Greetings good citizen, if the stats page is to be believed I have a 'contingent' of readers from other nations and I just want to say thank you for giving me an audience. I write what I write with all humanity in mind.
I may have been born and raised in the US but I'm HUMAN FIRST!
While I complain loudly about the broken US political system it should surprise no one that 'it' [government/justice] is broken EVERYWHERE! The criminals responsible for the mess that is US politics have 'exported' their methods to every other nation that used the US template as the basis for their government. [The 'owner rules' model]
Now the owner doesn't care if you're a Democrat or a Republican, hell, he/she doesn't care if you're a communist so long as you subscribe to the 'owner rules' principle.
And there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between gold rules or it's more potent varient, 'gun rules'. Owner rules uses the exact same principle despite nobody being in posession of a 'bill of sale' from 'Spirit in the Sky' [or his evil doppelganger, Spirit down below, for those that believe one cannot exist without the other...]
So claims of ownership are usually 'reinforced' via 'gun rules'...which also seems to provide the claimant with all the gold they can hoard.
I believe the template remains unchanged, 'justice' flows from the barrel of a gun. Remove 'the just' from behind the trigger and all that remains is the rule of the gun.
How fortunate for modern criminals that their 'hired henchmen' are ignorant to the true nature of money. Once workers refuse to work for it, it becomes totally useless because the stuff money produces stops happening.
This 'equation (like all the others related to 'civilization') are straight-forward and EASY to UNDERSTAND. Probably why I find it so baffling that so many [ignorant] people keep allowing themselves to be enslaved by a 'tool' intended to facilitate a better life through the 'division of labor'.
No irony should be lost that the people overseeing the overseers made out the best and did the least...but that's why we HAD a 'justice system'.
The 'opportunists' with their finger on the 'trigger of justice' saw their chance and what we have today is the end result.
Again, baffling to me is why people still surrender their labor when it is clearly in their best interests NOT TO. I fully understand that the ones with the guns are more than willing to 'enslave' workers but, like all cases of people being not too bright they never seem to realize that once they wipe out certain talent groups the ability to enjoy certain products is lost.
And the WORST jobs will fall on THEM once they have 'eliminated' those who would rather DIE first.
Probably why those who would enslave you INSIST on controling the kind of education your children receive...
Did I mention we are in dire need of a regime change?
But you've been 'conditioned' to have 'low expectations' and be happy with scraps that (rarely if ever) fall of the table [which your labor provides!] You expect to be cared for in your old age but if you aren't then you'll do what your parents did and pray for a speedy death.
Somebody pointed out recently that we are already living in a 'dystopian nightmare' and you know what? I think they're right!
Take away the 'if only' and what's left is CRAP.
Ripped off for everything at every turn and when you're old and useless your tossed aside and left to your own devises.
Now let me turn to my 'proposal' [A Simple Plan] and point out that once we wrest control away from the 'self-interested opportunists' Exile will over-flow with their, er, corpses.
That's 'fact of life' number one, we will not 'suffer' the 'me first' crowd to keep ruining our lives just so they don't have to do ANYTHING!
EVERYBODY works and they work for a paycheck!
Will we 'strive' to reduce the workweek? Depends on the exile situation, we may be pushing a LOT of the [truly] surplus population [read privileged] from our midst...which SHOULDN'T affect production considering they didn't 'work' anyway.
Our biggest problem will be implementing 'alternative energy' before fossil fuels are depleted completely. But there will be a lot of people currently working in Homeland Security that will be out of a job once we bring the GWOT to a screeching halt. [Because face it, good citizen, the people running the world's government ARE the 'terrorists' and the GWOT merely provides a 'convenient excuse' to establish/justify a 'police state'.]
If a government is JUST then it need not fear its own people.
But the government IS NOT 'just', which is why they started this war on a concept that justifies killing dissenters when they label them 'suspected terrorists'.
This is Morning in America, brought to you by the party of the One Percent, the same people that won't admit to blackmailing Trump into running and refuse to 'embrace' their true candidate, the other Clinton.
Wonder if 'the promise' extends to Chelsea? She'll turn 35 in another decade [not that age has anything to do with it. ANYONE can be a 'meat puppet'. You apparently/obviously don't even need to be likeable/believable BUT you MUST have a stake in being some kind of minority/disadvantaged group.
They're already grooming an openly gay man to run in 2024, will they run a Lesbian in 2032?
Round and round, good citizen.
Under ASP [and no our symbol won't be a snake!] 'candidates for the leadership of our, er, 'world' will compete against other candidates who have climbed the ladder to the pinacle of the career chain, defeating all comers in the competition designed to measure character as well as problem solving skills.
Which is to tell you the ONLY thing ANYBODY will vote on are the LAWS we ALL must live under. Rest assurred that the leadership is in the most capable hands possible.
A job that important can't be left to a 'popularity contest' because it leads to where we are today, with the deck being stacked between who is 'less likely' to start WWIII!
If you're sick of this BS, then join me this November in a general strike intended to bring the current government to heel and restore a government 'of the people [not just the rich] by the people [repeat refrain] and FOR the people!
As a sidebar to an earlier comment, an 'extention' of the Human anti-exploitation law prohibits trade with any nation that exploits it's people...this is why the 'assumption is made that A Simpe Plan will become 'universal' shortly after implementation here in the world's 'dumping ground'.
So yes, we would need a method to select a 'world leader' and I for one don't think a 'popularity contest' is the way to go about it...
Look where such a practice has left us? Hoodwinked and bereft.
So, for the ex-pats and foreign english readers a hearty and special 'shout of thanks' and, as always I thank ALL of my 'fellow humans' for letting me inside their head!
