 'play ball' the first time. Go along peacefully and then whamo, they stick it up your backside! You're 'processed in' and thrown in a cell. Assuming you don't have a lawyer 'on retainer' you end up talking to someone from the public defender's office (usually after spending the weekend in jail) and THAT'S WHEN you learn you were arrested for 'bad debt' and your 'bail' is set in the amount you owe.

Now you didn't pay in the first place because your three part-time jobs barely keep a roof over your head and food in your belly. But you're 'in luck'. Seems the Dewey, Cheatham and Howe surety Company will provide you with a loan in the amount you need to make bail in time so you don't get fired from ALL of your jobs!

Which would leave most of us in a rather awkward position. You can barely make ends meet now so you sure as heck can't take on any more debt unless you give up eating, the ONLY expense you can cut back on!

So you sign on the line and make bail, the whole time thinking 'I gotta get far, far away from here' because sure enough, not a month later it happens AGAIN!

But this time when Officer 'Did you know your tires look wore out?' but then he starts with the now familiar 'I have a warrant' and your mind goes BOING!

You've been dummy slapping yourself for taking out the loan you haven't even made a payment on yet and now you're gonna land back in the klink with now way to make bail!

So you [foolishly in retrospect] tell the officer you aren't falling for it again. Now he has you on 'resisting arrest' and he A.) calls for back-up and B.) reaches for his handy-dandy taser and proceeds to let you have it.

Again, 'pure speculation' but it makes sense. First timers would likely 'go along with it', accepting the possibility that it's just a misunderstanding, possibly identity theft gone horribly wrong but you know you're not going to resolve the problem without letting the process 'play itself out.'

You're innocent and that's how you figure it will end but that's not how it goes down. So when it happens AGAIN, you [quite naturally] FREAK OUT!

And Lumpy puts a cap in your ass for a $50 bounty.

[Again speculation, it's probably a 'two teir' system with so much for each arrest and THEN a cut of whatever Bobo is conned into taking on more debt for. The percentage also probably varies.]

Now, this is 'risky business'. Keep waving 'red flags' at the 'injustice system' and you're setting yourself up for a fall. Whistle-blowers have done astoundingly poorly since Morning in America and that is no accident either since the new meme is 'comply or die'.

I'm likely not the only one critical of the nation's 'guardians of the wealthy' because the Meat Puppet in Chief was on national TV again, basically warning the public not to 'stir the pot'.

Oppression requires silence to work.

The theory being so long as nobody speaks out, it isn't happening.

We, good citizen, are long past the point of silence.

So, get busy collecting your supplies (and refreshing your stockpile if you've left it alone for a while) cuz hell's a poppin and the reckoning is about to begin.

Problem is we're going to take the worst of it in the beginning as the terminally stupid rally to defend their 'heroes'. Once the lay of the land is clear we can 'neutralize' those who can't think their way out of a paper bag.

Then there will only be a handful left...and they will be trying awful hard to blend in with us...but their 'reputation' will be their undoing.

Anyway, thanks once again for letting me inside your head,



Sunday, July 17, 2016

Dark Ages (cont.)

Greetings good citizen, as themes 'collide' [nothing happens in a vaccumn] we have the curious case of what could be causing citizens pulled over for minor motor vehicle violations to exit their vehicles and ultimately be tased to death?

Were they foolishly thinking they were going to duke it out with the officer?

Dumb enough to bring a knife to a gun fight but go bare-handed? Well, hard to believe you can be that stupid and still qualify for a driver's license!

So what's going on?

It's actually pretty insidious and our sleeping on the job media has yet to shine a spotlight on the millions of Americans at risk of be arrested because their debts have gone into collection...and the cops are pulling them over for that 'outstanding warrant' and not the 'broken tail light' they put on the incident report.

What incident report? The one they have to file after they kill you with their taser!

The part of the puzzle we can only speculate about it whether or not the 'arresting officer' receives a cut of the funds collected from the detainee. [a.k.a 'a bounty']

You see, part of the 'rhetoric' the media has been floating [a 'fig leaf', a little fanny covering they can point to when the top finally does blow off this 'murderfest'] is today's law enforcement is being asked to do 'too much.'

Did you know with just a little legal chicanery you too can turn the police into your own personal collection agents!

This is not a problem nationwide but where it is 'legal' it is resulting in balloning 'death by cop' rates!

Why police aren't protesting this recent add on to their duties?

