Sunday, September 29, 2019


Greetings good citizen, life is not just a journey, it is a race to get out ahead of the things that will ultimately end us.

I apologize for yesterday's tardy post, I was reunited with the old crowd from the Acres yesterday, the neighborhood I grew up in back in the 60's. The event was one of the two things that drag most of us to churches while we can still enter under our own power.

In this case it was a memorial mass for the younger brother of an old friend. [Apparently the beatitude, 'And the last shall be first' doesn't mean what we think it does if experience is anything to go by...(all you youngests had best eat dessert first!)

[Sidebar: Gegner is a youngest too. Scarier, the youngests of all my cousins families have passed too making me the sole survivor.]

Thankfully, generalizations are exactly that and we have other, more pressing matters to worry about besides where we sit on the birth order totem pole.

Difficult to visualize mentally is how 'rot' overtakes fruit after it has fallen from the plant.

Why that analogy? Because humanity can be viewed as a predatory mold that overwhelms its host, the rapidity of consumption is brought on by the 'power of numbers' that makes the comparison 'apt'.

Seems one is not enough...

Absolutely no one is focused on the need to make this planet last as long as possible. The feckless tell us the Sun will burn out in another 5 billion years, implying that the 'death of the planet' is in the distant future...but this isn't true! What YOU should be worried about is the the fact that we are perhaps another generation away from completely overwhelming the planet's carrying capacity.

How many of you know what a 'generation' represents?

Approximately 20 years. [Now all 7 of my readers know!] I'd 'share' this if any of you ever hope to stand a chance, however slight.

If we don't get out ahead of this [globally, like I explained yesterday] we face an extremely grim fate indeed and no amount of 'prepping' will save any of us.

The 'answer' is ASP which mandates the sterilization of all adults after harvesting their genetic contributions to the future genepool and a 'managed' approach to meeting the needs of survival.

Because either we approach the future 'rationally' or we kiss our collective asses goodbye.

The choice is as simple as it is terrible. If the clinical coldness of it all, er, (insert in your own emotional blank here.) then perhaps the future isn't for (or about) you.

Thanks once again for opening your mind,



  1. How many of you know what a 'generation' represents?

  2. life is not just a journey, it is a race to get out ahead of the things that will ultimately end us.

  3. Apparently the beatitude, 'And the last shall be first' doesn't mean what we think it does if experience is anything to go by...(all you youngests had best eat dessert first!)


If you can't stay on topic then don't say anything...