Greetings good citizen, TV can be educational and last night I watched most of a series on the 'great minds' of the 19th century. I did not finish but it did offer insight into a mystery that has vexed me since I struggled through Das Kapital [Where do the Commies come in? It is also totally devoid of any political philosophy.]
Apparently the Manifesto came first and because of the times, it only achieved a 'cult' following. [You can see what he was trying to accomplish via the 'broad strokes' but it is obvious he had no clue how to get from where we are to where he thought we 'should be' and perhaps that is the 'sin' of being a philosopher.
The belief that you know what's best for 'everybody'.
The 2nd contemporary philosophical giant introduced was Nietzsche, The man Hitler modeled his thinking upon and who coincidentally drove himself insane looking for explanations where there are none.
[Sometimes the answer to why really is because.]
The third is Freud and I haven't watched that one yet so I'm keeping an open mind.
Without saying it, the documentary presented both philosophies independently of the twists capitalists added to discredit them. Marx correctly pointed at ownership [based on 'divine proclamation'] as the root cause of social injustice and not that the ownership of the means of production had any bearing regarding the tyranny capitalism operates on.
Totally 'unmolested' by both philosophical giants was 'the enabler' of it all, money.
[It is impossible to solve the puzzle without ALL of the pieces.]
The 'justice system' is based on God's divinity (on earth, as it is in Heaven) but god is a case you wonder why there is no 'justice', (God tends to look the other way when 'the chosen' step over the line.)
Can you say fraud? (Didn't think so.)
Understand it is all based on the Almighty...and you think I mean god but all they need is the BUCK!
[I care not who 'rules' a country so long as I control its MONEY!] Absolutely nuthin philosophical about that statement but it is dumb to ignore it as our 'genius men' both did...and the third guy isn't remembered for his keen financial insights go fuck your mother already!]
The key to a harmonious society lies in our 'opportunistic mimic' nature.
Capitalism is collapsing because the maximization of profits has already decimated the customer base leaving adrift a HUGE 'army of the unemployed'.
What are the capitalist's [God's chosen] thinking? Obviously nothing.
So where does this leave you [on the day before Labor Day?]
Understand, the capitalist reset button not only has mushroom clouds attached to it but it is also predicated on continuing the exact same, er, 'system' that brought us here in the first place.
Tyranny is real and that tyranny starts with Spirit in the Sky.
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, Head.
Now will you revolt? Abolish ownership of what we must all share and preserve for future generations, PLEASE?
Apparently the Manifesto came first and because of the times, it only achieved a 'cult' following. [You can see what he was trying to accomplish via the 'broad strokes' but it is obvious he had no clue how to get from where we are to where he thought we 'should be' and perhaps that is the 'sin' of being a philosopher.
The belief that you know what's best for 'everybody'.
The 2nd contemporary philosophical giant introduced was Nietzsche, The man Hitler modeled his thinking upon and who coincidentally drove himself insane looking for explanations where there are none.
[Sometimes the answer to why really is because.]
The third is Freud and I haven't watched that one yet so I'm keeping an open mind.
Without saying it, the documentary presented both philosophies independently of the twists capitalists added to discredit them. Marx correctly pointed at ownership [based on 'divine proclamation'] as the root cause of social injustice and not that the ownership of the means of production had any bearing regarding the tyranny capitalism operates on.
Totally 'unmolested' by both philosophical giants was 'the enabler' of it all, money.
[It is impossible to solve the puzzle without ALL of the pieces.]
The 'justice system' is based on God's divinity (on earth, as it is in Heaven) but god is a case you wonder why there is no 'justice', (God tends to look the other way when 'the chosen' step over the line.)
Can you say fraud? (Didn't think so.)
Understand it is all based on the Almighty...and you think I mean god but all they need is the BUCK!
[I care not who 'rules' a country so long as I control its MONEY!] Absolutely nuthin philosophical about that statement but it is dumb to ignore it as our 'genius men' both did...and the third guy isn't remembered for his keen financial insights go fuck your mother already!]
The key to a harmonious society lies in our 'opportunistic mimic' nature.
Capitalism is collapsing because the maximization of profits has already decimated the customer base leaving adrift a HUGE 'army of the unemployed'.
What are the capitalist's [God's chosen] thinking? Obviously nothing.
So where does this leave you [on the day before Labor Day?]
Understand, the capitalist reset button not only has mushroom clouds attached to it but it is also predicated on continuing the exact same, er, 'system' that brought us here in the first place.
Tyranny is real and that tyranny starts with Spirit in the Sky.
Thanks for stopping by and opening your mind, Head.
Now will you revolt? Abolish ownership of what we must all share and preserve for future generations, PLEASE?
perhaps that is the 'sin' of being a philosopher.
ReplyDeleteThe belief that you know what's best for 'everybody'.
The 'justice system' is based on God's divinity (on earth, as it is in Heaven) but god is a case you wonder why there is no 'justice', (God tends to look the other way when 'the chosen' step over the line.)
ReplyDeleteTyranny is real and that tyranny starts with Spirit in the Sky.
ReplyDeleteRemember: god is not a 'loving' god but a 'righteous' one! [guess who gets to define righteous?] Are you frightened yet?
Understand, the capitalist reset button not only has mushroom clouds attached to it but it is also predicated on continuing the exact same, er, 'system' that brought us here in the first place.