Well, that's what leads me to speculate there's a 'bounty' involved. Civil forfeiture is a real problem across the Red part of the nation where 'guilty cuz I said so' prevails. For reasons unimaginable evidence keeps going missing but the stuff law enforcement 'seizes' has already been, er, 'pawned' so everybody [but the arresting officer] loses.

Imagine the firestorm that would be ignited if the public were to learn that the hundreds of people killed in confrontations with law enforcement were murdered over debts the industry equivalent of 'loan sharks' had a judge somewhere issue a warrant for the victim's arrest.

No wonder the public is clamoring for civil admin to rein in its dogs!

[Worse, most of this debt is medical, a hospital is the most expensive hotel you'll ever check in to!]

No irony should be lost that 'stop in the name of the king!' usually ended similarly. [You got dead and the 'arresting officer' pocketed anything of value on your person while the king's collectors paid your estate a visit and confiscated anything else of value because you were declared a criminal after you were killed.

Sort of gives the term 'Criminal Law Enforcement' a whole new meaning, doesn't it?

UNDERSTAND, if YOU (and a lot of you do) have ANY outstanding bills that went into collection, there is very likely an arrest warrant with your name on it just waiting for you to cross the 'wrong' State line...

The ONE TIME this situation broke the surface of an otherwise silent media on the topic of judicial malfeasance. (There's a whole private prison complex in this country we never got to vote on!) was a small town that used these warrants to arrest their own citizens and the 'offenders' were JAILED until they could 'make bail' (which was 'coincidentally' set at the amount they owed!)

Again the missing piece of the puzzle is whether or not a 'bounty' was involved. [Apparently the department was allowed to collect fees for 'expenses incurred.' It is unknown if any payments were collected from the agencies the monies collected were forwarded to.]

This forced the detainees to take out more loans that they couldn't pay back just to get out of jail in time to save their jobs!

Let's see The Donald make THAT 'great again!'

What a wonderful country, eh, good citizen?

So, while we're all rallying the rabble to punish Islam for blowing the crap out of our troops [although if THEY invade US we'd be doing that or worse! Little perspective in case you lost yours.] NEITHER mainstream candidate has said word one about a situation our political process turned a blind eye to and that's the pauperization of the people of this nation!

Most of us are were we are today BECAUSE our jobs (and with them our childrens future) were EXPORTED so A FEW COULD BE RICH!

Our politicians (along with the unions) DID NOTHING. [Isn't THAT why you're ANGRY Bunky?]

But now I'm picking at a mighty old scab, part of the curse of getting old is some wounds never heal but the young think you're mental and should have gotten over it by now.

Little do they realize it was their future too, making the loss that much more bitter.

Wanna REALLY get wound up? Let's go back to the original crash of '29 and how none of those criminals were punished! This set the bar for the criminals of 2007 and the resultant 2nd crash.

So the 'Greatest Generation' [actually their parents] messed up bigtime [but hindsight is always 20/20]

Which is to say our decidely corrupt legal system is only getting worse and is long overdue for 'recalibration'.

At the peril of repeating myself, we don't have a money problem, we have a VERY SERIOUS 'Legal Problem' and it starts with a 'Blue Wall' that wouldn't know Justice if we beat them to death with it!

Again, longer than intended but the point is a difficult one to make for those in the 'average' zone. [IQ either side of 100, Gegner didn't make Mensa, he only has a 128 IQ...] 130 is minimum required and that puts you in the top 2% just to provide you with some meaning to that information.]

Thanks for letting me inside your head,


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Fog of War

Greetings good citizen, there is so much obsfuscation occurring in our 'info-tainment stream' that one can't tell which way the wind is blowing.

None of you need to be told that this is intentional. Maximizing confusion is extremely useful when greasing the skids for a major political upset...not that there's a nickel's worth of difference between Hillary and The Donald.

No irony should be lost that the guy that had everything handed to him on a silver platter (He inherited all that wealth and has lost a considerable chunk of it, not that there's any way to verify that although I doubt he'd be suffering the humiliation of becoming a 'public figure' because he's committed to the ideal of serving this soon to be 'great again' nation.

Nope, a republican riding a wave of populous politics (same thing that gave the Democrats a bad name in the 80's), achieving victory by running AGAINST EVERYTHING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY STANDS FOR!

At the risk of being a bore, I will state it again, 'We are neck-deep in STUPID around here!'

Hillary may or may not, [we won't know until after the coronation] adopt a plan to make college 'free' for 'deserving students' across the nation.

It is unlikely she will support universal free higher education just as she has committed to not supporting single payer healthcare.