[I got stuff to do and daylight is a wastin'!]
I may have been born and raised in the US but I'm HUMAN FIRST!
While I complain loudly about the broken US political system it should surprise no one that 'it' [government/justice] is broken EVERYWHERE! The criminals responsible for the mess that is US politics have 'exported' their methods to every other nation that used the US template as the basis for their government. [The 'owner rules' model]
Now the owner doesn't care if you're a Democrat or a Republican, hell, he/she doesn't care if you're a communist so long as you subscribe to the 'owner rules' principle.
And there isn't a nickel's worth of difference between gold rules or it's more potent varient, 'gun rules'. Owner rules uses the exact same principle despite nobody being in posession of a 'bill of sale' from 'Spirit in the Sky' [or his evil doppelganger, Spirit down below, for those that believe one cannot exist without the other...]
So claims of ownership are usually 'reinforced' via 'gun rules'...which also seems to provide the claimant with all the gold they can hoard.
I believe the template remains unchanged, 'justice' flows from the barrel of a gun. Remove 'the just' from behind the trigger and all that remains is the rule of the gun.
How fortunate for modern criminals that their 'hired henchmen' are ignorant to the true nature of money. Once workers refuse to work for it, it becomes totally useless because the stuff money produces stops happening.
This 'equation (like all the others related to 'civilization') are straight-forward and EASY to UNDERSTAND. Probably why I find it so baffling that so many [ignorant] people keep allowing themselves to be enslaved by a 'tool' intended to facilitate a better life through the 'division of labor'.
No irony should be lost that the people overseeing the overseers made out the best and did the least...but that's why we HAD a 'justice system'.
The 'opportunists' with their finger on the 'trigger of justice' saw their chance and what we have today is the end result.
Again, baffling to me is why people still surrender their labor when it is clearly in their best interests NOT TO. I fully understand that the ones with the guns are more than willing to 'enslave' workers but, like all cases of people being not too bright they never seem to realize that once they wipe out certain talent groups the ability to enjoy certain products is lost.
And the WORST jobs will fall on THEM once they have 'eliminated' those who would rather DIE first.
Probably why those who would enslave you INSIST on controling the kind of education your children receive...
Did I mention we are in dire need of a regime change?
But you've been 'conditioned' to have 'low expectations' and be happy with scraps that (rarely if ever) fall of the table [which your labor provides!] You expect to be cared for in your old age but if you aren't then you'll do what your parents did and pray for a speedy death.
Somebody pointed out recently that we are already living in a 'dystopian nightmare' and you know what? I think they're right!
Take away the 'if only' and what's left is CRAP.
Ripped off for everything at every turn and when you're old and useless your tossed aside and left to your own devises.
Now let me turn to my 'proposal' [A Simple Plan] and point out that once we wrest control away from the 'self-interested opportunists' Exile will over-flow with their, er, corpses.
That's 'fact of life' number one, we will not 'suffer' the 'me first' crowd to keep ruining our lives just so they don't have to do ANYTHING!
EVERYBODY works and they work for a paycheck!
Will we 'strive' to reduce the workweek? Depends on the exile situation, we may be pushing a LOT of the [truly] surplus population [read privileged] from our midst...which SHOULDN'T affect production considering they didn't 'work' anyway.
Our biggest problem will be implementing 'alternative energy' before fossil fuels are depleted completely. But there will be a lot of people currently working in Homeland Security that will be out of a job once we bring the GWOT to a screeching halt. [Because face it, good citizen, the people running the world's government ARE the 'terrorists' and the GWOT merely provides a 'convenient excuse' to establish/justify a 'police state'.]
If a government is JUST then it need not fear its own people.
But the government IS NOT 'just', which is why they started this war on a concept that justifies killing dissenters when they label them 'suspected terrorists'.
This is Morning in America, brought to you by the party of the One Percent, the same people that won't admit to blackmailing Trump into running and refuse to 'embrace' their true candidate, the other Clinton.
Wonder if 'the promise' extends to Chelsea? She'll turn 35 in another decade [not that age has anything to do with it. ANYONE can be a 'meat puppet'. You apparently/obviously don't even need to be likeable/believable BUT you MUST have a stake in being some kind of minority/disadvantaged group.
They're already grooming an openly gay man to run in 2024, will they run a Lesbian in 2032?
Round and round, good citizen.
Under ASP [and no our symbol won't be a snake!] 'candidates for the leadership of our, er, 'world' will compete against other candidates who have climbed the ladder to the pinacle of the career chain, defeating all comers in the competition designed to measure character as well as problem solving skills.
Which is to tell you the ONLY thing ANYBODY will vote on are the LAWS we ALL must live under. Rest assurred that the leadership is in the most capable hands possible.
A job that important can't be left to a 'popularity contest' because it leads to where we are today, with the deck being stacked between who is 'less likely' to start WWIII!
If you're sick of this BS, then join me this November in a general strike intended to bring the current government to heel and restore a government 'of the people [not just the rich] by the people [repeat refrain] and FOR the people!
As a sidebar to an earlier comment, an 'extention' of the Human anti-exploitation law prohibits trade with any nation that exploits it's people...this is why the 'assumption is made that A Simpe Plan will become 'universal' shortly after implementation here in the world's 'dumping ground'.
So yes, we would need a method to select a 'world leader' and I for one don't think a 'popularity contest' is the way to go about it...
Look where such a practice has left us? Hoodwinked and bereft.
So, for the ex-pats and foreign english readers a hearty and special 'shout of thanks' and, as always I thank ALL of my 'fellow humans' for letting me inside their head!
[I got stuff to do and daylight is a wastin'!]