Just as The Donald has NO INTENTION of reining in the existing Free Trade Agreements he regularly rails against and will [if ordered to] pass legislation commiting the nation to the TTP and it's evil twin, the partnership of too many T's.

Which is to say NOBODY expects ANYTHING to change given the choices we've been TOLD the rest of the nation is making.

The media can lie to us all it wants because there isn't a blessed thing we can do about it.

Well, you COULD 'pray' but there have been thousands of years of earnest pleading and zero results to date, it ain't looking good.

Which brings us to yet another axiom, you can't make informed decisions without accurate information [AND an IQ sufficient to process that information. STUPID can't make good decisions even if you color code the right answers!]

I know I tread upon perilous ground but I believe a segment of the population is tired of living with decisions made by the terminally stupid.

The 'short-sightedness' of the 'we got this' crowd is poised to throw our species off the cliff and they don't even realize the danger. [Nevermind 'care'. Faulkner spoke true, The Rich truly aren't like you or I; 'caring' is beneath them.]

They want what they want and damn the consequences!

Up to and including they could install someone from 'left field' [a hereforeto virtual unknown] into the race and tell us that candidate won by a landslide and we'd have NO WAY TO VERIFY that information!

Which is to point out that 'thinking outside the box' does you zero good if you're the one INSIDE THE BOX!

While I didn't start this post with the idea of advocating for 'testing' to verify someone was smart enough to vote, I'm warming up to the idea as I roll it over in my mind.

Not that IQ testing can't be 'fixed', you can even rig it to sort for stupid!

So the 'answer' to that problem would be ending 'secret ballots'. Total transparency. EVERYBODY would know how YOU voted the instant you did it.

Is there 'danger' in this? There sure is. Not only are we 'tribal' but we also have characteristics of 'herd behavior'. We tend to vote for what 'everybody else' voted for regardless of our own feelings, something the IQ test would be intended to address because this herd behavior is more prevalent among the 'less intelligent'.

Smart people think for themselves and can defend their decisions. Not so smart people, not so much.

One of the true 'tell-tales' that divide the stupid from the intelligent is the equation of confusing wealth with intelligence.

If you believe 'rich people' are smart, YOU'RE AN IDIOT!

Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark!

Worse, I'm off the original track and had intended to keep this brief considering it's the weekend!

I once again belabor the obvious when I point out the powerlessness of the individual. We all must accept the 'perceived will' of the majority, even when that majority consists of that tiny minority which commands the world's economic heights.

Confused? Well, its probably because that's just what they want you to be. 'They' [the infamous they the conservo-whackos refuse to believe exist if you can't provide their name, rank and serial number.] ARE 'in league' with each other because they understand the value of well as that of 'divide and conquer'.

The group is tiny and they know each other VERY WELL...which is why the outcomes we observe are SO disproportionate!

Calling them 'the One Percent' is off by a factor of 100! Even one tenth of one percent is off by an order of magnitude that is impossible to measure.

Which is to say the 'fog' is so thick it is possible that one of them is now a 'Trillionaire'. [depending on what 'yardstick' one uses.]

How bizarre is it that pointing to confusion can be so confusing? Hopefully you appreciate my main point, the confusion is intentional!

Now I'm off to do what needs doing while you ponder whether or not you'll be allowed to vote in the not too distant future.

Shouldn't say that because those who confuse wealth with intelligence are just who the current powerbrokers want in the voting booth, hiding from what everybody else is voting for.

Thank you for letting me inside your head,


Friday, July 15, 2016

What's troubling you, Bunky?

Greetings good citizen, did you catch the 'Presidential Townhall' CBS aired last night? Just hipshooting here but I'm going to suspect I wasn't the only one that came away...I want to say 'disappointed' but that's not right. I didn't expect the Potus to have any real solutions and should he have been foolish enough to offer any we would have witnessed the first televised assassination to take place on national TV!

Isn't THAT what's troubling you?

To his credit the President touched on the periphery of the deteriorating situation between the public and law enforcement. [Despite throwing accelerant onto an already raging inferno.]

He spoke of poverty, the main force driving crime...not a WORD about for profit prisons or legislation designed to keep those money making ventures/institutions full.

Worse, after being convicted, freshly minted felons, already facing a tight labor market due to automation overpopulation /wage arbitrage get put on the bottom of the pile.

[No irony should be lost on the fact that employers are paid BY THE SAME TAXPAYER that keeps for profit prisons in business, to hire felons...sticking it to the public twice for what probably wasn't a crime in the first place!]

But not ONE WORD was mentioned about our badly broken 'justice system' nor did he mention 'stop & frisk' or the fact that most people TASED TO DEATH were pulled over for minor motor vehicle infractions.

Then there are the folks who are found shot in the back seat of the cruiser...already wearing manacles...allegedly 'resisting arrest'.

Which is to opine there are a lot of people wearing badges that shouldn't even have the job.

But it doesn't stop there, next we have a court system that refuses to prosecute improper procedure or wrongful death.

What's their 'battle cry'?

It's a 'dangerous job' followed by something the President mentioned last night, 'they deserve to go home too.'

I'm not your average viewer and that statement set my teeth on edge. If you were worried about the potential of not returning to kith and kin at the end of the shift then MAYBE you SHOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Nevermind the fact that anybody that gets busted AIN'T going home either!
[But F them! right?]

Perhaps more perplexing is when did cops become such big crybabies...seems to coincide with mandating that they start wearing bullet-proof vests.

Once upon a time good citizen, there were the guys with the badges, many of whom took pride in having NEVER drawn their service weapon...They did the job and didn't complain because they accepted the 'trade-offs' that came with the job.

Commercial fisherman have a more hazardous job than law enforcement...and there ain't no bazooka totin' fishies out there! Hell, even Farmers face greater risks everyday and nobody is crying over their safety!

Now it is drummed into a recruits head that EVERY TRAFFIC STOP COULD BE THEIR LAST!

Keep that in mind the next time you see blue lights in your rearview mirror, Pumpkin-head is CONVINCED YOU are hell-bent on KILLING him! (and he don't know you from Adam.) THAT'S who will be standing slightly behind your window, hand on the butt of his weapon, watching your every move.

Oh, PS By the way, YOU'RE GUILTY...he wouldn't have stopped you if you weren't.

Problem is we have traffic laws that were DESIGNED to provide the municipality with an 'income stream'. [Leading to the far more serious question of 'where PRECISELY DOES all that money go? (besides the insurance companies cut...WTF is up with that anyway?)

See, the rabbit-hole goes deeper than anyone imagines.

But between seeing potential terrorists behind every bush and mulitple 'rotations' in the Middle East it's small wonder we now have a police force that focuses on 'shoot first, ask questions of the next of kin...'

Which is to say, these guys report to work every day EXPECTING TO DIE!

This IS NOT THE JOB and the people responsible for this NEED TO BE FIRED!

Now I've got you scratching your head? Who IS responsible for this mess? This brings us to that most vexing juncture of all, the 'appointee'. There are too many details for a single executive to keep track of so he appoints 'deputies' to take care of the things he doesn't have time to address.

A good 'executive' only has a few 'deputies' whose judgement he trusts. How unfortunate is it for the rest of us that 'good' politicians are rarer than hen's teeth?

Your typical elected executive can only manage their own calls of nature and getting to their 'tee time' by themselves. Everything else is delegated and those delegates 'encourage', er, 'gratuities'.

So our extremely perilous society is brought to you by a decidedly corrupt 'vendor base' abetted by minimally qualified administrators.

Some of these pukes actually make their own job by whispering, 'you know what you need?' in the clueless candidates/newly elected officeholder's ear.

Once again I think you know what I'm going to say...'We're neck deep in STUPID around here!'

Understand, The President KNOWS what the problem is but he's forbidden by his 'masters' to even acknowledge it.

This is NOT on him. Mitt wouldn't have even held a 'townhall' nevermind admit non-billionaires actually exist! As far as your typical conservo-whacko is concerned, terrorists aren't born, they're 'made' and since EVERYTHING is 'made in China' Terrorists must be Chinese!

And there goes the planet but where were we?

Now that I have arranged the pieces to fit my worldview, you are free to disregard my explanation as 'sourgrapes', an unwillingness to accept that life is difficult and hard choices are everywhere, what you're seeing is the result.

When you know DAMN WELL, the answer is corruption/mismanagement.

This in a world where we CAN'T get 'citizen's united' repealed or field even one candidate willing to give the working poor a break vital towards reviving what's left of our economy.

Nope, it's either the failed businessman or the one whose main qualification is possessing a real live uterus.

Like I said before, good citizen,that's just the tip of the iceberg!

Thanks for letting me inside your head!


PS: I already told you how to solve this crisis, A Simple Plan fixes it ALL! When you're ready to fight for what's yours (and what belongs to your children, I'll be right here!)